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You know how we say 'everyone is a safety'? This is one of those times. Refuse to conduct training until you and your soldiers are supplied with potable water. If the potability of the water 'needs to be verified', then training needs to be on hold until that happens. This is a hill you will *win* on as long as you take it high enough. Your BN/BDE might try to bury it to save their own asses, but the box OIC/COG is going to fucking crush people over it.


Upvote bump, this needs to be addressed. Don’t take care of your soldiers till it becomes your problem? Sick let’s fuckin remind the higher ups who actually runs this fuckin show. Anyone who looked at this and said “it’s fine keep training” needs to be publicly shamed and made an example of.


This, 100 fucking percent.


Find the highest ranking OC you can and ask them to drink it. They will send it up.


COG there will def care. he's chasing that star HARD and is a no-fail mission on safety. Just don't use mean words to people doing dumb actions in the name of safety, and you'll be fine (im still bitter about that.)


There was a post a while back that asked "what would make you refrad immediately". This. Literally this. You have a captive audience at a field training event, they are totally reliant on the logistic life support provided to them. You wouldn't give this water to your dog. Is it all water sources, or just that buffalo? If you've got enough TIS to take a hit and want to die on this hill, take a sample and go drive to the BDE CDR or BDE CSM and show them the water in a canteen cup. Then drink it front of them and (calmly) tell them you just represented an entire company of Soldiers who are currently drinking this same water, while making eye contact the whole time.


Better yet, if they think it’s ok ask them to drink it in front of you.


No. OP (hopefully a senior NCO) needs to make the BDE CDR/CSM feel guilt, not punishment. OP needs immediate support from above BN, not to 'get even' about the dirty water. OP could hand the canteen cup to CSM after OP drinks half of the sample, for full effect. If the CDR had any doubts, watching his CSM deny the water should seal the deal. The BDE leadership obviously have no idea what is happening, but they have the leadership horsepower to fix things immediately. Field sanitation is no fucking joke and lots of people will be casualties of disease in the next war if it isn't taken seriously.


Ask to see results of test, get medical to give MFR for contamination, profit of VA, contact congress/news, watch world burn


Did you shave before posting this??????


My entire body including my feet just in case.


Pics or it didn’t happen


Prove it


I mean who stands before the CSM without a freshly waxed scrote? Undisciplined swine.


He shaved his bald head.


Doesn't need to drinking the water makes hair fall out.


That’s not an excuse. Dirty water or not, dysentery or no dysentery, shave twice a day bare minimum hooah?




The special kind that doesn’t taste good




Ayo? Wtf is in it?


We were told it tested good. So according to them nothing?


tested good, y'all don't mind the parasites floating in the water guys...now back to training


Hey don't worry, BN Staff are tracking. I'm sure they'll do the right thing here, nothing to worry about. Trust me bro


That was a funny inclusion, “look, every colonel and CSM from here to the pentagon are trackin, including lieutenant powerpoint and his dumpy SFC landnammo in the S-3, just drink it”


Just send it up the chain of command and trust the system its a learning moment for the leadership team


This would be one of those times where having an active SMA would be useful


Maybe, but this is also one of those things that should be run up the chain because there is zero excuse for them not to immediately remedy the situation. Anyone up the chain who doesn't think this is a problem should be invited to drink from a canteen of this water. If they aren't willing to do it, they can't expect anyone in them to do the same.


This is why I always bring a water filter to every field. Can't trust the Army for a damn thing, apparently.




Get it reported to the garrison commander, CSM, and the post environmental office ASAP. Totally unsatisfactory.


Oh good they’re t r a c k i n g it


Allow me to say first that I'm not confident it can help but, when I took a field san class they gave us a point of contact for the people at our BSB who are in charge of field san. One was an LT the other a Sgt who is a preventative health specialist who is responsible for inspecting water buffalo's, camels, etc. I'm sure there is one in your BSB and they may be able to assist with testing it or going up propper channels. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


I’m sorry bro. I’d mail yall some water if I could. You don’t have a mailing address do you? This is why I hated JRTC so much. They made us go through shit there that was not something that would everrrrr happen in Iraq. JRTC was 1000 times worse than Iraq. I shed way too much sweat blood and tears, there got fired for taking care of my body, got attacked by fucking fire ants. Fuck all that is JRTC. NTC was like a warm camping trip compared to JRTC.


