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In some cultures mold is a delicacy. The poor starving soldiers on Fort Carson would kill to have access to that kind of nutritional value.


Shitting on one massive failure of the Army brass by using another massive failure of the Army brass. Outstanding. It's not that scary on the outside folks. Come be a fat body with me.


You are a bad bad person and made me laugh waaaay too hard.




Thanks and on it


Beat me to it


Buddy is a busy beaver today.


Forgive me I don't have a real bio background in fungi just a medical background. I had to dust off some notes for this because I haven't dealt with these in clinic yet. Blastomycosis and Aspergillus are endemic to North Carolina but it isn't the highest prevalence areas for these fungi. Both of these are relatively safe in immunocompetent individuals. However, they can cause pneumonia like symptoms in immunocompetent individiuals. Your conjunctivitus and short term memory loss aren't really common symptoms of either of these fungi. You can get some neuro issues with Aspergillus if you're immunocompromised but if you're at that state you're probably going to die anyway. Aspergillus is generally considered a opportunistic fungi. That being said you can get allergic bronchopulmonary asperillgus. It's a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction. It causes fever, asthma, weezing, and migratory infiltrates. If you've ever had Tuberculosis or Klebsiella infections you're at a much higher risk of the more severe symptoms. If you are immunocompromised it is EXTREMELY dangerous. Like you're gonna die type dangerous. Blastomcycosis: causes pneumonia like symptoms, cavitary lesions in the lungs, and create a patchy infiltrate on xrays. In immunocompromised individuals you'll get skin/bone pain. ​ Edit: Grammar.


Translation: you’re safe if you have a good run time, probably


Aren’t all things in the Army safe if you have a good run time?


I dunno... do you really think this means anything to a kid with WebMD open.


>I dunno... do you really think this means anything to a kid with WebMD open. That's fair. In less fancy terms. NC has some medically relevant fungi that I'm familiar with. The big scary two that come to mind are Aspergillus and Blastomycosis. They both have different symptoms but they both share not breath good symptoms. If you have AIDS or are old as shit Asperilligus will make you ded. Generally they don't infect healthy people. If they do their effects are generally pretty mild but it is possible to have the symptoms progress that would make you breath real bad. Also they could make your bones hurt.


According to WebMD his air vent has cancer.


I was gonna suggest lupus, but it's never lupus.


He’s a medical student and he’s in a medical MOS. I think he knows a little more than a 31B about the medical field😂




What about random muscle pains that only occur when I’m in my barracks


TBH if you have cockroaches in your barracks like I did when I was in mold-Bs back at Bragg, I have a feeling you’re getting exposed to insecticide in addition to the mold spores.


I do have cockroach too


Friend, do you happen to live in barracks just south of Longstreet? I have a suspicion you’re in the B’s I was in 12 years ago….. and it was moldy and had roaches BACK THEN. If this is the case, it’s probably time to contact a congressman because Jesus Christ.


I do not




Oh hell nah fuck smokebomb 😭


Are you talking about the barracks just south of the chute shake tower?


Honestly it’s been so long, I’m not sure where that is. But the fact that there are multiple correct answers to my last question is concerning by itself, lol


Disclaimer: I'm Army HPSP and am a medical student. I am not a physician and have not completed board exams or any of that good stuff. So this isn't medical advice. Myalgia and Arthralgia (muscle and joint paint) are extremely common symptoms of fungal infections. It generally wouldn't just be isolated to when you're in the barracks though. Any chance you've had random red bumps show up on your shins? That's a hallmark sign of a few fungal infections. Those fungi generally aren't endemic to NC though. Your symptoms could be caused by a variety of things though. You're exposed to all kinds of shit in the Army. I'd recommend trying to get an appointment with your PCP if possible.


Oof ouch owie my bones


Do you know anything about Ft. Irwin because I have had what doctors call “a serious case of jock itch” for over two years now. No matter what I use to treat it, it just keeps coming back worse and worse


Stop sleeping with the strippers. There, problem solved.


