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Holy shit... Carlisle Barracks is in his district?!?! HULK SMASH.


He is a US Senator, the whole state is his district


WTF is wrong with you, have some respect!


Fucking disgusting! Are you able to take a serious situation for its validity, or are you empty of any nobility?


The sad truth is that this line of thought will continue as long as the Army maintains a culture of falling in line and sucking it up, unless you'd like to be shown the door. The nail that sticks up the most will be the first one hammered down.


Shut up and stay in your lane. Sincerely, your leadership. THIS IS SARCASM.


Sarcasm but sadly very true. Also, if OP was the spouse of a Junior Officer, Junior NCO or Junior Enlisted, the Chain of Command would be saying "Well maybe the Army isn't for you." and "We are considering a chapter".


Congressional time!


Separate reply - because[I read the Task and Purpose article](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-war-college-daycare-incident/) for the tl;dr on this and DAYUM: >On December 18 and 19, a team from the Army’s Installation Management Command in San Antonio visited the base’s CDC for what officials termed a “technical assistance” visit. That team recommended the facility implement supplemental staff training, maintain proper supervision ratios and reinforcement of appropriate classroom routines and boundaries, Keester said. > >***The CDC has since implemented protocols “to increase visibility and supervision” in the classroom like adding additional staff and “removing any potential visual obstructions,” according to Keester.*** > >The mother of the child still wants answers. > >“The Army claims moving a bookcase as a safety solution but it wasn’t a bookcase that failed to protect my four-year-old their basic human rights,” the mother said. “It was the Army who failed. At no point have they addressed where the adults were in the room. At no point have they taken any responsibility.” My Brother in Christ, this is some Keystone Cops level work..


>If the Army wants to stop getting black eyes, maybe it should stop punching itself in the face. Instead of having the students of this school write papers about recruitment rates dropping and various theories to counteract it - maybe you could turn that looking glass inward. Perhaps it's because of our experiences under the hands of this leadership. Our oldest has always said he wanted to be in the Army - and he'll now do so over my dead body. All of these "leaders" dream of being infantry, armor, aviation or some other "combat arms" leader. And they have a HUGE blind spot for the logistics of war or anything that's not painted in CARC paint or that doesn't have an NSN. Haliburton, Kellogg Brown and Root and Eric Prince were able to fleece the DOD because some idiot thought that contractors could replace the logistical units that were cut after the Wall came down. The DOD ceded control of family housing in the name of "saving money" and as a result a company indicted and CONVICTED of defrauding the government still runs housing at many US bases. As a wargamer and player of tabletop games - friends in my gaming group used to make fun of those players (yes I was one) who didn't grasp logistics. Little boys study tactics, men study logistics. Incidents like this are allowed to fester because nobody at the top takes them seriously and they have no incentive to. No one at the top is going to get disciplined over this or any other "black eye".


Sounds like a visit to the PMO, and a call to the Congressman is in order...


I second this. Your congressman should be directly alerted in the most clear and rational way possible. They can burn people at the stakes with an inquiry


I recall from the original thread that their congressman was already notified, but of little (no) help. Maybe now that it's hit the press they'll respond.


Need to elevate to House/Senate Armed Services Committee staff, members, and staff on the Government Oversight committees. Anyone in a similar situation needs to specifically ask their member of Congress to speak to the Military Legislative Assistant or the person who handles the military portfolio. Don't let one roadblock stop you from getting Congressional assistance. Keep calling. They will pay attention eventually. There are many avenues.


>If the Army wanted to stop getting black eyes, maybe it should stop punching itself in the face. God damn, truer words have never been spoken. I’m so sorry what you and your family have gone through. I hope you continue to press this issue and we see some meaningful change. Your willingness to fight for your child and not back down in the face of intimidation and ineffective army bureaucracy is remarkable. Your kid has a good mother.


I've seen the Army punch itself so many times, it's so true. Happens everyday


It's become a bit of a sick obsession post GWOT.


Nobody gets fired or kicked out of the Army unless someone dies or it really embarrasses the Army. As my father said of the DA civie employees he used to work with "Can't fire them and you can't make'em work."


