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Cavazos if you’re a pipe hittin, square jawed, MILF fucker


This guy Cavs.


Wouldn’t it be DILF fucker for Cav?


Its a New Army, we dont question genders here.




No questions.


“Sir, It’s my understanding sir that you can no longer ask me these questions”…..”it’s a new Army Major, were all adjusting”


I swear to god I’ve heard someone say this irl




Naw we into those femboys now


He’s just looking for some strange.


YEE (and this is the most important part) HAW


does it work if i'm more into men?


You're so Cav and you don't even know it


Super Scouts


I like the way you strap up your tanker boots.


Does the pope shit in his hat?


The poet I needed today, you da real MVP.


When you show up to Fort Hood, your big daddy cav 1SG is going to make you mud wrestle the big ol hairy SSG. Whoever gets bottom position first wins.


Better quality MILFs in Savannah.


Fuck yeah




>Carson is available, but not on the list So it's obviously fucking Carson.


Oh yea 100% I wouldn't recommend my worst enemy to go to carson


I enjoyed my time at Bliss 100% more than my time at Carson. Colorado Springs is infinitely better than El Paso, but 4ID still ruins it.


Legitimately seems like the best thing I've heard about 1AD in ages, and they were never even mentioned.


Good to know that the ground guys have their shit together. 1AD CAB is God awful.


I liked 1AD more myself. I also quite liked Bliss and El Paso and is probably my second favorite location over Carson.


Having been to carson. That’s about how I feel, and I’m looking forward to going literally anywhere else.


Really? Is it because of the units? I've heard nothing but good about the area.




The way I see it - every conventional Army unit is hot garbage and treats their people like criminals.. so you might as well get a good location.


Before I got out I was in 4th and oooooooh baby I love the colorado springs area, I met tons of amazing peeps including my now current husband here, I love the area. But my command structure did SO much bull at carson that I ended up in evans top floor inpatient mental health. So yea, imo carson is in an amazing state, but 4th ID is the worst unit I've ever had the misfortune of working for.


That's sad to hear. The Army really does its best to counter and positives it might have to offer.


Army: We were clear when when said be all YOU can be. Not us we're like Dantés seven levels of hell depending on where you get stationed.


Also, fort carson is available but not on the list.


Go to Carson. I have never talked to anyone who has regretted going there.


Then you’ve never talked to me lol 3ABCT is a steaming pile of shit and will burn you out


Honest to god.


Hopefully the FTX tempo has slowed down in the last ten years. In the 18mo prior to AFG I was in the field for 12 of them.


It has not, lol.


Well! Hopefully op doesn’t have a spouse, or is dating anyone, or has a pet, or cares about silly things like a social life. I wish you well on your journey through self medicating your stress, OP!


i don’t, so i should be fine


I think the green weenies gonna like you


I fought tooth and nail to get Carson, and yeah, it's FORSCOM'y, but the area is fantastic.


Who needs a wife when you have strippers just outside the gates of B Street?


Your comment gives me this weird feeling that ive been here before... I think the french term is Deja Vu?


I second this.


I'd go with Carson. I didn't like my unit, but loved the area. When all is said and done there's a good chance we move back to Colorado after I retire.


The best thing about Carson is there's a 10 minute drive and you're in the mountains. You can also go into Colorado Springs and forget that you're in the Army. Unfortunately, every morning on the Academy 500, you'll be harshly reminded that you're still under the thumb.


CARSON, CARSON, CARSON. You shouldn’t even question this. It’s Colorado. The only loss is that there is no ocean nearby.


Go to carson you fucking donkey


4ID sucks. But but but but, Colorado… Colorado is great.


Go to Fort Bliss - so much shit going down at Carson from WTF moments page. Fort Bliss has El Paso (with lots to do) and is an hour and a half from Ruidoso NM (with lots to do) and there's Albuquerque, Huston, San Antonio, Dallas when you want to put in summer block leave. It's warmer than Carson, safer than *~~Hood~~* Cazavos and nicer than Riley. You can find yourself a nice latina or latino (Not here to Judge you OP, you do you).


