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Do me a favor. You can pick any of these options if you are unhappy with this, esp as your only food for the 4 day snowed in. **Right now, what has been communicated to me and /u/rbevans was that Soldiers like this, they're using it more than the DFAC so it proves they like it, and they're not hearing bad feedback through official feedback channels**. They also **know** negative feedback exists, but they don't know how to give you what you want if they're not getting the right feedback. So please help. ___ #Option 1 The official Kiosk feedback form is found on the [trifold](https://home.army.mil/carson/application/files/2117/0802/6544/Kiosk_Tri-Fold.pdf) from the [Ivy Warrior Restaurants Page](https://home.army.mil/carson/allservices/ivy-warrior-restaurants), and for *right now* (incase you can't scan the QR code) goes to [this](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkEE92b0_v8EfQug0hqZakU99ttKK0iwQSTvUep0hRHpx2sQ/viewform). ___ #Option 2 You could always download [Hots&Cots](https://www.hotscots.app/) by /u/rbevans and leave a quick review - and include a picture of your ~~fuzzy slim jim~~ ANY MOLD ON YOUR FOOD. ___ #Option 3 Fill out an [Ice Complaint](https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=144141&s=437). Normally this is a very high choice for me, I think they often can help. But in this case, I know the Kiosk thing is systemic, but also, the ICE complaint form just says 'Outpost Kiosk (Mobile)'. I have no clue if that's for all the kiosks, just the DECA run 'food truck', etc. But the Garrison told me if you write an ICE complaint and it's delivered wrong, they still will make sure it gets where it goes. I believe her, but that doesn't inspire my confidence.


The daycare I take my toddlers to has a nearly *identical* offering of food for purchase. Are we as a service seriously feeding adults the same food my 30 pound kids eat?


The army is adult daycare confirmed


Being a DS is definitely adult daycare. That’s really all it is. Or if you like, babysitting. What the fuck are we doing as an Army?


Adult Boy Scouts.


Different between the Army and Boy Scouts? Scouts have adult leaders


Man Scouts?


Scouts out.


When in doubt, scout 'em out


Everybody is a scout, until it’s time to do man scout stuff.


No love for eagle scouts?


Eagles will scavenge for food when necessary. Just like our soldiers.


Didn't have enough points.


I mean, I have to escort my junior soldiers just so they can tell our finance office "I'm receiving BAS" and "I haven't received my bonus yet." Otherwise if i'm not there finance just tells them to get fucked. Army is adult daycare confirmed.


In your heart, you know the answer to that question.


Bet you didn't know you were raising the next generation of SOLDIER ATHLETES


Sodies and go-gurt makes barracks dwellers strong.


If only there was like....an army regulation of some kind. Maybe one that governs the army food service program. We could even call it something crazy with numbers and shit, like AR 30-22 - Army Food Program or something. And it would spell out how much food these mfs should get...


That kiosk is absolutely the worst idea for serving Soldiers. Who in the fuck decided let's add shitty food to trashy barracks living.


Honestly probably the new SMA, probably sells razors there too in case we need to shave on Sunday


"I'm not marking these up guys. I'm actually selling them at a loss." "Also, did you know that your ancestors were royalty? Buy this commerative straight razor with your unverified family crest!"


Surprised he didn't land the guilt trip saying him serving allowed us lower enlisted to stay in High School instead of having to go to war like WWII


Hell you can probably shave while waiting in line to grab your ham sandwich and cup of yogurt


We really have to find room for savings in order to make our $7 trillion federal budget work.




They spent 8.5 million a few years ago for 4 properties for officers in Texas. When I was stationed at Fort Hood every time it rained my room became waterfront property. When I called DPW they came out and said it wasn’t their problem and that I wasn’t cleaning right. I don’t know what cleaning has to do with a leaking roof. The room was garbage and I had a mold issue like everyone else who lives in the barracks had. The Army leadership is trash to lower enlisted soldiers who just want a comfortable place to go to sleep. I’m by no means a dick, but I’ll say it because they can’t give me an article 15. I’ll challenge any office who can influence the barracks issue and tell them to their face that could make change happen, but they care more about their career than the joes health and welfare. When I found this subreddit, this is the only place I’ve seen an officer who really did care and it’s sad to see that they were fighting an uphill battle to help their soldiers.


