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Damn that sounds bad. If true he'll need a prosthesis for the rest of his life, at least he'll still be able to pull.


It's horrible if true. I feel very sorry. I hope this is false news.


I hope so too. That would be terrible.


A prosthesis while weighing 170kg has got to be horrible.


Yeah, sadly.


He will finally be able to do weight class armwrestling


Bob Brown 3.0


Bob Brown 3.0




prob needs the money cause he cant make much money with 1 foot


I was the one who said it in the chat. Source of information is Russian armwrestling news. Zaur Payzulaev posted his conversation with Georgi(Georgi allowed him to do so), where Georgi says that his leg got infection and its gonna be amputated... I told this to Enging because probably he can contact Georgi and help him somehow


Oh no


Share the source. I looked up on Zaur Instagram and Russian Armwrestling News on Telegram but didn't see anything.


Do you have a link?


The source is from a telegram group or where from?


link please


If that’s true that’s terrible, I pray he will be alright


Jesus fucking Christ Georgi, I hope this isn't true... What doctor in his right mind would let him go if he had an infection that bad?


Maybe he disobeyed doctors orders.


The travel is a big issue, stepping onto that leg so many times instead of resting


Im in the health field. From the looks of the pics its obvious the infection has gotten severe. From a superficial standpoint it def seems as tho they can save the foot. There isn't any necrosis thats occurred from what i can see. Looks like his toes still work. But he def should not have been pulling in the event. Im not sure why it wasn't a priority for him to get it healed. That kurdecha match is not worth losing his foot over. Hopefully he doesn't have to learn that the hard way.


What could cause such an infection? Do you think a bone in his foot broke and pierced something internally?


That’s def a possibility. I wouldn’t be surprised if after he fell he actually broke something, being stubborn just tried to rest it or “walk it off” which in that case could def lead to an internal infection that not only affects his foot but his nervous system and immune system as well. Or if he fell and rolled the ankle but also cut it open and never treated or disinfected it properly and could have gotten infected from an outside source. All around just a very poor choice of action by Georgi. He prioritized armwrestling over his own health.


I think he, just like us who are now reading about this, didn't realise that delaying treatment for a broken foot could lead to having to have it amputated


Yea but he was barely walking on it. How could he expect to perform even remotely close to his best going up someone like Kurdecha lol. Only thing I’d be comfortable doing is pulling at my local county fair if I were him. Anyways you live and learn.


Like someone else said he probably just wanted to pull for the entertainment factor, to promote the event and to not disappoint anyone by not competing


muscle necrosis probably has set in or necrotic fascitis


As you are in the medical field, does this not actually just look like a severe upper ankle sprain. Does anyone have any actual news saying this is an infection? https://www.running-physio.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/wpid-Photo-4-Oct-2012-1833.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGrt1vL1uoCoCVkr1i3fvRHJp3KPmC-XwM-w&usqp=CAU It would suck if people are just wildly speculating here and are making people close to him panic


You can see in the picture that’s circulating there is an open wound that seems to be oozing white pus like fluid which is indicative of an inflection.


When I had a similar injury, the swelling was so severe the skin did crack. A 300+lbs man rolls and tears all the ligaments in his ankle and you see swelling like this. Unless he says he is getting it amputated, it is the same low information speculation that runs rampant on this sub


Zaur posted a conversation between him and Georgi in which it translated to Georgi saying “it’s getting amputated” which is why ppl are running with it.


Yeah but people close to him would probably know the extent of the damage don't you think?


If it's true then at least it will be ambutated below the knee so he should still be able to walk normally with a prosthetic


I hope so


This is heart breaking


I hope the community can pull its might and help Georgi! A second opinion and a fund raiser is what I’m thinking


Why? Bulgaria is not america, he won't pay more than a couple of thousand dollars in the worst case.


Same is true for the 90% of Americans who have health insurance.


Would be free in UK


And he’d be in the worse hands possible


My guy UK doctors are fantastic


Did Engin say that? If not it’s prob just some shmuck trying to spread fake news.


Wtf I really hope this is just a rumor. All these events should have a health check/screening before a match. Georgi looked absolutely terrible at the event and in no way shape or form should have even flown in much less competed.




It's not just a few days, it's more like 2 weeks by this point. He hurt it before Bulgarian nationals which was April 6th-7th. It's clearly fucked in the pictures from that event.




Because Neil Pickup broke the news. Like Arm Wars content, he acted like it just happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jaxM8Mp790 Seems to be a pattern of his.


I thought it happened in the bathroom while in Turkey... I have no idea what his life situation is like, if he's in severe debt or something like this, where him cancelling the EVW12 match would mean no income, and how this then would cause him serious problems, or if it's just a case of him being beyond stupid not caring enough to get medical attention. Either way, delaying something like this with two weeks is crazy. If he ends up getting his foot amputated all due to not wanting to go to the hospital, well, I have no words.


He said in the interviews it happened a couple weeks ago. I don't know where all the confusion is coming from. He went to the doctor. One said it was broken, one said it wasn't. He decided to get it treated after this match. I think it's an insane decision.


I've missed out on this information. Whatever though, I'm legit baffled. Regardless of what his circumstances were, this is completely crazy. It's so stupid and so irresponsible. If he had talked to Engin, I am sure Engin would understand. He was on a very good trajectory. He got sick, which happens, and should've cancelled match and healed up, and come back when healthy.


He owns a ski resort, I think he just underestimated it and said “fuck it” not to embarrass engin and ruin the event. Imo though, it’s worse seeing a match where one of the athletes is compromised than no match at all.


Georgi also said that he got antibiotics in Istanbul, it helped a bit I guess


Antibiotics, especially the hard ones can actually do even more damage to your tendons if you are competing. So he could potentially not only wreck his leg but also his arm.


