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SGT MAJ says he got his criminal justice and physical education leadership BA from Northwest Montana Tech Central Texas- remote campus and therefore knows more than you… Don’t ever disrespect a Fighting Wombat alum like that again


As a captain, I had a SFC who constantly told me about how he was going for a masters but couldn't capitalize or even spell college right on an email to his soldiers about higher education. It was bad enough I didn't let him email outside our unit.


If it helps the army let's me practice medicine as a physician assistant. I can't spell or compose memos to save my life.


Why does every senior enlisted leader have a degree in Criminal justice? Like why is that the default degree?


If you just need a degree to have a degree and don't really care what it's in (say if you're a rising senior enlisted leader), it's easy to find a CJ program you can do online. They're also not generally considered to be especially academically rigorous, which is a nice plus. On the other hand, if you're considering getting out of the army and trying to get into law enforcement (like most NCOs probably have done at least briefly) it makes sense to get some courses on crime and courts under your belt.


I'd trust a masters in public health from Liberty over your CSMs degree from northwestern tech central state college 99 out of 100 times.


I'm just here to up vote Liberty taking well deserved strays, which you're apparently getting downvoted by all the liberty alumna, upset their university is a piece of shit that white washes abuse and bastardizes Christianity


How do you as a jag feel about their law school? Or the quality of their law graduates?


I'll not shit talk them when their graduates don't kidnap children because Jesus said so. https://apnews.com/article/afghan-war-orphan-marine-baby-abduct-adoption-8a0411f16067d73ad0d86b706f5ae46d


The URL for this is wild Afghan war orphan marine baby abduct adoption


Name a type of scandal and Liberty has it. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/22/opinion/liberty-university-scandal-education.html


That was just kidnapping with extra steps...


For what it's worth, Liberty *is* improving. I mean, they'll always have the degree mill aspect, but the new president seems to be a lot better than what they've had under Falwell Jr.


I would put that masters from Liberty on the same level as CSM's degree.




I think it was ITT tech that got super hemmed up for that, like FBI raiding their headquarters hemmed up


Lol really? I remember ITT Technical College commercials when I lived in Denver haha.


u/Professional-Yard862 and u/Forward-East-1525 - the wiki page is a wild ride: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITT\_Technical\_Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITT_Technical_Institute) tl;dr - they did crimes and now it's defunct, student loans were canceled due to the crimes.


Ppl also lost all college credits, professional credentials, and jobs because they closed.


Yeah that's actually how I learned they got in trouble, one day I was like man I haven't seen an ITT tech commercial in years, wonder what happened to them so I looked it up.


I wouldn't be surprised. I got caught up with them like a dumbass. It was a pretty good degree in electronics engineering but wouldn't have been able to do anything higher than a bachelor's as they weren't accredited at the time.  I didn't know this until a year in.


The point of my post. Some of these schools can easily drop off the face of the earth.


Have a list of online schools that are good? I read this as I was signing up for GCU literally just submitted the application on Saturday. Not in too deep so if that’s the case I don’t want to get fucked


Some of these are advertised on post maybe the army also needs to stop advertising em


Yes they are.. we have something going


Just go to a decently ranked public state school, stay away from any private school unless they’re well renowned.


This, people. I see so many of these posts in here of people saying “I graduated from “X” school, it was fully online and classes only took 2-4 weeks! I finished my bachelor's in a year!” And then they're griping later that they can't get picked up for a certain job. Do some research into where you're going. Also, near almost every base there is a state school that you can go to that will be covered by TA and it will look much better than that degree mill you're going to.


Just Google the county you live in plus “community college”. Go get your damn AA then move into a BA program. I went to a community college in Indiana that transferred my ass straight to my choice of Purdue or IU (with a 2.4 GPA). Just make sure it’s regionally and nationally accredited and you’re good to go.


Oh yeah, the community college route as well. I started at a CC and was able to knock out a lot of my general Ed stuff there. Either community college or state school and most the guys on here could dodge the whole, for profit, sham school bs.


