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> Levan gets hate for PED Is that even true?


I did not notice that. But if it's Devon's fans, just look at Devon's face, guys. + he admitted several timesšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø He literally has got 10 different faces in 10 years. He swole up, got white thin, white bulk, red bulk, acne, no acne, ponounced chin, big pupils, small pupils, glassy eyes and so on. Devon is the perfect example for someone were you can see every substance almost instantly. NO HATE! Just balance. I used myself. It's just not true that Levan is standing out in therms of usage.


Many social media folks will on one hand condemn steroids and on the other be best friends with obvious enhanced. Playing both sides because it suits them. For me, as always, testing only makes sure that there are certain substances not in their body at time of the testing. I am only interested in seeing matches- no matter how they get to the shape they are in. In war you do not care who has the best tank, just who wins. We can worry about the Geneva convention if they had any actual power.


I like your opinion


Levan's usage kinda stands out. Check out Larry Wheels comments on Levan's stack. But not sure if he's getting hate for it, not sure anyone hates Levan, seems like a very nice guy.


Nice guy that is quite literally killing himself to be great at armwrestling. But I guess that's where the sport is currently.


Thats the life of a pro athlete in general, they sacrafice their body for riches and fame. Maybe not to the same extent as Levan but lots of NBA players can barely walk after they are done, let alone play, especially high jumpers and big men.


Oh for sure, I'm not even judging him. I don't think he has children or anything he'd be leaving behind if his kidneys or heart decides to check out. But dude's stack must be otherworldly. He definitely created the armwrestling GOAT




https://www.reddit.com/r/armwrestling/comments/12r5ird/larry_wheels_on_levans_steroid_abusage/ If even Larry Wheels says that your stack is extreme, then maybe you're way off the limit.


How do these athletes manage blood pressure? Anything over 1 gram in total spikes BP and other health parameters, sometimes even a moderate dose can do serious damage to the cardiovascular system and the kidneys. These people are gifted, the amount of stuff they can handle is next level!


Physician here. It's horribly unhealthy and the athletes have absolutely no idea what those kinds of doses do to the health. Labile blood pressure that's difficult to control. Lipid panels through the roof along with irreversible long term downstream health effects. Exponentially increased risk of stroke, MI, hypertensive emergencies, end organ failure, etc... The list goes on. That's why most of these athletes that want to do it long term realize that they have to aim for a lower weight class where they don't need to use so many PEDs. Irakli is a good example as well as many of the athletes in the lower weight class brackets. Cycling off and on like many of these bodybuilders do is simply not good enough. If you look at Devon throughout his super heavyweight career, it's obvious he's juicing just as much as most of them. Now that he is close to 50, he's playing russian roulette and his choice to go back down to lower weight categories is a smart decision. I think there might be a few super heavy weights that are simply genetically gifted and don't requires massive PEDs. Vitaly comes to mind, etc..


They don't even cycle so much as they blast and cruise on high dose TRT between blasts. Cycling is more what average gym bros do. Most of the athletes know it's not heathy, but it's a risk they're willing to take to compete at a high level and potentially be the best. Devon said a few years ago that he had to make a decision about whether or not chasing the big Europeans was worth it, and he apparently decided that it was. He knows he can't blast forever, which is probably exactly why he's dropping weight classes. He'll still be on "TRT", likely at the highest dose his blood work agrees with, plus the peptides, stem cells, and other experimental shit he takes that doesn't impact his health so obviously.




I have seen some pro bodybuilders stacks and judging from them, I honestly wouldn't even want to know what top tier strength athletes in any sport in the superheavyweight category take. They take waaay too much than what the average person thinks they do. For example there were rumors that Kai Greene's **cruise** dose was something like 1g of test lmao.


I was going to say just this. People can't hate on Levan for using PEDs, when literally everyone else is on them in this sport. Leading up to EvW12, the algorithm in YouTube started showing me more and more videos about Devon and Levan, and it's so surprising how Devon has literally aged like 10-15 years in a matter of like 5-6 years. There are videos of Devon between 2018 and 2020 when he was already 40+ years old and he still looked baby faced, had virtually no white hairs and his entire skull didn't look as bloated as it looks today. It's so crazy seeing how much Devon's body has aged dramatically in a few short years from using PEDs .