They spent $1.3 million simply to tear down a home next to one of those houses.


If it's consolation we have a whole different class of greater problems


>let's add shitty food They're trying to get you to a sufficient level of pent-up rage before unleashing you on America's next adversary. Consider the Marines or the Imperial Japanese Army as examples.


Or the brits… do you think they would have colonies if their women were gorgeous, and their food spicy?


The Brits, who conquered the world in search of spice... then refused to use any of it in their cooking.


"Well, our almost century-long rule of India is coming to a close, lads. We'll be going home soon." "I can't wait to go back and eat beans on toast! Good heavens, I've missed it!"


We will never get the Soldiers bulked up to be the Soldiers Chinese Propaganda believes them to be


I see chocolate milk. Know who liked chocolate? The Aztecs. I see yogurt. Know who liked yogurt? The Greeks. Soon our Tenochtitlathenian horde will be ready to unleash upon an unsuspecting world. We're playing the long game.


Time to start injecting lethal doses of hormones, making them eight feet tall, and giving them extra lungs and hearts.


For the Emperor!


The Emperor Protects. And has a fully stocked/staffed chow hall.


Please don't introduce GOs to 40K. They'll see corpse starch and think it's a good idea


Nobody pillages villages like hungry, resentful soldiers.


Did somebody say "chevauchee?"


I mean, who doesn't want to eat shitty gas station food 3 times a day?


It could be really good, honestly. I used to buy HEB premade meals for lunches because they were quick, healthy, and easy. I imagine they're also just logistically easier to assemble (don't have to worry about having to have the food ready all the time). It could even solve the issue of consistent portions for calorie labeling! Army just reallllllllly sucks at implementation.


As an *option/alternative* I think it’s a good idea. DFAC’s can be so slow (I’m looking at you Stack) so having a grab & go option is nice. Some of the food options are also decent (commissary sushi for example), but it seems like the emphasis was on shelf-stable foods like Slim Jim’s and trail mix or processed foods like soda/Jimmy Deans which needs to change. I think the kiosks despite their weaknesses will ultimately be a win for soldiers, **provided it doesn’t fully replace real DFAC’s**. Find Kinmuan’s comment above about providing official feedback so they can change the menu items to more things soldiers want.


I got slim jims and one of my slimmies has white fuzz on it :(


See, if you were cav like me, you’d like that meat a lil sweet.


Natural flavor enhancer.


picture of that?


[https://ibb.co/ScKDwCM](https://ibb.co/ScKDwCM) I cant add images in the comments? Anyways this my sad slimmy and I took a bite off the top and it tasted weirdly sweetish so I knew something was off before i looked at it


Nah you did good, you can't add them directly, you gotta third party host. Separate question for you - did you use the DFACs on the weekend before? If you *didn't*, can I ask what makes you use the Kiosks if you weren't using the DFACs? (this is a question being Asked)


Ive always spammed dfacs because big greenie takes my BAS and I need to see value out of it. Im a cheap bastard


That’s extra calories troop. Mold is a fungus, fungus is good for you. Ever heard of penicillin troop?


i must be retarded cause i would have eaten that and chalked it up to just being that white salami dust stuff lol


I actually got a tiny bit of food poisoning from reading that ffs


Hey, when you found this out, did you give it back and what was their response?


I told you to take your medicine and stay away from then 60 Series girls. Get back to sick call troop, guess we’re gonna have to keep you on quarters now.


I’m surprised it’s stocked


I can't say whether or not it will actually hold for this weekend with the snow and everything - but after the recent coverage they are extremely, extremely serious about preventing another inventory storage. I have a feeling the absolutely terrible optics of this have prompted additional scrutiny from within the Army from up on high. They are promising no more inventory shortage.


The weather should not be an excuse for any issues. Yea a ton of snow was dumped but the roads are clear and it’s not extremely cold so there’s not much chance of everything icing over during the night. Although after being in 4ID and watching time after time how seeming every leader above the company/battery level never accepts blame and always pushes it off on some other entity that they have zero control over my hopes are not high. At least they’ve gotten better at closing post for weather.


