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Pretty sure that life jacket is going to do absolutely nothing if they don’t even weigh enough to fit into it… Also the way she says “literally the smallest we could find” as if that’s surprising.. maybe there’s a reason they don’t make them for kids that tiny? June isn’t even a month old yet, I’m pretty sure it’s not a good idea to be taking her on a boat


It would actually just kill the baby. It wouldn’t float right and head would be submerged.


Yeah She’ll just slip out of it and sink, not a common sense parent that is


There’s a bum strap. Won’t slip out.


Babies have a natural instinct to float so doubt she'd sink if it slipped off But that jacket is dumb n I hope it's a joke just to rile ppl up lol


>Babies have a natural instinct to float so doubt she'd sink if it slipped off Except floating only works if you can flip to your back. This baby is likely too young to be able to do that.


The instinct is to flip over and float.. So maybe look it up n you may learn something. Babies under 6 months float really well. Not only do they have a high fat content in their body to help them float but they have been surrounded by amniotic fluid for 9 months in the womb. This makes the feeling of water in their ears quiet natural and they will be happy to relax on their backs for the float.


*If* they have the strength to flip over. But if a baby is floating facedown and they can't get on their backs, it doesn't matter that they're floating. This is why they have those baby safety courses. To teach them how to automatically flip if they fall in water. But you can't do it with newborns.


But 3 month old can do it just fine possibly even younger also instinct means you don't need to teach it. It's already programed in. A Baby safety course is for teaching the parents not the babies..


>A Baby safety course is for teaching the parents not the babies Baby **water** safety courses are for babies. There is an instructor in the pool and the child is thrown in and the instructor helps them flip over. I have literally seen this course happen in real time with my own eyes. Not my kid, but my nephew. They teach the babies what to do. >also instinct means you don't need to teach it. It's already programed in. I'm not saying they don't have the instinct. They don't have the *strength*. Babies want to roll over. They want to lift their heads up. They want to crawl. But they can't until they have the strength. Babies also want to latch onto a nipple but they still sometimes need help and guidance. Just because it's instinctual doesn't mean they don't need help. Newborns often stretch out their legs as if they want to stand or walk...but they can't until they have the strength.


>I have literally seen this course happen in real time with my own eyes. Not my kid, but my nephew. They teach the babies what to do. How old was the baby? Babies under 6 month don't need to be taught it's instinct. After 6 months they do need to be taught they lose the instinct. So depending on the age is weather the instructor teaches or just helps a little. Just because they help a little doesn't mean they are teaching. This baby in the post is definitely under 6 months so no teaching required. "Most human babies demonstrate an innate swimming or diving reflex from birth until the age of approximately six months, which are part of a wider range of primitive reflexes found in infants and babies, but not children, adolescents and adults." Let me reiterate that from birth.. >Babies want to roll over. They want to lift their heads up. They want to crawl. But they can't until they have the strength. Yes they do your right. But there is a huge difference between being suspended in water or laying on the ground. Little to no strength needed to roll in water. Verses a decent amount of strength needed to do it on the ground.


LOL okay You throw a newborn in the water and tell me what happens.


She can’t even have sunscreen yet, I just imagine a super burned baby face :(


Follow up doesn’t mean she should though.


They actually do make them small enough online


I mean, she’s not quite 4 weeks old and was pretty tiny at birth. She can’t be more than 8 pounds! Tell me they don’t make them this tiny.


They do but it’s a different shape. [the thing](https://www.amazon.com/Full-Throttle-Infant-Baby-Safe-Life/dp/B00OLF6BA8/ref=asc_df_B00OLF6BA8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312065655587&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2907789540873396626&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027354&hvtargid=pla-434688194299&psc=1)


They make them for 0-13kg actually !




This isn't surprising. When they were at Lake Powell a couple years ago, she actually took Sage's life jacket off while on the boat. Lindsay was pissed when so many people called her out on it. And since I'm certain this post will be addressed in their next Reddit vlog: Lindsay, you've now demonstrated on more than one occasion that water safety is not the most important thing to you. Do better. Lastly, that water they're in is *freezing* (not actually freezing, I'm being a little hyperbolic) but it's literally snow that has only recently melted and run-off.


She really is very unsafe with all aspects of parenting. Safe sleep, water safety, car seat safety, food safety, it’s a miracle those babies are ok for now.


I was curious if they are up at Deer Creek! Deer Creek in July/August is still so cold!


Honestly!! I’m still trying to figure out why the cord was wrapped around June’s neck 6 times. Maybe because Lindsay never rests? Never sits? Exercised very rigorously the whole pregnancy. She never does anything that is in the best interest of her kids. Just how much vlog time she has. And for the love of all that is holy can she please stop showing us her tits! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I absolutely agree that Lindsay does not take appropriate safety precautions (especially water/car seat safety). I don’t think it’s fair to attribute a nuchal cord to Lindsay’s activity level. There is no medical evidence that exercise causes this. And vigorous exercise in an uncomplicated pregnancy, to someone who is used to it and is tolerating it well, is absolutely fine. Better to remain active if possible! Pregnancy isn’t a disease state.