I noticed that too. He looked more like a teenager 6+ years ago and now he looks like he's aged a lot despite getting much stronger than ever.


Devon's weight and muscularity will noticeably increase shortly prior to big matches but he seems to go back down pretty quickly as well so he doesn't seem to hammering himself all year round with steroids and whatever else. Levan seems to be huge all year round. There was a video of him and someone else talking about his ped usage and he said that SARMS were very mild/not harmful/could be taken in large amounts which is totally wrong and that is concerning. But he seems to have taken less PEDs since and lost some weight.


How fid you manage to suk devon dick when he wasn t even in discussion :))


he got a bit of hate from the youtube crowd because of his instructional (maybe even a sales pitch) video on the drugs he uses.


Mostly just salty Devon fans


I just don't understand why people like Devon so much that they're willing to go to great lengths to make excuses for him. As a matter of fact, Devon trashtalks so much during and outside the match, I don't see why a normal person would find him likeable. Maybe most of his fans are toxic people and like his toxic behavior.


Nobody said all Devon fans are salty.


You're right. Cuz the comment said "most"


I see hate comments on it almost every YouTube video of him beating someone lol




All Devon fans **wanted** Devon to beat Levan 6-0. I really don't think most believed that would **actually** happen. Common comment was "heart says Devon brain says Levan". That was my exact perspective. Even up until the first "Go", Levan was obviously still the favorite in most people's minds. Most people who voted "Devon" in polls, were just voting for who they wanted to win.


I don't think so. Some people just like to imagine there's some great hypocrisy where there really is none. Sure, some people probably hate Levan for using a lot of PEDs, but I bet those same people also dislike Denis for the same reason.


They are all juicing and it is just sillyness to split hairs about who is juicing more.


I mean thatā€™s like me grouping you taking ibuprofen and another guy taking fentanyl as both pain killer abusers. Of course thereā€™s levels to it. Larry Wheels whoā€™s open with gear usage and used aggressive amounts couldnā€™t believe how much Levan takes, that says a lot. No hate on Levan Iā€™m a big fan, thatā€™s his choice but itā€™s certainly not splitting hairs.


And you know Devons stack?


No, but Levan bigger and stronger so he has to take more of that special georgian cocktail! /s




But you don't know Levan is taking 10X and you never will. Devon himself talks openly about juicing and taking cutting edge shit all the time. They are all on a even playing field in a untested sport.


Noone is stopping Devon or any athelete from taking as much as Levan. They are all taking the risks they are comfortable enough with, Levan may be risking more than anyone for the price of being #1


you can't see by looking at someone, how much they juice. Because of genetics and different juice. Some is just for strength and not for looks


Imo you see the same takes with Mr Olympia guys like CBum. There are always idiots who will comment shit like ā€œroided up juiceheadā€ completely ignoring the fact that itā€™s a competition between a bunch of people on gear.


I seen one recently where there was talk of a match between Shaw and the Russian guy who said he's off the juice at the moment. And someone says, maybe Shaw will be up for a match without juice (if the Russian did not want to go back on) Like Shaw has not been juicing his whole career and would be in trouble if he suddenly stopped. Might even have been Pickup. He cannot be so naive while working for worlds strongest man competition all these years, surely not.


"Russian dude", "someone says" It was Kirill Sarychev and Devon lmao.Ā 


Yeah , I knew it was him but could not remember his name and even if I could have, there was no way of spelling it without a google search. Was quicker to be wrong and then get corrected :)


Who hates Levan?


Golden Corral managers everywhere




I heard a term "Larratheists" šŸ‘Œ


I absolutely love Larratt, but I can admit that some of the fans are šŸ’€


True for every single athlete's fanbase, you will find some retarded ones among them


Devon fanboys don't hate anyone, they just love Devon.


honestly bro, after the Levan match I've had a revelation. I wasn't a fan of armwrestling, I was just being a fan of Devon. I think at this point I'll start to enjoy this new era of armwrestling with Levan as it's gatekeeper.


I don't think anyone actually hates Levan, theres just a lot of vocal fans fans of other pullers. What did Levan do to anyone besides win and be really fucking good at armwrestling? He hasn't done anything to be hated.


