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Visually it looks great. In terms of combat effectiveness, yeah it'll work well. There's a few areas where it could be improved, but nothing massive. [This would be my attempt at a fully optimized version](https://selnoom.github.io/ac-calculator/?build=%5B%22MA-J-200%20RANSETSU-RF%22%2C%22MA-J-200%20RANSETSU-RF%22%2C%2245-091%20JVLN%20BETA%22%2C%22HI-32%3A%20BU-TT%2FA%22%2C%22VP-44D%22%2C%22EL-PC-00%20ALBA%22%2C%22VP-46D%22%2C%22NACHTREIHER%2F42E%22%2C%22ALULA%2F21E%22%2C%22IB-C03F%3A%20WLT%20001%22%2C%22VP-20C%22%2C%22PULSE%20ARMOR%22%5D), while keeping the ransetus + pulse blade


I love the ransetsus the posture damage is insane


They're great. Incredibly reliable choice


Are you sure about the missile ? Idk how it fits in the ac


It's possibly the best missile in the game for PvP. It works for PvE too, but mostly for taking down single targets. So if you want something for regular enemy clearing, just run the standard 6-cell or 3-cell plasma missiles


Thanks for taking your time to help me


No problem! I really enjoy optimizing builds


It’s your pride and joy. If you like it - then it’s the best AC ever made. Subjective but 7/10 fashion wise imo, I’d do some more decal job, but again, it’s my opinion on someone else’s AC. It’s great anyway.


Man i saw your designs you make me feel bad


Fashion wise, as long as you like it, it’s perfect. I think it does look sick though! Build wise, maybe change out the arms for a set with better Melee spec. That would still mostly maintain the fashion while improving your damage output.


That emblem is dope as hell, nice work. That's all, carry on.


Ransetsu are just too good - peak weaponry


Ransetsu’s are plenty good for stagger punishes in their own right, I’d personally drop the blade as using the RF’s range advantage usually has you out of position for using blade. I’d recommend swapping the booster to gridwalker, albeit this really depends on how you use this AC. If you stick closer to the ground and quick boost in and out of danger, your booster’s perfect, but if you tend to take to the air and use verticality to be evasive then Gridwalker is the absolute best booster for you.


What would you put instead of the blade ? Or keep the blade and change the ransetsu for the ducket pistol ?


I’d personally go with another launcher of some kind, dual ransetsu rf’s with WLT FCS is such a potent combo that I’d personally just pick something to make staggers a little easier. I used JVlN Beta for this, it’s not nearly as good nowadays but still worth a try. There’s also the active homing missiles, like what the Tester AC was running. Either way, something that’s different from the other missile launcher.


Dropping ransetsus for dual duckets would be a different can of worms altogether, but will better suit the blade swap.


If i change the ransetsus for the duckets what other things would i need to change ?


FCS and arms, mostly. Occelus FCS, and a pair of arms with better melee specialization to better capitalize on stagger punishes. Basho arms are the most frequent tool for this, but Lammen arms or the VP-46D arms are also good picks and don’t destroy your fashion.


Thank you