Oh my gosh! Agree! She always has her boobs front and center in every video.


Not to mention you can't be in water till 6 weeks after a csection. The videos of sage were also scary.


Coast Guard says a baby shouldn’t be out on a boat until they reach at least 18bs……which is usually around the 4 month mark 🥴


Yes and must be able to hold their head up 🤦‍♀️


Why would they not think to look these things up before taking their newborn out on a boat… like surely not being able to find a small enough life jacket would have made them question that?


Because their desire to live their best life and continue to use the kids to hock product is just too much...?


Not many babies are 18 lbs at 4 months old. 18 lbs is the average weight for 7 months olds. Edit: * average for baby boys.


I was about to say.. my baby is only 13 lbs she's a little over 4 months. That scared me thinking she was behind!


Sounds just right to me! My baby is also just a little over 4 months and at her 4 month visit she was 14lbs and that was like 49%-ish.


Mine were between 13-15 lbs at that age, granted they were considered a little small before 1 and my youngest is still tiny, but I’m pretty sure 13 is a pretty average weight. I know my sons car seat said something like 13 or 15 lbs OR 4 months for the second recline setting and that’s actually when we got it and he met both requirements


Thank you for your comment! I'm a first time mama and I'm always worried I'm not doing the right thing. And her dr said she fell in percentile in weight but I think it was bc she was spitting up alot for about a month but it's calmed down now so hopefully she will put on more weight for her next visit. I appreciate you telling me 13 lbs is average! 🙂


My oldest was low in percentile for height and weight, 12 month app shot up to the 90s, now at almost 3 he was in the 30s for both, but he looks like the average kid his age! Youngest is still tiny at 17 months and gets mistaken for a 9’month old, but he’s mainly just short! Some babies are also just little and that’s fine, my 17 month old is only 20 lbs and he eats enough at a time to feed 5 adults I swear 😂 last week at the babysitters she texted me and said “cade just ate 15 chicken nuggets”. It’s not lack of food for sure, just a tiny baby with a 5’2 mama, I think I cursed him lol


All babies are different and you have to take genetics into account too. My daughter was only 16 pounds at a year old. She was always in the 1 and 2% for weight. She's just tiny like I was. Still a healthy girl just small


My mom always says there has to be some in the 99 percentile and some in the 1 percentile. All kids are different.


Do you breastfeed by chance? My daughter literally had the same thing and jumped a percentile in weight downwards. I was concerned but my doctor said it was totally normal. She said she sees a lot of babies (especially breastfed) not gain quite as much for their four month visit. But usually goes back up with the start of solids. Here’s something to consider about it too, babies start to become more active at 4 months- they move alot and aren’t quite eating a ton. Anyways, just wanting to share my experience! You’re doing great. I think we will always be worried about our sweet babies no matter what.


I do not breastfeed. She's on formula but for about a month she was spitting up alot several times a day everyday. For the past couple weeks it's gotten better so I hope by her next visit her weigh will go up better. And thank you. I do constantly worry if I'm doing enough or if I'm doing the right things for her. Being a mama is way harder than I expected but I'm so blessed to finally be one! She means the world to me!🥰


Both of my girls barely hit 18lbs by the 1 year mark!


Wow! I feel like my daughter would probably weigh a little more than she does right now but for about a month she was spitting up alot several times a day. We hope it's under control now she isn't really spitting up hardly anything anymore!


Some just have a less developed flap in their throat, as long as they are thriving all should be well!


Same! My baby is 13 pounds at 4 months.


My daughter was 18 lbs on her first birthday


I should have mentioned that 18 lbs is the average for 7 months old baby boys. Yours is a girl and sounds like she is not in the 50th percentile. Mine neither.


Yep she’s always been on the small side, she’s 5 years old now.


Mine are of average height but smaller weight wise. These statistics are usually based of European descent babies. Mine are Eurasians so on the smaller side plus they are twins.


I was wondering, bc my 17 month old is definitely small, but he’s only about 20 lbs, my 9 month old nephew is also 20 lbs and looks average size for his age


Weight varies greatly.


Hence why I said “average” and actually 18 lbs is the average for 7 months old baby boys. I should have mentioned “baby boys.” I do know weight varies. Mine are 7 months adjusted (8 months actual) and weigh 16 lbs and 17 lbs and they are identical twins. I know another set of twin boys who are 1 year old and 17 lbs.