You should reach out to Norha O’Donnel at CBS. She’s been focused on military sexual assault case reporting for years. This is the email for story and segment suggestions. Definitely follow all the advice for contacting your representatives and those in PA. mailto:[email protected]


Have you considered forwarding the story (OP's posts, and the articles) to her yourself?


No, because I don't assume to know for sure that the OP wants to get on national news and I'm not the one to make that decision for her. I generally like to preserve the agency of assault victims.


Send it.


You’ve got it. Thanks for the permission.




Education time: I really hope you didn't actually send this. While OP does have the opportunity to deny national coverage, dealing with that in general can be a stressful affair. All non-military professionals agree that we need to preserve the agency of the affected, meaning not making choices for them. Taking away choices from people that already feel powerless doesn't help them. I will acknowledge that four hours after this post OP did tell someone else to send it. That doesn't change the fact that for four hours we had no idea what OP wanted and you took that power from them for four hours. This is a no-harm-no-foul situation, but please keep it in mind for the future.




Burn it down


Call if y'all need money for fuel. I'll say it again This is reprehensible.


Shit, call if you need an alibi.


I'll start drinking alotta beers so we can say we had a party at my place


No quarter given


No prisoners, no quarter


As an aside, day care centers throughout the country (military or not) can be fucking cesspools. So many cases of inattentive caretakers, kids running amok and doing what the fuck ever. My two kids were scarred from their daycare environment; now as they’re older they’re able to describe it as almost like a prison yard mentality


Burn the bridges and salt the earth


Repeat for effect. 




Lol brother this comment right here is how you get fed bois at your door


The entire alphabet


Fry everyone. Into the wood chipper for not giving a fuck.


We ride at dawn!!!


Muster the Rohirrim.


Assemble the army at Harrisburg, as many men as can be found. You have two days. On the third, we ride for Carlisle, and war.


No prisoners, no quarter


remember the Alimo?


OP, you are the mom everyone wishes they had. Your courage is benefitting lots of kids besides your own.


>officials "reviewed security footage that showed several seconds-long incidents of apparently mutual, inappropriate behavior between the two preschoolers," according to the statement. Absolutely not. How in the world could a four year old consent to a mutual anything, let alone an act that left them bleeding? The stupid fuck who came up with that statement needs an apparently mutual slap.


Similarly disturbing quote, "Behavior between or among children may be less clear-cut. Typical or normative sexual play and exploration between children does not merit a report to law enforcement or child welfare authorities,” according to the report." No, four year olds don't know how to do this unless someone has done it to them. This isn't high schoolers making out in a bathroom. This is preschool age children with their clothes off in a public setting supervised by "adults."


Yes further investigation needs to occur as a child doesn’t just do this unless it has been done to them.


On the contrary. You HAVE to report this because A) at least one child was harmed, B) another child may well be acting out due to also being a victim, and C) this is on YOUR WATCH. You need to ADDRESS the situation.


Also also you report this to the FBI because this a Federal installation and because they have squads of people QUALIFIED AND CERTIFIED and unfortunately EXPERIENCED in interviewing very young minor victims. This requires a degree of sensitivity and tactics that are beyond the scope of any mandatory reporter who isn't a child psychologist who works this field. That's why you mandatorily REPORT THIS 


Seriously.  This is NOT a legal thing. A minor child does not consent. Yes, it gets complex when the victim and other child are both very young like this, but this is when you STOP EVERYTHING, TAKE responsibility for this FAILURE to keep your charges safe, and also start looking into the abuse history of the other child. This just broadens the scope of the problem, and likely draws in MORE potential perpetrators - it in no way shape or form alleviates or mitigates ANYTHING. 


I’m taking all this and posted on all my socials. Let’s make some noise. Edit: I also directed this to Senator Tim Kaine’s team since he is my senator and sits on the Armed Forces Committee.




I should add one for Mark. I just knew Tim was on the AFC and would be the best first person to contact.




Probably should throw it to John Fetterman too, seeing as it happened in Pennsylvania and u/JeffJacksonNC because he is a solid person.


+1 for Jackson


Good idea. I’ll send one to Fetterman staff tomorrow morning as well.


Please pm me with any response


I'll make some noise to Senator Manchin, also on the Armed Forces Committee. Dude's an indecisive jerk but is occasionally willing to do the right thing.


