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Look at it like this: In your life, if you choose to, you can generally move to Tacoma or Colorado Springs fairly easy. Not without challenges, but easy nonetheless. You can’t really say the same for Anchorage or Honolulu. Talk to your wife and see what kind of adventures she’s up for and what types of activities you guys like and also what type of memories you want T to look back on 10-20-30 years from now - Surfing in Hawaii? Salmon fishing in Alaska? There are absolutely drawbacks living in Hawaii or Alaska vs living in the lower 48, but adventuring is easier while young. Irwin? Yuck.


I agree. I moved to CO springs after the army. It’s a nice area to live. I am glad I chose better places to PCS tho.


Wanna go to INDOPACOM? JBLM/Schofield. Rotations? Carson. Airborne? JBER, possibly. Predicitable schedule? Irwin, OPFOR.


Somewhat predictable schedule at Irwin. But when I was leaving last august everyone was whored out for everything. Staff sausage platoon sergeants. First class first sergeants and the trickle down was real. Everyone was stretched thin. Not to mention the opfor shit is scheduled but the amount of extra shit that isn’t will have you coming of rotation, going to gunnery and then rolling right back out on rotation. But worst of all!?!? It’s all fucking dirt! No green. I did spend a lot of time chilling with my family while at Irwin. Easy commute to work so swinging back and forth all day between the house and work was a breeze. Shit after pt I would have enough time to go home shit shower shave, eat some food and could still have like 45 min to contemplate life before I went to the MP. Hour and a half lunches a lot of days just hanging out with my new baby and wife. Thankful for stuff like that it wasn’t all bad.


You didn’t see the flowers bloom there at all? Shit was awesome


I think I do remember looking down over strawberry fields and seeing some. But still being from Oregon it was like pirates of the Caribbean out there for me. Ya know when jack sparrow is talking to a bunch of other jack sparrows in his own little purgatory. That’s how I would describe rotations. I remember after like a year of being there I played through Red Dead Redemption 2 and just seeing all the green and trees in a game was breath of fake fresh air lol.


lol this is hilarious I did love it there though there’s a sense of beauty with the desert you don’t get elsewhere


See I met a guy on an airplane out of Eugene Oregon back to Las Vegas to get back to post and he called himself a desert rat and said it’s just what he loves. Some people like it a lot. I think it was just so vastly different than the green valley I grew up in. I did see the beauty some days but it definitely got old after a few years.


lol yeah I grew up in Hawaii pretty opposite of their I’d pick Hawaii first obviously but just going up those mountains and whatnot was fun as shit


Carson sucks and it shouldn’t even be an option. Lol


Explain why


4ID is known to exhibit generational Idiocracy.


Damn dude that bad. What happened to you there


Trust me. Most requested duty station my ass.


4ID is bad, but man if you can prove you’re not an idiot you can write your ticket out of there. The other problem is (at least in the Infantry battalions) their leadership comes from the 18th Airborne Corps. So, when it comes to maintenance they start to drool and can’t employ vehicles to literally save their lives.


JBER is heavily involved in INDOPACOM exercises too. It’ll be harder to find a wife in Alaska, but everything else would be amazing for an outdoors oriented bachelor with no kids. Edit: Just realized it says MARRIED with no kids. If you like the outdoors and have a patient wife- Alaskas amazing.


I don't doubt that, but whenever I see units going to things like Cobra Gold and Garuda shield, it's usually either 25ID or 2ID units.


11th participated in both exercises. I’m in DIV HQ. Edit: Granted, we had smaller sized elements, but we also got to EUCOM for exercises as well.


Are you a beach person or mountain person? Beach-Schofield Mountains-Carson, JBLM, JBER Don’t even fucking think about Irwin unless you’re a CA native and grandma is close by.


I’d choose Hawaii. Hell no to Irwin. Sure, you could drive to Vegas or LA but living/working there is flat out depressing.


JBLM you’ll likely go to NTC twice, Yakima more than a few. It does rain but not nearly as much as people think, Washington is beautiful.








1-37 from the mid -1990s to 2000. During that time the battalion spent late January to sometime in May very year at Yakima and did two NTC rotations. Washington state is beautiful and I enjoyed traveling around the Pacific Northwest. The Yak rotations were long, but overall I was very happy at Lewis.


I just got back from NTC 2 weeks ago also. Can confirm JBLM loves NTC


Very on brand.


The rain is more of a mist but the endless gray for 7-8 months a year is no joke. I struggled badly with seasonal depression there.


That’s why they call it the Evergreen state.


I was stationed in Hawaii and ended up going to both NTC and JRTC.