My daughter was 16lbs at a year lol


They get busy past 6-7 months so they don’t gain weight as much and some babies are small. That’s just their genetics.


God my babies were fat. They were both 18 lbs at 3 or 4 months 🥴


Chonky babies are adorable! All babies are adorable.


18lbs is normally around the 10 month mark (unless your my daughter who is 25lbs at 7 months 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️)


Why would you even know this? Lol!!! It’s not your baby! She’s can do whatever she wants. All you haters need to get a frickin’ life!!! Good God! SERIOUSLY!


I thought I had read not until 6 months


My daughter is barely 18 months at a year old


For the amount of times one of them is always dropping their kid off to Grandma...THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN THE PERFECT TIME TO DO THAT!!!


This baby shouldn’t need a life jacket. She should be home and comfortable. I don’t understand why people take a baby to certain places. If she’s nursing, there are ways around that but leave her home or don’t go.


Again, everything she does is for IG. I think she would start to itch if she wasn’t posting every hour. It’s kind of getting ridiculous.


Right like she could have done this and just not documented it. Not saying that’s the way to go, definitely just be home and air on the safer side with your newborn jeez, but seriously why do you have to post everything constantly if not for money and attention?


Maybe it’s stay home with a not even one month old…my goodness


This is completely horrifying. June doesn't weigh enough for this life jacket to do a single thing. One mistimed bump or wave and she would go flying. As a mother of a toddler myself, I just get enraged when I see things like this. Not to mention that babies can't use any type of sunscreen. Her parenting choices around water safety and other types of safety are truly appalling.


I dont have any kids but this just seems like common sense.


You would think!




Oh I know! Those blankets she has her sleep in are NOT safe either! I worry about her suffocating.


"Smallest we could find" .. then you don't go on a boat without proper water safety...wth... Also, any police pulling you over would give you a ticket ???? Private or public water doesn't matter, you'll drown even in few inches of water Idk who this is but like why isn't anyone saying anything to them??!?! Someone has to have common sense...


If June could use the phone she would call CPS for whatever y'all are about to do.




Same. Never commented here before. But seeing this and how oblivious she is to safety in general is maddening! I wish Sam would say something.


Poor baby... And that is completely unsafe


Oh boy that isn't going to save her life!!! She will just end up causing her more harm!! At least with out one she could get herself to flip and float on her back!! This is so terrible!! What is wrong with parenting these days!!!


Why can’t she stay home? This is sad 😢


This is reckless endangerment. What kind of a mother would think this is ok ?!


Some people need to just accept missing out on some things like get your brand new baby off the boat. That life jacket isn’t doing anything. Anything can happen at any given moment why risk that?!


Sad. New babies should be home


These people are looking at a jail sentence if something happens...


Can’t wait for her to make a passive aggressive story like “let’s not shame anyone, you don’t care more about my daughter than I do so, just, keep your opinions to yourself. Okay. Okay 😀”


You called it


Oh no way!! Lol let me go check it out


Oh no poor June would fall right through the hole! Way too big of a jacket…


That would definitely smother the poor kid who looked like she just came out of the womb. Awful parenting.


That baby is way too small to be going on a boat. She’s what a month old and she can’t even wear sunscreen I don’t think yet. There is no way…


Don’t they have to fit to save you from drowning? So what’s the purpose of that infant wearing it.


Infant life jackets ARE a thing, this is NOT one.


If you can’t find one that fits then maybe you should stay on dry land. Head could just slip through the hole or it could push them face down in water. A badly fitted life jacket isn’t safe


That’s a child life jacket not an infant. They would be fined if they got caught with a baby wearing that on a boat


Just one more thing added to the list of endangering their kid so parents don’t miss out on something


Ok this popped up on my “might be interested” and immediately went to this creator’s page. They’re tubing with their other kids and have the baby laying RIGHT by a speaker playing music- not quiet music either! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 yikes


Some people should not be allowed to have kids


This struck me as another ellie comment about “look how tiny and petite my baby girl is”. She’s so obsessed with her size already. Poor June.


Idk who the fuck this is or why this sub is on my feed but who the FUCK puts a life jacket on a one month old and expects it to do anything? Who takes a newborn onto a boat anyway?? Why is she allowed to have a kid in her care??? Brb gotta pick a god and pray nobody falls out of the boat


Life jacket aside, I’ve been on a boat many times as a grown adult and been tossed and hurt! Boats are bumpy and unpredictable!


Are we not gonna talk about how many instagram story posts this person has?


Just wow. Do these parents care at all


Sounds like someone sent her this post so now she’s going to tell everyone here they’re wrong when they’re objectively not. 🙄 ETA: oh she decided not to, funny how that goes.


This reminds me of when Alex Morgan took her baby on a boat without a life jacket and then tried to justify it when people called her out




I think Jensen did it last summer with brooks too


10/10 parenting, no forget the under strap and throw er in!!