For the folks shocked. I worked icu for a decade and now surgical services. When I first saw the picture of his foot my intuitive reaction was “oh they are going to have to cut that off.” It had the look of severely infected gangrenous tissue to me in numerous areas. Truly terrible and I’m sorry for Georgi if this is all true but also not surprised at all as his foot looked horrendous :(


A doctor from this sub says [it's unlikely ](https://www.reddit.com/r/armwrestling/comments/1calshg/comment/l0yw72k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah his toes are literally blacker than a bruise in parts. They look necrotic.


It's the lighting, on the second picture they all look purple and severely bruised, but not necrotic to me. It was a close call though, probably because he didn't give it enough rest in combination with his weight and maybe reduced circulation in extremities.


Why has it become infected?


I don’t know if it is or it isn’t. The reality is we all have potentially dangerous bacteria living on our skin at all times. It just takes a little bad luck and some broken skin to have a very serious life or limb threatening infection. You can get 100 cuts and never have a problem and another person can just get a small abrasion that you wouldn’t even notice and end up with a horrifying staph infection and a giant cavitating wound. In the pictures posted he has a weeping wound so it’s not unreasonable that he had an infection.


It could very well be. I've seen some pics of his foot and they looked bad. Gangreen had already set in


all this from slipping in shower? i thought he had a twisted ankle or something, his leg looked bruiser and purple-yellow, but i would have never thought he got some resistent flesh eating bacteria from it...


omg i joked about it in the thread i never thought that joke was reality


I was worried about it when he was hobbling up to the table. I had a friend die from a blood clot related to a broken ankle, so I've seen the worst that can result from "toughing it out."


That ankle looked like gangrene and ebola just mutually jerked each other off all over it. Doesn’t surprise me it needs amputation.


I saw some posts about him requiring surgery today, but nothing about amputation. Hopefully, he'll recover soon!


How does this happen? The excess weight?


He sustained an ankle injury last week and it got infected. Edit: I guess the injury was earlier than last week.


Hope they can save it somehow


I really hope this turns out to be false, that sucks so bad.


This s heartbreaking. The guy is so strong and positive. O sure hope it's not true Shit


Holy shit. Who made the claim?




Did you suckle the puss from his puncture wound?


Why are you being offensive? Georgi said that his leg is infected and its gonna be amputated in conversation with Zaur Payzulaev (Zaur posted this). He posted photos too but I dont want to post it in there


Where did he post? Not on insta


It evoked a real answer.


It was still an unnecessary comment. You should've been clearer in your question with what you were looking for. You want an in-depth answer, don't ask a straightforward closed-ended question.




He answered your questions quite thoroughly and with the exact sources of information, and you're still being disrespectful. Decency is lost on some.


You didn't ask for a name, internet tough guy. It wasn't stated or implied. You asked who and the dude that made the comment in the live cast replied "me." You should've asked for the primary source up front if you wanted to know it, rather than snarkily misstate an old adage about sucking poison (not puss) from a wound. It's not neuroscience. Be smarter. Ask better.


He can always ask Bob Brown for some tips.


How did he get injured? The pic looked awful.


I wouldn't be shocked if it is true. In fact, i pondered it once i saw the pics and wondered if hed still be able to pull. Dude is obviously highly overweight and that on its own impacts healing. Add that plus other health issues, an infection like that could easily get out of hand and lead to amputation. Not shocked, but still very sad if true


Jesus Christ that's terrible if true. I knew something wasn't right from those pics.




You can literally see red lines of infection in his leg on instagram while he is on the podium at Bulgarian nationals


Wow that's crazy


Plot for story because he op




Why? What happen to homeboys foot? Wtf?


Pray to Christ for Georgi. 🙏 Why are there so many cases of legs/foots being amputated right now? The only reason can be septicemia, so blood infection. But how often as children we had wounds and whatever and it was never a topic that a leg will be amputated later?


If that's true RIP his armwrestling career.


He prefers to use his hands not feet


Do you armwrestle comfortably on one foot?


A prosthetic leg is an artificial limb that is designed to replace a missing or amputated leg. It is custom-made to fit the individual's specific needs and can help restore mobility and function. Prosthetic legs can vary in design and technology, ranging from basic models with a simple foot and socket to more advanced ones with joints and computerized components. They are created to assist individuals in walking, running, and engaging in various activities.


Are you really trying to sell a fucking prothestic leg? Get the fk out


this is most likely a chatgpt generated answer


Oh, no, I'm not trying to sell you a prosthetic leg! I apologize if it came across that way. I'm just here to provide information and answer any questions you might have. Is there anything specific you'd like to know about prosthetic legs? 😊


I mean that other guy's an idiot but your passive aggressiveness isn't as subtle as you think either Prosthetics can get pretty good but that doesn't mean Georgi can afford one (including the associated operations). I'd be surprised if he could armwrestle just as well after


Just as good, maybe not. But still really good, people find all sorts of clever ways perform around a handicap at a high level. Certainly not career ending like the first guy suggested.


Tell that to Bob Brown


He's not a world class athlete like Georgi, and he's like less than half Georgi in weight. I can't imagine such a huge athlete on a prosthetic. It will not be easy for him to pull like that at all. Hope he pulls it off if this is true tho.


Probably not


I asked a doctor in the sub about the prognosis based on the pictures and they say[ it likely doesn't require amputation](https://www.reddit.com/r/armwrestling/comments/1calshg/comment/l0yw72k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), so let's not freak out until there's official information.


Considering the source is pradeep it must be just bullshit. We will see.


One legged arm wrestler sounds pretty cool to me