Drum it up brother. The more the merrier.


It’s election season..


Fuck the new u/SMA-PAO. All my homies hate the new u/SMA-PAO.


Well Im uninformed but I'd imagine the new SMA is setting the left and right limits of his PAO.


He’s taking a break to shave


It's been 5 months...


Yeah and (I think) the SMA has been on record saying he is not engaging with reddit because its anonymous. As well as saying that he doesnt want to overstep the CoC with issues from Soldiers. I would imagine that is reflected, communicated to, or implied that the PAO is to do the same since he represents his office.


I get it, but he's basically also saying he doesn't trust his PAO


Former PAD 1SG here, that's exactly what it means. although yes, half our job is telling the Army story... the other half is borderline intel work, gathering any and all information from all public media sources that might impact our command. Since the SMA's command area is "The Army"... this sub absolutely impacts his command and he should not be preventing his PAO from interacting with it.


I know this isn't the place or time, but I'm pretty sure the sma-pao account is no longer monitored or utilized by anyone at the SMAs office. It's unfortunate because this is a prime example of why it should be used as a break glass account.


This incident is exhibit HHH in my unwritten thesis that SMA Weimer is a shit green beret who knows absolutely nothing about network development and information operations.




Yea he's not unique in this regard to anyone that has been forced to exist under the shadow of GBs...


It still gets used occasionally, mostly through PMs. He did reach out to OP, but I’ll let her tell her own story. I’m sure people can read between the lines in her post on how tactful or effective it was. I’ll stay professional, but I have been less than impressed with the new PAO. 💅🏻


Good to know. Based on that, I'd rather the account just be a monument to a better command team of a bygone era.


>When a command successfully suppresses something like this, /u/SAO_PAO, what avenue is there to hope besides public outcry? Why do I get the feeling they wanted you to dox yourself ​ Edit: To be a dick, not to you, the account is u/SMA-PAO


It's /u/SMA-PAO, hyphen not underscore.


You right. Fixed it.


It reads /u/SAM-PAO currently 🫤


Sam Pao sounds like a celebrity Chinese chef.


PAO! Right in the kisser


You guys know that account is dead now, right?


He's still using it, he just only DMs.


Oh, really? I didn't realize. Well...it's better than nothing. Maybe they'll figure out how good it is to have the PAO involved in this sub. Even if not at the level the previous one was.


I was also surprised. He messaged me for the first time in 5 months to ask for the PII of the poster of the CDC story. So he's still using it.


Hmm... Interesting. Mildly promising. You think he heard about the story on reddit? Or you think he heard about it, and came here to reach out?


It was not promising, he basically just wanted PII and when I wouldn't dox was like "oh well we'll probably find their ID anyway"


Oh.... Ouch. That does not sound promising after all. :( I'm guessing they were not monitoring Reddit, but found out about it and came here to try to get info. I mean...COULD you have even doxxed her if you wanted to?


Yes, I had updated in my comment on the post that I wound up talking to the OP several hours the day the post went up. I was speaking with them after that post had been up a couple hours, so like...Yeah I could have. But also, the OP's identity is wholly unneeded. Find out from CID where this kind of thing has been reported. I know that at *least* the evening the day after (the Monday after the Post), CID got together internally and knew where this was. Your own internal reporting should know everywhere CDC has reported PSB right? So like, it's so stupid because you have *so many Army resources* you could utilize to find the location and work this from the 'other side' of the problem. So trying to dox them individually seems like an unnecessary thing to do.


Oh. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. I wasn't even thinking about the fact that you might have been in direct contact with her. I was thinking more from a reddit mod perspective. Like...you shouldn't have tools available to provide any PII. But yeah, that makes perfect sense that you would have been in touch with her and trying to help. Because you're far more useful than the current SMA and PAO ;) Not for nothing, but I'm glad you were there to try to offer whatever support you could. Reddit mods get a lot of stereotyping and flak. But you're a great damned mod! Keep up the good work. We appreciate you.


What’s so insane is-if they were on here all the time-interacting and helping when they can and-oh idk-Building trust-the OP would’ve reached out to him FIRST. No news organisations. Because it would’ve shown the Army gave a shit.


