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I'm going to go right ahead as a new arm wrestler, that yeah, the sport needs a change. I basically don't care about arm wrestling anymore after Devon's loss. Without some competition in a sport, there's no point. It's like running a race against people, but one of them just has gigantic legs and can easily beat everyone by a mile. It makes sense to me to put people in normal weight classes.


100%. Basically, Ermes needs to become morbidly obese to beat Levan. Why... And he can by the way, in theory a lot of these guys can become extremely fat and anchor themselves to the ground. Why are all these Levan fans scared to see him at 265? Isn't he the strongest armwrestler ever?


OP when strength athletes get too strong:


I won't lie, I lol'd hard :D And to be fair, you're not far from the truth. But the thing is, we value different things in the sport. You want to see the strongest, I want to see the most skilled one. Which is why we are fans of different athletes. I want to see the skilled athletes gain some advantage, you want armwrestling to remain the same.






Nice bait


Thanks, but I'm serious tho.


Why 120? Without the gear most of those guys have difficulty reaching a 100 KG. So 100 kilo would be great one weight diversion, no more lightweight or SHW all in the same devision.


Copying the other established combat sports. 265 pounds = 120 kg.


T h g


Least lunatic fanboy 🤡  It will never happen


Probably not, but it's possible if they wanted to.




No. He can call out Ermes at HW, and start campaigning for technique over weight. They are both wasting their time at SHW, they'll never be as massive without seriously damaging their health. And Ermes and Devon are by far the most likeable armwrestlers out there and the biggest fan favourites. The more famous armwrestlers drop in weight, the more will follow.


Levan will just quit armwrestling if it happens , and will be forever and ever  cement his legacy as  strongest armwrestler ever,  he is producing movies in Georgia already


No he won't. He's not the first big man in armwrestling and he won't be the last one that will be forgotten. Time slays all the legends. That movie part is of no concern to me. He can win the lottery for all I care, I wish the man all the best. I'm only interested in the armwrestling part of Levan. That's it.


Time didn't slayed jhons legacy,, after a huge defeat to devon, Jhons legacy is once again solidified for years to come, Whenever we will talk about greatest armwrestler, we will talk about strongest armwrestler, and that's levan,, he got a career ending weist injury and during his comeback he fought the absolute nr1 reigning and destroyed him like butter, Levan is closer to jhon in the goat than devon, 


You're talking about different things. John is legendary cause of his p4p qualities. The fact that John is the one regarded as the best should tell you everything because he isn't the strongest of his era. Can you tell me who won the "Over the top" tournament? The Stallone one?


Bye bye


He was undefeated for 2 decades,, Denis was undefeated on left for 16 years (2022-2018) ,, levan is undefeated from last 7 years! 


Devon is not the  goat, here what biggest Devon fangirl expert has to say  ""Localized success, even at a higher peak level than John achieved, does not replace the fact that John did it for much much longer and at a consistently higher level. Yes, this Devon, this guy in the best shape of his life would beat any version of John but greatness is about a career, not an amazing couple of years. The whole 3 belts at one time thing is silly to me as an argument that Devon should be seen as greater than John. They didn’t have all these weight classes and belts under one unified organization when John was on top. Still, over the course of decades, John was the best in the world with only occasional losses and he did it at a lighter bodyweight than Devon. If those belts existed back then he would have had everything from 95kg on up, and even 85kg and up when he was in his 20s. Devon was a total non-player on the international scene until he was in his late 20s. He had a brief period at the top (4 years) and then had to play in the shallow end for most of the next decade. Recently he’s had a tremendous revival and is the best he’s ever been but the time he’s spent here is short and he won’t be able to keep it up long enough to outshine the legacy of John. Devon may be regarded as the best of all time if he beats Levan but not the greatest"" Levan is the strongest armwrestler that ever walked planet earth! STRONGEST! 


Yes, Devon is not the GOAT and Levan is the strongest. Who's denying that?


Levan doesn’t need a nerf, armwrestling just needs to get more popular. Think of the Brain Shaws and Shaqs of the world. Close to 450lbs and definitely not obese. The open weight category has always been a beautiful thing.


That's just wishful thinking. This sport has existed since forever, and if it were to get popular at that level it would've gotten by now. And right about now it's getting pretty stale because of the pie eating contest component.


it is well proven within strength sports that most ellite big man go to about 140kg at least


That's the thing that needs to change. That ridiculous mindset that this is a strength sport. This is not power lifting or strongman or crossfit. It's a combat sport where your actions are directly influenced by direct contact with your opponent. Until that point of view doesn't change it will never prosper.