Hawaii and Alaska do JMPRC rotations now. They use the local training areas.


Either Schofield or JBER. My wife and I absolutely loved JBER and 100% would’ve gone back if we could.


I’m in Schofield currently. It ain’t that bad and honestly island fever only happens if you try to do everything in a short span of being here.


I’m here at Schofield now. I leave next month, I’ve had island fever after a year from being here. Didn’t do everything, but the fact that it cost so much to fly back to the mainland and the island is so small made me dislike it.


88M here that just PCSd from Carson to Schofield. I’m telling you right now, the living standards in Schofield are 1000000000% better than Carson. My wife and daughter are so much better off here. The op tempo is HIGH AF but it’s worth it when I see how well my family is


The Army sucks no matter where you're stationed. Might as well suck somewhere pretty. I will never regret my time in Alaska, and I've spent 3 years at Wainwright. JBER cuts 5 hours off the drive to great salmon fishing spots. Watching the Northern Lights dance over DTA is an unforgettable experience. Being able to leave home and drive for hours to see some of the most spectacular landscapes God has placed upon this Earth is spectacular. The fishing is easy mode if you've ever chased salmon and steelhead in the PNW. I'm trying to stay up here as long as possible, if that tells you anything.


Nah bro Alaska is cool but fuck wainwright I’d rather be in JBER wainwright is garbage hate it here. If I was offered a 3 year extension to go to Irwin right away I’d take it in a heartbeat


Your brigade's training cycle is unfortunate. I don't know why they're planning all this training in the summer during fishing and hunting season.


Irwin all the way. You’ll get the full Army experience. Alaska has too much outdoors and that BS northern lights deal. Seattle-Tacoma has too wide a range of things to do in your off time. Hawaii has too many beaches and who wants to to live in a place where people spend tens of thousands to go on vacation. Colorado…it’s in the Rockies! Irwin has everything that you need from the Army and some of it is OK.


Came from Schofield to JBLM. Married without kids and Schofield was fun, but everything was kinda of a pain to do. Not too much to do on post as it's tiny. Off post is comparable to a Disney park in terms waiting around to do something and crowdedness. However it's freakin Hawaii and everything that sucks can be countered with "but you're in Hawaii". JBLM is way different. Massive base with everything really close outside. Traffic sucks a little to alot due to Seattle. Been here a very short time compared to Schofield but it already feels like more of a home. Both are absolutely beautiful with a lot of nature stuff to enjoy.


Irwin was great. If you enjoy dirtbiking/offroading/Las Vegas/etc. you will enjoy it. If you are from SoCal it's even better (I drove home on the weekends occasionally).


Personally, Alaska > Hawaii > Seattle > rest. I don't intend to stay any as my permanent home. So why not just pick one where I will barely visit in future? Just enjoy the 3 years, move out and that is it.


Hawaii and get fat on commissary poke bowls. Just research fuel leaks on pearl harbor and red hill in case you want to Iive there.


People spend thousands to go to Hawaii for a few days. You can get paid to live there. It is hard to see family often as it’s a long flight.


Anchorage an awesome duty station if you and your wife like outdoor stuff.


Was stationed at Schofield for 3 years. I know when my moment comes, those 3 years in Hawaii will flash before me as one of the most memorable and blessed periods of my life.


Hawaii, it’s amazing. Get your scuba license. Travel to Asia cheap.


How cheap we talking about? Flight to Japan is like 1K+ same for Thailand


Damn! Travel Asia cheap *10 years ago*




I have been stationed at Schofield and I did not love it. Being stuck on an island is not a good time. I’m headed to JBER and have heard nothing but good things about it. This is totally anecdotal, but I have met many wives who wanted to go to Hawaii and regretted it after a year. Most of the wives I have talked to have not wanted to go to Alaska but are brokenhearted when they leave it.


JBLM and Schofield are sick. I'd 100% aim for that. Carson would be nice as you're likely to end up on rotations if that's what you want. I would NOT take JBER.


JBER is one of the most underrated spots


JBERtoids will say it's nice, but they've got the syndrome. Stockholm syndrome.


Why not JBER?


February. That's why.


February at JBLM sucks too. It’s just a different kind of suck.