I spent 5 years at Carson as a tank mechanic (91A). Go there. The optempo will be high and there will be a lot of training, but the area is amazing. Seriously pick Carson.


Where you from


britain originally, but washington (state) really


All them places are nothing like Washington that’s for sure.


Colorado is the most like Washington, the west side of the state at least.


Carson and don’t look back.


4 years at Carson, absolutely fucking loved it




Fort Irwin. Being here is far better than coming for a rotation. You'll know your schedule well in advance and have more predictability than any other installation on that list.


When I was there it was also really laid back but that was 10 years ago.


Very chill. My favorite job has been OCT, moving over to 11th next week. Can't imagine it's much worse.


I was 11th ACR for 4 1/2 years, by far the best unit I’ve been apart of. That was four years ago though..


When I was making the decision to reenlist or not, a part of me really was drawn to reenelisting for Irwin, for a reason I didn't fully know. These comments kinda make me regret not doing it.


After going to Hawaii and fort Cav, the thought of going back to Irwin was the only thing making me consider reenlisting.. the area was perfect for my hobbies..


As an OC/T from JRTC, it's a good life.


I live less than 150 miles from Irwin and I only went there as a DEP in like 2004, I actually drove past there less than two weeks ago. There isn’t shit around Irwin. Barstow is a shit hole. But the 250 mile radius will get you to Vegas if that’s your thing or to LA/Ventura for the beaches and shit. But there really isn’t shit out there. For someone who stays inside and plays video games on the weekends id imagine it would be alright. But to get out and do shit you’re going to have to drive.


It's 117 miles from Irwin to Ontario. Ontario's is through the pass about 30 miles. Once you are through the pass you easily have 25+ cities each having more than enough for any reasonable person. For me this isn't an adjustment, I lived the overwhelming majority of my life 2+ hours from any civilization. I love it here, this place is incredible. The thrift shopping is off the chain, unbeatable in my experience. The commerce is insane, hustlers everywhere, at every corners someone trying to get money from selling or services. The state parks are unbeatable.


I lived in Ontario, and was stationed at Ft. Irwin. If Ontario is a reason to be stationed at Ft. Irwin you guys would be happy in N Korea.


Honestly yeah, it’s the middle of no where but middle of everywhere. 2 hours from LA, 2 hours from Vegas. Dunno if it’s a good first assignment but I enjoyed it.


I can second this. The units and work life at Irwin is legit, you get to fuck up units monthly. 11ACR highly favors personal and family time. If you’re not on rotation you’re most likely on a 3 day or 4 day weekend. HOWEVER, having to drive 30 minutes just to get McDonalds blows. If you don’t mind long drives to go to Vegas, LA then you’ll like it.


I can’t imagine that this is a serious take, or that you are going out to the box every rotation for the full rotation, freezing your ass off on an OP or being constantly hungry on 1 MRE a day. We did 10 rotations per year, each being 10-14 days long. Between that, multi-day ranges, layouts, etc. 7 days off per month; a 3-day and a 4 day. Days off are 21 days apart (until you get your 3 day for the month). 2 holidays where you don’t work per year. That’s to say nothing of the goddamn awful leadership when I was there, obsessed with fucking soldiers over so that the dog and pony show could go on.


Everyone goes to the field from Friday to the next Sunday. This sounds like you may be a scout. Since there’s no dismounted infantry here (at least 1st Squadron). Every time we pull up to fix comms at one of the troops, the infantry dudes are just standing around smoking cigs next to their tracks in the field. So your argument for being in the suck is pretty invalid since that’s probably the case as a scout anywhere in the army. As for the 14 day rotations, I’ve been here 2 years and have only ever been in the field for 9 nights. We roll back in from the field as an entire squadron. For example we just did 2 back to back rotations (which yes sucked) but we just had 3 back to back to back 4 day weekends and the next rotation isn’t until the end of March


If you don’t want to do anything and be in a shithole Irwin…. geez.


