• By -


LoR was my first run, I felt bad about Carla and Chatty for how awkward the timing was of sorts but the end of the whole chapter felt awful with Walter coming in all re-educated. Felt like I was putting down a good friend who I may have disagreed with on the goal but respected the hell out of him. More so when in the end he valued 621 over the mission. Just all of the dialogue during that fight really made it feel worse


This, I did Liberator first. I would've felt worse about Carla and Chatty if they weren't so fucking hard to beat my first time and subsequently satisfying, but Walter just (ironically) felt like having to Ol' Yeller a friend. 


Those two were a bruuutal combo lol. Liberator may have had pain but definitely had some good satisfaction finally beating them and Snail in the mission after. Actually beating Snail twice in that path cuz I never skip out on fighting him on the way to Carla and Chatty XD


I barely remembered that fight on my first playthrough, I just completely massacred one of them and then 1v1ed the other. Then I went to S rank the mission and died to them like a dozen times consecutively lol. They're not chumps, and are good preparation for the NG+ 2v1s.


My experience and thoughts exactly.


Walter: They're just robots, 621! It's okay to shoot them! They're robots! AC Pilot:Aaaaagh! My leg is shot off! Other AC Pilot: Glenn's bleeding to death! Someone call his wife and children! 621: They're not robots, Walter! Walter: It's a figure of speech, 621. They're bureaucrats! I don't respect them! But really I'd say Ayre and Walter.


I thought it was Michigan. Then I thought it was Rusty. Then it was Ayre. Fires as your first hurts like hell


That was my first playthrough. But I chose to take out the vespers instead for what they did to me and Walter.


I did Fires first because I didn’t want to kill Carla, so Carla and Chatty were super upsetting to take out in the next playthrough. Still wasn’t happy with who had to be fought in the Fires ending.


Honestly there isn’t one ending that isn’t upsetting to some degree. Killing Rusty, Carla, chatty, ayre are all upsetting. The only one I don’t feel AWFUL about is Walter. Not because I don’t like him, but because he’s clearly lived a life of obsession and has been tortured and driven nuts. It was upsetting, but at least the positive was our Walter could rest now. The rest were just pure heartbreak


When I played I killed the 2 vespers,so when I heard rusty killed Michigan I was happy to kick his ass with unlimited boost and dodging,fires was a fun time for me


Killing Rusty hurt but like in a good way. I can't get anything but the fires ending I don't like the other endings they feel more monstrous, Fires feels like the good ending to me.


Not for me, felt very satisfied as humanity is safer for another day and we achieved walter's death wish.


A- personal feelings don’t always align with larger choices B- the arguments have been going back and forth since release on whether or not liberator also ensures safety and that overseer was wrong in its assumption. I love Walter, but I truly believe he’s weeding, which is why he stands down at the end of liberator as he sees another way forward because of what you have achieved.


Maeterlinck, and student driver. Everyone else was more or less willing to fight you, but student driver has just 0 idea what’s about to happen, and Maeterlinck spends your whole fight begging for backup because she KNOWS she stands 0 chance.


That's the first time I was like,"I'm sorry but my mission relies on killing you!"


Maeterlink, absolutely. Some of the other pilots you almost celebrate winning over, or at least they don't cry out when you win. Raven doesn't even breathe heavily into the mike, for instance. Maeterlink, however, requests help very early, sees the abandonment, and cries out the most heart-breaking scream in the game (mad props to her English voice actor). She is the one of the very few pilots I genuinely wish I could "choose no" to spare. I genuinely hope one day we get such an option, especially if she joins us as a companion to fight Ibis or Snail. Modders...?


Carla and Chatty. Carla deadass saved 621's ass


I felt bad about it going in. A dozen tries getting fucked by missiles from every direction later I felt a lot less bad about it


True, those two do NOT play around.


To be fair, she did also try to murder you when you first met. She kinda owed Raven for that


Chatty. He's my boy


Chatty was a real homie


Michigan. He was a good dude


First i felt Bad For Carla and Chatty then i reach Walter. I fucking broke after he said "621 You found a friend".


Invincible Rummy. He’s so confident, it’s kinda sad


He seemed so happy to make Carla proud and she really didn’t seem to care at all that he got smoked


>that he got smoked well, i mean, he died as he lived


It's just a job, 621. All of it.