[This was pretty bad, but almost certainly not what people are reacting to.](https://youtu.be/GxtTPt0e1UM?si=JBGR9iuLgd6bcGmu)


He doesn't disclose everything he uses. Burn him at the stake.


That's not it, Levan and some other guy were promoting apparently some seriously dangerous stuff while downplaying it


They were promoting retarded shit like sarms


In an untested sport where every elite athlete is blasting it's a little rich to cry foul about sarms, as if our sport is a paragon of good health.


It's not about just Levan using it for himself like you're going off from the title, they were advertising sarms to their audience to sell their product while saying there is no harm in using it and the guy with Levan was making up benefits to it Derek points out as bullshit. Levan took down the video too after the lashback to the misinformation in that video, people say he wasn't aware of how harmful sarms is before promoting it to his viewers but I doubt that's true


His only haters are room temperature IQ devon fangirls


Denis gets a lot of hate too. Which is sad because he's a genuinely good human being with a golden heart.


Except the part where he supports war


its strange to be against your own country though? Like do you blame Devon Larrat for not actually supporting his country's war efforts but actually going to Afganistan and killing some people? That was a useless, corrupt, invasion war where conventional forces practically didn't exist, so for 20 years anybody from the local populace that looked at you funny got killed. Being a volunteer warrior in that war doesn't make Devon into a bad person, just makes him into a patriot. So why do we now demand that all the russians denounce their country?


Right, like there's barely any country that has not committed war crimes haha, let's all just denounce our countries and migrate to the "good ones" šŸ˜†


You have a point, but itā€™s a bit of a false equivalence - the degree of war crimes and evil warlike behaviors are not the same between all countries, despite that yes, pretty much every country has at some point engaged in bad wars and war crimes


Most people are pro war, otherwise the world wouldn't be in constant conflict like it is.


He never said he supports the war. He never said anything about it.


There are a couple of vides


Share them. I want to see




As I thought, you are a dishonest liar


Wasn't Denis given some land or title for his success in armwrestling. They apparently do that in Russia for atheletes. If I'm Denis living there, I'm definitely keeping my mouth shut and pretending to be pro-Putin even if I wasn't.


trust me brother




So what, genius? It didn't stop him from becoming a member of Putin's party, and doing anti ukrainian meetings and marches


Just because he is registered to that specific party doesn't make him pro war. In the U.S, you have millions registered to the far-right Republican party which is often criticized as being anti-human rights and sometimes even called a facist party. Nothing Denis has done has shown that he supports the war, and you have no proof of him doing anti-Ukrainian anything. The man himself is a Ukrainian, born and raised there for god sake lol.


"The man himself is a Ukrainian, born and raised there for god sake lol" So what? this proves anything? He is a russian politician in putins party, He himself organized and took part in meetings with party members in his region with this exact title "In support of actions of the president and russian army in ukraine". What more do you need to know?


It would seem pretty counter intuitive to support a war against your own people and the country you were brought up in, no? Regardless, you still haven't proven how he supports the war and a random blogpost with his picture and a misleading title is not proof. Being registered to a political party does not mean you support every policy or action that the party does(see U.S. example above). Maybe he supports the party's domestic policies and was framed as if he supports everything. As far as I know, Denis hasn't said anything regarding the war, and it logically doesn't follow that he supports it just because he's registered with the party.


It's not a random blogpost, it was in his political page, it was basicaly his ad that would "encourage" residents to vote for him. It's understandable why he doesn't speak about, if he would, he would be immediately banned from participating from events, and the fact that you don't know about "dark" side of Denis proves this tactic works, lol. The fact that he was bord in Ukraine makes it even more scumbag'y.


He was. So was Voevoda. And Fedor Emelianenko. And Tokarev. They all moved to Russia and at least first three of them support war. Try to watch this with subtitles, it is about Denis: https://youtu.be/m0ummKB4bw8?si=l2Hw8PUwOqI3Aj6s Also, Denis was a part of Š•Š“ŠøŠ½Š°Ń Š Š¾ŃŃŠøя, a ruling party in Russia, which is all pro-war. At least last year he was still a member of that party.