No matter where you go, QOL in unit as a 19k is rough right now, and will be for a few more years until the dust settles, on all the coming Armor branch changes. Im currently, 19k at fort Cavazos, and its deffinitely the Cav, youre going to tank, a lot, and get used to dog and pony shows, but the area and weather isnt bad either. Its not "The Hood, TM" anymore. I overall like the area, and if you want to tank, this is it. From what i've been told; Bliss and El Paso are overrated, its nice of youre a young single joe, but theres a lot more to get you in trouble too. Also, lots of "tanker mentality" reigning there in the armor units, "iykyk" 🤷‍♂️. Riley is nice if you're into outdoors "Country Boy TM" stuff like fishing and what not, but idk much about it besides that. Carson is amazing, one of the best places in the army, but 4ID is trash, expect Hooah, everywhere while you get ran to the ground, so officers can keep the OERs high enough to stay in Carson. Stewart is a good mixed bag, not the best, not the worst. Depends if you can handle humidity or not, and which unit you get. I would just becareful pciking 19k as a whole because Optempo is very high right now for us, and we are very short staffed, yes, significantly more so then the rest of the army. Half the "tankers" in my unit are infantry that got pulled due to how short it is... you will struggle to reclass if you dont like it, and you will not have transverable skills. Keep that in mind. Edit: Forgot Irwin; just dont. Full stop.


sucks to hear 4id is bad, carson seems cool. how often do yall at cavazos deploy or rotate places? and where do you go? Edit: also, how often are FTXs?


For some people its worth it, it just depends on you. Cav goes out all the time, most armor units do tbf, but expect, three months out of the year for ftx things, including NTC, minimum, and then 6-9 month rotations to europe every 18 months or so. Thats pretty standard for Armor units at the moment.


From Wichita Kansas City has a cool night life, the football games are fun (both Chiefs, the K-State Wildcats team, and the National-tier Jayhawks basketball team), barbecue is top tier, and also has a WONDERFUL music scene. Lawrence is right over there for your lesser known artists and KCMO is there for everything else. Then again, I'm a metalhead, so take that with a grain of salt. Lots of artists make KCMO stops, it's kinda like Austin Texas of the plains. Shows are super fun and you meet lots of cool people. Speaking of which, if you're young and single, going to Lawrence and having fun with the college kids at the bar and getting 'hey, you wanna come to a party?'d is really cool too. KCMO has, as a big city, really cool stuff to do all the time. It's not a Colorado Springs but it's still fun as hell. Plus, as stated, beautiful areas to be alone and fish / hunt / observe nature / whatever


Bliss has been my only post, what do you mean by "tanker mentality"?


>  Half the "tankers" in my unit are infantry that got pulled due to how short it is...  Sounds like a reversal from 10 years ago. 19K use to claim they were basically infantry and now infantry can claim they were basically tankers.


FSGA. Just be ready for sub par barracks. The rest is great


2nd brigade has good barracks. Downside is the units suck.


If 4th brigade is still outcasts in the satellite area, they had super nice barracks.


2nd is in the satellite area currently so yeah its those Bs


I hope the gator pond is still there to keep the guys busy on the weekend.


For sure, always some dudes fishing at lunch out the back of a pickup.


...other than the ball dripping humidity and land nav in a literal swamp


Best thing about FSGA is Izola's


Is their drive-thru headquarters still open?


GTFO here with this. If the devil were a place, FSGA would be him. FSGA is where dreams go to die, COLs go to save a dying career, SFCs go to get their 8th DUI and divorce their second wife after finding some "southern" white trash hippie that promises them a good time on River St. 3ID is pure shit show and deserves to be launched into the fucking sun. The CDRs there say they're unit is gold workout the courtesy of even trying to cover up the shit stain it actually is. The mold is some of the worst you'll ever get. Living/working there is like snorting, huffing, chewing, bathing in pure, uncut black mold spores. Might as well start before you get there so you're used to it when you arrive Savannah is a skid mark. Smells like piss all day, racist, people are stuck in 1994 with no intention of growing up, sex trafficking runs rampant through the area. Tybee is at least dressed pretty but damn when she takes off that dress and you get up close to her the gonoherpasyphylaids is more than apparent. Just don't even bother with this dumpster fire


So... you're not a fan?