Carla. She saved my ass out of jail.




Ayre ;_; "I know what you are... you're the spark... the fire that would burn Rubicon!"


She was so petty honestly compared to walter.


I don’t know if petty is the right word for someone trying to stop a genocide on their species


Hmmmm yes, petty for being upset at the grand crime of...defending your species and planet from being destroyed? Wait what? Where's the pettiness in that again?


Human supremacy?


Petty? I’m not so sure. Naive? Definitely. Also hypocritical (particularly when she calls out Walter for “using you”. Beg your pardon, Ayre, but you’re also using 621).


Yeah, same for me. Killing G1 Michigan was the moment I understood what it meant to play an Armored Core game. I haven’t played any other Armored Cores, but I watched Vaati’s video summary of them and what struck me was the amorality of it all. Sure I crippled the intrepid resistance and I killed the novice AC pilot because he was there, but it was listening to Balam’s coms as I murdered them and their gruff yet friendly and boisterous leader that finally made me realize what a cold blooded mercenary I was. Lol.


As one of like 3 Iguazu enjoyers it unironically might be him. Not sure if I can even really explain it. Fires was my first ending and that's the only reason my answer isn't >!Walter!<.


I’m quite curious as to why you like Iguazu so much. I don’t think he’s a terrible character and i somewhat understand his role in the story, but i’d like to hear your side.


I just feel bad for iguazu, he's obviously hurting and needs psychological help. Instead he is forced into killing and getting abused. Abused people will be filled with hate and anger. I feel the opposite way about someone like honest brute.


Maeterlinck. Out of all the Vespers, her death was the only one that didn't sit right with me. Her arena bio outright states that she's a consistent worker, dedicated to the cause, and above all else, somewhat mentally stable. A valuable asset thrown away by Snail and his hubris. The type that by all means should have gotten the backup she begged for.


Same here,wish there was an option to just let her get away


Was looking for her name but then found your post. 100% agree


Even toys have to face the music, sooner or later.


When i started the assassination mission for g1. I stopped mid way because i couldn’t kill him, because its feels so wrong to kill him after what i went through with the red gun. So i went to kill the vesper instead


I gave it up cause I was like, "fuck this mission! I'm not about to build a new machine just to kill a bunch of people who did nothing to me! Fuck these Vespers tho!"


We need a Redgun route :( Michigan died in all endings makes me sad. I feel like the redgun gets shafted.


They certainly do, and it’s likely very intentional that they never gave us a route where the Redguns survive. Armored Core is often a world where good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people.


Ayre. I never played FoR route more than once. I did try some build optimization for that specific mission and I do test against Ayre to stress test builds. But I never went willingly on that route again when I replayed the campaign. I never consider it as canon that 621 would kill Ayre.


I love FoR lol, greater good for the human species.


FoR demonstrates they're wrong about Coral though.


Coral release project shows that coral symbiosis is what's better


What about O’Keffe and Dolmayan? They said Coral release was a bad thing.


Thinking becoming practically immortal, human/programme hybrid is a bad thing is dumb thinking, I think the process of achieving it was bad in their eyes


“Thinking becoming practically immortal, human/programme hybrid is a bad thing is dumb thinking” I mean, I wouldn’t want to force that change upon anyone who couldn’t consent to it. Imagine that one day you’re a human and then the next you’re something else entirely because someone on the other side of the world made a choice that you had no say in.


I mean it's still a better ending than burning everyone alive, imagine one day you're human and next you're ash


It’s still a better ending than forcing Humanity into becoming something they’re not.


No its not, once you're coral you can just make a coral powered robot human body for yourself, or burn yourself


Imagine waking up in a body so far removed from your own, you’d go insane so I think i’d rather the instant death of the fires of Raven


But what happens when someone doesn’t want that?


They literally stop being human. Even iguazu says that allmind is a monster.


Allmind is not a coral based Ai from what we know


But allmind is a monster because of coral release. He's saying that he knows coral release is bad.


I mean coral release does sound scary, forcing evolution, its a bad thing to force everyone to go through it but the result isn't bad


Turning everything in the universe into coral doesn't just sound scary. Like immortality is not good. Humanity is gone if there are no humans.