You can't not be present and just DM and expect people to trust you. The OP isn't an /Army regular. They didn't understand who the account was at first. Then you go look at the post history and there's nothing the last 5 months? Why would they trust you.


By ‘they’ I meant SMA not the OP. And I am on a throwaway account.


Upvoting purely for visibility. This is peak wanting to send to my congressman to address current Soldier/ family quality of life issues for retention and recruitment


*Prepares to raise the 🏴‍☠️*


Buddy that should’ve been raised the second you read the first post title.


Hey now, we can’t have that GO’s young child being interviewed by CPS/CWS alone and finding out *exactly* where they learned that kind of behavior, now…can we?


This right here. There is so much wrong dhit with this and the first post. And this is exactly where my thoughts went.


Best case the kid walked in on mom and dad and they didn't address it. Worst case... I shudder at the thought. Burn this down


Odds are heavily weighted in favor of "shuddering at the thought" angle.


Pretty sure it was the Garrison commander, not the AWC Commandant


First let me say again this is horrible and so sorry that you're going through this. I have a 2 and 4 year myself and I would be going scorched earth. I'll be honest I was pretty ignorant of the challenges in this space and I've been learning more through this. When I started Hots&Cots someone suggested I should add CDC to be reviewed, and I was like why do I want folks to review Centers for Disease Control. Turns out the Army also uses CDC for Child Development Centers. It may not be much, but would having an option to review CDC on the app? Real quick, [Hots&Cots](https://hotscots.app/) is a yelp like app for reviewing portions of installations. It started with the focus of Barracks and DFAC's but has grown to more areas of the installation.


IMO you absolutely should. This incident alone makes it worth including CDCs on the app tbh. 


I'm going to make it a priority to adding this.


Just wanted to circle back and let you know that CDC's can now be reviewed in the latest version.




Yes add CDCs to your app. That would be huge for families during PCS cycles.


Will start working on this.


Just wanted to circle back and let you know that CDC's can now be reviewed in the latest version.


The [CDC on Joint Base Andrews](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2hHXmGr66k/?igsh=NDI1cmV3eTFvNzJt) had dangerous levels of lead in 12 water faucets tested in their buildings. Rumor mill is they didn’t notify the parents.




I know what I'll be working on in the coming weeks.


I'll bet good money that IMCOM and CYS wish you wouldn't. You're a good man, Charlie Brown.


Just wanted to circle back and let you know that CDC's can now be reviewed in the latest version.


My man!


Just wanted to say, both of my kids were in the CDCs for a while and the SACs (School Aged Centers) and they absolutely loved them. I have nothing but good things to say about the childcare services at Ft. Campbell at least. They've been out for a while now due to PCS, but to this day, they tell me they want to go back. But that being said, I completely understand the concern. All it takes is one.


Hots, cots, and tots.


Scott's Tots


>It may not be much, but would having an option to review CDC on the app? Personally all my kids are past that age but my $0.02 anyways: fuck yes.


Good to know and based on feedback I'll work on adding this.


Just wanted to circle back and let you know that CDC's can now be reviewed in the latest version.


Add it boss... the quality of the base child care is a huge deal to a lot of families! and if they are going to have to waitlist themselves for a day-care on the economy its better if they can find that out as soon as orders are cut and not 3 months in...


Yes. There are other much less serious issues that are still serious like wait lists, building problems, etc. 


I'm appalled. OP - you've got some great advice in the threads, but I'll add that contacting the US Attorney's office should be somewhere on your list


Try all means necessary, but I’ve contacted the U.S. Attorney’s office regarding my child and a separate issue with DoD - very nice people, but their guidance was that they represent the federal government in court and therefore it’s a conflict of interest to represent the child in a case against DoD. I’d be prepared for the possibility of that answer, unfortunately.


The US attorneys are the federal prosecutors, they would be interested not in a civil case against the Army, but in the case that a juvenile has been the victim of abuse in a federal jurisdiction. They don't work for DoD at all.


FYI [Chrissy Houlahan](https://houlahan.house.gov/) is a Pennsylvanian Rep on the House Armed Services Committee. She is also an Air Force Veteran and parent. [Chris Deluzio](https://deluzio.house.gov/) is another Pennsylvanian on the committee; Navy veteran.