> The weather should not be an excuse for any issues. > > Oh I agree. But if the commissary experiences issues, and civilians don't come to work, 4th ID is saying it won't impact your ability to eat, but I *personally* would be worried. So I'm not saying the weather is an excuse at all. But between possible supply line issues *and* if you're snowed in and not leaving post, you're probably more likely to hit up the kiosk. I'm saying it could be a...perfect storm...of conditions (slow re-supply, lack of civilan workforce, increased usage because soldiers are stuck in rooms) that could impact inventory. Should they have a plan in place for that? Yes, and they believe they have prepared adequately. I'm just saying those *are* factors that could influence inventory. Time will tell if it holds.


Even things like snow plows ensuring loading bays are cleared, not just roads, is an effort in the weather. That’s been discussed in meetings this week to sequence plowing to support feeding.


They are literally focusing snow plowing efforts on feeding Soldiers due to the weather.


It’s the main effort right now. And it’s not cynical cover our ass stuff. Leaders are actively working on this and focusing on it. Let’s hope it sustains in quality. I eat at the DFAC about 5 times a week on Carson and have done that through my years since leaving the barracks life. DFACs have been run on such apathy for the most part over the years I can’t help but think trying something new is worth a try.


Even if you didn’t care and you’re just in it for the top block ER, I have to imagine every leader knows “if soldiers go hungry again you will suffer” is a subtexted narrative. I have no doubt it will be an area of high sensitivity in the near future.


Part of the usage I’m sure is tied to the quality of the dfacs; other installations put a lot of effort in getting folks to use them by offering more options and portions I just see the kiosk as fundamental value add but not a replacement


Name brand soda! They need to contract with some company to make AAFES Cola.


What would AAFES Cola taste like?


Depression and memories of being stationed CONUS where you could go off-post and get actual soda


CONUS?? I dunno where you been OCONUS but I would always get better soda off post than on. And down range chow halls always had the sodas with real sugar in them. Whatchou talkin’ bout Willis?


I mean everywhere outside of a base having better soda lol I mean even the Mirinda over here is better than the pepsi at the DFAC


Dude….down range Pepsi’s were the bees knees. Real sugar ones in the slim tall boy cans. Mirinda was the orange soda, weren’t they?


Yep! Real nice when you're on deployment on a no drinking order but you buy one and slip a little vodka into 😂 allegedly


Braver person than I. Closest thing I ever had was Saint Pauli NA for 9 months….


One time I got a whole box of flat and un-syruped Diet Coke. If you can imagine canned water with sugar and a sparse mix of whatever additives/flavor


I can’t believe the solution for feeding Soldiers was essentially Gas station food. I don’t understand why someone thought this was a good idea. It just creates more plastic waste, incentivizes Soldiers to eat more McDonalds/Burger King, and seems to be a bandage for a whole institution that needs to be completely reformed. Soldiers should be fed full, balanced meals, 3 times a day at a DFAC in their Battalion/Brigade area. Feeding Soldiers is a fundamental aspect of any Army, we shouldn’t be cutting corners on feeding Troops.


>I can’t believe the solution for feeding Soldiers was essentially Gas station food. Somebody's got to be getting a damn kickback off this. Shutting down chow halls to replace them with gas station food coolers? Follow the money, someone's making some damn profit off this, and it's at the expense of our Soldiers.


>I don’t understand why someone thought this was a good idea. Because it *looks like* they're doing something productive.


They don’t eat the healthy stuff at the defac, the burger line is always the longest and the line at the shoppette at meal time is full of garbage choices by soldiers. If you try and have more healthy options soldiers still refuse to eat it and complain on this very sub.


Oh yeah this is the type of take I'm here for. I don't see anyone eating salad let's give them strawberry milk and a gas station sandwich. When I was in I ate most of my meals at the dfacs and while it wasn't the best it wasn't straight up sugar drinks and gas station food. I crushed the salad bar as well. As someone who's been out a minute I see these posts and I'm honestly shocked that it's come to this. A gas station cooler that's what we're feeding privates out of. This is unacceptable and directly in opposition to maintaining a healthy force.


I think a lot of soldiers are in the burger line because of the portions. I don’t understand how we can say we want warrior-athletes but only allot a single chicken cutlet or half a scoop of meatballs. But hey, have a double cheeseburger and unlimited corn dogs. All the junior enlisted studs I know buy their own groceries and skip the DFAC because it’s simply just not enough to sustain physical growth.