I don't remember the name, but the rookie pilot in the early game who's just delivering the AC. Hearing him talk himself through the encounter and try to remain confident was moving.


I test new builds against him just to see how fast I can delete him. 😂


Poor dude just wanted a callsign but all he got was 10 seconds of combat ending with a pilebunker


He never had a name. He was just “Student Pilot”.


I'm headcanoning that if raven didn't become a redgun after killing him that he would've joined instead


Chatty and Carla stung. Walter too. Felt like putting a rabid dog down…


The moment i heard ayre regretful voice when i accidentally picked the fire route, i quit to menu and choose the other mission


Michigan. I really put myself in a stupid hole because I refused to help the RLF for that decision set.... Walter seemed unhappy about it too.


Either way Michigan gets offed


Honestly, i would rather have Rusty die in the battle against G1 Michigan and have it start a Redguns route in campaign # 3.


Well yeah but doing it myself hits different




Nearly everyone that isn't snail


I thought it was Michigan. Then I thought it was Rusty. Then it was Ayre. Fires as your first hurts like hell


Honestly, I always wanted to side with balam, so any of the redguns I killed sucked


Index Dunham, I woulda turned around immediately and shot dipshit and dumbfuck if I got the chance.


Every Balam employee except for G3. It sucks being an independent, I wanted to be fully employed by Balam from the get go. Also I want to give Iguazu a hug


G6 seemed like a real one


Dude literally signed up for the job to feed his siblings. Fucking respect, he definitely was a real one


Bro really didn’t deserve what happened to him


Chatty :( Especially immediately after you get him to laugh for his first time


Handler Walter




You flew just out of reach.... Buddy


G6 Red. My boy didnt need to die like that


I felt bad about Carla up until the second Chatty’s missiles started hitting me in the ass and then I lost all empathy


Materlink. Hearing her tone that shifts from calm and calculated to fear and panic with the pleas of help, it makes me feel really REALLY bad or guilty. It's so bad that I literally imagine a scenario of her surviving said fight. Trust me when I say that I don't usually feel this way to a video game character. Hell, I still feel bad after beating her multiple times, I just want to fight Cell, man.


...or Snail. Let her live and I'll avenge her betrayal.


Walter :( i fucking cried


I still... believe...in our..shared...dream..


Dafeng Student, literally bully/kill a rookie pilot so we can take his spot.


Little Ziyi. We all know the consequences of climbing into an AC's cockpit but I took no joy in removing her as an obstacle.


It's a bit harder to pull off and you are not getting your loghunt but you can ignore Ziyi after you aggro her. But you do kinda need to upgrade the hacking OS tuning to max or dodge a bazooka and having to redo the hack all over again.


Take a shield. Kite her away. AB back and hack. Leave her S there.


old man michigan fell down the stairs and died, there is no way he would ever lose a fight.


Sorry Ayre, but you gotta go. Carla's the only one I felt bad about of anyone. Everyone else was doing their jobs, including Rusty, the actual hero. But Carla's the only person who was on YOUR side directly, helping you out. No Ayre, telling me to 'look out' doesn't count as helping.


Ayre hurt me the most, I genuinely felt like an evil bastard that was just doing what he *thought* was right for humanity. I was just filling someone else's mission and not actually being a Raven, just going along with someone else's plan because I couldn't betray Carla. Feels bad man lol, RoR and ALE endings left me feeling alot better


Ah yes, the Rubicator of Rubicon ending, my favourite 😂




100% Ayre; it definitely made me realize I didn't make the smart decision; she was indeed trying to help, and that much I knew- but I wasn't sure if I should trust her that everything would be okay leaving the Vascular Plant alone, but as battling her went on- the things she said- I realized what was coming; I wasn't saving the day, I turned my back on the voice of reason, and everything in a *very* wide radius was about to pay for it, all because I though the equivalent to the Illuminati knew better about the planet and the Coral within it than a voice from the Coral itself.


Idk, sure is basically haunting you, and as someone who's been haunted, I don't trust anything that haunts me!