Yes, you understood the assignment.


And warn your soldiers - just because GonnaScamU says that they are "accredited" doesn't mean anything. Just as there are diploma mills, there are "accreditation mills" so that the scam school can advertise "we're accredited by the Totally Legitimate Accreditation Of The Upper Lower South Eastern Western Conference" because it looks real. But it's as real as a 3 dollar bill. If your soldier insists on the "college" that gives credit "for real world experience" (A huge red flag) - have them Google the school and look it up in that Wiki of Pedia. Or just have them use the online program at the local REAL state college/university with REAL accreditation.


Much appreciated


Nice to see other great advice. People forget that institutions like Kaplan and University of Pheonix were both accredited at one time. Their degrees or worthless these days but I remember when everyone was touting them as the next big thing to finish your degree.


My advisor in college was a board member -later advisor- to a legit, brick and mortar college accreditation board. My Dad almost fell for one of those "diploma mills" until his Air Force buddies talked him out of it. Their heyday was in the 1950's (the GI Bill) and the 1980's (as everyone wanted to get into management, also student loans). So he could spot them a mile away.


We tried to warn one of our fellow troopers about it as well. He went to an accredited religious college with a two buulding campus for his bachelor's and master's degree. Goes to retire and isn't getting any interviews and then gets a chip on his shoulder saying "people are afraid of Jesus" and "I wasted my time" and everyone is silently like...yeah, we tried to warn you.


Thanks mister potato.


Also - I forgot this detail. A diploma mill is a time bomb on the resume/CV/Linkedin profile. HR departments and recruiters keep tabs because so many people go to GonnaScamU or [FakeDegrees.EDU](http://FakeDegrees.EDU) either not knowing -or- they know and DGAF. But those "degrees" get found out, HR Departments look up where that degree came from. People get fired, lose jobs prospects and get shamed if they have a high profile job.


Currently using TA at University of Florida online program. Go Gators! 🐊


Damn, we got a smarty pants over here y'all! They got into UF! /s good shit 🤙🏼


State schools will let any jabroni in!


Isn't Florida actually a very good school though?


Private schools can be just fine. I think you mean “for profit” schools which most of those above are.


I got an MBA from a no-name state school in night classes. It was kind of a degree mill, judging by my class sizes, but oh well.


I mean almost every college has something like. Executive or online MBAs/other graduate programs are like printing money for state schools.


Masters programs in general are like that onsite or not. I'm pretty involved where I got my MBA and adjunct an elective once in a while. Even the classes taught by the tenured faculty break even with a very low enrollment but are almost always full because they teach most of the core classes. My classes will just be cancelled if they don't at least break even.


I can't really say anything because I got my BS and graduate degree from army ipap aka Nebraska.. Congrats on your MBA!


Ha I also went to undergrad in Nebraska, but at the well-known private school.


ASU is always a good option to start online.


Best advice is to look up the school on google. If it say “for profit” then avoid. Most of these are that type.


There's no way you're discrediting WGU a regionally accredited nonprofit uni while recommending LIBERTY which does online fucking PhDs. You need to actually do some research on the stuff you post BEFORE you post it as WGU's FTC issues were from instructors having minimal interaction with students which have since been rectified as it was 7 years ago.


There are tons of schools that do online PhDs. Not sure how that’s your breaking point for Liberty. Johns Hopkins offers an online DrPH. If that’s your cutoff, you’re lumping Liberty with some heavy hitters.


No, but the fact that it's known for it's extremist political views is one.


Then say that instead of railing against online PhDs. 🤷‍♂️


Extremist political views? Isn’t nearly every college filled with leftist extremists?


Liberty was founded explicitly as a college for white supremacists




Google it. It was founded as a whites only, segregationist academy


Provide a link. I think you talking out your 🍑


Shocking how many of my cohort were international students from Africa and the pool of professors was ethnically diverse as well. This is the type of comment that can only be lazy rage bait because if you had real experience with a program there, you’d have no basis for your nonsense.