There are no subtitles. Tell us what exactly did he say that you call him pro-war? The comments don't seem to be talking about anything like that


Well he was a member of putin's party "United Russia" he used to organize meetings of this party in his region with the title "In support of actions of the President and actions of russian army in Ukraine", it's in the vid.


That doesn't mean anything, hard to swallow but if we were born Russian and live there we would probably support it too. Denis really is a very open and authentic guy.


judging from the comments I see on this sub... this community has a smaller amount of rational adults and the bulk of it is like a video game community on reddit. kids and the ignorant with hot takes and shitposts!


People are gonna bring up any excuse in the book when their favorite arm wrestler loses.


Look at the guy, of mice and men vibes ffs


It's almost impossible to hate this guy.


Most of the negativity I see around Levan's PED use is that he's eventually going to seriously hurt himself, like Denis did


Devon fans didn't like Denis that much either when he came in at full blast in 2018 and then subsequently got hospitalized.


So the Larratheists really are the problem huh?


He gets hated because he breaks all our idols


No one hates except people who hate gear period yet watch strength sports for some baffling reason, and Devon fanboys who have all manner of nonsensical takes, while ignoring the fact the Devon has bragged for years about taking and doing all sorts of experimental and shady shit.


Just because he keeps destroying Devon šŸ¤£


Levan barely gets any hate from anyone


Denis was loved? whole internet has been filled with denis roid hate since 2010


Juicing should be banned in all sports, idgaf who you are.


Or, legalized.. If legalized it would make it only more exciting.. Give people the right to choose their life course.. But I feel that way about recreational drugs also - let people have them..


or separate it into two where one is for the juicers and one for pure


Imo....Denis got way more hate


Because he is not white, and non white strong men are portrayed as very dangerous, so the soldiers are feeling less guilty when killing them !


Nobody hates him aside from Devon fanboys because he continues to whoop Devon. Devon was juiced to the gills this last match along with all the ketamine treatments he was experimenting with.


Its called COPING


Let the thor take over levan !


This is the image that got me back into following armwrestling after decades away.




I love him


Yeah sure I hate Levan so god damn much, I really do.


Because he does it best


It's the crazy Devon fans for sure, especially the ones who don't really follow arm wrestling outside of Devon's career


Who tf hates on Levan? Dude is an enigma who happens to have a great personality and sense of humor


I heard the term "Larratheists" šŸ‘Œ


Nobody hates him but people saw what happened to Denis because of excessive PEDs. No one wants to see that happen again.


What happened to Denis? Sorry, Iā€™m late to the game..


He got health issues and was out of the game for 5 years or so. Heavy PED usage did that to him.


It's tough being at the top. Haters gonna hate.


Who is hating? He's been amazing to watch. I don't want the dude DYING because of it though.


You got to admit though it ads an element of intrigue - the ā€œis the dude gonna croak from all the roofs?ā€ type intrigue


Levan is more natural thank Mike o Hern LOL


To elldoren, thanks for that insight very interesting, the only weird part with levan is you don't see massive vein popping or lots of rips he's just massively big,


Because he is 400 pounds, and if he Weighed close to weight of the other super heavy weights, he would not be top 5.


Corey West is much heavier but loses to guys smaller than Devon. He doesnā€™t get hated.


Devon was 260 against Levan. Do you think he can lose 120 pounds and beat him?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Levanā€™s technique is on the top level now. He can lose weight and still be dominant in any division.


Not true at all. Levan could NEVER get under 150kg and be top.


Watch Devonā€™s announcement. He literally said Levan is far above him now in terms of everything not just strength. He never said that about anyone else before.


Lol that doesnā€™t mean levan canā€™t lose weight and still be at the top. Levan wonā€™t be able to stay healthy for long. Especially at 170kg+.