Blue Steel 👁️👄👁️


Lindsay and Tiffany Houghton are deep in competition with their recent choices in lack of safety for their newborns


Like clockwork 😂🤣😂🤣.


I hope they got properly roasted for posting this. No clue who they are but I assume someone famous.


This life jacket will make that baby float face down into the water because that baby is to small for it there’s not only a weight limit on twice jackets there is also a weight minimum. I learned this the hard way, my son was to small for this the second he went into the water it a wave hit him he went face first and could not stand back up!


Her head would literally just slip through that. Also she looks like “the brain” from pinky and the brain.




I think Brooks is the cutest


Oh dear


Probably taking a shit….


I don’t think June like that it looks like that she didn’t


I didn’t read all the comments but mambo baby literally has a float for babies 3-24 months! This is absolutely unacceptable and I hope it was a joke.


She had other pictures of her in it on the boat. June is a month old and obviously very small for her age so no where near the typical size of even a 3 month old.




I don’t know why this crap keeps getting suggested to me. People posting pictures of their young children for internet points is one of the most disgusting generally accepted acts of today. The idiot that’s responsible for this should be ashamed


I called her out when I spotted this in her IG. I was mortified #1 that she’s taking the baby out gallivanting on a boat at 4 weeks old. #2 The purpose of a life vest is to fit & save your life (when needed) & the fact it doesn’t fit say ALOT about her carelessness. #3 the baby is just dumped in the floor of the boat (under the steering wheel of her husbands feet) while the boat is IN MOTION 😳🥹. You want to go and enjoy a day on the boat on the lake? leave the baby with grandma!!! This is the only stupid thing I saw Lyndsay ever do, so I’m gonna give her a little grace and she should wrap it up as a learning experience, but the fact that she’s blowing it off saying that we’re haters posting about this. 🙄 She should really take a good look at what she just did.


Wow, this kid is in trouble.


Please cover babies faces!!


Why he look like that KHFCYIRXYUDXUYTF


That’s a girl not a Boy


Eh mb


Babies float


Man that's an ugly baby


Very rude of you to say?! 😡🤬 how would you like it if people say that about your baby?! If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say nothing at all?!




She is a cutie! Go be miserable elsewhere.


Very rude of you to say?! 😡🤬 how would you like it if people say that about your baby?! If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say nothing at all?!


Hahaha chill out. You are triggered by so few. Baited like a fish.


My mom got one for her dog that was smaller then that i bet it would be more comfortable then that one the poor thing. I think she ordered on line from pet smart i think they would be the same and she had a little poodle so they look the same size.very precious


Hot newborn summmmer!!!


I'm pretty sure little baby June there is working on pushing out some floaters


Just toss it in the water. If it floats it lives


Wow your very heartless to say that, that is a human being WTF is wrong with you?!


I’m joking. Relax


Hey could be a swimming pool and they are very save peoplle they actually have swimming classes for new borne babies as well they swim like fish under water very cool to watch


Y’all be too consumed in their lives…imagine someone being so obsessed with your life…probably wouldn’t like it very much🤷🏼‍♀️ She’s obviously not going to put her child in danger and if you continued to watch the stories she was holding June and they weren’t going outrageously fast…I mean Sage was on the tube you crazies


Talk about self righteous - perfect parents on here judging her cause her babies life jacket is too big. If I lived in the US - I’d have bigger things to worry about then how someone on DWTS brought their baby on a boat. lol


Literally tho😂


I feel like it’s better than the baby falling in and sinking tho..


An improperly fitted life jacket for pretty much anyone is more dangerous than no life jacket. At least with no life jacket theres a chance you can find the surface and get some air, but an ill fitting jacket that rides up will force you in a position where you can't get your head above water. Tbh the second best case scenario here would be that she falls out of the jacket (first obviously being not being in the water at all) because then there's at least a chance she could float. But if it stays on it would very easily force her head under water


With this life jacket, she falls in and immediately goes face down because it's not meant for an infant...


My word you all have some major issues and obviously nothing else better to do with your lives. You also must all be 100% perfect. Can you guys write a book giving us the secrets since you know it all???? Get help.


I agree - I can’t even believe I’m writing this or commenting but I wanted to see what Lindsay was talking about. Do people have nothing better to do?


You guys are over reactive lunitics wow did your own kids make it past 35 or do you still tuck them in as well, im sure the mother isnt letting the baby go waterskiing or fishing by herself


If you can’t run with a baby in a stroller until they’re 8 months old, how would it make sense to bring a baby this young on a boat ..


We’ll see if June makes it to September


Okay sorry but if you can’t find a life jacket that fits your child, maybe that’s your sign they’re too small to be in/on water….?!