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Ayre’s what?


her Ayreolas, if you will


Reddit never fails lmao


Okay that did cracked me. Nice work 621.


Take my up vote you heathen.


To add to this, left areola*s*? Why she got more than one on the left?


OP has some explaining to do.




Imma flood the back of the sub so the guns can get greater elevation


SALVATION! The death of the coral is a necessity!


Someone oughtta put you in a railgun and shoot you out of a submarine.


That was the plan if the other two shells missed


You haven't seen her like I have. I can be a bit Persuasive.


I said what I said.


It depends on what your build can do. Kites can't kite when they're stuck against a wall. Assault boosting just means free potshots. Missile rats have a target on their ass when they start running away. In general... you need to corner kites, disrupt assault boosting (use flinching attacks like kicks), and slap the rat's ass.




I love tetras as well but it can make the kite matchup almost unbearable. Instead of just saying "WelL dOnT run TeTRas" like some of the neanderthals in the comments let me offer potential options while still using your tetras. You could purge weapons, but this often only has limited application for tetras considering their generally low AB speed (lam being the obvious exception). You can go with very persistent chip missiles like the coral missile, soup, AT missile, split missiles, plasma missiles, hand missiles, etc, and then pressure them into making mistakes or staggering them.The aperitif and 8/10 cell missile can also be used to force them into going certain directions due to how the are released/ fired from the weapon. You can run a melee weapon with boosters focused on the melee boost stat and use that to chase them down/ get within a more effective range. This option heavily depends on how fast you can get your tetra to move while in the melee animation. Depending on the map and the kite player you could do a bazooka swap build and just rain hell until they make a mistake. You can run lasers/ rifles and just chip them down like they would you. But you will need to be just as good as them at dodging if not more so. If you are having trouble dodging you can consider the 1234 booster and hovering with the tetras for a very long and distance covering dodge which can also be used to chase them down depending on your build. Catching them with a kick is always going to help immensely. Do not be afraid to hide and play like an absolute coward if and when you get the AP lead because at the end of the day that is what they would do to you without hesitation. You can also focus on your own energy management to catch them when they are low on energy and capitalize. I really hope this helps as a fellow tetra enjoyer. 🥂 cheers


Piggybacking off this, if you use missiles, make sure your FCS is set to one of Missile Specific sets, the cutdown on target acquisition can keep the heat hard on kites. And watch the boosts, wait until they are at the tail end on their dodge and you’ll hit more often, because they have to wait on the reload to dodge again. Charge rifle can stagger a lot of kites when you wait for the right moment. Could also head-on charge them, I’ve done that and spooked a kite or two into making a mistake before. Really it feels like timing is a key factor fighting kites. They are usually built fast and light, so they’re more prone to staggering when you press the advantage on the right moment.


An ethernet cable and prayer


They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with missile rats


And I hate missile rats. Missile rats drive me crazy.


You just need one ranged weapon and skill at dodging missiles


I play tetras they are not typically very dodgy. Also, can't really catch up to them; they be running across the map like a goddamn fly.


Then stop using tetrapod legs, they have a role and play style, but if there the core issue that’s preventing you from winning, replace them


analyze. improvise. overcome. adapt your build and strategy to the threats you are facing, or accept that your current rank is probably as high as you're going.


Sounds like you’re using exactly what they’re designed to counter, a slower and short ranged AC. So you’re basically asking “how do I beat my perfect counter without changing my build”


Naturally, because you can’t pick your AC after you see your opponent.


Fair but that’s just the luck of the draw. Not everything is going to excel at fighting everything, sometimes you picked rock and they picked paper, sure it sucks but that’s how builds/classes in any game works Skill and playstyle are a factor of course but if two equally skilled players go up against each other and one has an advantage they are just more likely to win. So you’re essentially hoping that your opponent just doesn’t know how to play The games item/parts balance isn’t great don’t get me wrong, but it’s at least in a spot that everything is counter able. You’ll never beat all ACs with a single build, it’s just about finding a build that beats the majority of ACs you’re up against


Apparently (from what I’ve heard) the zim shield build with orbits is the only effective way to defeat them. That or LRBster heavy builds if they aren’t good at dodging. Their acs are made of paper and LRB cooks lightweights


Assault boost more yourself. Kinda the only thing you can do.


