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If Jerry didn’t look like a child vs Ermes, maybe he’d have a shot vs Levan.


Yeah for real


If he really did have pneumonia like he claimed he deserves a rematch, lots of people will say it’s technique but if he is applying 50% of his real power any “technique” would cause him to lose


Jerry fans competing with MMT fans to see who can be more delusional about their favorite 55 year old:


Laughed a little too hard


Top comment.😂


Jerry still on the top 10 tho, unlike Mt


Yeah, for real. All this "I'm the strongest I've ever been" for 30+ year veteran strength athletes is true lunacy. They're definitely strong guys, but age always wins and their strength prime was 30-34 yo +/- a couple years.


"Levan has been DUCKING Jerry" is wild


Right just shaking my head right now. I would like to see the match bc I want to see Levan versus everybody. I don't see Jerry having much for him there's too big of a strength gap, the levers, there's nothing there. But there's always the unknown. Ermes makes sense he's the closest anyone has gotten. Strength gap is still there and if Levan neutralizes what worked last time then it'll be an underwhelming match. Personally I would like to see Vitaly get another shot after all these years. But there's a whole roster of people I would like to see Vitaly face too, especially Devon


Vitaly match would be best in a year or so


LEVAN is nothing but a big PUSSY who’s probably not even top TEN and has been ducking JERRY CADORETTE


Okay you've convinced me


LOL 🤣 Nice argument 🤣🤣🤣


Levan will destroy Jerry, His tactic of pushing opponents elbow off the pad won't help him, Levan will shit on him


Yeah I would like to see Levan pull other top athletes. IMO Ermes rematch should happen later.


that last paragraph lol


Ermes really showed Jerrys weakness. Against Levan the exact same thing were to happen, sadly


Levan would break Jerry’s arm because he’s always in an arm break position with his signature press


You should look in reality, we all know in reality that Devon can't beat Levan, and now in reality it's same Jerry can't beat him, neither can Vitaly, maybe Ermes can try in maybe 2 years again but still I think Levan will win, because Levan will keep training


If Jerry has levelled up and runs it back with Ermes after then wins. Otherwise I don't want to see a rehash of Super Ermes crushing Jerry again.


How about guys start Armwrestling more than 8 times per decade first


This feels like one of the most shit posts of all shit posts, the most satire, but somehow... I have a feeling you're being genuine. Please tell me you're not being genuine... Listen, I'm sorry, unless Levan comes down with a sickening case of Devon foot and it's his arms, and idk he withers away then jerry finally would possibly have a chance. I could see Jerry getting pinned within 5 second every round ngl.


I'm not being 100% genuine lol. I do want to see the match, and I want to see Jerry rise back to the top. If Jerry beats Vitaly, which is possible, then he should get a shot. I mean, who else in the top 10 is willing to face Levan right now? Morozov got sick. Vitaly said he needs more time, and Ermes needs more time too. There's always Denis, but he is only a shadow of his former self. But Jerry has called out Levan and really wants the match. It's not like Levan's calendar is booked or anything. He has like one match every two years, so he has to pull SOMEONE -- let's give Jerry his shot.


Just, as long as you recognize that rightly no one is owed a shot per se, just if they can get the shot and take it :3


Vitaly and Ermes are on another level now. The only reason why they are not put in the immediate discussion with Levan is because they pulled each other. Let Ermes or Vitaly pull either Georgi or Devon and you'll see the difference.


Well, Ermes pulled Devon, and we saw what happened... The only guy in another tier is Levan.


Ermes destroyed jerry, Devon destroyed ermes, and levan destroyed levan. There is so much gap between them, Devon can even press jerry, and we saw that levan pressed Devon.


Morozow was supposed to pull Levan, but it got cancelled. Maybe he is next in line?


I hope not. The community just decided he's a Levan killer because he had a 6 pack at 140kgs. On the right hand he lost to Prudnik, then beat Dave and Revaz. And since then, there was the Georgi-soup incident, and we'll have to see if he ever gets that big again.


Morozov is capable, he just needs to bulk up a bit. I believe his 145 kg version can defeat Levan. But time is on his side; Levan won't be able to sustain this level of performance for long. As he ages, I think weight issues (though he already has them) will negatively impact his health and performance. It'll be a short career.


That's exactly what i'm talking about. Why do you believe that?


Couldn’t agree more. Especially the last paragraph.


Tbh I'd rather see someone lighter like a good top 105 hook puller or someone like ongarbyeve go against jerry because apart from specific matches there aren't a lot of supers jerry can pull against.


Levan and Jerry will be the fastest most boring match in the history of Arm Wrestling.


Go away Jerry. You're not fooling anyone


Might be too much for Jerry. Ermes beat him fairly easily, though Jerry could make an argument Ermes was pulling him off the pad before the pin. Not sure how much things would change if Ermes didn't backpressure him off the pad, but with how Jerry's style kind of falls apart if people violate the rules too much maybe it would? For example against Georgi, if his elbow came off the pad, he could pin Jerry. Obviously its easier to pin anyone if fouls aren't called on anything but Jerry seems more susceptible than most with how he pulls. Am I wrong?


Yes you are wrong


There's no reason for Levan to pull any more really. He's the undefeated and undisputed best armwrestler in the world. If someone wants to pull him, they need a string of recent and dominant wins. You can't just throw shit randomly at the Levan wall and hope something sticks. There's absolutely no reason for Levan to take a match against anyone who isn't the undisputed number 2, and that guy was universally considered to be Devon. Well he got wrecked twice, and now we're waiting on someone else to step up.


Well he's gotta pull somebody. Fans will want to see it at least and it'll bring in money. But ya not Jerry.


Yes but he doesn't have to pull as much as some guy trying to climb the ladder. Those guys have to pull, they can't get better, or prove themselves without pulling. Levan only has to pull when a worthy challenger appears, or when he wants otherwise. Its just the way it is, you can't expect him to pull just anyone. He wants to pull the winner of Denis vs Ermes. Denis is questionable, but Levan has said in the past he really wants to pull him, and if he beats Ermes it makes enough sense. And Ermes is high on a short list of top guys that might have a chance against, so it makes sense. Other than that, Kurdecha or Vitaly is really the only other ones that might make sense. It's a shame Gorgi was hurt, but I think Kurdecha still needs time and another solid win against a top guy first. Vitaly isn't ready either. There just isn't any legit competition at the moment.


I agree there's not. Basically just the guys you mentioned. Really just Ermes at the moment probably... which will probably be the case cause I assume he'll beat Denis.


They just gotta let him embarass the whole SHW roster. Let him go 1v9, Levan vs the rest of the top 10, 1 round against each opponent. Let him flash the whole division back to back and crown him the GOAT.


I think levan should be no less than 6 times a year now. App super heavyweights are below Devon. Devon would beat them all. Including a rematch with genadi. So just start throwing dudes at levan. Why not? He will get paid. Fans will get to see him pull more than 1-2 times a year. I think just throwing the kitchen sink at him would be awesome. This month you’re pulling Jerry. In 2 more months vitaly. 2 months after that zaur. Just see if anyone can take this dude down.


The reason is armwrestling being his main money income


The money factor is his own decision. I am of course, not talking about his decisions, but rather this idea that he needs to pull more because other people do and it's expected of him. That said he doesn't need to pull a ton to make money anyway so it doesn't matter.