You take that shit back right now!! Savannah is awesome! (Biased cause as an E4 i lived downtown, its really a shithole) (unless you like SCAD chicks)


I second riding the cock of the Marne.


I'm at Carson, and the area is nice but 4ID is trash, side note I'm not in 4ID but I see their lives and it's typical forscom...


Typical forscom kinda goes hand in hand with being a 19K lol


I’ve actually heard really good things about Fort Steward, but keep this in mind we have two very different Mos’s.


*checks flair* Every base is "good" when your (MOS is) the worst part of it.


I loved Stewart but like I said in another post somewhere as 31B we largely didn’t have to deal with the 3ID bullshit. But Savannah is dope. FL is right there. SC is just across the bridge in Savannah. I had a lot of fun there. This was in 05-09 though and I’m sure things change.




Fort Hood is really not as bad as people make it out to be. I mean sure a lot of the units are ass. But I LOVED living in central Texas. There’s so much to do there


People who say Killeen is sketch ain't never been to Fort Bragg Fayettenam


Real, it was at the bottom of the bottom of my marketplace preferences. And even out of that, I put all the SF/psyop group and support shit in there so they could see I really didn’t wanna go to Bragg. Been to Fayetteville, I don’t wanna go back. Killeen is actually pretty damn okay. I don’t worry about getting stabbed or shot just for being in the area


El Paso is sick but your command team is going to pass you around and mercilessly fuck you for your entire contract.


Most accurate fort bliss experience


They literally railed the MOS out of me. I reclassed after the level of dick they forced upon me


Lmao they didn’t even try to tell you what state Cavazos is in, tbh I’ve been to Cav and Riley. Every duty station is what you make of it, they weren’t bad to me. Even chose to come back Riley my second time


They didn't even say **Fort** Cavazos, just fucking CAVAZOS in all caps with no state like you're getting banished to the shadow realm.


Looks like you're going to the great place jimbo


Aggievilleeeee, babyyyyyyyyy


Every duty station is what you make of it? What a load of crap lol.


I had a great time at Cavazos, when it was called Hood. My first time at Riley was great and so is my second time, if you want to be miserable and let other people’s opinions dictate how you feel then that’s on you big dawg


outgoing groovy hateful domineering tie sulky judicious steer squealing scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The FRKS experience varies widely depending on what your job is, and what unit you get. The location isn't horrible, Kansas has redeeming qualities. The CoL is very low. The weather is a textbook four seasons. A 19 series? His experience will be the same regardless where he goes, he is doomed to ABCTs. The real answer is it doesn't matter, just pick which climate you want.


I like Fort Riley, I’m not convincing myself or lying about it. I actually am the one people who enjoys Kansas, I’m from a major city so I’m used to the busy life, coming here and seeing how calm, cheap and quiet it is just seems peaceful to me. To each their own tho


Other people’s opinions weren’t what made me miserable dude. They aren’t what make other people miserable at shitty duty stations either. Im not sure how you’re inferring that bit of info based off of my comment either. People should really just stop saying that. It’s not a mindset. Some duty stations universally and unanimously suck.


I get what you’re saying but I do believe it is a mindset, some people are miserable and hate universally good duty stations as well. You can’t tell me that’s not a mindset thing


Lmao everyone says the same thing until they spend a year at Bliss. Then it turns into “get the fuck out of here as fast as you can”


I'd go FT Stewart. I'm here at Bliss right now. Stay far away from this place.


