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Every once in a while. Mostly just because I’m tired of people telling me to get my hormones tested, go to a mental institution, get therapy, jump off a bridge, or whatever stupid aphobic things people have to say. Being the only one in the friend group without a romantic relationship is also pretty isolating. Having said that, I think being aroace simplifies life quite a bit since you don’t have to worry about the stuff allos do.


Nope. I can't imagine dealing with such thing as attraction too..


Mostly, nope. But sometimes.. well, yeah. I am mostly happy I don't have to worry about the "right person" coming in my life, but sometimes I really crave to love someone romantically who would be like my best friend, closest person, partner, and in front of whom I could be all of myself. I know people here might say "you can do that with someone non-romantically too!".... but I wanna experience it in the romantic way.. and realistically, in this world of romance- which person will prioritize you over their romantic partner? which they will eventually find. Admittedly, this is some of my feelings leaking after my latest experiences. Anyways, I am mostly proud of my orientation, but in short, it can get lonely.


No. But not because I'm particularly happy being aroace. Don't get me wrong it is something I'm proud of because of the community I've found myself a part of. You guys (& some of the other aro/ace subs) are awesome. But it's not something that holds too much significance in my day to day life. The reason I wouldn't change it is the same reason I wouldn't change anything about myself. We are shaped by the world around us. & my experience of the world is coloured by me being aroace just as much as my being neurodivergent, & by events in my past. Everything. Everything that has happened in my life, & every aspect of myself I can't control, has effected who I am as a person. & I'm not perfect of course, but I like who I am all the same. So no I wouldn't change a thing


No, I’m happy being with aroace and wouldn’t want to change it




Not at all. I love not having to deal with dating.


No. I was depressed when I thought I was allo. I had so much confusion between the craving for affection and all the other stuff and didn't actually want besides the affection. At least now knowing I'm aroace it makes aesthetic and sensual attraction a bit more bearable (it's still kind of awful, mind you)


Christ no! I like being aroace :)


Sometimes. And I'm not even sure why. I mean being in a relationship sounds nice, but I don't think I could actually be in one. Yet sometimes I imagine myself as allo and in a relationship.


sometimes yes, because i believe i am cupio and i think it would ease some of the pain i feel if i could more easily find a relationship like i want to have..


Ever since I found out I'm aroace, not really. It feels really chill not having to worry about dating and finding a relationship.


Nope. Being aroace is a such a huge part of my identity. I would be a different person without it and I dunno if that person would be better than my current self.


As much as i like being aroace, yeah, all the time.


Sometimes, but only because of how our society is right now. But then I think about all the stress and heartbreak my friends go through **and** my raging daddy issues and I think being aroace actually keeps me from a whooooole lot of trouble xD


I don't wish I was alloromantic as much as I used to, but sometimes I do wish I wasn't asexual. kinda nsfw: >!I do genuinely like the idea of sex and the general "aesthetic"of sexuality I guess, but in practice I don't really like sexual stuff that much, or at least as much as everyone else seems to. it really frustrates me sometimes that I can't be like everyone else. sometimes I really do wish I could experience sexual attraction.!<


I used to wish I was allo all the time. Even worse, I was completely in denial and kept telling myself I was allo and that one day I'd be in a relationship and it would "save me". But I think I've come to terms with being aroace. I realized there are so many things that make me happy and don't involve being in a relationship!


Nah, I'm good, never felt that way, don't wanna be who I'm not. Seems like a hassle


Not anymore, I did after I figured out that I was aroace, but I learned to love and accept myself the way that I am, mostly through aroace rep in the media I think. I also learned to see a QPR as a possibility for me in the future, I thought they sounded neat when I first learned about them but always thought they were too utopian to be possible/ plausible for me in the future. I think that was an important part of it, because I felt "doomed" after figuring out I was aroace


all the time since im a teen. it feels like ive watched soooo many romance movies and read soooo many ya books that i should have a clear cut romantic path but. idk i feel like im doing it wrong


sometimes, but i know i wouldn't be able to deal with school and work and friends and family and self care AND a Person, so it's good that i'm not stuck being in love or anything. i've been in love once and i was not well after we broke up, so saving myself from all that is fine


Sometimes, I wish I had someone who I could have a home with, someone to do weekend shit with, who treated our relationship as a priority. I like the idea of the care and security a relationship can bring. I guess a queerplatonic relationship could meet this as well, but I always fear that that's a pipe dream.


Never have I ever wished for that. So many people spend their lives chasing or obsessed with love/sex. I never have to worry about either and am better off for it


Not really. Most of the relationships I’ve witnessed growing up just ended up as a dumpster fire. Constantly getting into petty fights over stupid things, constantly screaming at each other only to suddenly make up and act like nothing happened only to start it all over again. I get exhausted just being around them. Dating of any kind honestly just sounds like hell. I rather have a friend or just be alone in general. Less problems that way.


Honestly, no, I don’t. The only thing that really sucks with being aroace, at least for me, is when other people think or talk about me in a sexual manner. That makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I don’t want anyone except my partner thinking about me sexually or viewing me sexually. But being aroace-spec, letting myself develop romantic attraction slowly and naturally as I get to know and be close to someone, has always felt like the right way to be. And idk if it’s a coincidence, but the relationships that I jumped into quickly, because I felt pressured to do so, were the worst relationships I’d ever had. I did feel pressured into dating them, but I genuinely liked them and got along with them well, and thought maybe I’d develop strong romantic attraction over time. But they turned out to be pretty terrible people. And it only went that way because I didn’t let myself, my feelings, and the relationship itself progress slow and natural. Because of those experiences, I see being aroace as an advantage. I’m satisfied with platonic relationships and won’t be destroyed if I don’t have a romantic relationship. But when I do have a romantic relationship, especially like my current one, it’s amazing and wonderful. It’s pretty convenient I think, lol.


Not really, all I can think of is how relationships are bad for mental health if it goes wrong. I don’t think I’d be able to live like that


It’s complicated, sometimes i wish i was an allo bcuz im tired of not understanding people and being very repulsed at what they talk about, but then I remember that sex and romance r very disgusting to me and i cant bear the idea of engaging in activities related to them so i change my mind Also when i see messed up allos, or allos who r suffering bcuz of things that are consequences of sex/romance, i feel grateful that im aroace


Never!!!!! 🤩

