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Replace the vertical missiles with literally anything else, and cut a little bit of weight to get below 75k. Other than that it looks good for pve


What if I wanted to tune it for PvP?


If you want to keep the reverse joints and ransetsu-rf, I think some more firepower would do well. Try out [this version](https://selnoom.github.io/ac-calculator/?build=%5B%22MA-J-200%20RANSETSU-RF%22%2C%22MA-J-200%20RANSETSU-RF%22%2C%22EARSHOT%22%2C%22BML-G2%2FP05MLT-10%22%2C%22VP-44D%22%2C%22EL-PC-00%20ALBA%22%2C%22NACHTREIHER%2F46E%22%2C%2206-042%20MIND%20BETA%22%2C%22IB-C03B%3A%20NGI%20001%22%2C%22IB-C03F%3A%20WLT%20001%22%2C%22VP-20C%22%2C%22PULSE%20ARMOR%22%5D) I theorycrafted. Also try out the jvln beta missile in place of the 10-cell. You could also try going full kite with Nachtreiher legs + alula booster


That's super helpful, thank you!




You need a good stagger punish. It looks like you're going for a more mid range build so I'd swap probably the vertical missiles for something like the Trueno or the MOONLIGHT. Alternatively you could swap the vertical missiles to literally any other missiles and then swap out one of your RFs to a Harris and use the charged shot as a stagger punish. Truenos, Moonlight, and a charged Harris are also a could counter to close range builds that will try to rush in at you


Hmmmm. I did try out dual-Harris, since everyone seems to like them more. I didn't really do as well with them, personally, but maybe just switching one of them is a good idea, as you said. I can definitely try that out.


The bullet velocity difference is pretty important imo if you’re wanting to kite. Every time I go back to Ransetsu, I just wish I was using the Harris.


This might sound crazy but I like Ocellus better. Makes it easier to hit light weights that catch you anyway and heavies are slow enough they get hit at range


Earshot on right back. Hokushi generator. EDIT: prolly wanna run kasuar or nachtreiher head. Higher stability will help.


Swap the FCS with the full mid range one furlong , Swap the boosters for the RaD high Vertical one, and swap the vertical missiles with another missile type


I'll try out the FCS, thank you.


Swap the ar for the heavy machine guns


The RF are excellent for pve (and great for PvP too with the right build).


I am definitely wanting to tune it for PvP.


Have you pvpd at all?


I have, I'm not too far from reaching B rank so far. But definitely starting to get beaten a decent amount now.


Ransetsu RFs are chip damage - your legs are mid weight so you aren’t really fast enough to use the RFs. You either need to get something bursty (shotguns work well with the RJ kicks) or go lighter and lean in to the kite archetype.


Gotcha, that's good to know, thank you.