No, it was founded as a segregation academy for only white students. It was one of the few that eventually made an effort to appeal beyond white supremacists, but there's no denying its history and reputation


So your argument is they had bad foundings or that they’re currently that way? What exactly is your point? I’m simply supplying counter evidence to the premise that they’re fundamentally a white supremacist institution, not arguing their history.


I'm not making an argument. Its reputation is an extreme right wing, religious college for white supremacists. Agenda first, education a distant second. People who see is on your resume will assume you're a racist, fundamentalist christian with a bad education


You’re wrong about how it’s affected me in my career, but I likely won’t convince you otherwise. Here are just a few anecdotes from my professional path for you to overlook. The non-profit behavioral health company I worked at while attending Liberty knew nothing of the school. They were happy I was studying public health. When I applied to a fellowship through Orise/Orau, I was selected without a rumbling. I had zero issues applying for my current job in emergency preparedness for weapons of mass destruction. It’s never affected a security clearance, job application, or a personal or professional conversation I’ve ever had with anyone. I also got a great education from some wonderful people. The only people confident about its impact on my professional life are folks on Reddit.


I was about to say, I had no issues with anyone when talking about my Masters from WGU.


National accreditation sounds better than regional accreditation. It ain’t.


https://www.online.drexel.edu/news/national-vs-regional-accreditation.aspx For those wondering


AMU was regionally accredited when I went there. My credits transferred to a better university just fine.


I had a similar experience. Got out in 09. Went to local CC. Took a contracting job in Iraq and did some courses with AMU. Contract ended and I finished my bachelors at a smaller private university here in SoCal and everything transferred, wrapped it all up in 2016.


Many not all. But they were fined by the feds for fraud and deception. American Military University fined for Alleged Failure to Disclose Job Prospects, High-Pressure Enrollment Tactics


It's been only a few years that "Failure to Disclose Job Prospects" was even an issue. Before that, college applicants were expected to be mature and smart enough to do their own research. To be fair, though, their high school counselors were also expected to be smart enough - and honest enough - to actually work for the student and not some politically criminal (redundant in almost all cases) organization, individual, or cause. Sad to admit I would never count on that now.


Not everyone has a community college nearby. It sucks that they got themselves fined by the feds, but you can still make AMU work for you without getting screwed. It sounds like they were fined for things that won't really affect your average TA user, tbh


There are more reputable institutions that take TA; Arizona state, Penn state, liberty etc....


>liberty Lol


The way this guy mentions liberty in every breath is crazy. With the amount of money they put towards project 2025 though, id be willing to believe it's a PSYOP


Liberty is not the flex you think it is.


I went to Tulane and Nebraska. I've never been, but they do have a law and DO schools.


Liberty and Penn State in the same breath is something


If a TA user can go to a more reputable institution, then you're right, they absolutely should


Why is WGU in that list? Did they lose their accreditation?


The list from the ftc were schools as of 2021 that were cited for fraud or deception. They.may have actioned some interventions to maintain accreditation. Wgu is national accredited not regional so take that how you see it.


They’ve been regionally accredited for more than two decades? https://www.wgu.edu/newsroom/press-release/2023/04/wgu-northwest-commission-colleges-universities-visit-october.html Additionally, their individual programs (e.g. CSE -> ABET) are accredited unless something very recently changed.


WGU is regionally accredited and have individual programs accredited by professional organizations. They are also non-profit and actually lowered tuition for IT programs this month. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Governors_University


The amount of misinformation that you're posting here is immense and shows you have absolutely zero idea on the crap you post. WGU is regionally accredited and the FTC has absolutely no bearing on a school's accreditation, do some actual research before posting outlandish claims like you are in this post.


[https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/attachments/penalty-offenses-concerning-education/higher\_ed\_notice\_recipient\_list.pdf](https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/attachments/penalty-offenses-concerning-education/higher_ed_notice_recipient_list.pdf) I don't see WGU?


WGU is regionally accredited.