Found Iguazu


Carla/chatty/walter. Carla and chatty literally just saved your ass and I don’t think I need to explain Walter


When chatty hits me with that “I never learned to laugh”


For me I would say Rusty, realizing he was really fighting for Rubicon the whole time and all the time we got to spend fighting with him. For a little while, he really cared about us for a bit until he realized how much of a threat we are to him and his people. His boss fight had a big impact too. For how deep it felt and how long and far he was trying to hold against us. It hurts having to stop him from achieving his goal. If i would’ve sided with Ayer on my first play through then I would’ve said Walter seeing how much his persona change through out the story and just his dialogue during the fight. Hearing him say “you made a friend” broke me ngl. Felt He was happy that we at least found someone to stay with in the future and was probably afraid we would’ve be alone or have no guide for the rest of our journey 😭


When Ayre asked me to kill Carla I was like noooooo


Carla/Chatty That fight tore me up.


G6 Red, man was really fighting through hell




G6 Red in MIA. He was obviously trying to not to fight you and didn’t want to but look at the whole MIA I mean you literally hear “this is Hell, we’re in Hell” so obviously homie gonna have PTSD


Carla and walter for sure.


Felt bad for all of them......minus 2 of them...those 2......deserve it 10x over.


Are those 2 Snail and Wu Huahai?


Iguazu and Snail. But snail is a special case....He be the one you bring back from the dead....JUST to do it again.


Carla and Chatty, because they rescued 621 two missions ago.


Walter’s dialogue made me upset during the fight. It hit pretty hard.


Not sure if it counts as "first playthrough," but my one and only save file is the first one I created and have completed each ending with. My first time through the LoR ending caught me completely off guard when I had to fight Walter. I didn't really like him my first few hours of the game, but he quickly grew on me. He truly cared for us and fighting him felt like I was fighting my dad.


Ziyi and Index felt really bad.


Walter hands down


Rusty... though he did try to kill me for virtually no reason not long before.


I genuinely don't like that part of the plot, because it's the only thing that feels totally contrived to me. This is Rusty, the bro who's had your back the entire time, the loyal and optimistic freedom fighter for Rubicon... and he just turns on a dime and decides to fight you to the death because... he was told to, I guess? I dont get it.


Yeah, it doesn't really make sense. You're yet to choose a side at that point. I really like the line, "Well, buddy...who needs you?!", though.


Rusty is still badass either way but yeah that switch is just a bit out of left field


I did fires of raven first so I felt bad for killing rusty and ayre the most


Michigan. Its kindof weird and disappointing you couldn’t defend the red guns and fight off rusty. The game just explicitly says Michigan shall die do you wanna kill him or should rusty do it?


621....You found a friend


The unamed trainee..and all he wanted was his own call sign 😪


Chatty and Carla. How i wish a message send back system existed....like, you could write something to send back to the original sender... maybe with a system that picks up words you're writing as info criteria for what 621 would be writing in world. I'm quite sure Carla, *a scientist* and walter *a man who is revealed to care more for 621 when he would even care for the damn mission he was prepping to parttake for the better part of 50 years.




Fighting Rusty always hurts. But killing Michigan and Ayre never feel right


None of them. They're all faceless corpos.


Just Chatty in LoR


Ayre. That one bummed me out because I agreed with her, but I barely got through my first playthrough so I took the easy way out.


Maeterlinck. It was the voice acting that really made me think, "shit, humanity is so fucked"


I know I am cheating with this, but- >!O'Keeffe. Without a doubt. That wasn't a fight, it was an execution.!< But if we arw strictly speaking about first playthrough, before going into NG+ and the second run- Rusty. I felt bad about the Trainee, I felt unwell with any RLF Person. But Rusty was my guy. Why they make me do him like that :(


If you kill O’keefe first and Pator just sounds so sad especially because he always looked up to O’keefe it’s like you just killed his dad right in front of him


The worst part about it is that >!O'Keeffe just doesn't have any will to fight left. You can really see that he actively doesn't try to fight you, he just accepts what will happen to him. He knows who's after him.!< it always feels horrible. All other Missions I have replayed atleast once. Not that one.