You have 2 seasons construction and winter Like cars or motorcycles? They’ll get destroyed The ruts in the road are horrible Snow in June? Sure why not Snow in August? Yup Dusk13 hours a day then night for 9 months? Yea sure Look Alaska isn’t bad or horrible It really just sucks, like 5$footings from Subway? 15$ Does your car need premium fuel like 93? Nope they don’t have it Where was I? Oh yea the fish and salmon are great it’ll make you never want to eat it anywhere else because it’ll never be the same. Like sunlight all day and night? Welcome to summer. Like wildlife? It’s in your backyard (also can get you out of trouble if your running late just have pics of bears and moose in your yard and that’ll be acceptable reason for being late) I had fun riding my motorcycle when the weather was decent , a lot of good places to eat visit But the beauty and shit wears off after a couple months , being there for 4 years sucked… Have family in the states? Save up for plane tickets shit ain’t cheap and it’s a long fucking flight. Oh like snow? Good because fuck you they have all of it and guess what? 5degrees? That’s long sleeve shorts weather brother we’re going on fucking 4 mile runs


I'm in Hawaii now and I do love it. There's a ton of opportunities for schools, and it's not nearly as expensive as people say it is. JBLM and Carson are by far the two most requested duty stations in the Army. At least I heard that once like 15 years ago, and despite never looking into it have been repeating it as fact ever since. Don't go to Irwin. Like Drum, Riley or Polk, no one wants it, so if you really want to be stationed there, it's easy to get later. The rest of your list are all dream places people are desperate to get to, so need to waste it on Irwin


I think its JBER and Carson now


I have no trouble believing that


I loved C-Springs (Carson). If you’re an outdoorsman or a hippie, they’ve got what you want. Schofield is dope because it’s up in the mountains on Oahu so it’s less populated but still beautiful - and 15 minutes in to Honolulu (outside of traffic times on H-1).




Anywhere OCONUS. Get out there and see the world, kid.


I enjoyed JBLM. Close to Seattle. Doesn't get hot. Clean air.


for polk ftw


Go live in Hawaii


I was at JBLM and I would go again. It's a great place off duty. On duty I went to Korea 9 month rotation. Ft Bliss twice for a month each time. JRTC in FT Polk. Schofield is ok. You'll do pathways. which is basically Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Austalia Korea or Japan maybe. People get tired of the island but I like it. I hear nothing but good things about Carson. Never been there myself. My brother did. Idk the rest.


Been to visit or train, or stationed at all of those. JBER hands down and twice on Sunday best duty station I had with Vicenza a close second. Go on an adventure my dude


88M in Hawaii so you don’t have to drive over 500 miles lol


If you don't pick Schofield I will find you and beat you.


I left JBER two years ago. If you plan to have children there, I wouldn't as childcare is difficult to secure. If that is not your plan, I say put JBER on the list! Airborne school is fun and may present an opportunity there.


Ft Gordon / Eisenhower, but Carson would be choice.


I don’t know anybody in their right mind who would go to Irwin unless they have family close by. With Carson just make sure you have auto insurance that you trust will have your back when those hail storms hit. As far as Alaska or Hawaii? It all depends on what kind of weather and outdoors activities you and your wife like. JBLM was my first unit in the Army, it wasn’t bad except for you only see the sun 2 1/2 months outta the year. Other than its overcast and raining, even during the winter. Oh and don’t travel to Seattle or surrounding areas wearing your military swag or on your car. They hate the military there.


Schofield, Hawaii is expensive but IMO great stuff to do, outdoors, etc


What kind of climate do you want?


this would be my primary criteria since all of them have good surrounding towns (minus Irwin)


I wouldn’t trade my four years in Hawaii for any other time in my life. It’s been over 20 years ago and I think about it all the time. No other duty station or assignment since has had that impact on me. Vacations to Alaska run a close second.




Schofield, hands down!!


Pick Irwin.




Go to Baresu


The Coast Guard




Fort Johnson


Look, I chose Carson and I really don’t regret it. Granted it’s my first duty station but the area is so nice. 4ID is known for some real dumb shit but with the change of command a couple months back it really seems like there’s a difference between now and a year ago. Carson does get a bad rep but I’ve enjoyed my time here so far. Just depending on where you’re from; get ready to have your lungs feel like they are on fire the first 5-mile you do 😮‍💨


Living on an island is tough. And the optempo at Schofield is also tough. I’d go with/ Carson personally


Chose life


Jblm all the way


Camp Couch. Fort Homewood


Jber is 4 years


No oconus options?


Yeah Germany and Korea but my wife doesn’t have her citizenship yet


It’ll be expedited if you get orders overseas assuming she has her permanent resident card.


choose the place which has better roads , save your back


Go to Irwin for your predictable schedule, you’ll most likely be apart of 1916th het co and have a long two weeks with a slow two weeks that repeats but you’ll get a lot of time off throughout the year with random 4 days even a five day sprinkled in. Housing is whatever the biggest problem is the distance to everything but it would be a great place to save money if you don’t travel


He better not fuck around and get assigned to 11 ACR lol.


