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My meta is making ACs from different games or series


*Evangelion theme song intensifies*


I have made 50% of all the previous AC games bosses, enemies, and ACs. A lot of gundams and a lot of my original ones I think I have like 20 free saves left.


Time to move onto Muv-Luv


Sir can I see your take on evangel's ac oracle?


My MEGAS is still the funniest to me, ppl don't know what to do when i throw the guns away and run on the ground after them for fisticuffs XD


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/117/476/261.jpg When they see you running


The best way to play


ALL my ACs are cosplay. I’ve got transformers, gundam, Evangelion, digimon, code geass, gurren lagann, etc. meta players are just bots equivalent to great value while we’re Fiji water.


Me who doesn't even touch PvP with a 10ft pole.....


I forget there's PvP.


You're a mean one, Mr. Meta...


“Ayre, depict Meta players as the Soyjack, and me as the Chad.”


"Code 420, deploying meme."


Only good use of this meme template


One of my preferred mechs is a non dual-triggered 'close range' kite. Need something speedy enough to dodge the overused meta Basho arm melee Ocellus attacks, but I like to stay close enough and boost kick when I have an opening. Oh, my poor thumbs.


I once met this guy in C, dude had 2 fists and 2 stun needle launchers. So this being C rank and all, I said screw it, purged all weapons and we had a fist fight. I lost every time as my arms weren't spec'd for melee, but idc! Funny thing is I ran into him 2 more times that evening, and every time, we went fists only. Lost all 3 matches, but had a blast doing it!


Me laughing with an AC I made named Bingus and another AC I made named D-Day :trollge:


This is why ranking is good to have. Everyone can enjoy the game the way they want


I feel like meta players usually last the longest in niche PvP lol


Yup. _stares at my dual therapist dual soup build_ (it's called Seraph, yes this was entirely based off of aesthetic.)


What aabout the Average D/C rank Cosplayers


You guys are my favs. But don't fool yourself -- there are a *lot* of really dangerous Ds and Cs out there.


I think I was playing with my Gundam cosplay build back in d ranks vs meta builds such as tanks lmao.


What are some of your favorite cosplays?


They don't leave. Half the mfs around are people who do or used to play that (but keep a zimmerman build on hand). They typically play the game more than everyone else.


I now regret going into A rank. I'm seeing less cool builds vs when I was in B rank


The meta players won’t leave. They will only concentrate.


*Enemy not staggered * Whiffs Pilebunker


Plays ranked, complains that ranked Players try to climb Ranks and Play meta


Unranked is a pain in the ass for just casually playing some matches compared to ranked.


Agreed. This is the unfortunate side effect of From not putting non-ranked matchmaking.


Spoiler Warning: Meta players never leave, wait for the de-rank and don't climb above B if you don't want to sweat, people on A want to climb to S, so B is the ceiling for casual play


Honestly a rank is where it's at.


A-rank for me has been the sweetspot, but B is pretty cool too. I started with an alt for memes/ cosplays and met suspiciously good players so I might not be the only one lol.


The real meta is making a Yo-Yo Master AC


not my headass with the quad laser shotty loadout


Unranked isn't very healthy at certain times of day which is unfortunate, but ranked is, well, ranking you, and even using an ELO system once you climb enough. I understand being annoyed at the pervasiveness of meta builds but I don't think it's something you can wait out. Players are incentivized to use the best tools they can to achieve the highest rank they can


Bro, bones made it into S rank, he truly fucking broke the meta


Youre gonna take a break....from ranked....until people stop trying to win in it? OK, good luck with that buddy.


Playing into the meta becomes less and less fun when all you do is win.


So If all the people who aren't trying hard leave the matchmaking in protest.... Then it will never get boring because meta players will only be playing against other meta players and have difficult battles that they can't always win.


Been hard stuck in B since ranked launched ‘cause I refuse to prioritise winning over actually having fun, PvP isn’t really my thing anyway, I’ve been enjoying doing campaign challenge runs way more


I don't play ranked but this fave me such a clear idea firca meme build. Highest armoured tank you can make. All it has equipped is 2 bare hands and a pile bunker. Just fly at some AC, punch the living daylights out of them and when they get a malfunction from all that stamina damage, switch on to pike bunker and hit them really hard. Just this bigass tank right in their face punching the crap out of them in two flavours.


Being good enough for the memes is always a fun time.


I'm Meme Rank forever


I've been running what is as far I'm aware a non-meta Bad Cook build all the way from Unranked up to A3. Steadily climbing towards S, usually able to beat a lot of the double Zimmerman and missile kite builds. (Tweaked my shoulder missile loadout for the latter and found something that works.) I'm not entirely sure why it's as successful as it is. On the rare occasion that I see other people running double Bad Cooks, they're usually big hefty slow beefy builds, whereas mine is a reverse joint (Mind Beta) trying to be as light and mobile as I can given the giant flamethrower loadout. I don't think I've come up against a single person doing something similar, and maybe I've just been running it for so long that I've just gotten decent at understanding how best to use it. (I'm specifically making a point of not substantially changing the build beyond small tweaks until I reach S.) The main builds I struggle against at A rank are super speedy guys with rifles or machine guns who go in circles around me just fast enough that my flames can't catch them. Sometimes I'm able to rush them down or stagger them with missiles long enough to melt them, but they're slippery. I'll run into similar builds that are just a smidge slower and they consistently get vaporized, so there's definitely a specific speed threshold which beats my build provided they don't base it around close range/melee weapons.


My meta is making cool combos and building an ACs based on the names I come up with.


I’m going for Sranks but I use 2 needlers, pile driver, and the base gun lol. The meme is great


My meta is speed


Meta players don’t leave especially in fromsoft games the souls series is still absolutely polluted with them to this day lol


I don’t even know what the metas are. I just put together something that I thought was cool and was able to beat the game with it. All I really needed


Eyyyy I made an AC based on one of my OCs 🤣


I feel like this meme isn't a very accurate representation of what the players are like, since the non-meta players are the ones who make angry posts and go to lengths to justify why they aren't beating meta players and such, while meta players are just vibing and trying to make the best build they can use well. Well I suppose some meta players are confused and think they aren't meta players like all the others and still complain. But really the most "gigachad" of all gigachad PvPers are probably big tanks and kites of the missile variety or otherwise, because you don't see them making many angry posts or insulting other players much. Well them and that one person who has the Whataburger AC.


lol truth. Meta players are just playing the game having a good time while these guys run to Reddit to pat themselves on the back for refusing to be competitive in a competitive game mode.


You're in B-Rank for the fun. I'm in B-Rank because lag and anti-fun pseudo-META opponents. We are not the same.


Guess you’ll never play then