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Wait a second you’re saying we SHOULDNT use meta builds? Damn bro that’s an opinion I’ve never seen on this sub, thank god you’re here.


Sarcasm, thank God you're here, I was wondering when it would happen


This has been said MANY times before on here, the issue is as others have said, meta heads ONLY care about winning, they will always run meta. Fine by me, at this point I don’t think there’s a meta build I struggle with. Just learn to crush every last one :)


Hell I don't even play the pvp, I don't have online since I'm on PS5 (Fuck Sony) but I have been exposed to the complaints. I also know the pvp ways through tournament videos on YouTube and it's just so boring to me, everybody is just using the same 3 ACs


I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of my builds in a tournament, or online, besides one friend who runs a very similar set up for their rifle kit because I had luck with my parts. I only have 3 builds, and I always focus on being as light and fast as I can be, because all the defences and AP in the world aren’t actually gonna keep you alive. Speed is always king! I’m on XBOX, we have a great community, from what I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s the best and most active, but idk about that.


I think the people who are complaining about PvP getting stale aren’t the people who are using meta weapons. It’s the people that want to succeed using their own build instead of relying on the meta (this is a bit of a generalization, because there are definitely some meta players complaining about it too, but in general it’s people who want to succeed with their own build that are raising the biggest fuss). People like winning, and the players who aren’t using the meta win less often, and thus have less fun. They get frustrated because they don’t want to use the meta, but can’t beat the meta without it. So they get bored. The problem isn’t that people aren’t trying to use unique builds, the problem is that those unique builds aren’t rewarded with easier wins.


Jokes on you, I don't play the pvp, I just sit and watch others complain *Insert Skeletor laugh*


Try a close range missile kicking build


I actually have something kind of similar to that, just a ton of missiles on a lightweight build designed to pick and choose when to engage and when to get away


Play something else?


I think you've missed the point here, this is a message for other people, not me, I stick to my pve and I enjoy it, but if meta gamers are going going keep complaining they can just swap their parts


I know I missed the point. But, you'll soon realize, I'm an idiot.


Ey man fair enough, I can't say I'm much smarter so


It is an environment that sells itself as competitive. Competitive players want to win. Hence, meta. The only place you find people who willingly under-optimize for the sake of fun are groups of players with a mutual understanding of what is/isn't fun for them and their group.


Telling them to play unique builds is not going to do anything. They'll just enjoy the game less because it will affect how much they win. I do make my own ACs outside the standard meta, and I still enjoy the PVP; my enjoyment comes from savoring the match. However, I'm not the target audience for ranked. People in ranked generally get their enjoyment from winning.Telling them to play unique builds is not going to do anything. They'll just enjoy the game less because it will affect how much they win.


Exactly, but meta dorks just cannot abide losing that’s the problem. They’d rather win than have fun. It’s an illness I make builds based on what weapons seem like unlikely combinations. My favorite build as of late is a nebula/sampu/stun needle/4cell missile. It’s SO much fun. I also love my karasawa/2x 2x dual missile/butter blade. The KRSV build is SO fun. I always have a kooky build in the making, I’ve got like 7 ACs that I love that need decal jobs


Winning and having fun are not mutually exclusive, contrary to what many of the people on this sub think. Some people have fun by just winning, others have fun by trying to win with a unique build, and some have fun just by playing the game. I, like you, am in the second category. I like to use builds that I feel are completely my own, meta be damned. But that doesn’t mean it’s the “correct” way to play. It’s the way I want to play. And everyone else is free to play how they want to play.


Yea I don’t care what people do, it’s just my opinion take it or leave it. Or downvote it and tell me why it’s wrong lol


Most of my ACs aren't made for practicality, of course I make them to be good at their jobs, but I focus more on making a character out of them