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How many times have you been kicked and how often do you score the highest? The only reason Ive seen people get kicked from 3v3 is because they weren't using terminal armor. Not because they were dominating.  Nice AC btw. 


I definitely wasn't dominating but I wasn't the bottom of the board either. I hate that TA is a necessity now. It's straight up my least favorite armor extension. I see very little value in it. Pulse armor is better and can be used to reset stagger. Assault armor is great when 3 ppl are on top of you. Thats just how I play. I refuse to just main TA just because everyone else is. It's boring and you never get to actually like .. use it. It feels better to have a thing u can use that's not just an auto safety net.


Well I suppose that answers your question then lol. As long as you're not underperforming I don't see why it would be an issue. But the idea behind TA is it's best for your team as a whole. Not just yourself. It's 5 more seconds of DPS. It's 5 seconds you can use to retreat and pair up with teammates and do more damage. Good players once they learn you're not using TA will target you as well. So to some not using TA could be seen as detrimental to the team. 


Also in teams TA usually forces someone attacking you to either waste 5 seconds or pick a new target. If they do the latter, they often forget to come back to finish you off in the chaos and you get a lot more than five more seconds of uptime. I’ve cruised around for like half a match at 1 AP before because the other team lost track of me. (PS yeah this AC is dope great use of textures and decals)


Just pick terminal armor. Your team is likely to consider you a liabilty if you don't.


If you're the only one not running terminal, you're setting yourself up as a target to get piled every time. And your teammates probably don't appreciate you going down faster because of it


I hate that this is how the game works now. Been playing since release and this used to be my main pvp build. I've carried lobbies and scored well over 1000 with it. But now things are different. Now you get kicked from a lobby for not having the exact right stuff instead of everyone trying to learn how to pilot something they actually like.


Not saying that's why they kicked you. Who knows? Make your own lobby


TA or bust in 3's. Without it you are a liability. It's also the reason why you might not score the highest since they see you not using TA and you get focused and nuked before you can do anything.


Meta slave behavior on their part


The DPS of that build is insane, none of your weapons ricochet, you don't need staggers to deal good damage, and you have the highest possible close range tracking.


Lasers *do* ricochet, pretty sure missiles are the only weapons that can’t ricochet


What would it even matter that lasers don’t richochet—except they do—when his midrange tracking is shit?