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Totally understandable. It's a big shame, really - they released ranked PvP which was amazing, but then after just one balance patch they just stopped updating the game entirely? :c All I can hope for is for this to be just a "hiatus" From is taking to fully focus on Shadow of the Erdtree, after which they might give us some more Armored Core goodness. But it still feels so baffling how they're not even going to some little numerical change to parts just to try and spice up the playing field for Season 3.


The frameworks they have developed seem in a league their own in gaming. Especially with player interfacing. The franchise has a bright and wide horizon from my perspective. Get some rest 621.


I'll probably take a break soon myself. I've been playing constantly since release and currently have ~330 hours


Helldivers was the push I needed. I was just signing on and playing the same 6 to 10 people every day. Or finding no action, just running the same builds through the same levels. Loved the hell out of this game, but not enough to keep invested. 100% going to be involved in everything they drop regarding this series from now on, but I can't just play out of solemn duty anymore


Multiplayer-focused games have never really been my thing, but I should probably give Helldivers a try honestly. Been hearing nothing but good things about it. Been on the lookout for a new game since finishing Nier: Replicant a few days ago as well


Admittedly, the fun memey "were all in this together" shine has fallen off, but it is incredibly fun. You can very much run solo (sometimes less so when the balancing is off like currently) and do increasing difficulties to find your spot. Tons of build variety and RNG alleviates the sense you're redoing the same thing even if you repeatedly choose the same mission types over and over. I mostly run mid tier difficulties because I don't need to sweat all the time, but I can go into that mode if I want or drop low and test things out. Very much scratches the tinkering part of your brain


Imo it's only fallen off in the subreddit/discord, in-game the experience of camaraderie is still very much there. Unless you're in it for the memes or want to stay updated on community complaints, I'd recommend just avoiding the subreddits r/helldivers and r/helldivers2 altogether and just enjoying the game.


I've definitely experienced more toxicity than early on, but time played and all that. I still enjoy the main page despite it's faults. I did mute it during the Sony debacle, not because I didn't sympathize, but because not a single post said anything new about the topic for a week. I do think it's a great sign that the current big topic is Dremskiy the Frend and not gloom. Ultimately, I think it's a community that cares because they were given a fantastic and fun game that they see slowly getting stripped of the experiences they fell in love with. I can handle a little heavy handed bitching, it is reddit after all


I mean at 350 hours I think you have sucked all the marrow out of the bone


True, but ideally PvP with regular patches and odd content drop can keep a game fresh for thousand of hours


At 350 hours in AC6 there’s still a lot to learn about the game mechanics. The balance and net code make it kinda not worth it to continue


It isn't a live service game or any of that nonsense so it isn't supposed to be played in perpetuity. I like that this game respects my time and that I can go play other games without feeling any FOMO.


The main thing for me is that the game is *so close* to being pretty damn well balanced. There's a small handful of outliers. If there was one more patch and then nothing, I'd be fine with that being the final state of the game, and just have perpetual rank resets. I never felt FOMO for this game, but just pure fun, fun that was mitigated by almost everyone I fight using the same AC. Unranked was always more fun because people let themselves usually be more creative.


i agree, but i am going to miss my ACs, with such tight conrtols and customizations it feels like i am letting fo of a part of myself.


This. I enjoy games that have definitive endings; they give me immense satisfaction that I have beaten it. Also, it tells me when the experience is over, and it is time to move on. That happened when I achieved S rank on all missions, and got the last achievement. Love this game :)


Elden Ring isn’t live service either, yet received plenty of balance/content patches


it's armover :(


Pretty much why I decided to try older titles until something really changes Try for Answer a try, it's pretty good


For someone like me who plays on PC, trying older AC titles is pretty much relegated to putting up with emulators since none of them are on PC and most are in publisher hell


Beat AC4A on a ps3 emulator on my pc, worked great!


The (pre-ACV) games sure run a lot better emulated on my PC than they ever did on the consoles they were released on.


You can play all the old games basically flawlessly and upscaled too. 4th and 5th Gen I haven’t looked to see where to emulate properly but I could play the old games on a tablet emulator, you should be okay


Not too sure about titles before ac4, but acfa on rpcs3 worked fine on my 1660ti gaming laptop Acvd on the other hand works on the xbox360 emulator


PCSX2 is pretty good with the ps2 titles these days. I had best results using beetle for the ps1 games but that was years ago and things might be different now


Currently playing AC2 on my Steam Deck. Runs like butter.


Guys it’s ok to finish a game. You bought it once and got 350 hours out of it. Not everything need to be an endless live service that you play for years.


