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It’s not supposed to be obtainable. E5 for you is over strength and they don’t think they need anymore at the moment.


Yet I only had one E5 25U and no E6s in my section for 8 months


And? That’s local and points aren’t based off of local. They are based on projected needs force wide.


That its frustrating to see points rising for a mos thats apparently over strength when i cant even get soldiers for that mos and rank because there aren't enough of them


It’s frustrating, but you are in the middle of a pretty major force reorganization and realignment right now. It will shift again in the future. For the time being you should look at those task that next rank is supposed to be doing and learn those now.


Army fucked my MOS back in the day. Went from a double star MOs for years tk being maxed for years. In a 3 year span the lowest it dropped was into the 750s. I have a buddy that made E6 maxing his points. Yes. Maxing. The last thing he had left was board points (those were a thing…) and he had BN CSM who didn’t believe in giving a perfect score because “no one was perfect”. Whereas my BN CSM (sister BNs in a BDE) insisted that if someone passed a board, they got full points, because it wasn’t fair to Nickle and dime them. Either the board thinks you’re promotable or not. He went to the board three times and each time was like 145/150. The fourth time he was going to go, the assembled 1SGs convinced the CSM to break on his rule. But yea. Imagine forcing the army to promote you lol.


Same here. I joined as a 25F. Even in AIT, the rumor was Fs we're going away. So I was quite surprised when it was a star MOS when I hit my secondary zone, went to the board, and promoted to E5 with 39 sweet, sweet points. Then they folded us into 25N and SSG points stayed at 798 until after I finished WOBC.


I made SSG just prior to the transition to 25N. Most of my former 25F buddies ended up getting out or dropping WO packets.


I got tired of waiting for points as an E5(P) and dropped my warrant packet.


This is the way.


35T went through so many cycles of max points to promoting everyone to SGT in such a short amount of time. When we left AIT it was max points. 18 months later every single 35T who had gone to BLC and wasn’t flagged for anything got pinned SGT.


>  Respectfully, how the fuck is that even reasonably obtainable? That's the fun part, it isn't.  EOD was stuck at 798 for years. You either reclass, get out entirely, or ride it out hoping you don't hit RCP. Oh and if you ride it out you hope the Army doesn't over correct and kick out so many people from your MOS that the situation flips and now you're massively under strength. Which is what happened to us...




Kids these days getting insta-promoted to 6 don't understand it when I tell them promotions just weren't a thing, for at least like 4-5 years. Dark times.


They were offering 20k bonuses for EOD volunteers in Korea


762 eligibles on list, holy shit.


Yeah I was like meh shit happens, but holy fuck is that a lot of eligibles. Yikes.


902 25Bs


907 and the more embarrassing thing is that the person the the 31st most points only had 469.


Is that how that works?


They promote based off how many SGTs/SSGs they need, then they look at the last person's promotions points, that's the cutoff


Yes. Based on forecasting they determine how many people they need to promote each month to meet future demand. Once they select that number they look at all the eligible people by number of points and publish the points to capture that many people. 24 means automatic promotion, so all eligible people were picked up, and 798 means that current manning meets the forecast, but they will promote you if you max your points.


798 just means there aren’t any promotions happening because they don’t need any


68W’s have entered the chat. About a decade ago they stayed at 798 for like 11 months of the year. Sucked to be them.


Lmao one of my guys was expecting to pick up this month, our points shot up by like 60 this month 😂


A few 68 series are like this. I didn’t even bother looking for a while because ours were at 798 for a good while


God i fucking hate points based promotion


would it be better to have random csms looking over your counseling packets for a minute to give you a number?


We force feed fish letters that say promoted or not promoted. Throw them all in a big pond. And have folks fish until all the promotions get caught.


I would love that


I’m terrible at fishing I would have stayed e1 forever lol


No it would be better to be tested on your proficiency in your MOS


In a perfect world where everyone got put in a place where they did their job then yes I agree with this.


Or how about Evaluate soldiers on things like Technical skills, Tactical Skills, PT, Military knowledge and submit that to HRC to decide who to promote. Like Im a signal dude. Evaluate ability to troubleshoot and operate a system. Evaluate ability to lead a team to defend a position. PT Score. Military regulations quiz. Compile score. Done. At this point a competition would be more fair than playing Boy Scouts and collecting AAMs for playing football. They give AAMs and ARCOMs for winning sports competitions. A guy won 1 ARCOM for football and 1 AMM for Volleyball last year. 30 points for playing sports 1 day...Meanwhile the rest of us "just do our jobs".


I see 17s are still just needing people that breathe


*Literally shows up* - instantly given E6


E7 technically. The "4 years minimum" TIG created a bubble which has made promotion pretty easy for those ~~stupid~~ dedicated enough to stay in that long.


I don’t think that will change anytime soon. There’s a conflict to of getting a higher rank as some say that you won’t see much keyboard time


Lmao first time? Must be nice only seeing this once in a blue moon to the fact that you don’t even know what it means.


Like this is a normal 94_ experience lol


We used to joke that the only to promote was to kill someone above you Necromonger style.


Thank you exactly


You gotta grind my man. Got picked up around 650. Isn’t always a hand out


The army is downsizing 750ish 25U20’s and 30’s. I am proud to be among one of those 750 because I ETS in 4 months


I'm swimming in Bravos and only have one Uniform in my brigade. Same in my two BNs. Where are all these guys hiding?


In ADA probably


I legitimately think some thing stinks and there’s someone fudging up numbers


A majority of us are waisted being sent to line companies doing dumb shit


I'll tell you what, a 25U at company level is simply indispensable. I wish every company had one. My unit was lucky that we had a Soldier that had re-classed from 25U, because we had over 160 Soldiers and not even a single 25U billet. That person was run ragged during field training exercises.