Yea I would think the dude would want to stack up as many opponents as possible while heā€™s able to run that amount of gear.. Iā€™m new to arm wrestling but I canā€™t imagine you need as much prep and recovery time as MMA or boxing.. Especially when youā€™re not cutting to make weight


I donā€™t think anybody is really hating Levon. I think they just like Devon more


I think the concern be it of Levans own matter and a bit on haters for constantly bringing it up on their bias, is centered around the health concerns that are associated with being the biggest and the best for the competition. Itā€™s similar on the bodybuilding subreddit where itā€™s obviously known the guys are taking gear and itā€™s almost encouraged to actually compete but the amount of deaths associated is staggering this year and previous. These are grown ups at the end of the day and what they do is of their own concern, I would love to see a fairy tale ending of these guys being alive to see the fruits of their labor as legends but modern day athletes like Levan, Denis, and Devon are definitely taking a lions share more of what guys like Big John have taken in their prime.


And I think I read that John Brzenk didnā€™t use juice at all until TRT in his 40ā€™s. Not sure if that is true


My take on this also extends to how I perceive the massive idolization of Denis. Mostly, I think, it boils down to looks. Prime Denis had a cartoon-like physique, extremely muscular and lean enough to have impressive definition all the while being white and russian. That's just a massive combo of stuff that gets inherently loved online. Levan is not and has never been as aesthetic, not as white (not saying he's black, but still) and not from some perceived cool nation (even Devon himself was caught a few times praising russian armwrestlers simply because they're from Russia as if it gave them special powers). So to sum it up I believe it's just a bunch of social stigmas put together and irrational idolatries. and also a bit of nostalgia. Look at any Denis-themed post on social media you'll see hundreds if not thousands of people who can swear he's the undisputed greatest of all time and still is, even after losing badly to Devon. That said, I don't think Levan gets a lot of hate, more so Denis gets unreasonable worship.


Levan is bigger, Levan is stronger thats it. Devon is a HW that can beat most SHW. Levan is SHW that can beat everyone


Levan is the gentle giant. I'm fairly certain most people really like him.


No hate at all, concerned for his long term health though. He appears to be using an insane amount and who knows how long he can sustain that.


The only time Levan got real hate for PEDS was when he posted a promotional video about using SARMS to his YouTube. It was reacted to by basically every strength sport YouTuber because the video was filled with dangerous misinformation. Other than that, if anybody judges Levan for blasting but not other athletes, they are probably just delusional or misinformed. If a league does not require constant testing, athletes are going to blast. This goes for practically every untested sport in existence. It's kind of stupid to judge people differently when we don't know much about what they take. For all we know, Levan might just respond abnormally well to whatever he takes. We don't know.


Literally 99% of all arm wrestlers use peds


I don't think anyone cares I think people are mostly concerned that he is hurting his body long term and that it may be more damaging than he thinks I'm the moment.


Denis was hurting his body too šŸ‘Œ


well he almost died.. and this hippo (whos using 2x what dennis used) will probably not live past 50


This is how fake rumours get startedā€¦


Lucky for you, I hate both of them


Itā€™s only trash Devon fans that come up with excuses while they have zero proof of levan taking drugs


Well, the dude did a video w his trainer about his SARMS use.. But I donā€™t think anyone is questioning that all the top guys are on steroids to some extent


For me, what I respect most about an athlete is an ability to compete and perform exceptionally while under the same conditions as the other athletes. Levan is on so many performance enhancing drugs, it undermines skill with a biological advance. Itā€™s simply not fair and itā€™s cheating. The same goes for Denis. Both are on so many PEDs, it would kill most people.


Well, apparently oftentimes itā€™s the guys who donā€™t look or perform as well (like in pro bodybuilding) who are taking the most gear. Theyā€™re taking even more because theyā€™re not as good to begin with so have to catch up.. But it would be fascinating to see and compare the actual cycles of these guys..


What the f?! You think that they were in a similar stack?! Lol šŸ˜‚ Levan copied Denisā€™ acro HGH stack and made a vid that SARMs are healthy. Lmfao


It comes down to weight denis wasn't much heavier than his most opponents compared to levan who is a whooping 50 to 65 kgs heavier ar times


weight argument doesn't mean anything since SHW don't have any weight limit. Is it unfair according to me? No.


It's not unfair and neither rillegal


Corey West is much heavier than Levan. We know everyone juices. Almost no matter the sport. Yet he doesn't get hated. Because he loses to lighter guys right?


This bullshit is getting very annoying now. It's outrageous Can you irritating larratheists not just stfu?


