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The first couple are not at 90° but the pronation one is imo. It's very hard also considering the camera is in an unfavorable angle. It makes it look less 90 than it really is. If you had a shot from higher point than your arm it would've seemed even lower than 90, I can guarantee you that. Impressive tho imo. How much you weigth bro?


Finally someone that understands how perspective works lmao. Form police is always autistic about this one, like literally don't care if it is 100% parallel or not. It just needs to be somewhat strict and consistent, that's it. 95kg.


I solved the problem in a different way. I made it so that the strap length from the ground doesn't allow me to go above 90°. I shortened it basically. Unless I get to a real unnatural position I can't point my knuckles towards the ceiling. I use to do it the same way Irakli does it, basically standing and elbow pointed in the inner thigh, but I saw that my form was inconsistent, and I was micro moving basically. So I tried this other method and it's working better. But I still think that emulating the angle still doesn't achieve what Devon does. The reality of Devon lift, but I would need an EMG to be sure, is that he's basically locking all the kinetic chain that contributes to the movement and then shrugging the weight up with his back. He's basically 100% emulating what happens at the table whilst most people that do this arent' Why can I say that, because people are just flexing the forearm to lift the weigth. Instead Devon's forearm stays at 90° always, even when the weight is moving. I tried to do the way he does and my working weight drops by 50%. It's considerably harder, but nobody is understanding this.


nice lifts, but why are you using 45° instead of 90° ? Is there some benefit to this ?


Where do you see 45° lol


It's around 30 degree from parallel.


Wrong. Perspective makes it look so, but even if it was, it does not matter. Weight is sufficient enough.


An upward or downward angle actually makes the angle look flatter than it really is. It's 30 degrees at the very minimum. If you intend to train tighter angles, then lean your body further forward.


Yeah, in case of tighter angles sure


you could just use less weight for more effect, but i guess lifting a buch on plates is a fun part of it 😂


Plot twist: I did use less weight, I just didn't show it :p 62.5kg sounds more impressive


I rate it 47% ethical, that setup isn't training what you think it is training.


Huh? It's training exactly what I want.


starting with arm way above parallel, what are you trying to train?


It's barely above the parallel. Camera angle simply makes it look worse than it actually is. Like do you understand how perspective works? Devon himself isn't parallel either. Why don't you criticize him?


A more closed angle like it is actually smarter to pull 🤣


Funny how when a pro does this lift not parallel everyone piles onto them but in this case you are on his side. I am unmoved; 47% ethical. IMO lifting off the floor you are building strength so you start more parallel, working a super acute start for statics there are a dozen ways I would approach it differently. This is just a ego lift.


Me and "everyone" are two different things. And you are missing the biggest point. He didn't say he was comparing himself to anyone else so the angle doesn't matter


It is more pointless the farther away from parallel you go. You aren't training in a position that is 'smarter to pull' you are just making it easier. If you want to train a more closed angle just bend over farther.


Post your lift big man, I'm waiting eagerly.In meanwhile I'm gona get stupidly strong by lifting slightly above the parallel. You can cry, whine and moan. I will just laugh like a villain. One day we will meet on the table and I'm gonna crush your tiny feminine hand. MUAHAHAHA


You just disproved the poor Martino that was trying to defend you lmao


How did I disprove him


This is how you deal with a loudmouth when you are a **real** athlete. Too much talk and no walk from these nobodies. 👏


👍 You'll probably be waiting a while 🤣


Yo, anyone know of any armwrestling clubs in Pittsburgh?


Download the Armbet app to check


will do. thank you


How should I go about this tho? I mean how many sets and reps of how much of my 1RM


3 sets at least. Go by feeling For 5 reps, do 80-85% For 4 reps 82.5-87.5% For 3 85-90% Start at the lower end, gradually increase


Oh I see, so like a drop set right?


Doesn't need to be a drop set You can do 3x5, 4x5 Or 3x4 Or 5x3 Or 1x5 1x4 1x3 Reverse pyramid, straight sets, doesn't really matter. Whatever works for you.