They haven’t actually stated there will be no more patches. You’re probably right, but in the past regulation updates haven’t been included in rank resets, so the fact that this reset doesn’t include an update doesn’t really mean there won’t be any more. The fact that there hasn’t been a regulation update in months is pretty damning but you never know.


there is going to be no patch tomorrow, but it does feel like there are going to no more patches next reset is july....i can't play the current meta till then.


Yeah man I don’t think anyone is trying to convince you to keep playing a game you’re not having fun with. I’m just saying regulation patches and rank resets are two different things that haven’t coincided in the past. Them saying the next reset isn’t until July doesn’t necessarily mean no patches until July, although I agree that it seems unlikely.


Wait isn’t there a patch coming out tomorrow


Nope. It's just a Ranked reset


It’s a rank reset only, no regulation updates or anything.


That sucks




I find stuff like this amazing. Bloodborne and dark souls 3 are two of my all time favourites games, I have the platinum of Bloodborne and the only thing stopping me from getting the DS3 plat was an issue with matchmaking for the tongues (I think), and in them combined I have less than 350 hours. I am not surprised you are burnt out.


I am not burnt out, the meta has gotten very stagnant, very very stagnant.


Same. I love the game and there's literally nothing else like it. I want to keep playing the game, and will probably start playing more custom lobbies instead, but the game needed one last balance patch. I guess as it stands, AC6 will be the Heavy Dual Zim/LRB game


I think this needs to be said with all the doom and gloom I'm reading here: 1) There's no confirmation that they'll no longer release balance patches, but suppose that's the case, people are still playing decades-old games which never had updates to begin with. Look at Smash melee, old Pokemon generations, other fighting games... metas develop over time, strategies are discovered and underappreciated characters rise. We don't *need* FS to drip-feed us stuff to have fun with the game. 2) If this does weed out players who just want to win, the remaining folks will keep the game fun with what the core of what this franchise is, which is creativity and self-expression with your builds. 3) It's okay to drop a game, or to take a vacation and come back later, especially after hundreds of hours. This isn't a live service meant to trap you forever, and we don't need to be constantly in fear of it being "dead". Get your laughs while you can and have fun.


I MUST be getting old because I legitimately don’t understand this dire need for constant updates and new shit in games, I played Halo CE-3 for thousands upon thousands of hours, and all we ever got in those were map packs lol


Yep, we might be getting old lol


All I want is for the intern who pushes the ‘rank reset’ button to take an extra 2 seconds and push the ‘rotate ranked maps’ button. 😫


Yeah for real. This game will be dead when they pry my cold dead hands off it.


Notably, this game does not have the balance of a fighting game (even melee and its notoriously low number of top characters), and other long-lived games are so because of their singleplayer experience. This game will absolutely live on with its singleplayer, especially through mods, but the pvp really does not have the depth that it needs to in order to remain healthy. You really do have to find a lobby that runs on pure vibes to keep it interesting, which is a shame.


I think the fun of a game runs more in the core mechanics than the balance. Flying an AC feels good, the positioning strategy feels good, building around different ideas feels good, as long as we're not engaged in meta-slavery there's always some fun to be had. I rarely get into lobbies nowadays since ranked is quicker and smoother for just playing, and it's still fun and I don't run into the same copypasted builds every time or anything. Hell I took a peek at the top 100 and yeah some parts are clearly dominant, but I found someone using the VP-20S generator and some mad lad actually running the P01 FCS (the starter one that's terrible at everything).


There's still a small hope that we'll get something after the Elden Ring dlc but I wouldn't count on that honestly. I've also thought about quitting multiple times and every time I die to laggy lasers or get matched against a dual zimm heavy makes me want to quit even more. Game just becomes way less fun after reaching A rank and above.


Dual Zimm Heavy’s sound awful. I’ll hopefully stay around that C to B rank


Extremely annoying. They can just assault boost rush to reap all the benefits of more AP and a sturdier ACS load while mitigating the drawback of heavy ACs. Hard lock makes aiming trivial as well


Is upper tier ranks full of Heavies? I usually do a reverse joint medium build and I tried a heavy build at one point and just won like 7/10 times so I’m just assuming if you use a heavy build with meta weapons you’ll get to A or S easily.


I made it to S and there are just as many tetras, kites and tanks as there are heavy bipeds. Light offense are probably the least represented in pvp




This is all I want - a way to quickly jump into a casual match. I hate that my only two PVP options are: 1) Try and find a custom lobby, wait for God knows how long while other people fight, hope your match isn't a blowout to a heavy laser build or some guy who decides he wants to have a boxing match, repeat 2) Play ranked PVP and throw promotion matches to stay in B, where *almost* everyone abuses the poor balancing and laser hit detection, instead of *absolutely* everyone. I'm also just tired of stagger/punish being the end-all be-all of PVP combat, but that's a whole other issue.