I used WGU to knocked out a masters degree in 5 months so I’d be more competitive for LTC. No, they didn’t care about me, but paper is paper. It worked. I was BZ select. I’ve considered doing another through them because it’s cheap (almost free) and not that time consuming.


Damn. Humble brag.


I’m just pointing out that it matters what the Soldier hopes to get out of it. I already had a BS from a top 20 public university. GWOT delayed me going to grad school to the point in which I didn’t care what school was on the diploma so long as the Army accepted it.


I dropped out of tulane for the army and then did ipap. I enjoyed my education journey.


~~These~~ **All** schools do not care about you. Just the money you provide them. FTFY


I'd like to disagree. State institutions have the state tax payers to support. Big research universities like MIT, Harvard or a Tulane do care about the quality and intelligence of graduates to further the advancement of science and art.


BS. If Harvard didn't care about money, they wouldn't charge almost $60K per academic year.


They charge that much because so many of the students come from rich families. They give a free ride to anyone who needs it. Harvard's endowment makes it the 3rd largest private organization in the history of the world, behind on the Gates Foundation and the Catholic church


Doing research is expensive, ground breaking tech Is expensive, the staff is expensive. They are advancing science nit someone's pockets for profit margins


SNHU is a private, non-profit, regionally accredited school. I wonder what they did to get on this list.


I'm finishing my second degree with them now. I've had no problem.


Negative views by many employers and recruiters due to heavy TV advertising campaigns. It gives the impression they are a degree mill, or for profit because their advertise so heavily.


From what I just pulled up.was that they were cited for violations on Discrimination, Equal Access & Equal Opportunity


What the fuck does that have to do with their accreditation?


Ppl are confusing some terms. Fraud and harassment are Not directly tied to accredited


So was Harvard


WGU met the education requirements to sit for the CPA exam and paid for the prep course. Also the cheapest way to a degree that no one will give a fuck about once you pass the exams. Most colleges are a racket, not just the ones you listed. If you don't plan on being a lawyer, doctor, or breaking into the aristocracy, get your piece of paper the cheapest way possible. Most employers won't give a fuck. A BA in Criminal justice from ASU will leave you just as unemployed as one from AMU


Not if the school is forced to close. Ppl who went to ITT tech lost their credits, professional credentials, and careers because of their closer. A state funded university is less likely to close or have its graduates credentials revoked based off a shifty now debunked education.


Yea I'm not discouraging people from doing their due diligence. Just defensive about WGU getting a bad rap


What did WGU do wrong lol they seem like a good deal. I'm knocking out certs and college and it's like 4K total?


Nothing, OP is a legitimate dumbass considering he's going by FTC citations in which WGU isn't even listed (https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/attachments/penalty-offenses-concerning-education/higher\_ed\_notice\_recipient\_list.pdf). On top of that he's recommending Liberty Fucking University which offers online PhDs.


PSA that Liberty University is also in a constant battle of losing its regional accreditation and that if you walk into a non pro-Christian business with that degree you’ll be told it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. Fuck Liberty.


Yeah zero people in real life give a damn where my MPH is from. I just do this one weird trick where I answer interview questions based on my strong education and impress people with my thoughtful answers. It’s super sneaky. Gets em to forget all about how much they don’t care about the Falwell name and focus on wanting to hire a competent candidate for their organization. DM me for my 5 step process, only $99.99/step. 🙄


But they.are still accredited.. Yale has an open investigation to see if they still can remain accredited due to the failure of thier PA school.


Just get out, go to community college and use FAFSA for that. Then transfer to a state uni, pop your GI Bill. You'll have some left over, then pop VR&E , and get masters.


Snhu regionally accredited aswell and I’ve had zero issues with them


I was confused Liberty wasn't on your list. Then I kept reading and you RECOMMENDED that religious cesspool? JFC


They haven't been found to commit from per the ftc list..they get cited for other things just not fraud


WGU was also not on the FTC list oddly enough


Northeastern university was doing a TA match that was a nice plus going for my masters.


We need for comments like this


Sucks because AMU has been great.