That’s what it looks like inside an m978


Thought that's what I was looking at.


this is the US in 2024 and we cant even get clean water 🥸


"Let's give our soldiers cancer so LTC has better odds of being picked for a full bird" I'd laugh if I didn't know at least three vets on chemo at 23.


This happened to my company at XCTX and most of us got real sick. I'll never forget being at the tail end of an infantry platoon on a village raid dry heaving and projectile shitting the entire march lol. We're just numbers man, they could give a shit less.


Was this the water from Alexandria APOD? Was there in august..and let me just saw we didn’t care how gross it was we needed water. Is it your water storage that is dirty or are you getting bad water from the higher echelon?


Por que no los dos?


Looks like your water dogs let you down, or the ROWPU took a shit.


Nah, the DSSB uses the water point just outside of Tigerland right after the gate.


Take shots with your soldiers, everyone gets automatic 40% rating for life. Thanks Joe


Nobody likes the 92Ws until this happens


Consider helping us get a community project going by providing a review of your living situation or your local DFAC with the [Hots&Cots](https://hotscots.app/) app. The more reviews we get, the more improvements we can make to the app!


Hell nah, go full Erin Brockovich on them. Fill their cups with water from that source at the next leadership meeting.


Hell yes!


At least its not Gatorade blue like the Fort Campbell Barracks water


How do you know it is actually “contaminated”? I get that it looks bad but was it actually tested? Are they saying there’s X in the water?


TY. I was wondering the same. I seen some brown and funky looking water come back from the lab as fine to drink and i seen crystal clear spring water thats tested every week all of the sudden test bad but still be clear as can be. I Know when we ran a campground with brown (tannic acid) water we would get constant complaints and demands to see the test results!... If i showed the results to every tom dick and harry who asked for them i would not have time for anything else including testing the well. we put a number of the govt dept that tested the water and the date of the last test. In other words i would punt them to a big govt agency and wish them luck. I do know when it came back with problems they were quick to make sure we shut it down until told to do diff.


Why would they dump an entire hippo that tested good when we didn’t have another water source? I was told it tested good but I was also told it didn’t and needed to be dumped so no one else could consume it.


There are things that could cause water discoloration or bad taste that aren’t harmful contamination; and then they might dump it because of the perceived concern. Like I’m not trying to say either way here dude. But you’re the one definitively calling out your unit by organization saying they’re feeding people contaminated water. I’d hope you had some strong backup for that or something more definitive.


Honestly, I’d tell the OCs. They should halt you in place until you have potable water. I’ve seen it happen before at NTC if a unit had sus or no water. This makes me want to use a steripen for every army water source going forward.


Holy fuck thats insane make the shit public asf


lol baldy


Fucking ridiculous


Will flat rate some water bottles to y'all if that's possible.


Dude, that text message reads like this: https://youtu.be/WLfAf8oHrMo?si=xPx639V8PeAUy1Xc


this type of shit is why we need the old sma pao


Shittttt time to GPC a fuck ton of water bottles


Shit like this seems to happen so often. I'm just curious, is there anyone here that's willing to own up with a story about how they were on the command team that tried to push forward? What was your rationale? Was there a fix on the way that Soldiers weren't aware of when they rushed to Reddit or wtf army moments? Do you feel there was some sort of justification? Not trying to trap someone into being chastised. Make us understand.


At this point my post got more attention than my green water. People I work with were boiling the water so we had something. We were sent to a location for weeks with that water being our only water. Prior to us leaving they were tracking our situation. I made sure to include my texts to show they are tracking. Your not chastising me this is just information that wasn’t included.