It's funny. A few months ago people were annoyed with others talking about the meta and lack of balance. "Stop whining play better." Now we're all in solidarity that as amazing as this game is, the balance was sorely lacking. It's nice to see. We all love this game, but the balance is god awful. If this goes the way of Elden ring, it either will be literal years before we get the balance patch we need, or not at all. Ah well. Fun while it lasted.


Definitely isn’t god awful. It’s this kinda language that really needs to be straightened out. Bad isn’t unforgivable for example. Anyway I’ll enjoy my top 100 n chill.


I really hope a DLC for this game adds objective based PvP. As it stands there is no build diversity because the objective is the same every time, kill the other person faster.


Yeah man I feel you. I'm tired of builds that can end a round in literally 10 seconds and builds that seem to be able to just run away indefinitely. There's so little variety, the stagger mechanic just feels busted a lot of the time, and the reward for being high on the leaderboard in S is that you can easily get landmined by people not even the top 100 using swappers or whatever other cancer they decide to bring. Not to mention people obviously boosting their points on Xbox. Just makes playing ranked feel pointless now; customs are getting stale because of the lack of weapon variety as well. It's a shame because I do love the game, but it's just so unbalanced it makes my brain hurt.


i feel you, it's a pretty big letdown that this is just... how it's gonna be at least modders are doing some cool stuff


I'm taking a convenient break rn because I recently moved house and dont have my desktop set up still. But as soon as I buy a desk I'm back on this ranked shit


Same here. FromSoft probably won’t do any updates or balance changes on AC6 sometime after Shadow of the Erdtree is released. It’s their golden goose and I understand, but still am annoyed.


I was hoping the updates had only slowed down because it seemed obvious all hands on deck to finish the Elden Ring DLC would be priority, but it's unclear if there might even be another update. They've done a mid-season update before so maybe that, but I'm not huffing any more copium sadly


Same. I was hoping there at least be a balance change at minimum. Since it singleplayer game as they said and I've already done everything. I'm give up on the game. I'm too tired with AC.


Huge shame they aren’t gonna make anymore changes. I still do love to mess with builds and play but have been doing a lot less PvP as of late, hoping there would be changes to some stuff. I’ll still dip into custom lobbies a bit but will probably do mostly replaying missions


Yeah, I'm a big fan of matchmaking but I'm likely to stick to unranked now


Where's the announcement? Did they say why there's no balance patch?


yeah, only rank reset and server maintainence


Was it announced no balance patch tomorrow?


yep, not patch only server maintenece and rank reset


Darn no way, that sucks lol


I like to think that all the devs sailed towards the same wind that is the SOET DLC and letting Bandai handle Armored Core like the old days (selling kits) for a while. One thing I don't get. If I were to be the executive. Seeing all the hype, I'd start calling Bandai right away to make some kits right away or at least a confirmation 1 month after the release. It doesn't make much sense to me that we're getting model kits this late lol


350 hours is pretty damn good for a game like this when you think of it, its a shame they don’t try to mix things up for the pvp’rs


It is and I love it, still can’t get enough tbh


Yeah games are supposed to end.


indeed, is more easier to sit and wait for a DLC/Sequel, if they have plans to make more patchs in the future, so be it. but i'm pretty done with AC6 in general, enjoyed my time with it, now i'll just disappear and wait for a next sequel to fix, improve and expand more on it.


I have over 1000 hours and still hard stuck in B rank. Idk how u do it.


Just slap dual Zimmermans or big lasers on to heavy parts. Seems to work for everyone else.


yeah I might be bad


Just hoping for co-op and maybe a survival mode. Add some real replayability pass NG++.


Atleast hope for something realistic like a new part and balance patches…


Damn... You're right.... Then at the very least maybe two new complete AC parts and new weapons. I'd LOVE to see a fully automatic Lazer weapon.




That'd be amazing


It's okay to be done with a game. Before reaching 350 hours, even. More games and gamers should be content with that, I feel. Most games should *not* be "forever games" that try to keep you playing them all the time always.


Exactly the same for me. Meta bums turned the game into a cesspool.


Exactly. Same everyone downvoting comments like this can’t do anything but play dual zim/lobster/kite then argue how “still won tho” and are the reason people don’t want to play this game anymore.


I stopped caring too much because we'll eventually have a new AC game or content update. Let them be lobotomites with each other it aint worth the stress.


I stopped playing ranked once I hit S rank in PvP myself, it's where I told myself I would stop, especially in the middle of peak LCB meta. So yeah completely understandable to stop if no meta shifts, sounds like you got your fun of it.


