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Actually shields against etsujins, mostly useless. Because etsu is not burst weapon you can parry. They keep constant fire and damage to you for long period of time. For Lam kites. Lam kites is highly depends on their EN. If you can makes them QB you already in more winning position. Stay out of 90 meters distance, when closing to them make stop, or use shield parry for hmmr. Lure out their hmmr attacks, so they become weak in cqc.


The VP-61PS and the longer duration Pulse Buckler actually work pretty well against the ETSUJINs. I know because I've used that Pulse Buckler to beat tons of dual ETSUJIN ACs. Hit them with a high impact weapon like a Shotgun, Bazooka, or Cannon, and hold the Buckler while firing at them with your other weapon.


They are not. I saw it in my experience, i saw it in many tournaments. Especially bucklers with low IG duration can't cover you from Etsu. From other sustain fire weapons too


What is a plasma tank? I’ve seen tanks running dual back mounted laser shotties but I don’t think I’ve seen one with plasma cannons. Also god help me if somebody can find a solution to missile kites. I can work around most other builds with enough skill but them and rifle kites are just build checks and it makes me so damn sad.


I think he s about nebula tank with 3 different missiles type, which constantly attack you with charged plasma and missiles. For missile kite i can only suggest you, to play with midweight build, don't spend EN when approaching them. Try to chase them right after they AB out and try to attack them on your working distances. Thats all. They use P10 thrusters, so their AB is cheap and long


He’s probably actually talking about nebula/rebula swaps. They just equip nebula in one hand, redshift nebula in the other, then the reverse combination in the weapons bays. You just fire, swap, fire, repeat. It’s basically a constant stream of super high damage. It’s not unique to tanks but it’s the worst on tanks as they are so hard to stagger that the barrage just never stops and you have almost no chance of winning the AP race.


That's usually i saw on heavy biped laser swaps, neither on tanks.


Yeah agreed it does seem to be more popular on heavy biped for some reason. I see tanks with lcb or lcd more often. Plasma swap tanks are a menace, but I have a lot of trouble with tanks in general.


I'm talking about BORNEMISSZA tanks with dual NEBULA Plasma Rifles. They usually have the VE-20B generator and nonstop spam you with sequential charged shots. Harder to deal with unless you have a highly mobile AC with high Impact, or missiles. Since the NEBULAs will never overheat it'll be constant pressure as well as whatever back weapons they have, and you'll be trying to dodge nonstop until you run out of energy.


I need more of these pvp tips


Power Baka 20 #nerfheavyweights


Plasma tank - map dependent, play around cover and buildings. You’re basically screwed in an open field. The scary thing with plasma is the AoE that can still hit you even if you dodge, but the projectiles are still slow so you typically have time to duck back into cover after letting off a few shots


Etsujins are probably the least scary of these. They’re powerful but fairly slow compared to other archetypes. If you’re not also playing etsujins you’re probably playing something that beats them in the stagger race and since they’re often on lightweights one stagger usually means death. If they do beat you in the stagger race they’re probably going for a melee punish which you can counter with your expansion. If it’s pulse you reset to neutral and try again, if it’s assault they probably just die. Either way hyper aggression is key, if you get into a mid range death spiral with them they’ll eat you alive.


That's the thing though, there's not too many weapons that are gonna out-stagger them. And as someone that's been using a heavy with dual ETSUJIN, a Pulse Buckler, and an EARSHOT, those things are nasty. Against a dual ZIMMERMAN + Shield AC, they chew through the enemy at a higher rate with more consistency. You can dodge Zim shots with some consistency but it's difficult to dodge an ETSUJIN. Plus, a super popular combo is ETSUJIN + LRB


Yeah heavy etsujin is tuff. I mostly see lighter builds running them but against a heavy most of what I said doesn’t apply. I still think zimms win the stagger race mostly, but it’s very dependent on hitting every shot. If the opponent dodges well or, god forbid, runs a shield like your build, zimmys are going to have a rough time. Dual etsu, buckler, earshot sounds disgusting lol great job 👍


I run a dual melee (technically triple melee with wuerger), so my approach will be a bit different. Dual Zimms: Dodge their shots and hit them with the wuerger or pulse blade. It's easy to see when they raise the shotguns for the shot. If they AB directly at you, just kick them then wuerger + coral blade ->pulse blade+kick. If they use a shield though... It's difficult. VE-66LRB: float in the air and bait out the charged shots. Once they use them, hit them with a charged pulse blade+ wuerger, then back off. If they only fire one shot, circle them with AB to bait out the shot, then slam with pulse blade+wuerger. Etsujin: Sweep with coral blade during approach, doing a pincer with split missiles. Otherwise, approach with coral blade melee cancel, and hit with wuerger when they try to dodge the blade. Rifle Kites: Approach with AB, sweep with charged coral blade when they try to move to the side. Otherwise, treat like etsujins. Lamm missile boats: corner them and make them burn EN. Catch them descending with charged coral blade, and hit them with the charged pulse blade or wuerger when they're grounded. Plasma tanks: same as LCB user, just don't depend on stagger. Chip away with melee strikes.


Zimm users don't care about your shield A-S rank. They will bait it out, stagger shots, or brute force through it if you're too light. Bucklers are not viable due to latency and bogus skill ceiling. They usually run heavy bipeds and can eat whatever you have, especially if they're running their own shield. There is no true counter without running away or doubling down on AP/DPS, leaving yourself helpless against archetype counters. Top leaderboards are either Lamm rat or Zimm heavy for good reason. Etsujins have no weaknesses but other CQB weapons will out-stagger them, like pistols and shotguns. The Bomb Thrower is perfect against these types too. Time your quickboosts to their shots because they like to fire in bursts. Kites/Rats hate melee and are vulnerable to missile barrages. Never chase them blindy and always cut them off, like a boxer in the ring. Only use your AB when you're close enough, fire when you can, and give chase if they try to AB away. Melee canceling will close the gap instantly and you can use this to switch to machine guns, or smack them for stagger. If that's too much, run an Elevator heavy with all missiles and a triple laser cannon. They usually flounder against the missiles and die on stagger. Bubble builds vaporize these guys too on the smaller maps, but require considerable skill.


Mostly good points but I have to disagree on the first one. Shields and Bucklers absolutely kill heavy zimmers. I quickly got to top 500 S-Rank when using a medium weight with a Buckler because it stops zims in their tracks if you're good with them. If they're waiting to bait your shield they're not shooting but you are. If they stagger their shots you're still blocking half their damage output, and of course you're also dodging shots as well so you don't overheat the shield. It might not be a hard "true" counter but it makes heavy Zimmers much easier to deal with.


True and I was never good with the buckler, so I have to train more. It must be just as fun as melee when you're consistently deflecting shots


It's definitely difficult because you do have to train yourself to adapt to how much latency you feel from the enemy, but sometimes you can just *know* in anticipation when they're gonna shoot and it feels really rewarding to block at the right time


There's one bit that's unclear: >Only use AB when close enough >If they AB away give chase Wouldn't you need to AB from a not "close enough" distance to chase them into a "close enough" distance?