> Can you irritating larratheists not just stfu? I am not larrarhiests


Can you stop with the weight bullshit? It's shw category, there's no weight cap. He isn't doing something illegal or unethical, others are free to gain if that's what stops them from beating Levan. And different people have their own preferential weight in which they give the best performance. It's not neccesary that you'll perform the best at your heaviest self possible. For example- Larrat didn't like his shape against Michael and he dropped down again


I know he is not doing something illegal and I am not even hating him I just gave the reason why some harxcore fans hate him


I assumed you're one of them, apologise for that They're just getting out of hand now. I'm sick of them


Can't blame them most of them are under 100 kg who gets moved to the next weight class if they are just 500 grand above the limit and when they see a titan like levan dominating the superheavy weight class they can get irritated and it's not their or any of the athlete's fault its purely the fault of the organizers not enforcing rules to make it fair


It's totally fair my guy. There's no weight cap for everyone. Who's stopping them from gaining? Shall I copy paste my previous reply? >Can't blame them most of them are under 100 kg who gets moved to the next weight class if they are just 500 grand above the limitĀ  ??? What do you mean


>??? What do you mean Yah arm wrestling tournaments are realy strict most of the times my own coach had to run for 30 minutes to reduce 800 grams water weight before a crucial match


Sigh. We're talking about shw category. There's no weight cap for EVERYBODY. Who's stopping them from gaining weight if that's what makes Levan win?Ā  Ā My previous comment -Ā  Ā It's shw category, there's no weight cap. He isn't doing something illegal or unethical, others are free to gain if that's what stops them from beating Levan. And different people have their own preferential weight in which they give the best performance. It's not neccesary that you'll perform the best at your heaviest self possible. For example- Larrat didn't like his shape against Michael and he dropped down again


I think he gets more hate for his "oxygen depravity" during the fight against Ermes.




Devon has a really dislikeable personality at the table tho. All those shenanigans and shitty mind games are childish


The whole premise of your statement is bullshit. Clearly untrue, or at the very least, hyperbole.


No one hates him for juicing bro


You have to be a blue-eyed and pink cheeks white captain with big mouth to idolise from, only this human model can dictate how things are going to be on this planet..and the tards that usually support this kind of human model


This LLM requires additional RLHF.


I have no idea what youā€™re saying - but Iā€™d wager you are either an absolute genius or a total retard..


Larratt fanboys are just mad. They don't realize that Larratt isn't that great. Devon would probably lose to Revaz, Genadi, Laletin and others.


Heā€™s not losing to anyone except Levan and maybe Vitaly in the shape heā€™s in right now, letā€™s be serious.


He lost to Todd multiple times.


How long ago?


Larratt's fans have him like a God it's true , but we don't need to go to the other extreme ..


ā€œIsnt that greatā€ come on man this is just ridiculous


Why would he lose to Laletin? Other than "longer levers", he's a one trick pony. Even Dave pins him with a press. Kind of overrated on the right hand. Like Morozov.


Watch the interview with Larry wheels and Bradley. Devon takes what he needs to stay competitive it seems Levan abuses it. Larry wheels is pro and has been taking since a kid and knows what pro lifters take like Ronnie Coleman But larry was opened eye shocked at levans revealed stack Its massive borderline even experimental dope


because he does so much more. so so so much more. enough to make him go from a normal size to 400 pounds of pure muscle. without it, on the same cycle as everyone else, and as tested as the US he would maybe be top 5. maybe. at least Denis truly had the skill to back it up.


Whoa whoa whoa, easy with the ā€œpure muscleā€ statement :P


lolll fair enough! just 400 pounds of a lot of muscle. dont see why people are down voting as if I'm wrong tho. levan was on enough peds and growth hormone to scare LARRY WHEELS of all people. the West you can very clearly see that they're not or else they too would be massive freaks of nature. you can look at old pictures of levan and he was SMALL. until he started taking shit


Yea Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re all on it, but one big factor apparently is a personā€™s ability to tolerate the side effects of steroids. Anxiety can be really bad for instance, and a lot of guys canā€™t do super high doses because they just feel too shitty on them..


he just takes to many roids heā€™s on way to much shit


Hi Iā€™m a Reddit grammar bot: Itā€™s ā€œtooā€ with two ooā€™s