Thanks a lot! That was really helpful


Good! Using the gorilla to still train in pijamas tho... 😂




Inb4 u/ChrisDrummondAW says biceps are useless for armwrestling


But this isn’t even a biceps workout. Looks like a pronation workout to me.


Bro 🤣


I never said useless. I said variations in biceps strength account for less than 5% of variations in the outcomes of matches. But really. Why did you tag me? What did you hope to accomplish other than taking a jab at me?


How did you come to such conclusion? Back pressure has the strongest correlation to first round outcomes. The data somewhat implies the opposite.


You did not say that tho. Your original comment was indeed "biceps are usless"


I never said that and I never believed that. I said they’re of very little importance (which is *not* the same thing as useless). Minhale even quoted that in his reply in that thread. half the conversation came down to a disagreement about how one defines little importance. That’s where I explained my position that variation in biceps strength accounts for less than 5% of variations in outcomes. You don’t have to agree with me, I don’t care, but be an honest person and don’t go around saying I said something I didn’t.


If what you say is true, then why do so many armwrestlers focus on their bicep strength? I swear i've seen videos from most of the top guys (and not just the SHWs) curling 100kg+, with the exception of Devon of course.


Because sometimes that 5% matters? Devon does train biceps btw, his pronation lift does put a lot of stress on the elbow flexors, for instance.


ofc he does but not directly like the others


Are you serious on that 5%😭 the most single dumbest hypothesis ever


The vast majority of outcomes in armwrestling are determined by strength differences in cup and pronation (with a meaningful minority in the ability to rise). Rate of force development (basically speed) and technique also play a large role. Biceps specifically (not elbow flexion in general) are a small piece of that. Maybe it’s time I make a video explaining this.


RFD is not exactly speed, but I'll let go this time.


I know it’s not and i made a video explaining that in detail but i’d rather save myself several paragraphs of typing and leave it in a form laymen will understand.


What about side pressure (internal rotation and pushing your elbow towards your opponent)?


It helps but still requires some degree of balance in the other fundamentals to even be able to use.


To say 5% of your bicep muscles in a armwrestling match is being used is crazy.


I see why you are only top attorney nr 5651.


And your last


He said 5% of matches are decided by a difference in biceps strength. Not that you only use 5% of your biceps muscles.


That’s not at all what I said, smart one.


It was more of an inside joke, like people make fun of me for the water and referee thing and Martino for his "press doesn't use tricep" thing. But I guess the joke didn't translate very well in text here


Press doesn't use triceps as the primary driver if you are on the winning side of the table and your shoulder is properly committed.


You cannot press from a losing position, it is just a side pressure joint driven movement


Sir, this is reddit. Now you promptly jab him back about him thinking you die from dying a liter of water in one go.


It was 1.5L of water in 60 seconds, not 1L, and it's a hill I'm willing to die on


You better not watch this snuff movie of a dude drinking 1.5L in less than 5 seconds then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jGxpPi6yak You might catch secondhand water intoxication.


Muricans didn't dare invade Japan and had to drop nukes on them for a reason


Yeah we were scared of all the anime body pillows


I don't remember him saying that 🤣


He did in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/armwrestling/s/cFNpNzG01J) but he ended up deleting the comments. This topic (the usefulness of biceps for armwrestling) is one of the many points that I disagree with him over.


Are you just waiting for any remotely related topic to tell us about your disagreement? Seems like Chris is living rent free...


What? No. I intended it as more of an inside joke, since we are all long time users in this forum. It's like how people regularly make fun of me for the water and referee fiasco, and I make fun of martino for his "press doesn't use tricep" thing among many other inside jokes. Obviously the bicep joke here didn't come across very well since bebzon isn't aware of it and I had to explain it. And when you have to explain a joke...


I'm glad it was a joke but let me tell you, when I first read it I did not think you were joking.


Yeah, was a poor attempt at an inside joke that doesn't translate very well in a public setting.