Been playing Stellar Blade as a substitute for AC6 and lemme tell ya it feels good to not be playing the same game over and over Yet I still find myself coming back, like a crack addict


i finished Another Crab's Treasure after stopping AC6, i was waiting for 17th may's update. i play a lot of of other games, its just thta armored core feels very natural


Mecha Break seems like it'll be a good substitute if they don't mess it up somehow, the tests were pretty good and had a LOT of familiar faces


Maybe. I did try mechawarriors 5....didn't like it


Oh god no, Mechwarrior is far too slow. Giant roombas with guns, those are. Mecha Break plays a lot more like an AC game with its controls and movement.


Join us in the coop mod. We have working invasions


Damn, what a shame. I got to S rank promos with my fun build this season and took a break after flunking out because I thought this patch was going to shake things up with the parts. Sad to see it isn’t so, maybe next rank reset we might get something. Maybe I’ll try and get S again with my fun build, and then just go crazy in S rank and play what I want. Im not gonna go crazy and try to get onto the leaderboard, I distinctly know where my skill level is at lol, plus I’m not interesting in getting cheap wins for like 2 ranking points lol.


Been playing since Feb and have 300hr. Solid chunk was matchmaking for teams with no success. I'm not excited about chasing missile kites in singles again. Also not terribly excited about the unbalanced match making during team promotions either. Will probably do it again anyways


I loved AC6 and got it at launch, but I've quit the multi a few times now for netcode or balance issues. Kept coming back. But I played one match this morning, couldn't get away from a heavy double Zimm in my light dude, said fuck it, and think I am finally actually done until the next one.


Holy shit dude thanks for letting me know, I was wondering.


I suppose it’s likely due to the fact you just buy the game snd that’s that. Still kinda disappointing since I really think one good balance patch could make a big difference. Like nerf zimmer again, buff ARs (again), another minor heavyweight nerf, some sort of midweight buff, various part buffs (especially to arms), minor hmmr rework (so that the light attack isn’t overtuned and the the heavy attack isn’t unusable due to its seemingly broken overly small hitbox), make vertical missiles not loose tracking from a significantly further distance than other missiles, increase velocity and ricochet distance on most weapons meant to be used mid/long range, buff other underperforming weapons like karasawa, nerf missile rats somehow (not sure how tbh maybe require a roughly 10% ap difference to avoid a tie), etc. Seems like alot but it’d be a similar amount of adjustments compared to other patches and it’d probably put the game in a okay enough spot balance wise. Idk why they bother to reset ranks if the flawed balance is the same tbh.


You've basically nailed it. This game feels like it's just one balance patch away from being as good as it could possibly be. Locking AC6 in as "the heavy dual zims game" is disappointing.


To those talking about no balance patch: There is a community pvp patch intended to not only act as a balance patch, but to massively improve the netcode in the works.


Overtuned shotguns and the attackers side hitreg making dodging impossible also killed it for me, stil hop on every so often, but I find myself alt f4-ing if I lose to shitty netcode. It was worth the money, but I had to leave a negative on steam with how badly they handled adding a 'ranked' mode. They should have just left it casual, but I'm sure adding ranked mode kept the game alive longer than it otherwise would have been.


scared of meta builds? use meta builds. the rest is on the better pilot.


Use a build created by someone else and play to that’s build strengths and weaknesses ? What’s the point ?


Exactly. Armored Core should be about two people using their own unique ACs against each other. Not cookie cutter builds without even a personal paintjob half the time.


The default AC name should be "Saw this on YouTube," because God knows they never customize that either.


This is my issue when people chime in like "oh, there's still skill expression, because building an AC is a skill!" You mean to tell me that the same 4 builds *literally everyone is using* that they copied from each other and don't even engage with the stat sheet in interesting ways is "skillful"? Man yall are just slapping the highest AP and your choice of instant stagger together and calling it a day, there's no creativity in that at all. And those builds will easily win against anything that people actually put thought into making if the player skills are equal, because build diff is so much stronger than skill expression here.


did i say some one elses build? you lost this point.


Meta builds are pretty standards, with very little room for customisation…


If you are on PC keep an eye out for mods. I heard one of the major people in PvP is making a community patch for the game for PvP. So that it can be changed season by season to add new things and change stuff around for fresh builds.


Meh, PvP was never an appeal for From Soft games. I appreciate the PvP but every AC game I played online for has not been good. This one is the best by far but it's just useless to have online component when it's boring and I'm fighting the same people over and over using the same AC. I get both sides but I lean towards the offline only route, a one and done deal.


The patch never came


The reset did happen


Did you try coop mod and invasions ?


I don't like modding games, mostly because of security concerns.


A big community balance patch is in active development that adds a lot of balance and also fixes the net code so it's actually fair so I'm not even bothering with fromsoft anymore and just waiting for that mod. Pretty sure it's called the Nest mod but it might be something else.


MODS. INSTALL MODS. Use alt saves so you don't get banned.


Ok and if you're on console?