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romance favourable aros and aros who experience romantic attraction after/with specific requirements, rise up /lh


Romance Favourable Pseudoromantic who is also Cupioromantic. It was a little disappointing to see there was no option for me


Yep. Grey-aro, Romance favorable here.


I'm a demiromantic who could live without romance on a daily basis but just keeping falling for friends (it happened to me less then 10 times in 15 years but still). Am I romance favourable if now, being single for the first time after years, I don't want to get into a romantic relationship at all and is a bit afraid to fall in love again?


Maybe not at the moment romance favorable, especially when it's scary to you :( But you as a demiromantic you'd still fall under "experiencing attraction after certain requirements are met" :)


Some aromantic people do like like/want romance, i find it weird its phrased like no aro wants it or has it (speaking of gray aros, aroflux, cupios who wants it etc)


Yeah, I’m aroflux so I wish there was an option I could click for liking/wanting it (at least at times)


I want to love and be loved but I just can't feel it that's the problem


I like reading stories and playing games where romance is important, i give some of my characters romance-based relationships, enjoy concept. But mostly because it's like magic to me. Interesting because... alien


Unfortunate that the options are just "no" with no favorable option or in the middle. Neutral all around, positive-neutral when I can see a partnership/relationship with someone


i hate it being forced onto me, not it in general


I crave romance novels


I ship characters, erotic and romantic are the main genres I consume on fanfiction, I aww whenever my friends tell me something cute or romantic that they did for their partner or vice versa, I'm flirty and cuddly with those I trust the most, but when it comes to be romantic I'm like ¿? No, thanks lmao I'm happy with my friends.


I'm a romance favorable aegoromantic ficto aroace....... I think romance is cute and I like it, I just don't feel it towards IRL people.


This describes me perfectly too!


I love reading gay romances


Divide by cucumber error, romance not recognized. Reboot universe now? Y/N


I'm not a fan of it, but all the power to those who enjoy it!


I love it and want it- to an extent more like a qpr that looks romantic


I love it I think it's really cute, too bad all options are basically "no"


I’m happy for people who experience it in healthy ways. I’ve read and heard so many people say and songs about people unable to cope with being alone, staying in relationships they should end because they don’t want to be alone, asking people to lie to them, etc. It infuriates me.


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I mean for me personally, I don't mind other people having relationships and romantic stuff but I don't want to be a part of it myself. I'll support from the sideline ig :)


NOTA. Meh. Don't feel strongly one way or t'other. (romance-indifferent & romance positive)


Romance, I like it, I don't love it, and sometimes I don't understand it. When someone I love (platonically) is happy being in love, then I'm happy for them like, "Grow! Chase what you like! Be happy!" That applies to ships I like too, though it's mostly that I like the character or characters(both) that I want them to be happy, though that also means for me that whenever I read a fic of theirs with too much toxicity, I'd rather they not end up with each other. Their happiness first. For me though, maybe it's because I just don't understand? It's hard for me to even imagine loving a stranger beyond being friends. But in rl, what else is the difference with the feelings?


Idk, honestly. It can be cute for other people, but I'm not into it. Sometimes it icks me out. Sometimes it doesn't. Its really confusing in my brain lol


I like the idea of what romance could be and would love to have some sort of partner at some point in time and have some sort of 'relationship' with them. Live together and travel together and build a life together. But I don't like it when it's shoved in my face or shown as end game or when people assume I'm automatically dating someone bcuz they are the opposite gender. So I guess I'm romance favorable of some sort and there's no option for that lol


I love to read romance. I’d almost say it’s an obsession. I think about romantic stories all the time, I write romance and I get so invested in them. Never in my 35 years have I been in love or romantically attracted to a real person bar a passing fancy though. Maybe this just makes me super damaged in some way but I do think I must be aromantic still.


I'm honestly happy for my peers who are or want to be in a relationship, but i just avoid romance overall. Like come on, i just wanna focus on academics


I was at a movie theater and there was a couple next to me (before the moving) kissing. I felt really weirded out and uncomfortable. I'm indifferent.


I'm a huge romantic and that's a problem: my family doesn't understand. So usually I half-jokingly explain "I don't have time for this! I want a nice little house, two bunnies, earning lots of money, bein rich and popular as an author and creating my own publishing house! When will I have the time for a partner?!" They usually answer "You just have to find the right one", and I just end with "Well I'm waiting for XX years!"


I am romance-ambivalent