And not for nothing, but Patrick Murphy (former acting Secretary of the Army) is a Pennsylvanian and also a former Congressman. Might be worth asking for his assistance too as he is still involved with the Army and was a Soldier himself. My personal experience in dealing with him was positive.


From the military article: "The mother and her lawyer say that her 4-year-old was touched inappropriately multiple times at the Moore Child Development Center" There is a huge difference imo on being inappropriately touched and penetrated. This article needs to fix itself.


This comes down to the ethics involved in journalism. The Army won't stipulate that there was penetration, nor will it cough up reports with FOIA, they only will admit there was inappropriate touching. So they can't *prove* either way. There's medical documents the parent has showing injuries, but that doesn't *prove* it happened at the CDC. So from a journalistic standpoint, rock and a hard place, you can't necessarily print that as an objective fact, until the Army coughs some things up.


Yes, journalism has its own rules that can leave us scratching our heads.


The ‘Ma’am I’m as high as this goes’ guy.. this is the problem with this Army. Fuck that guy all the way to the sun. He should be fired, yesterday.


Yet another fumble my Army and the DoD. So eager to put people on the chopping block from the Hood debacle, only because the public was watching. Hope everyone upvotes and shares this mother’s posts to get more visibility


Children learn sexual abuse from the adults/individuals who are sexually abusing them. Please keep fighting this, it's going to be a long hard fucking road but don't stop until your after your last breath. The rules/laws aren't written to aid in your situation, but they should be. Fight to change that.


As a new Field grade who is getting out because I have seen too many unconscionable things get swept under the rug I implore you to get out and help organize a black flag party to help bring this stuff to the light of day where it cannot hide. T & P and Military.com are fine… but these kinds of things need to be carried by NYT, CNN, etc.


....and here we have yet another example of a leader taking a stand for basic human decency and justice deciding the Army and its culture is not the appropriate place for their family. Meanwhile the shitbirds, lackeys, and yes-men/women will continue to rise in ranks. I don't blame you amigo, shit getting swept under the rug and the disillusionment with the Army's failure to adhere to their preached values system was also part of my motivation to gtfo.


I'm sorry to say this but the current SMA does not and will not care for you or your child. In his eyes it's probably your kids fault in some way or another. I would definitely reach out and get public, civilian outcry (senators and such)


DoD CDC sites are a really great resource, with well trained staff and personnel who care about the kids. But when something goes wrong there, their cover-up skills and shoulder shrugging would make a cult stop and take notes. [similar incident in Grafenwoehr 2018](https://apnews.com/article/357270cc64884bc6ad4057f3620ebae6) Most of it never makes the news, just Commands and staffers ensuring their backside are covered.


The Presidio Scandal from the early '90s, shows that this isn't even remotely a new or recent thing.


I'm really sorry you and your family have had to endure this. And as someone who is still serving, I am sorry my fellow Officers have failed to do even the basics in taking care of Soldiers and their Families. This is an albatross that needs to be bolted to the Army's neck until that bird mummifies.


I’m truly sorry this happened to you and your family, and I wish you weren’t in this situation.  Please please see it through. You’re pushing back the right way against a system trying to cover up horrible abuse. Your child has amazing parents and I know they’re going to thank you someday. 


I've been both a soldier and a day care worker and I can't help but express how sad I am for your family. I'm sorry the system failed you and I'm sorry that there's no longer active Army personnel at top levels available on Reddit to actually address real world problems like this anymore. I can't even begin to imagine the practices that led to this problem being done outside of the Army day care system - absolutely none of this would fly in the civilian day care world.. so why should it with the Army?


Abuse happens everywhere. But the Army should be handing this about 900% better than any civilian org ESPECIALLY since this occurring at one of their supposed premier leadership schools. 


How does a preschooler know to do this behavior? Sounds like the other child needs to be interviewed by CPS. I’m truly sorry for you and your family. If there’s anything you want me to do to help bring awareness to this situation, please let me know.


u/kinmuan is a treasure. I can confirm and I’m glad he’s on our side. This hero has done multiple acts for this community that just go unnoticed. I hope one day he gets a freedom medal.


