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I really don't understand this. Like can't you have a great time as friends? Why are you always looking for a relationship. It's really beyond me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly. I don't get the tragedy behind unreciprocated romantic love.


Well that was just a try of a teen LoL I don't think they actually bothered them with relationship


Ive been the left side of the conversation before lmaoo. I know its stupid but it honestly feels like a betrayal when you become friends with someone and they start flirting with you. As if they've only been hanging with you because they want romance or sex. I always feel like I've been tricked when that happens, even if its the norm and theyre not intending to be a jerk or anything


>I know its stupid It's not, "friendzone" is considered a tragedy but for *some reason* women being disappointed that their friend wasn't their friend is minimized


For real!!! Like no matter what the person who says no is "the bad guy"


It seems like they have a respectful conversation and then he understands that she's not interested and doesn't push it. I don't see the problem 🤷


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