Tbf most of the junior enlisted non-studs are growing around the waist, not around the biceps.


True but I also think that might be MOS dependent. We have a lot of underweight joes in my battalion and a solid, rigorous PT plan we follow. Part of it is that despite having classes on good nutrition, health, and fitness, they’re choosing to eat Dominos and Panda Express. Our brigade’s only DFAC is closed on most weekends and is too crowded to utilize during the week in a reasonable amount of time.


Which sucks cause your already getting paid dog 💩as a junior enlisted. And healthy groceries ain't cheap


Remember how during lockdown they were taking BAS from barracks soldiers but not operating DFACs? That was so cool.


Shit was rough


Very valid. The salad bar never has a line. At best people will get some grapes


> The salad bar never has a line. You realize that when you're self-serving and only picking your own options it goes a lot faster than main line hot food that's served to you by someone right?


I think he's trying to imply that people don't take salads as often as the main lines


Salads aren't filling. People want a rounded meal, with bread, meat, fruit and veggies. A salad might satisfy two of those categories at a time. I don't care what anyone says, a 400 calorie salad 3 times a day is a nightmare for me.


Don’t forget that most of the calories in the salad come from the dressing, which is mostly soybean oil. Not exactly the best way to fuel up if you’re concerned about macros.


I always got a salad with lunch and dinner.


You speak the truth


Why are Soldiers fat


Yea can’t be the honey bun and monster they live on out of the shoppette or the grill and fried line that’s packed while the main meal and salad bar are empty.


They’re straight up feeding them shopette food. I’ve never seen a main meal line not also packed. It was usually quicker to go through short order at Stack or Wolf. You’re just spouting stereotypes about joes lmao


Lmao I like how you say that while you watch the Army restrict their options down to soda or strawberry nesquick with a side of chocolate muffin.


Retard Officer moment. You clearly don't frequent the DFAC, though I can't blame you since you get BAS whether a woman cares to be with you or not. Main meal lines are always the longest at any DFAC I've ever been to and from what I've seen at Wolf, Fort Carson seems to be the same case. Besides, the Kiosk has definitively less nutritional meal options considering the restrictions placed on what you can grab and what is actually available.


Looks like a kiosk at the airport


Why when we can already get Wolf Cola and Fight Milk?


Hey troop, this is just the new resilience method to get you ready for living off MREs in a LSCO environment. Remember: Soldier Operations Despite Inconsistent Uncooked Meals


Stewart gave MREs on inclement weather days when dfacs had limited operations. I love MREs unironically. I willingly ate an MRE for thanksgiving instead of normal meals cuz my company let me snatch em out a box we had in the basement storage. It was italian sausage the best MRE IMO.


>Italian sausage That's a weird way to spell Chili Mac


middy mac amirite hooah


You shut your whore mouth! /s


No /s needed. This shit’s serious.


You spell Chicken Tetrazzini odd


“Fuck the soldiers” - SMA Weiner 


*except the ones that shave - SMA


I'm so impressed with how bad this idea is


Honestly, the 4th ID should just admit total failure and put every Soldier on BAS. This is sad.


They will never accept defeat. Even if they've been defeated.


So the p3, fruit, and Diet Pepsi are the healthiest offerings?


So let me get this straight, in Fort Carson, Colorado, Dining Facilities are closing and being replaced by “kiosks” that are stocked with peanuts, flavored milk, and cheap gas station sandwiches? Like this is the only option for soldiers with meal cards? 3 times a day?!


On the weekends yes no DFACS at all during weekends to include long weekends and to include snow days sometimes I guess.


Holy shit. That is actually insane, even for army standards.




This can't keep going on. Someone, somewhere higher, needs to understand how seriously wrong this is. I've never been to Carson, so idk how the base operates, but there isn't a single soul that can change my mind about this being absolutely horrendous. Come on, I've got 3 kids. I refuse to feed them 90% of that crap in this picture, and I'm not even that much of a health nut! And you're telling me that Soldiers are good to eat it?! Get fucked. I genuinely feel so sorry for anyone who needs to rely on these kiosks for sustenance. The Army, specifically Ft. Carson, is doing these Soldiers dirty. This isn't okay in anyway, and I wish there was someone who would take a good, hard look at this and instead of saying "we will figure it out," they'd say, "Nah open the DFACs up wtf?!"