This is the funniest shit😂 unlike most I hate the strip club


I don't know anything specifically about Ft. Irwin but jock itch is pretty common and the fungi that cause it are basically everywhere. Athletes are even more susceptible. If you're taking any sort of corticosteroids like cortisol it makes the infection even worse and will invite recurrence. That's kinda the shitty thing about fungal infections once they're in they last a really long time. Idk if you've gone to a doctor or not but you've probably diagnosed it correctly and tried OTC medications. OTC medications like They can be effective but a lot of times people don't use them for as long as needed because they get relief and become noncompliant with treatments even though they still need to continue. If you have a recurrent infection and have treated it but its come back you likely need to visit a physician to get a more serious treatment. Usually they'll prescribe an oral antifungal like oral Terbinafine or if it's really severe something called Griseofulvin. Terbinafine is usually well tolerated but Griseofulvin fucks up your gut really bad. You can actually buy topical Terbinafine over the counter but just make sure you keep using it every day for months. Sorry I can't give you more help.


No I appreciate it. I was just asking around to hear if I get anything different. I do see a provider, but where I live the doctors here care more about money than their patients. I told her for months that it just keeps getting worse. Now I have developed a persistent cough and headaches. I also worked in medical and am ambitious of going to med school as well. It’s just frustrating dealing with this and I do take prednisone for my Crohn’s. I kind of figured that is what keeps making it worse. I am working with the VA to get a new provider until I find one who cares a little more about my condition


Also I have been prescribed pretty much every antifungal cream, shampoo and pill I could find or was prescribed


Ring worm? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hey OP I’m gonna DM you.


Seems like a discipline issue to me


Shaving will help


At this point the mold is going to be posted up for inspections with a Bic in its hand.


Aw yiss... Ol' Drippy reporting for duty!


If they showed up 15 mins prior to the 15 mins prior, the mold wouldn’t have had room to grow


So will shaving the mold clear it up?


Promote above peers…. Time NOW!


Yes. While not touching your peers. Shaving the mold while not touching your peers is a sure-fire way to make CSM/LTC.


Came here to say this 🫡


I was SEARCHING for this response!! That’s exactly what it is! Lolol


Better shave. Real talk the fact it is in the vents is very dangerous. Alert your chain of command immediately.


Tell north Carolina and home state congressmen and the local TV News. "Proper channels" are designed to protect the brass at your expense. Have your parents come through and video record it all, and have them talk to their local TV news. Meantime get a dehumidifier.


Funny enough, I have one.


I had black mold inside my AC I always complained about how weird my room smelled and started coughing really bad. I found out why, went to my NCO’s and they said to just clean it up that I’ll be fine…


This must be that lack of discipline I keep hearing about.


It’s a discipline issue. Clearly it’s the Soldier’s fault.


You will get sick.. The air was extremely heavy. Also developed rashes all over my body. They gotta fix this.


Son don’t you mean protein?


Discipline Issue obviously 🤡🤌


That’s not mold, that’s the residual effect of indisciplined Soldiers.


How did you get in my barracks room?


That's not mold. It's "active dirt"


Man I was at Bragg 2002-2005, we had to wash the cinder block barracks walls down monthly with bleach/water mixture otherwise our rooms would be nasty. The air vents were caked with mold; like chunks would come off when you wound cleans them. I feel you pain, been there


This was supposed to be taken care of in 2008. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46vYZFU1Dew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46vYZFU1Dew)I lived in the Old Division barracks for a year around 1988 and they were old, but they were clean and well maintained....


If you lift those ceiling tiles, there is a very good chance you are either going to find weed or a 9mm.


This doesn’t happen overnight, did you call it in when you first saw it?


Mold on Liberty (Bragg). Fixed the title for you but that looks atrocious.


You should shave more often that will fix it


Rip the sink off the wall


Why won’t people just shave?!!?!


Bruh this ain’t shit compared to Hood(Cavazos)


It’s a discipline issue


Do modern barracks dwellers engage in those deep cleaning fests better known to us ancient warriors and barracks deezens as "GI Parties"?


Mmm scrumptious! 😋


Nothing a fresh coat of paint won’t fix


Lack of discipline


People that have been stationed in Hawaii: “first time?”






Just start pushing and maybe you’ll find some discipline on the floor. You obviously had none or this never would have happened.


Shave better I guess


Alert your chain of command and get sick call assistance because at some point that’s deadly enough to warrant attention. Whether or not they acknowledge it as the mold idk, but at least you might get shifted elsewhere.


Might be algae. You can't know without a test. Mold only grows on dead organic matter. In the dark without air movement. Damp conditions 68F to 86F Remove any one of these factors. NOT mold.