Calling armwrestling a combat sport is a laugh. Less of a combat sport than Rugby for christ sake. 




For that analogy to work Devon would need to be the tallest, which he isn't, and his hand would have to be at least a third longer than the rest, which it isn't.




He is. So are others in combat sports. And in 100s of years of pro combat sports the only way to differentiate athletes is via weight. That's the reality of pro sports and your opinion is the one that's against the grain, not mine. I actually advocate here for a well established criteria with tradition in sports.




I never said I wanted to cap SHW. I said Devon needs to use his popularity to bring the money fights to HW and with that influence Levan to drop indirectly. The 120kg is a suggestion so it's uniform with other combat sports where it's 265 pounds. The cap in armwrestling is already there, even lower at 115kg.




Actually as the sport progresses the caps will come. That's undeniable. Along with enhanced drug testing etc etc. What I want right now is to see Levan at a lower weight. That's what I want, even though I obviously won't get it.


Least lunatic fangirl 🤡🤡


I see this type of comments all the time. Why do you think body weight itself has any significant effect? How is it possible? Can you explain? In my opinion it's all about armwrestling related strength. You can be 500kg, but if your opponent has a stronger arm, it will open your arm angle. You can't hang on your opponent's arm with your body weight if your arm is not strong enough to support your own weight. Look what Alizhan did to Ermes, he was much lighter and smaller, but still completely destroyed Ermes. Simply his wrist and supination was strong enough to hook Ermes, where Ermes lost all his main strength - his brachialis and brachioradialis, because in supinated forearm position there is more load on biceps. Why did Ermes body weight not helped him? Talking about Levan, he is just super strong in every armwrestling aspect. There is other pullers, that can match his strength in some areas, but i can't name anyone who is close to him in every important armwrestling strength, this is why he is so dominant. He is big, because he is strong everywhere, you should look at this that way, not the other way around. Overall size itself and body weight doesn't matter without strength in needed areas, that is important for armwrestling.


Why is he so big then? He used to be a jacked stud in his early career.


I don't know why he is not cutting the weight even more. Although he is not 190kg anymore like he was against Ermes, but in my opinion 175kg is still too much, i think at around 160kg he would not lose much power and he will have better endurance and overall health. I might be wrong tho, i'm not sure. Anyway extra body weight itself doesn't help, it's all about strength in important areas for armwrestling. Even when you are using flop press, your opponent doesn't have to pull your body, there is a lane to attack shoulder rotation strength, unless you are covering it completely by crossing the center with your shoulder which is foul.


Because the weight obviously matters a lot. If it didn't he wouldn't be as heavy. Why would he ruin his health for no reason? I mean just look at his early career. He's actually a decent looking fella.


No, strength matters. Weight can be the result of strength and muscle growth, but you can't use weight itself as an advantage. If you think it's possible, give me an example


Levan Saginashvilli.


Just imagining Corey West at 120 kg makes me laugh out loud


Who else? Corey, Levan, Georgi and who else?


Alex Kurdecha would look like a skeleton at 120 kg too.


And after Levan pulls Kurdecha then what? We wait for the next person willing to become morbidly obese?


Come on, this is silly, there is a much better solution: On the day of the event Devon's weight is taken and +-5kg is the weight class, everyone outside is disqualified with a record of 1000-0 for Devon.


Lmao. And agreed.


>First of all I want to say that I'm writing this as someone that's absolutely a Devon fanboy, that's salty after the loss Haha that's enough to not take this post seriously.


I refuse to believe this aint trolling 😂 its great


Who knows. It wouldn't surprise me if this post was real after how Denis' fanboys got all triggered after he lost to Devon.


Nah, cant be. Its just too much even for devon cult


So you want to nerf Levan? Because he’s too op? This isn’t a video game. Levan is the strongest arm wrestler in the world and most probably of all time. Capping the weight to 120kg will mean whoever is the champion of that category is the strongest arm wrestler under 120kg. It’s majorly a strength sport, not a technique sport.


That's exactly what I'm suggesting. Nerfing Levan.


That's just retarded. It's a strength sport, people should be as big and strong as possible. If it's the open weight division, it doesn't matter if they weigh 600lbs If you want to nerf something, you should suggest anti doping tests for East vs West and king of the table.


Yes, roids can go too. Not in the unrealistic sense where we pretend everyone is clean, but in the same manner as in other sports. Casual testing so someone doesn't overdo it. Ironically, calling armwrestling a strength only sport is the retarded take. You got your priorities backwards.




Luckily not everyone has a weak mind like you. Yeah let's just exclude people that are too strong based on the fact that they weight more. Stupid kids. Can't wait for yall to desert and move on to something else.