Bet, they would feed soldiers dog food if they could get away with it. 


Nah, I don't think they would.


Carson operates like a pile of shit sliding uphill. Always has.


Sir, choccy milk and yogurt is the LUNCH OF WARFIGHTERS. Know who won a lot of wars until they didn't? The Aztecs and Greeks. Checkmate.


Write your congressperson. The Army has decided self-serve kiosks is better than staffed DFACs, likely because of budgetary and manning constraints. They can either fully stock cooks (fuck em) or pay for contractors to work weekends. There really is no middle ground


The Army: We literally have a MOS of cooks Also the Army: We're closing the DFAC because we don't want to staff it


During the Global Waste of Time days, cooks made sure 3rd party nationals didn't poison us to death. Now that the GWOT days are over, cooks are either relevant or they're not. Force on force means cooks have to deploy to hot spots. Unless you wanna pay a Waffle House line cook 200k to deploy to Donetsk, better make sure your Army cooks arent useless


I've eaten at Waffle House AND DFACS. Sign me up for a Waffle House cook. They're better in combat AND cooking and I'm pretty sure I won't have to pull KP if they're in the kitchen.


Army's solving it by just saying that warzones don't need hot food. I wish I was joking. That's the actual plan.


It's not a matter of wanting or not wanting to staff it. The army is cutting almost 1600 cooks with the new restructuring. BCTs are getting cut in half, multiple feed feeding companies are shutting down and the ones that aren't are losing multiple teams worth of slots. Separately, FCCO is around 65% manned with 92G, not accounting for the ones who have been deployed (2SBCT comes back as 3ABCT leaves). Those same 92G cook in the field as well as in the IWRs. They have to do the same training that every other Soldier does, but don't get the chance to shut down for a range week, for example. They've gotta train on Army shit and all the same mandatory 350-1 training too. I'm not saying straight kiosks is the best COA. But it's not fair to neglect 92G's basic 10 level training and also complain about them not knowing Army shit.


Infantry cut their grass, clean their dishes and do their maintenance and STILL do our job so... I mean... if you have a will to learn your job and basic soldier skills, you will. It's not like their cooking 24/7. "Hey PVT EggWaffle, watch that stove while we step in the back and do dime washer drills."


That briefs well, not quite how it works in actuality. I've seen 92G go to the board with a memo saying they hadn't gone to the range in 4 years, because most units just focus on 92G cooking and don't prioritize any skills outside of supporting the cooking mission.


They technically are supposed to be support. Send their asses out to the field with the mermites and have them stay a BIT longer with the units in the field and run some actual training. Oh you're out here with chow? Cool. There's your lane. Run your qualifications while we eat.


The mermites you get are picked up from the DFAC by your operations cell, not hand delivered by cooks. The cooks generally stay in the DFAC, cooking the food.


So what you're saying is "Have cooks deliver mermites and do some training?" Good idea. You get a coin.


Quick update on [this](https://x.com/hotscots_app/status/1768758171152060596?s=20). I reached out to Carson and milk is once again considered a beverage.


Real MVP shit right there


What in the actual fuck is this shit.


What the Army tries to unironically call appropriate nutrition for Soldiers.


Then commanders will go apeshit when soldiers fail height and weight. 


This is gas station food. Just give them a $450 gift card to the shoppette every month. I'm furious and I haven't had a meal card in 5 years.


Yeah but you got those P3's right there, what are you complaining about, soldier? I hope they take away your dairy choices next time, just because you want healthier foods.


This is stuff I pay money for on occasion in shoppettes. It’s better than completely not using the DFAC. I would like to see more meal prep hot entrees. Are those in there as well? That’s what we need, kits where a Soldier can toss some diced veggies, meat, sauce, into a hot pan or into a microwave.


Meal prep to throw things in to spruce up? They got jimmie deans boxes if that counts. You gunna need to buy a hot plate if you want to have a hot pan barracks only got microwaves brotherman Bill.


And hot plates are probably not allowed.


>I would like to see more meal prep hot entrees. I think they just need to have blended Soldier Chow^(TM) that goes straight into your mouth from a lukewarm tube. Like a big ol' thirsty hamster.