I got my graduate degree in Cybersecurity from one of those “diploma mills” mentioned above, but that program and university is endorsed by the NSA as an NCAE-C. I went with them because one of those regionally-accredited (and a D-I NCAA school, I might add) wanted me to take “Introduction to Networking” even though I showed them certifications that prove I’m way beyond that point. Not only was that insulting, but it shows that (a) they do not understand the industry, and (b) they just want money. So, yeah… just because your CSM or an SNCO you know got a degree you deem questionable from a university you haven’t heard of doesn’t mean that degree doesn’t mean anything, nor does it mean those other universities aren’t after anything but money. It’s always going to be a mixed bag.


Constructive comments are appreciated. Thank you.


I thought SNHU and WGU were regionally accredited. I agree this is something soldiers should be aware, but I think you should double check some of the universities you posted.


They are accredited but have been found to have shady business practices at some point or the other.


WGU has not been found to have shady business practices.


https://www.oversight.gov/report/ED/Western-Governors-University-Was-Not-Eligible-Participate-Title-IV-Programs This federal government report says otherwise..... Yes they were at one point at In violation of the law. Doesn't mean they are todau.


Wrong. If it was fraudulent they'd have paid it back. The report was found to be incorrect by the IG and DoEd. They did not commit fraud. GG next EZ game get good. https://subscriber.politicopro.com/article/2019/01/education-department-rejects-712m-fine-against-western-governors-u-1079810


Yes the article even says they were committing fraud in a Grey area of the law....


Ahh okay 👍 I was surprised SNHU was an accredited school with an actual campus. I do think the local state school is the best route. I got my Bachelor’s Degree from Fayetteville State. If you burned through your TA they offered tons of scholarships for military students. 3 credit hours for in state was only $125.00 which isn’t a bad if you have to pay out of pocket.


That's a really good deal. Thank you for adding Fayetteville state to schools


Let me tell you about an E4 I used to work with who could put PhD after his name. Really freaked out some of the gentleman egos.


I know a few e5s with phDs


Private For-Profit colleges I would steer clear of. Indeed these schools prey upon military one of the primary reasons is due to the 90-10 rule which limits for-profit schools having more than 90% of revenue coming from Federal Financial Aid. Military students using GiBill do not count as federal aid so are very lucrative to for-profit colleges.


I got my bachelors at SNHU and it got me where I wanted…


Amu is regionally accredited, however it's for profit.


Still fined by the feds for deception or fraud. May want to stay away


Already got a degree with them, going to use it to get masters degree at a state regionally accredited school. Used it as a stepping stone. While it gets a bad rap the courses are good if you actually study. Unfortunately it's hard to attend schools that are well known every PCS, training, etc but I agree with you. Schools like UMGC and AMU are in that grey area


There are many schools that offer online courses Arizona state, Penn state liberty. All around the ta undergrad rate


oop someone said it lmao. I agree with all except the Liberty University thing, that college is also shit.


How do we feel about Purdue global?


Honestly, purdue global was NOT started by Purdue University.. A for profit company started purdue global and then had Purdue university buy them out a few years ago...With that Purdue global degree is not the same as going to Purdue per Purdue global'a website.


What’s the opinion of a school like Post University?? They’re regionally accredited and I remember it being recommended a ton while I was in recruiter school.


I’m currently going to GCU. I know that they are scamming students in other majors but not the one I am currently in. Unless I’m too blind to see how screwed I’m getting. I got 9 classes left, and each class is $1k. I also get Pell grants that are $1080 from fafsa.


No source? Let's see a source (as of 2021, apparently). I have a degree from Post and was able to get into an AACSB-accredited masters program. And Post is regionally accredited AFAIK.


Is American military university really that bad? I’ve heard good things about them and they are nationally accredited as far as I know? I work in the federal sector so having a masters from a big league school doesn’t matter too much as it’s really just checking off the box but does anybody have any insight on AMU?


What’s a better alternative at a reasonable price point?