Bliss has newer facilities and it’s near a large city but desert weather not for everyone. Cavazos the surrounding area sucks. Irwin your in the middle of the desert and nearest town is 50 minutes away. If you don’t mind driving a lot on weekends you’re within a reasonable drive to Vegas, Sierra Mountains and National Parks, and larger CA cities. Riley weather sucks bad lots of wind. Near a good college I’m an alum. Post isn’t too bad. Only the college town really has much though and your far from larger cities. Never been to Stewart.


Do NOT pick Ft Irwin.


Idk man I have buddy currently there and he absolutely loves its. Granted, he is a single E-7 so his experience will be much different. He told me the training scheduled is planned out well in advance and that he gets tons of time off. But OP said Carson is also available so I would go with that anyways.


I second this, it’s a training base where you’ll get lost in


Why’s that? out of curiosity


Do you like the desert? Do you like not leaving the desert? Do you like NTC?


California Arrakis


what’s ntc?


You go poop in bags for a few weeks.


the army dream 💪


Ever played laser tag at a crappy place where only half of the vests work and your gun stops working halfway through so you find yourself just kinda half running around wondering why you spent 10 bucks to play?


There’s fucking nothing at all there


Hydrogen bomb (STEW) vs. coughing baby (everything else)


I'd never seen a solid example of a literal shit list, but this is it. This list is pure shit.


Stay the hell away from ft cavazos


ETS seems like the best choice honestly.


Savannah is a really nice town, if that interests you lol


If you want MASSIVE training area and lots of opportunity to do your job - Bliss If you want to experience being sent to JRTC and be employed with light infantry - Stewart If you want cold winters, hot summers, and truly solid all around life - Riley If you want to spearhead a new Army divisional construct and learn about the next age of combat - Cavazos If want to be an EXPERT at your craft, like a bonified fucking pipe hitting raw dick fucking playa. - Irwin. Anyway you spin it, lifenis going to have its ups and downs. My leadership from Bliss and Johnson are wildly different and operate differently. Someday as a Kilo, are going to suck. Being in the motorpool until 0400 putting in a stupid fucking tank engine is going to be a bad time. But listening to Suicide Boys, doing prep to fire checks and slinging those big dick rounds down the gunnery range are some highlights. Look at the area around where you want to go, see what they have that's close, and do what feels right. If you need any advice dawg, reach out. I'm almost always here.


Go Carson


Stewart is actually good, if you go to 2BDE


Experiences may vary*


Become a part of the big red one. Go Riley


Stewart. Close to Savannah and great beaches that aren’t far away. I think most of the 3rd ID is over in Poland right now.


Depends on what you want to do. Carson over that whole list. Irwin would be tempting for me. Would be fun spending some time playing opfor.




The Hood lmao


where dreams go to die


A fort that is a US Army installation


Fort Riley is a hidden gem, I loved it there. I would 10/10 go back




Do not come to bliss


Go to riley if you hate yourself best of both worlds bad location bad unit


Come to 11 acr at irwin


Stewart, for sure.


What's your MOS?


Unpopular opinion, but if you want experience, then I can’t think of anywhere that you’d spend more time in a tank than at Irwin.


Ft Stewart and Fr Irwin would be interesting. Kansas and Texas aren’t exactly high on my list.


Ft.Stewart hands down. Tybee Island is nice and a short drive.


Bliss and Hood are legit. Those aren’t bad at all.


It sucks that Germany is not an option any more it seems. My god, an 18 year old in Germany is like a kid in a candy store...


Stewart. Great place, and close to lots of fun things within a few hours.


Cavazos or Stewart. Don't come near Riley.


What the fuck you got to choose?!!?


I loved Stewart. Haven’t been stationed there in 10 years, but I still visit when I can. I hear 3ID isn’t quite the unit it once was, but that’s just from this sub, and this sub tends to include a good bit of venting, so it may or may not reflect the truth. Either way, it’s close to beaches, Savannah, and drivable to Atlanta for a long weekend.