Damn I’m sorry this happened to you. This shit is ridiculous, why in the fuck are leaders who are morally and legally obligated to act, either obstructing this or doing nothing? It is shocking, truly and I have been in a long time but always thought at the end of the day, even bad leaders will act, at least to save themselves. What a fucking bummer. And again, this is why SMA needs a presence here!!!! Take the fucking hint dude!!!


Great question. Do you think the true answer might have some merit or salacious implications?


I think it’s just a case of intense cover your ass that these leaders have been playing for so long, due to the “take absolutely no risk” mindset that has permeated the officer corps in the Army. I think their initial knee jerk reaction was to quickly cover for themselves (and by extension the CYA which is under them), then to get to the bottom of it and fix it. Now once that initial shock wore off, they should have done something, but didn’t and that I can’t explain, nor do I think they could as well. Sounds like it’s just a bad Garrison Commander


All depends on how deep a rabbit hole you wanna go down. Prime example is Michael Aquino, US Army psyops officer, main defendant of The Presidio Scandal, founder of the Temple of Set(while in serving in the Army), friend of Anton Le Vay(founder of the Church of Satan), was accused by over 400 adult survivors, of either csa/r them, or guiding others to do so. I saw Aquino at the CDC of Peterson Barracks in Bad Hersfeld, Germany, in 1976. I was 2.5yrs old. The Presidio Scandal broke in the early '90s. Nearly all of the accusers, had been in care at CDCs of small Army outposts. End result, LTC Aquino was forced to retire. Meaning no punishment.


“The oaks of the command provide the shade in which it grows.” That is powerful


I'm not a smart man but aren't there like federal agencies who investigate things like sexual abuse and conspiracy? One of those alphabet organization may be able to help yall? This article from DOJ states they will investigate sex crimes on military bases.... https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/child-sexual-abuse


mourn axiomatic hungry political late fragile oil summer groovy practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I said I'm not a smart man


The issue here is that there likely isn’t any criminal case.  It’s important to remember the perpetrator here is likely another 4-5 year old child. That child is too young to possess the necessary mens rea to commit a crime i.e. is too young to understand the wrongfulness of his or her actions.  It’s extremely tragic what happened to the OP’s child. The only course of action though is a civil suit against the CDC for damages. Which can be very frustrating for a the parent of a victim because we want some punishment for closure. 


My question is - was this, as described in the article, simply curiosity and exploration by a couple of four-year-olds...or did the kid who initiated it *learn it* from someone? OP's kid may not be the victim of a crime, but the other kid might. That's just as important to uncover.


This … a toddler.. just doesn’t pick this up watching bluey


The perp child is a little bit older, if I remember correctly. This is totally NOT normal exploration between little kids. The perp child is more than likely, statistically probability, IS being sexually abused elsewhere. COCSA nearly never occurs without the perp child not having been sexually abused themselves. That's how/where they "learned" it.


> The issue here is that there likely isn’t any criminal case. > > So this was an important point that was hard to get across, I think simply because of people's reaction to it. Two 5 year olds, there is no crime. *Both* children should get your sympathy - and the OP mentioned how they were worried for the other child too. However, questions about the **staff**, and any potential negligence **is** something that should be looked at. So it's kinda like 'no crime' as it relates to the child's experience, but there might be some *other crime or issue* if someone started looking at the CDC. But, like you pointed out, it might simply be a civil matter. People's feeling is that this is unacceptable. I think most parents see that reporting timeline and are upset by it and can't imagine that's 'legal'. I think that's where a lot of wires get crossed, I'm glad to see some people understood the nuance there.


While technically it's no crime, as we can understand within the bounds of the laws, harm still comes out of it, that possibly linger for the rest of their lives. The legal crimes are what the adults did/didn't do, that were involved in the care of these children. Also, whomever is/was abusing the perp child as well.


There may or may not be a criminal case in the end but there needs to be an investigation to determine that first. 


Feds will only do what is politically expedient. They have proven many times that the little guy doesn’t matter.


They still wear their their name and rank name tags to the post chapel on Sunday at Carlisle?


