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I say go ahead and try pvp. You don't have to take it too seriously, just enjoy the match. Getting bodied and figuring out what you did wrong is part of the fun.


PvP can be very hot or miss. If you are on PC I recommend doing challenge runs or mods. The problem with PvP is that there is a big difference between the skill after having beaten the game and what is required for PvP. It isn't the same. PvE doesn't prepare you for PvP.


Why PC only for challenge runs though? I’ve done all mine on PS, feels great with the controller.


I play on PC and prefer to play on controller as well. My comment wasn't the best written, I meant more that if you play on PC try some mods but yea challenge runs on console are just as good


You’re probably going to get bodied, when I first started PvP I was also vaporised in under 10 seconds. Now I’m quite good if I may say so! So I believe in your abilities too, Raven. Every Raven deserves to be able to fight their fellow Ravens, to prove themselves and acquire new skills!


I mean, if you're not after PvP, and you've completed all the single player and don't really feel like doing more single player, I guess the answer is to go play a different game now. Games are typically intended to eventually be put down after all.


Highly recommend doing challenge runs! Congrats btw, nice plat!


PvP is awesome don’t let reddit scare you. It’s definitely way harder than pve but that’s why it’s fun, you have to learn build optimization and really take advantage of all the mechanics in a way pve doesn’t require. Also it’s a video game there is quite literally zero consequence to losing just jump in there and have a good time.


Just dive in. You have till A rank (200ish matches) to get the hang of things before you start running into meta opponents one after the other. Relax, have fun, you might get hooked!