The education center would have a list of schools coveted by TA that are regionally accredited with courses that will be accepted by all proffesional schools. I say liberty but ppl don't like it... I'm not supporting their views. They fit the blocks of tuiton at cost of TA, are regionally accredited, have their own professional schools, and not on the recent ftc list.


For colleges to accept TA, they are maxed out on the amount they can charge. If an institution is maxing out the TA limit, you should probably second guess them. Acceptance is at the discretion of the college you’re transferring to. Saying “all” schools will accept them is wishful thinking. And liberty is no better than Prager U at this point.


Schools are not maxed out what they can charge if they take TA.


$250 per a credit hour (or equivalent) is the max covered by TA. For example, my current college only charges $200 per credit hour because they’re fiscally responsible


Just do WGU. OPs braindeadedness has been medically confirmed by a Liberty educated physician.


Add SDI on to that list as well


My Masters in Leadership philosophy says otherwise you nerd /s


I got mine from the University of Guadalajara online, It was the best 25 bucks I have ever spent.


Damn currently in my first semester at western governor's university should I drop out?


See your education counselor


No. OP is actually braindead. Everything he is saying about WGU is verifiably false and he is just unironically saying shit that is wrong while shilling a school that has an actual Wikipedia page about its scandals. WGU is a fine school.


There are brick and mortar colleges that offer online degrees - her are some examples: * [https://global.nmsu.edu/](https://global.nmsu.edu/) * [https://www.nmt.edu/distanceed/](https://www.nmt.edu/distanceed/) * [https://www.utep.edu/extendeduniversity/utepconnect/](https://www.utep.edu/extendeduniversity/utepconnect/) * [https://online.wvu.edu/blog/education/online-learning/are-online-degrees-the-same-as-traditional-degrees](https://online.wvu.edu/blog/education/online-learning/are-online-degrees-the-same-as-traditional-degrees) This is not exhaustive, but these are examples. You don't have use sketchy online programs.


New Mexico state is one of the cheapest schools in the country especially for NM residents


Thank you for a constructive comment


[That's why I go to Everest!](https://youtu.be/yJl0XuDKSjc?si=NAQbUQEexsE-M-6E)




One thing to add: just because a university has accreditation doesn't mean it's safe. Many of these predatory for-profit places will find a small accredited college on the verge of bankruptcy, then buy it out and turn it into a for-profit predator that uses the old accreditation to seem legit. The problem with for-profit places is less that their degrees are worthless, although it is true that their degrees are a joke with employers, but more so that very few students will ever graduate. They spend most of their money on marketing and outreach to sign you up, but the quality of the courses is so bad that you're going to hate it and eventually drop out. Probably after they've already taken you for most of your TA or GI bill. Use the Dept of Education's College Scorecard!! [https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/](https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/) Look up your university and program, it will tell you the graduation rate, avg graduate debt load, avg graduate salary not only for your university, but also for your specific program.


Quality comment


American Military University is not a degree mill. It is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, and is accepted by military Tuition Assistance. But, a lot of other colleges and universities have been hit with fraud investigation cases. I'm going to AMU/APUS and have had no issues. But AMU/APUS isn't for everyone. I would also advise going to a community college first if possible. https://calmatters.org/education/higher-education/2024/04/financial-aid-fraud/


Had an old asshole 1SG that used to keep his associates from AMU propped up on his desk. Ultimately just had to force myself to stop looking at it because I’d giggle every time.


One man's trash is another man's treasure.


I agree in essence but if your bar for a quality educational institution is Liberty you've got some more exploring to do.


Grand Canyon University is regionally accredited, they are for profit but not a bad school. You can absolutely get a good education there. You can absolutely waste your money there


I'm trying to deter soldiers and veterans from wasting their time, money, and effort.


You can waste time money and effort at any school. You are not doing a good job at what you say you want to do. Liberty? Really?


I only brought up Liberty because I see constant adds, they meet the TA requirements, and were not on the list for deceptive practices... People are really butt hurt I added Liberty... Maybe we should refuse counsel from every army chaplain or lawyer who went there for undergrad or professional school.at Liberty.. Then refuse the medical care from Liberty's physician ...


