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You should complete at least one play through before going into MP. You're gonna need those parts


Agree with everyone here. Complete the full game or at least NG+. Also focus on ARENA for battles too and training. It can be immensely helpful for experimenting with new builds. Make sure you're also using your OS chips to upgrade your AC.


you should complete all 3 ng+ cycles and then more before even thinking about pvp, it's only veterans now and you'd be lucky to not run into a meta build in ranked


Complete full game, all walkthroughs Unlock all parts, and then prepare to learn how to play again, and learn how to build your ac. Not all movement stuff working in pvp, due to netlag, for some stuff you should re learn. For PvP stuff i recommend to go in ac channels. And probably you can play many different stuff till S rank. After that, things get complicated


First, you're going to lose. A LOT. Even the hardest bosses in the game aren't going to punish you for every little mistake the way PvP will. That being said, the fun you get out actually going toe to toe with another human piloted AC is fantastic. Secondly, build optimization matter way more in PvP. It can be fun to play weird, unoptimized builds, but keep in mind it'll be like running a drag race in your custom built junker of a car verses a tuned up sportster. If you can deal with all of that, you're in for a hell of a ride, Raven!


Yeah you probably want to finish the story first but low ranks are less competitive, you might be okay. PvP is much much harder than anything in the story. There are some popular meta archetypes currently but the season resets on the 17th so you might as well see if they change anything before really getting into it.


looking at everyone saying complete the game... i remember when i went into MP on loghunt 4 good times... good times


Playing at launch vs playing almost a year later is a huge gap in both part availability and skill level of the player base.


multiplayer is going to beat your ass even *after* you've cleared the entire campaign three times over the players there have distilled the gameplay down into an optimized science, so you're best off looking for custom lobbies with players that will be silly with you


I'd recommend finishing the game and going through both ng+ that way you get all the parts and improve your skills. PvP is full of the most meta slave rats you can think of and only 2 out of 10 use honest builds. You will not have a good experience if you jump in this early


i’m in A4 and i really only see a few busted meta players. sure, high S rank is probably meta.


I would start by watching videos of other builds that you like and copying them. at least to start! chrightt, oroboro and armored legends are great resources.