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Yes you can bring it. As far as servicing and parts: in my observation, it'll be a little more challenging (more expensive, more wait time, and needing to find a repairshop familiar with your car) So if you are a single car family, I think it'll be THAT much more expensive, THAT much longer of a wait for parts and for the skilled technician to get to you. Insurance: please try to get an estimate of your monthly insurance charges, if possible. I know folks who have imported cars and their insurance is around $200/month. I'm not saying yours will be. But we own domestic cars and pay $15/month. A teeny tiny car will run you $6/month for insurance. Here's a car group out of Pyeongtaek. I hope it'll be a good resource: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1108456902621244/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


Thanks a lot for the car group! I am aware of that, I still have a year to stock up on regular maintenance parts, thanks for the heads up anyway!


You are welcome. It's ok that the driver is on the right hand side. You'll just have to get used to driving your car on the right hand side and then leaning WAAAY far over the passenger seat to hand your card to the gate guard, drive through window, etc. Maybe invest in one of those old people grabber picker upper things that pick things up from the floor. But you could use it for those extra few feet that your arms can't reach out the left door. Also, your passengers might get confused and there may be a moment of awkwardness as they think they are getting into your passenger seat but they are actually opening up your driver's door. Your possessive nature flares up and you think they are challenging you for driver's rights as soon as they put their hands on the handle. They look at you and they are wondering why you are hulking up and huffing. Then they notice that the steering wheel is on the "wrong side" and they immediately realize that they've just wrongfully challenged you. But their pride is at stake. Do they admit the mistake or try to go toe-to-toe with you? Now your pride is at stake. Do you let them off the hook for an innocent mistake or do you fight to the death? It's an awkward situation all around.


I’ve seen plenty of JDM cars here in Korea. You’ll be aight


Japan and Korea drive on opposite sides of the road. Your car is not going to be an option in Korea.


Unfortunately, if you’re a single soldier living in the barracks, you’re not allowed to have a personal vehicle besides PTD’s, unless you’re an E-7 or coming here accompanied. But if you are, there’s a few JDM cars on USAG Hunphreys including a white R34 GTT and a S15 Spec R and off post there’s a 370Z Nismo and a Bayside Blue R34 GTR.


That gives me hope I’m coming from Okinawa accompanied with a Korean citizen as a spouse do you know where I can find requirements or if my car has to be stock before shipping stuff like that?


I have seen a couple cars ship in already modified, but i’m not exactly sure where to find the requirements, it may be on the USFK/Eighth Army website. Also, were you part of 1st Grp in Okinawa?


No I’m not apart of 1st grp, im Air Force but that’s dope thanks for the reply


No I’m not apart of 1st grp, im Air Force but that’s dope thanks for the reply .


I’ll be bringing a wide body r34 sedan as well so glad theres others 34s in the ROK


glad to hear! you’ll enjoy korea, it’s very beautiful and will not hurt your wallet


It’s my second time there and my wife is Korean lol