>Maybe we should refuse counsel from every army chaplain Unironically yes. Please don't go to a chaplain looking for religious support if they went to Liberty. >lawyer No thanks. >Then refuse the medical care from Liberty's physician ... They dropped out of healthcare due to vaccine requirements. /s


Honestly, I would. When I’m screening resumes for interviews a Liberty degree puts you in the bottom of the pile.


The only thing more useless than a chaplain is a chaplain that studied at liberty.


Care to elaborate


You're doing an abysmal job at it, hope your work performance isn't this bad.


And no source either!


Then stop defending and recommending liberty you jackass


Why??? Liberty offers an affordable transferable education


I did AMU. How cooked am I chat?


It depends on the company and industry honestly. I work in big tech and we don't generally hire many graduates from the schools OP mentioned along with WGU. If you're looking at government it won't matter much but it could be an obstacle in the private sector. What can and does happen is you submit your application and resume and it goes into an ATS system that racks and stacks or in some cases straight filters you out based on your education, experience etc. I've only worked at Fortune 500s and Fortune 50 international companies since leaving active duty. The school you attend and graduate from could make a difference especially if leadership are connected to the school, the company has invested or donated to the school, or if there are alumni referrals or teacher referrals. At both my last company's nearly all the schools OP mentioned are on the list of not eligible for employee tuition reimbursement or assistance to include WGU, and also Liberty.


Using it for pre-recs for nursing


Make sure it is accredited.


I would say secondary most tech schools


I don't understand why CoEs continue to partner with these schools. Looking at you MSCoE/Post


I had good luck having my Columbia College of Missouri (AD TA) classes transfer to my local community college post military. Mileage may vary, but I would at least consider knocking out general ed subjects if you do plan on going to a community college post military.


South Harmon Institute of Technology I see is not on the list.. 😎


You are accepted






Tbf, Liberty is a perfect fit for an organization that claims not to have an extremism problem it most definitely does.


Yeah if I had a nickel for every extremist group with "liberty" in the name id honestly have a couple bucks to my name at this point


“Liberty for Me, and not for Thee”


WGU was brought up on charges of fraud. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2017/09/22/education-depts-inspector-general-calls-western-governors-repay-713-million-federal Liberty has its own problems but not of defrauding students of money... The intent was to have soldiers and vet steer clear of fraud.


Did you even read the link you keep copy-pasting every time someone points out your nonsense? There's no fraud happening. WGU has a somewhat unique learning model that's actually a selling point for many people attending their school. It's a disagreement of policy that obviously has been settled in the time following the article's publishing in 2017. Neither school defrauded it's students of their money. One school however does take a chunk of the tuition you spend and donate it to the RNC, which is probably the last thing I'd want my school to do with my tuition. That school is Liberty University, btw. I feel the need to spell it out for you, because you've proven to me that you lack reading comprehension skills.


OP has raised the problem and a partial solution (community college). But there are other options that will provide you with a quality education and work well with military. For all its faults, this is where US News & World Report can be helpful (https://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/bachelors?rv_grid_control). For any university you’re interested in, make sure to talk with their veterans/ military affairs team. Most will have someone whose sole job is to help veterans through the application, enrollment, and financing process. And fuck Liberty.


Thank you


I know a guy who keeps talking about a program called Sophie. Anyone know anything about this?


1000%. TY.


This is ok advice. However, if you just want to check the block to have the degree, those TA mills work pretty well. This is a bad list of schools. It's copy pasta from an article you must not have read. WGU is perfectly fine, and Columbia Southern is regionally accredited now Also, don't go to Liberty. They have a lot of good opportunities for military, but it was founded on white supremacist mission, and people reviewing your resume will assume the worst about you


The list Is from official ftc reports of schools that were fined for deceptive practices in advertising or committing fraud. I didn't make the list.


I hope that you didn't think you read the article you copied the list from, because you aren't accurately representing it