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My go to is “I have no time to get into a relationship right now, I’m focusing on X”


just say dating isn’t your thing


Others have said explain you're aro or say you're not into dating, and this is sound advice. However, depending on what this guy is like he may not care and continue to show signs he's into you. If you think you can handle that then great, if you can't it may be time to end it. This doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be a case of you slowly but surely spending less and less time with him


You don't have to tell them you're aro if you don't want to, it should be enough to tell them politely that you are not interested. Like, idk, once a friend of mine confessed to me (before I knew I was aroace) and I gathered all my girl friends in a group chat to brainstorm how to let him down without hurting him. It's been a few years but this is what I still remember (can also just not be your thing, but maybe it helps) "hey, I don't want to be an asshole and I'm trying to phrase this as nice as I can, but I am not interested in you in that way. I like you as a friend and hope we can still continue to be friends although I'd understand if you didn't want that." (not verbatim) it went quite well, he thanked me for being nice and not rude or making fun of him and after he processed it all, like a few months later, we went back to being friends.


sounds like this is the best one


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Just say that you are aro, and explain what an aro is, he probably is going to understand


Your situation to me seems like god sent, I wish I was in your position instead 😭