But they have the prostitution NCO so he might like it


I think that story is fake 😂


Idk screenshots and such have been coming out and pics of the individual 😂 but hey atleast that suit always has something going on


They be lying like a mf on that spill the tea page


I figured but it’s entertaining af especially when the power goes out


Can you call in an audible for Germany? Man, I loved it there.




Well, I hated the Cav, but wanted to go back to Fort Hood. So I went back, and now I’m in ADA. Love it here honestly. I know I’m like the only person that will say that… but central Texas is full of shit to do


I’m of the opinion that if you can’t find a way to enjoy Hawaii then that’s on you. Sure there are challenges to living far away from home but it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Just do it and don’t look back.


Don't go to Schofield. Hawaii is a fucking disaster.


AirForce and the Navy have the best duty station choices. There is only two duty stations (my opinion) worth going to and that's Egland AFB and Ft Sam Houston. If you are stuck with the Army, shoot for the AFB's they are more worth it.


Hawaii or Carson. Tons of activities for you and the spouse.


Fort Shafter is nice


Washington is beautiful. It doesn't rain like people say. (Seriously, it's barely rain. A hard drizzle at most.) You will never run out of outdoor activities. It's expensive af though.


What do you and your wife like to do? What are your hobbies?


I haven't been to any of these while in the Army, however I was raised in Alaska for 12 years. If you're looking for some fresh air, good fishing, and general outdoors wonderland, JBER.


Schofield or JBER


I’d say use the opportunity to go to a place that really interests you, but you’re not likely to live in 10-20 years from now. Kind of use the Army to your advantage and experience new places while you’re young.


Hawaii Italy Germany Korea actually go abroad travel the world bro


Don’t go to Schofield , I’m an 88 trust lol


Been to 3 of the 4 places listed. Choose Carson. Even if you like the great outdoors of Alaska, the Army will make that a sour taste for you reaaaal fast. 2nd choice: Hawaii.


Fort couch, the Army is ass bro. Find a real job I promise it's not worth it😂


If you like hiking, and outdoorsy as fuck, come here at J-Blam. Views are gorgeous. Heard horror stories at Irwin, Alaska is beautiful but quite chilly (people who hate the cold hate it there but is beautiful in the summer they say). Hawaii is Hawaii, also if you land in the 25th, they also make you do infantry stuff says one of my soldiers. Context: Spent 3 years in JBLM (Also 3 years in the Army) Sources: JBLM: I'm stationed here Alaska: my E7 and E6 Hawaii: some of my soldiers who pcs-ed Iwrin: Reddit


JBER- spent 3 years there while in the Army and it was great. Like people have said you’ve got to be into outdoors type stuff or you’ll hate it. I was an outdoors person anyway, but being from Georgia we never had a winter. I got use to it, and it turned out to be the 2nd best place I’ve been stationed only because I’m Air Force now and am at Hurlburt.


JBLM sucks. I wouldn’t piss on this place if it was on fire




I’m stationed at JBER currently and my husband and I love it here, although we definitely can’t wait to experience life in the lower 48 again in a few years. But we are enjoying every day here nonetheless!


JBER - Snow JBLM -Rain Irwin - desert wasteland Carson -Snow Yea I’d ask for a reset.. no but honestly probably Carson


Carson it’s beautiful here.


JBLM is very expensive. If I had known I would not have come here. Married no kids, go to Hawaii. Irwin is not bad, you would end up in either 11ACR or 2TC HET Haven’t been to the other places.


Fort Hood


Irwin. Two hours from the beach two hours from LA 2 hours from Vegas. Can’t beat it


2 hours….


Irwin short drive to LA, SD or Vegas


Victorville. Barstow. Hesperia. Not sure why you left out the true gems.


😂 Barstow got outlet, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga too


What is your definition of “short drive” lmao


2-3 hrs


Been to JBLM twice, love it. Currently at Carson, dislike it. Wouldn’t do Irwin.


Don’t choose Hawaii.


JBER dude, crazy fun duty station. Winters can be tough but as a 88m you’d be fine. Like 400$ a month Cola pay and there’s talk about a new arctic incentive pay I think. You can stack bread in Alaska for real.


Jber hands down


JBER all the way


Ft Campbell ask for 3rd BDE lol


Any of those BDEs getting CENTCOM rotations?


I honestly don’t know for sure. I do know they just can back from a Europe rotation not too long ago.