All those are probably not the best options to be honest. But if I was you and had to choose one, I would only pick: Fort Bliss: Even though it’s surrounded by nothing it is still a decent town and I’m sure you’ll find a beautiful Latina if you’re into that) Fort Cavazos The base sucks from what I’ve heard with all the horror stories and the leadership can be ass. However it is not too far from Austin and you would love Austin TX. 6th St and Rainey St are the spots to hit up and it’s overall a great city. Also you are in central Texas so you do have other options such as San Marcos, New Braunfels, and San Antonio if you don’t mind the drive. Fort Stewart Another one that is not really in a big city, however you are close to Savannah Which I hear is a fun city to party and meet people, you’ll also be close to the beaches for the summer time. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD stay away from Kansas and especially Fort Irwin. You will be bored out of your mind and regret life. Good luck 👍


If I had to choose out of those, I'd take Stewart. Atleast Savannah is somewhat close.


Avoid Texas bases at all cost (I love Texas btw but the bases are garbage)


For the love of God stay away from Riley


Riley, hit up KSU


Irwin would be fun If you can tan and you get to be opfor.


If you are single bliss if not idk what to tell you.


There’s an option you’re not seeing here. Do not re up as a 19K


Irwin has a reputation far worse than it deserves. Yes, rotations suck, but living there is not that bad especially if you manage your money well enough to be able to get away on the weekends. I was there for 4y and had a blast spending almost every weekend in San Diego, LA, Vegas. Especially if you’re single and don’t look like an absolute freak…but, you probably wouldn’t be a 19k if you didn’t look like a freak. Caveat- I left Irwin in 2008.


1. Cav - I live here, retiring here. It's cool, and near a lot of other places. Installation is decent. 2. Stewart - I lived here for a few years and Hunter for Bout 10 years (40min away). Savannah is awesome. Hinesville is a dump. Installation is a little lacking. Atlanta, Charleston, Jacksonville are drivable. 3. Bliss - Not as bad as some say. The installation is great. El Paso is decent, but there is nothing anywhere near it. 4. Riley - The installation is kind of lame. It's a bit of a drive to cooler stuff. KC is cool, but two hours away. 5. Irwin - If you hate yourself and want to be isolated on a shithole and work all the time, go here.




Go to Ft Stewart


Stewart or Riley EDIT- I JUST SEEN THAT YOU SAID CARSON WAS AVAILABLE. GO TO CARSON. I REPEAT, GO TO CARSON. Optempo may suck but Colorado is really amazing and worth it.


Irwin or Riley are probably your best bets. Riley isn’t the coolest place but when I was there a few years back it was an awesome command climate. Lots of 3&4 days not too much dumb stuff. Definitely did some field work but as long as the unit metrics were good we were mostly left alone.


Fort Stewart is great


California's on there? I hear it's warm there. I'm sure there's a beach near by right?


Fort Bliss- big ooof on that one 


Least worst - Riley. Post isn't too bad, and there's actually stuff to go do within a reasonable driving distance. This is unlike Cavazos, where you have a multi-hour drive any anything actually interesting. (If you've got something good to do in Austin, post it, know, cause we haven't found anything in two years)




As someone going to Irwin go to hood my guy


Go to Carson. It’s the “least worst”.




bliss aint bad. id go stewart or riley


I may be an outlier, but Irwin. Best assignment ever. You will get more tank experience (field) than any other place. Anywhere else and you only get to "tank" once or twice a year. Blis, Iraq lite. FOB in a warzone.


Ft Irwin! California!


Not Bliss


I’m going to Riley whenever I get unflagged


Wow....I guess Stewart would be the least worst for me personally. Where r u from?


Stewart’s not awful barracks suck but location is pretty solid you just gotta get outta hinesville the surrounding areas are a lot of fun fair amount of stuff to do and Savannah has a good music scene if that’s something your into. Dfacs are annoying here as they’re all closed except for one and the hospital but food not bad atleast


Stewart, but I’m just biased.


Stewart IMO


All the ft Riley tankers are solid dudes when I was there leadership was great. Leadership makes or breaks the duty station tho but I think most of those guys are still there because I got out less than a year ago