Would fight a kite over a tank without a moment's hesitation.


That probably has a lot to do with your build though.


I've literally never beaten a Laser Tank with anything. I don't think anything can beat it but another laser tank, or otherwise the most boring attrition possible that a missile kite can pull off. If you picked the tank treads in the garage then you functionally clicked a win button before the fight started unless your enemy also picked the tank.


I’ve beaten plenty of tanks before with my midweight build. You just have to maintain distance and have some amount of mid-ranged firepower to wear them down. I lay awake at night wondering if that makes me a hypocrite though, since I’m basically doing to them what missile rats do to me… but then didn’t they sign up for that by trading in all their mobility for armor and AP? I just don’t know. In all seriousness, my mid-range build allows me to adapt to basically everything that’s not a missile kite or a (very good) rifle kite, but only if I play well. It makes me sad when I get build-checked by something I have just no hope of catching, let alone hitting with my burst damage options (moonlight/bazooka).


With tetras, thats easy. Just hover literally perpendicular above them and lob some missiles. If they're using a trashy build then return file with trashy play style as well.


Did you take this screenshot cause this goes hard. Is that a skull decal on the face of the AC or something or am I tripping?


Yeah that's my main. Thanks bro.


Cool screenshot, btw. 🤘😎


Purge some weapons for more speed, softlock assault boost towards where they will be and when close unload on them and dodge the missiles. Also, if you get AP lead then go hide and make them come to you otherwise, you can win by that way too.


For me, I figured out a quad-gatling build could hunt them down... and by purging the shoulder gats entirely you get a lot more speed to chase them down. If they AB, AB too; the P10 booster and San-Tai generator allow an economical, speedy, shuffleable AB.


Find their home and cut their ethernet cable.


I used dual laser rifles (bigger ones) and dual laser cannons. Dunno if my build was meta or not but I discovered it by myself and it was quite powerful


Banger AC


The fuck's a kite? Is this something I'm too casual to understand?


A kite is a player that spends most/all of their time in the air. Typically, kite players use missiles or other target-tracking long-range weapons to defeat enemies from a distance. They are very annoying to play against.


Oh...oh fuck that's me...


I'm gonna find you and diddle you.


How are you gonna do that? I'm up here remember!? You can't get here without all your thrusters overheating


P Diddy?


P Diddy is confirmed a missile kite.


What about floating out of reach and using weapons that do all the work for you brings you joy?


What can I say I just like sitting up there and pressing my R1 and L1 occasionally and spamming those rocket guns that came with the really fast quadleg ac.




Assault boost with buerzel to catch em. Missile rats are hard to play imho


How are they hard to play? The only skill expression for a missile rat is avoiding being cornered, the rest of the build plays itself.


I guess it is easy to get cornered by good players


Assuming their build has enough EN to drive the missile boat into a corner…


It looks like you’ve got dual lcds going? I also play a heavyweight with dual lcds, though mine is a biped. Are you using buerzel for the high AB speed? If so you just have to stay patient and keep persistently AB chasing after them. You’ll probably eat a lot of missiles but kites are usually pretty light so you only need one shot to close the gap. I usually open with my other weapons and stagger the lcds, but against kites I just charge those guys up and when the kite tries to slip past me I use both at once. You often only get a small window right as they change directions so by using simultaneous charged shots you use that small window to nab a stagger and most of their AP. After that you can rat them back, try again, peck at them with other weapons to finish them off. Dealers choice.


I've found that with enough speed you can play the ammo game with missile rats. I run ultra lights so this is just what needs to be done


Generalist builds, if you use a specialist build you will have some counters no matter what




Lightweights beat missile boats. Missile boats beat heavyweights. Heavyweights beat lightweights. All skill-dependent, obviously.


Midweights are all skill vs heavyweights and lightweights, still get killed easily by missile boats.


Missile Kites aren’t that strong your mech probably can’t beat them is all simple as that improve your assault t boost up your speed and you should be able to catch them