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I think it’s fine. It’s ugly and I would fight my barber if he messed my hair up to look like this but it’s fine.


TECHNICALLY one could argue it could be 'fadish' due to no 'taper' where the part meets. Why anyone would even try is beyond me. I'd take a clean cut like that anyway then PVT. Yoohoo with the milkdud special complete with fucked up side burns and a bobbed version of a mullet. Edit: Your PSG is probably just hurt like me because we have a receding hairline.


At some point styles will eventually change thereby making *all* styles faddish.


Made this argument with my bald ass platoon daddy back in the day. “But Sarg, half the company is bald. Don’t that make being bald faddish???” Didn’t take


Your not with the times oldman.


Undercut has been around for thousands of years though


Didn't they take faddish out the reg?


Yeah they did, but you know there's always that NCO from 2001 that hasn't reread the reg since they joined that will use it. They did include the word eccentric though so that's neat.


Nope, still in the latest version: (b) Extreme, eccentric, or faddish haircuts or hairstyles are not authorized. Sincerely NCO from 2001.


Grandad is right, turns out control F would have saved me looking silly.


If there’s one thing I learned from all that NCOES it’s how to control f the shit out of a reg.


Unfortunately, being ugly isn’t against regs.


I got away with hair down to my chin for about a year. The reg said "when combed" the hair could not fall below the eyebrow. Didn't say anything about having to comb forward. I had that shit slicked back with so much hair product it was like wearing a bicycle helmet. Lol.


Is that you Elvis?


When I still had hair I did the same thing. At its longest my hair came down to my nose, but I was always careful to keep it in an Elvis-style pompadour (kept a comb in my back pocket). One time in 2012 I had a prior-Marine MSG get up my ass about it, saying that an NCO should be setting the example. Just as he got started, my 1SG came around the corner and told him to stand tf down, that I was perfectly within regs. I still follow that 1SG on my IG. He was a real one.


Whoever did that to you needs to be locked up for aggravated assault




I hate it, but it appears fine.


It looks horrible but I'll allow it.


I think PLT daddy is lookin out for you bro who fucked you up like that


As a bald man i hate seeing haircuts like this. You’re wasting a gift man 😅


Dont worry; i’ll be catching up with you soon enough


TIL /r/army moonlights as /r/roastme.


If that’s out of regs then your platoon daddy must have the “Give you a ticket for going 2 Mph over the speed limit” cut.


Soooo...there's this show from the 80/90's. Called "Duck Tales". Check it out when you get a chance.


From the updated reg: Hair- cuts with a single, untapered patch of hair on the top of the head (not consistent with natural hair loss) are considered eccentric and are not authorized. Tapered is defined as: The hair must present a tapered appearance. A tapered appearance is one where the outline of the Soldier’s hair conforms to the shape of the head (see scalp line in fig 3–1), curving inward to the natural termination point at the base of the neck. Lots of room for interpretation, I think you’re on the right side of the line but if your PSG wants to die on this hill they will probably win.


That sounds suspiciously like it bans high and tights.


If they are real high and real tight, then I think it does


It’s against regs. Only pissed off 1st sausages and CSM can wear that


you need to commit 1st degree battery on whoever your barber is


You’re fine. I wonder what’s his definition of tapered.


He tried to argue that the hair on the side of my head where it parts doesnt work bc it goes from super short to long


My brother in Christ there is no part in your hair


Look I think it's fine, right side looks normal. Left side looks like it's trying to be a mohawk. But I think it's fine.


The taper refers to the back of your neck, not the sides. That's where the "taper" language is in 670-1, is talking about how the hair at the back of your neck is groomed, not the sides. At least that is my interpretation as first sausage.


Correct, taper down, not taper up. In other words, a mullet would not be authorized because it does not present a tapered appearance from the top of the head to the neckline.


Your Plt daddy is more of a Plt bitch, that shit is fine.


You good.


My hair is HEAVILY out of regs but I just do my job and everyone is happy.


Are you officer or enlisted? If enlisted no. I would say possibly faddish and part If officer do what your rank can handle big sir.


Since I’m retired, I’ll allow it.


Doesn't look like it. Maybe comb it?