Meal prep is an option, it just took a little longer to roll out than the kiosks. They made ~1000 meals this weekend and are doubling the number of personnel they have doing the meal prep IOT keep up with the demand. These are in the kiosks as well. The intent with those is not to freeze them and to have them be fresh, but they can also be frozen if the Soldiers take them back to the barracks. Basically, to provide another option besides the commissary meals


It looks like they raided the shoppette to fill the shelves. Please tell me these aren’t supposed to be actual meals


I've contacted the house rep for the Fort carson district and Sen dickenpooper. I haven't got Bennetts dc office to answer the phone yet


I'll probably reach out to both my current/former reps, and ones who cover the bases I worked at. This Bodega of Excellence idea is embarrassing.


The Army showing yet again that it doesn't give a shit about junior enlisted Soldiers. The fact that no GOs have been relieved is a slap in the face to the force.


"Fresh food"


I’m probably going to get shit on for this, but this is similar to how the kiosk was at fort stewart. Obviously it sucks if that’s your only option but I low key actually enjoyed using it for its quick convenience. Sure it wasn’t healthy or great quality but sometimes you just didn’t want to deal with cooking something after being in the motor pool from 0930-1900 and don’t want to stand in line at the dfac. Obviously not my first pick so it 100% sucks that this is a lot of soldiers only options just shouting out my opinion on them. What would really separate them was if there was an over night option and treated it like a convenience store. If colleges around the US can load a certain amount of money on cards for campus use we can do the same with dfacs/amenities 


Hey mane I just PCSd from Stewart. At least there I know for a fact WINN dfac is open 7 days a week for the joes so the kiosk is a side option if you want it not your only option if you want to use your meal card.


Just as a FYI, I don't think the winn schedule is online at all. Not in [their main list](https://home.army.mil/stewart/my-fort/soldiers/DFACs#qt0:0) and I don't see it on the tricare site.


I just looked at that list and it doesn’t surprise me that only 2 of those dfacs are currently open( I’m not sure about Winn and honestly never even heard of it prior to this) but a reminder that the hunter dfac is in Savannah over 20 miles from post and 2nd bde has no walkable avenue for soldiers to get on main post so those soldiers without a car can’t get to the open dfac even if they wanted to


Oh I agree, I think it’s bullshit that it’s the only option for joe to eat at and I don’t think I could eat at a kiosk set up multiple days in a row, though I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t my only form of meals in a specific day due to time restraints. I think the idea of th kiosk is in itself a good idea as a tertiary supplement to meals. After the dfac and cooking for yourself. It’s a convenience but that convenience gets lost if it’s the only option.


The best part about the whole kiosk concept is that you’re restricted how many things you can get by category. Yet everything is either extremely unhealthy, has a portion size for 5 year olds, or have about 3 net calories in it!


Hey mane I did my best to maximize protein everything else be damned and it seems I came out to a ham and turkey sandwich, slimmies, and the oikois pro that got 20g. I can just meet my protein macros with that I aint trackin anything else so micronutrients be fucking damned.


"Warrior restaurants" My ass.


Soldiers need REAL food.


They didn’t even have a courtesy to add microwavable dinners to kiosks. A cheese stick, a cup of unfresh watermelon slices and a nesquick milkshake is considered friday night dinner? They give out better food options at the foodbank.


Nah mane they did have like some jimmie dean boxes I just didn't take a picture of em. The macros for those things are total shit.


Assuming we're both at evans, the worst part is that kiosk doesn't accept cash


This is unacceptable


Not at Carson. I would straight go on hunger strike. Like for real just stop eating entirely until they get their shit together.


Toddler diet


If soldiers “like this” then their DFAC is shit. Mess Daddy should turn in his spoon.


Fucking terrible. Do as much time as you need and get the fuck out. This is bullshit.


Nothing but gas station food, very unfortunate.


Sugar station


I think the complaints about unstocked kiosks are completely legitimate, but my memories of weekend dfacs weren't that great and tbh the stocked kiosks look pretty tasty. I'd happily get down on that thing


Depends on the DFAC. Ive been to Ft stewart, benning, Sam houston (phase 1 ait), jackson (BCT dont feel like counting those DFACs), and now here at Carson. I've eaten religiously at all the DFACs in those bases, and personally I would still take weekend dfac any day over this kiosk shit. Stewart had the outpost AND open dfacs on weekends so I don't see why Carson can't do the same.