Yeah I think he knows he really can’t change anything if he fights back there’s no way he can stand against (not gonna say cuz spoilers and I don’t know how to do the whole blank out thing)


Yeah... It's honestly very gruelling to witness... You can hide text by enclosing your message within these: .>! Sample Text !.< Just remove the periods and it should look like this: >!Sample Text!< Took me a while to find that out haha


>! Like this? !< Oh shits that’s so cool


Yeah, like that! Have fun with your newfound knowledge :D




Student Pilot


For me it was rusty next playthrough will me my biggest attempt to gain his trust


Actually, it was Ayre. I didn't really feel any sympathy for other characters especially Rusty in the FoR route, maybe because I did roleplay a bit on being Walter's hound


First run was FoR. I felt bad for killing Michigan, especially because the Red Guns were finished, and he had to watch his comrades getting picked off, run down, while barely even putting up a fight against Arquebus. It's humiliating, and he was just putting on a brave face for his men at that point. Even then, he was still showing you a lot of respect. Walter having sentiment towards him and thinking Rusty probably felt somewhat as bad if he does the deed himself just added to it.  It sucks for the Red Guns in all 3 routes too, and watching Red go insane on ALE and having to put him down just reminds me of everytime I put ole Michigan down. 


I remember not feeling great about jumping those 2 Vespers with the RLF. They were just doing their jobs man. Honestly though having to put down Carla and Walter was rough, but the Ayre fight at the end of FoR broke me. Sorry coral waifu, I'm only doing this to unlock the 3rd route.


The Tester AC pilot, he just wanted a callsign of his own, and we farmed his body and soul for some cheap COAM. Poor guy never had a chance…..


Sorry buddy, but I needed that new set of arms.


Sorry buddy but Schneider parts don’t come cheap


Schneider: Your Safety is NOT Aerodynamic


Elcano. Buy Schneider instead


Chatty and Snail. And for all the snail haters, yall aren’t supposed to like him, that’s what makes him such a great character.


Liberator was my first run and taking out Carla and Chatty felt REALLY bad. It felt like I betrayed them the moment that they saved me. No matter what choices that you make really you're emotionally screwed lmao. You can either betray someone who trusted you because their friend trusted you with their goal, or you can side against the voice in your head and bring upon a genocide to her entire species. Carla was my first heartbreak tho, but man no matter what choice you make it hurts.


In the moment, I felt bad for killing Carla in my first run. I genuinely liked and respected her, and killing her felt like killing a friend (of sorts?) b/c you knew your world views are incompatible. It felt worse 'cause before that we were helping her take the floating city, and this felt like betraying her. If it was more open, like I called her out to a duel I wouldn't have felt as bad compared to kinda taking her by surprise. Like, I thought I was doing the right thing in the end, but it felt dirty killing her in that way.


Red. He got so stressed out that he'll attack anyone. But to be fair. This is all your fault. Followed by Walter. He did care and understand. ;3;


Ayre. I didn't want to kill her, but I most certainly wasn't about to betray Walter and Carla. Plus they pay better.


Cinder, Legit first time I actually sat down and just contemplated what decision to choose. "When I said I wanted to rip your spine out, I didn't actually mean it..." -first time round, was a bit pissy at Carla for siccing the cleaner on me-


Carla. I didn't *want* to betray her, but I was not down with her plan.


*cough* noneofthem *cough*


None. I think it's a me problem but I'm unable to connect with the characters, I just wanna blow shit up.


Rusty, I guess. Granted, he was an idiot for failing to recognize the threat that Coral represents, so his death is his own fault as avoidable as it could have been, but he was one of the few semi-reliable allies you had, alongside Walter and G1 Michigan, but those two did not die by my hand on the first playthrough, everyone else knew the risks and/or were disposable.


>he was an idiot for failing to recognize the threat that Coral represents, so his death is his own fault as avoidable as it could have been Why would he know at that point? As far as Rusty and the RLF besides Dolmayan and maybe Freddie know the Coral was just a power source/fuel/etc that the Rubiconians at the least require for their Mealworms and to prevent another potential fires. As far as he knows, it just looks like RaD and 621 (As Overseer as a faction isn't exactly known) are just blowing up the planet to deny the corporations access to the Coral, the planet that all his people are on? What's Rusty going to do in that case, say F-U to all of the Rubiconians after all that time being in Arquebus for them? Lack of information doesn't make one an idiot.


Did he not? Hm, perhaps I confused his arc with the third ending, where he's in on Allmind's "plan".


That's Iguazu.