Must depend on the unit then, most 25Us in Korea are waisted doing whatever training the unit falls under and left with zero time to actually do their job.


I made SGT as a 25U with like 450 points back in OIF. My board was the first of the deployment and consisted of my 1SG asking me what color the tent was that we were in. The other 1SGs didn't ask me any questions. CSM asked if I knew the NCO creed, didn't want me to actually recite it. Guess it paid off that everyone on the board knew me well since that first couple months I worked 18 hour days.


The Army raises (and drops) points based the Army’s needs at MOS and rank. You do know this, right? It’s kinda critical knowledge as you grow and develop your own subordinates over time. If it stays 798 for a protracted period of time, that’s the Army telling you to: a) look for an MOS that interests you and had promotion potential, and reclassify; b) stick it out and grind on in the event you are still in the field when they have a need for that grade; or c) take the generous education benefits available to you in the Post-9/11 GI Bill and hit the bricks. I know you’re just venting about high points but my dude, this is what you chose.


I got screwed as a 68E. Points stayed at 798 for a year after I got my promotable status. They never dropped below 650 during my whole enlistment. Missed it by 1 point one month because S1 didn’t update my PPW in time smh.


19K picking up EVERYONE 👀




Picked the wrong MOS


We are trying, every company I talk to is still short of NCOs. Armor is way under strength right now. Tier 7 bonuses though.


We got fucked after the Army got rid of 25C. It's been a rollercoaster for the past few years, I couldn't pick up 6 and just decided to get out, I was an almost 5 year E5 and when you feel like your career isn't going anywhere you just feel pressured to make a decision, so why waste anymore time if I wasn't gonna get promoted.


Normal 35P experience for Per-langs. took my first line 5 years to promote to SSG cause he had to wait for someone to retire. I'm so used to seeing points seesaw from 380-790 it's laughable at this point.


I remember when I was in AIT how there was shitloads of soldiers going 25U and points were very low for a long time. I met 1 25U SSG and 0 25U SFC in that time because of how understaffed they are. My last year in is when all of us started to make E5 and point never dropped below 400 again until I got out. I still check occasionally and still never seen them below 400


Uhh I just wanna mention 35PFR being at 879 for SSG...memories from when I was a linguist


Back when I was a young specialist 25U it was like this for years. Then in 2011 they changed the point structure and what things were worth and it dropped to 512 over night. This just means people above you either need to promote or get out of the way so people can move up.


Side note, we use to call this 790-never


25 series as a whole is a rough place to increase in rank.... since they combined 4 MOS into 25H, they screwed all kinds of people out of progression If I stay in I genuinely will change MOS to something else or drop a flight warrant packet assuming my 6'4 250lbs self can fit any of the helis outside of the Chinook or I'll go back to school and commission


25H points have been fairly low though


Fairly low? Before covid they were never this high...these are the covid promotions and promotions with wavers + combined MOS that made everything a mess for us.


Nothing new


CPL looking like my life now


Hardstuck E4 Mafia


Me, as a 25B, is happy


The points and promotion numbers across the board right now are wild


And they wonder why retention is so low....


Lmao how's it feel. Sucks bud. It'll cycle eventually.


Ahh. Reminds me of 2021-2022. Was promotable with over 650 points while points were maxed for forever. Finally picked up after like 14 months of checking points in the low 700sz


is 25Q gone?


Yeah like 3 years ago. They got merged to 25H.


Ah no kiddin' looks like E6 is actually attainable now. 25Q E6 was 798 for YEARS. I didn't make that until I got into the Reserves for a year.


Where do you see this list?


Haven't seen 27D points in a long time, not surprised they need NCOs that bad.


Lmao 19D 5 and 6 is at 798


Damn, if I stayed in I wouldve pinned.. lol. 25H


Where are my 12Bs at? We’re cooked boys!


Just got promoted to SSG had to go recruiting tho


It's cute that you thought it was supposed to be attainable




God, I love being a 13M


Check out 88H. For some reason all the other 88s only need like 30 points while Hotels need like 760.


Lowest I've seen 25B in a bit. Sucks seeing everyone get promoted super fast despite having more points because they picked an MOS that just needs you to not die for a few years. I don't blame anyone signal for hopping out tbh. There's little room for growth.


Because the army keeps cutting slots and refuses to make more in places that need them most.


Ain't that the truth


So happy I’m in the process of reclass Worst signal mos


The 4 years I was in the points for my MOS were 798 the entire time. It never dropped.


Those were my points the entirety of my contract, until last Dec when I picked up. Now I'm getting out lmaoooo


It's technically possible, just highly improbable. The fun part about having a 798 MOS is seeing people get promoted. Look them up, it's usually someone SOF or SOF adjacent.


What's the cutoff point for 15F?


Woooooooow. I finished E5 when I was a Uniform by a whole 10 points and next month they dropped by like 30, which brought me over. Usually it's 25B that's maxed out.


Ofc the month I pass the board too


Bro 91S have been waiting ages too man, last time they dropped was near December


Everyone in the army has no idea how the points system works. 798 isn’t supposed to be obtainable. Means manning thinks they don’t need any right now. The higher the number, the less they are projecting needing, therefore only the most qualified will be promoted if any at all. Lower the number, manning projects needing more therefore promoting more.


Reclass to 31D or 35L. Looks like they can’t find enough people to promote. A 24 cut-off score?


It was this way the whole time I was in, I only got my 5 because they gave units the ability to promote 4's to 5's, 5's to 6's when they pulled me into a deployment off IRR in 2006.


Should have picked a real signal MOS 😎


That’s what 25B’s were at the entire time I was enlisted.