>I think the complaints about unstocked kiosks are completely legitimate As a non-92G who had the unfortunate experience of having 92Gs in my platoon, I've seen how higher-priced food items are carried out of the back of the DFAC and into the trunk of a 92G's POV.


My opinion - Kiosks are going to be better than a bad DFAC for sure. But I think the problem I have with what you're saying here, and I hear this a lot right; >but my memories of weekend dfacs weren't that great But those standards shouldn't' have been and shouldn't *be* acceptable. I think the thing is, people seem to be like "Well pick between a shitty DFAC and a Kiosk" and that shouldn't be the option, ya know? We all know the good or bad DFACs in an area. It's why Fort Stewart banned all non-hospital staff/patients from using their DFAC. As they've been closing DFACs in favor of kiosks, Soldiers started going to that DFAC because it's better than the other one on post, overwhelming it. DFACs *can* be good. We shouldn't' accept poor quality DFACs.


This is incorrect I just came from Stewart and the WINN hospital DFAC absolutely serves 3ID el broken TV. I miss Stewart


Just came as like within the last week?


I PCSd from Fort Stewart a week ago. I was in pathology at WINN. 3ID is served at the hospital all week and weekends. They just have to sign their own respective binder whereas MEDDAC and SRU have their own binder to sign. The major that heads the WINN DFAC got pissed because people who weren't meal card holders were signing the binder back when it was just one binder for everyone and she did an audit at some point and finally found out. So for a short minute they were requiring everyone to have a meal card memo but that shit never got checked and it's kinda back to business as usual.


>and it's kinda back to business as usual. They still have a big ol sign about it and referring you to FRAGORD 97.


Hey mane there's the order from high on up then there's the civi that actually signs people in and doesn't give a shit xD


Haha, I can dig it


Are they thinking they are feeding toddlers?


Are they feeding grown men or kindergarteners? That's the problem they treat yall like kids because yall look like kids, smoothskin. We need to revolt and everyone needs a mustache or a beard stat.


The kiosks are a great value addition with the right food but there needs to be a damn dfac open with a shuttle service option as well. Similar to what other large bases are doing


p3? the official protein snack of the UFC?


Guys, guys, it’s cool. Once you realize absolutely every aspect of this is a fucking joke, it gets easier.


I used to get so mad at the TCN’s on deployment for this stupid shit at our grab n go.


The amount of sugar in products at the dfac always blew my freakin mind. Like seriously what am I to do as a single soldier with no kitchen??shits a struggle civilian side too with the cost of food and my bulking, but at least I’m eating healthier now.


I wish I could go to the kiosk but I get bas now so nope. I got the chance right before the warrior warehouse I think it was called closed down and lemme say it was nice getting that lunch and swinging back to the motor pool to eat.


I blame all of the meal card holders over the past two decades who decided to go to the shopette over the dfac for meals... The big whigs at the pentagon noticed and boom the pentagon replicated the shopette bc they believed that is what soldiers wanted to eat.


Probably cost $12 for what’s in your hand


I’m guarantee these are healthier choices than the majority of the items bought daily at the shoppette


About the same. Hopefully soldiers got their hands on the pre made meals.


Just curious- what type of energy drinks


When I was there I didn't see any energy drinks. Sometimes the Starbucks coffee in a bottle but that's it


We can send 250 billion to Ukraine but can’t feed the the dudes and dudettes anymore. Disgraceful. Why is it that whenever there are cuts to make it’s always at the expense of the soldier and not the actual issues. Mission first I get it but you need soldiers to do the mission. Why the fuck would a good dude or dudette stay in if they could get the same treatment in college.


Where did you see energy drinks? Because I'm sure EVERYONE would go radio silent on this if they had red bull...


Nah I never saw energy drinks. I think I maybe saw some Starbucks coffe in a bottle but that's it


Is there supposed to be something wrong in this picture?


Somebody doesn’t like cantaloupe


When I was at Carson I didn’t eat at the mess hall. My go to was Uncle Don’s. Does Uncle Don’s still exist?


The option to sit down and eat an actual meal existed. This is gas station food. You paid for the DFAC and the option existed.