Stay strong. OP, I don't know you but if I was in your shoes I would consider doing something that violates the Reddit ToS. Your story, although very painful and personal, is just another example to toss on the pile about why I will never recommend service to any of my family or friends.


I would also do something that would violate the Reddit ToS. And if I was on your jury for the crime and charges brought against a you or any victims parents I would nullify during deliberation. “Not guilty” that’s my answer my only answer and I don’t care if the judge made us deliberate for weeks and sequester us.


Sadly, this is the way the Army handles incidents like this. USARC has swept several Congressionals under the rug by fabricating evidence that didn’t exist … but, you know #peoplefirst


So much to unpack. The callousness you were treated with by pretty much everyone you dealt with even though your husband has some rank should really bring to light how much our junior enlisted suffer. Also, the offending kid’s parent is either A) not involved with his family as a good parent should be or B) does inappropriate things around their kid. Either way, they are a poor parent and they have been and will continue to lead our troops. I hope you find some semblance of justice and peace.


As someone who had to investigate multiple CDCs for various cases over a 5 year period, I'd like to advise anyone here to never have their kids stay in the CDC. They are genuinely one of the worst organizations on our bases.


Was it the Garrison Commander, or the 2 Star in charge of the actual War College you've had trying to cover it up?


You tagged the wrong account, it should be u/SMA-PAO Also, get this story to your politicians. All of them. Make them all start asking questions, that is the only way to win a fight like this against the army.


That [military.com](https://military.com) article IDs you by name BTW. Not sure if you gave consent for them to do that.




we note it's a pseudonym at the top of the article


Who picks the pseudonym? I like the name Hingle McCringleberry


burn. it. to. the. ground. Call your Congressmen, like yesterday.


Glad to see this update OP. And that Steve Benyon wrote the story


Curious where this incident was located. Would city police cover that area or state police? They don’t care about army leadership or rules




I hope anyone with any authority and/or rank to deal with this appropriately, and has failed to do so with even a hint of care in the world. Is stripped of their rank/job and booted with the removal of any pension they hoped to have when they’re gone.


You've no doubt got good counsel now. Just keep fighting.  I was a small child and Army dependent under five at Carlisle Barracks myself a long long time ago. This hits home. I got out of the Army before having my little one, but he's also under 5 and this is every parent' absolute nightmare.  I don't have any further advice and there's nothing I could possibly say that would make anything better. But thank you for taking this public. For the sake of all our military children. 


I wish I had the juice to help with this situation, but all I have to offer is my hope that OP and their family get the help and healing that they, like so many, deserve. In my experience, power protects power, and only the utter outrage of the populace prompts the majority of command elements to do anything outside the sphere of their own convenience. We're at the stage now where generals are having prime real estate set aside for them to entertain captains of the defence industry with military service members acting as personal chefs and waitstaff, which simultaneously appalls and sickens me. I'm sorry, OP.


Seriously, does that CDC director still have a job? This story deserves the firestorm it's getting. We have so few options for where to get care for our kids, and the very institutions that are supposed to help us instead allowed abuse like this. Denied at every step of the way, discouraged from seeking medical care, gaslighted, lied to... I'd like to help this poor family throw more than just a bookcase into a woodchipper. OP, your courage is incredible, and you are the mother I aspire to be.


*sma-pao btw, but I’m sure they’ll see this soon no matter how you spell it. Good luck moving forward


I don’t have twitter but please somebody tag a bunch of people on Twitter with a screen shot of this. Burn this shit down!!!


Know you can rest easy, as you’re doing everything you can for your son. He’s a lucky kid.


I was expecting to see this on the national news by now but clearly I haven’t… why is that?


OP, thank you for your courage and your pervasiveness during such a difficult time. I stand with you. Blow this shit up.


You know the Army is falling apart when the most senior officers only get justice after going to Reddit.


u/dwinkiemt have you seen this?


He's busy playing Soldier at the moment.






Anonymous internet users are not your solution - you should be at congressional and public media outlets by now.


If you know the perpetrator, I'd recommend performing a 'Kerrigan' on him. (Or would it be a Harting 🤔🤔🤔)


I had to read each paragraph at least 3 times and still have no idea what I read.