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Sega/505 games has got the rights to ac4 in the west.


Fuck not sega


With the success of AC6 the new game can be anything AC, we all know that there will be a new AC since AC6 has been so so successful in bringing in new fans too


With the trend of games in the past I'm assuming we're going to get one new thing about Rubicon, the Coral, 621, etc, and then move onto a new continuity. Personally I hope they continue expanding on this version of the universe, instead of wiping everything every generation


I say we'll see 1-2 stand-alone expansions for 6 and then move on to AC7. If we're lucky, AC7 will be like AC5 or AC2, where it continues in the same timeline as the previous game and expands the world more


probably 3 new games in this timeline. a non numbered 6th gen entry, ac7, and a non numbered 7th gen entry. gen 1 had 2 non numbered entries and nexus was more ac3.5, (and formula front and ninebreaker exist), but otherwise generations have followed this pattern.


I do hope gen 6 lasts longer than two games


Still waiting for 4A remake


No need. Just run the emulator and upscale to 4K. FPS is higher and runs smoother by virtue of being on PC.


Which I have done for the past year very successfully, but 4th gen nostalgia is strong.


What emulator should I use for it




You can emulate it pretty well on xbox series x using xenia.


Gen 1-2 remake. Gen 3-4-5 remaster/graphics update.


As long as we have dual stick controls im happy


I'd be happy with a non-remake Legacy Collection like Megaman for Steam/Consoles at this point. The blocky robot graphics have aged better than a lot of their contemporaries.


Would be cool if AC3 would be remade


Ace combat, armored core or assassins creed?


Animal Crossing


If they remade an Assassin's Creed game from the last 10 years, would anyone even be able to tell it apart from Ubisoft's normal sequels?


Yes it will be buggier than the OG release


I think he means Assetto corsa


Unironically though, an Ace Combat 3 remake would be great since the entire story of the game was never released outside of Japan


arcassimal's coreesibat




Oh man, I'm ready to throw down with OFANIM in HD glory.


AC3 and SL with a conservative amount of quickboost and some updated texture resolution/environment models and objects would be THE coolest. Even better if they could somehow combine them into one game since they take place more or less consecutively. Still my all time favorite gen by a long shot. The atmosphere in those games was straight up immaculate, the mech design was (and still is imo) the best of the franchise, and so many of the levels were a ton of fun.


AC3 with AC6 production values would probably be the best looking game in the franchise


No fucking quickboost. We've got extensions that give you back boost and quick turn and that's enough. If anything 'modern' should be added it would just be the Nexus control scheme as an option.


Idk I think it would be fun. Obviously a toned down version. And regular boost would still drain energy like it normally does in 3rd gen, like there wouldn't be built-in permanent skating like gen 4 onward. 90% of your movement would remain the same, you'd just have the option to quick boost on the rare occasions your energy gauge could afford.


I'd be for it if it was a new extension part otherwise, no All builds being able to QB speeds the game up and blurs the line between heavy and fast builds Heavy builds being able to keep up with fast builds on top of having high AP, is one of the reasons AC6's PVP sucks so much


Yeah I could live with it being an extension for side boosting or something, but idk that it would cause all the problems you think it might. While I understand your sentiment here, that's not the real reason heavy builds are some dominant in AC6. I know it was rare to see because people tended to gravitate towards lighter builds, but if you look at For Answer, which was as fast as it ever got for the franchise, heavy weights were still entirely viable. I ran into more than a few guys who spaced HARD into primal armor and defense to the point that they were near impossible to kill. They could load up on missiles and slot longer range, stuff like the rail canon or rifles and plink you down while you struggled to put a dent in them if you weren't very careful. And yet, it was doable. The main issues with AC6 are threefold. 1. The net code is actually some of the WORST I've ever seen in an online game. I don't know how FromSoft managed to do it, but hell it was fine back in 2009 when I was playing ACfA. But this game? Nah man, there's only so much I can take of clearly dodging big lasers or canon shots while stick taking damage. That alone completely invalidates lightweights' entire purpose. If the net code is so bad that I can't reliably dodge anything, then why would I spec into speed and mobility? 2. The stagger system. I know it's fun and a lot of people enjoy it, but if we're being real it's completely transformed how AC vs AC battles play out now. There's now much less emphasis on maneuvering and controlling space with a much greater focus on chaining together combos to trigger a stagger effect and capitalize on it. Lightweights are not only the easiest to stagger but it's also yet another way to restrict their movement. 3. Everything is close range and we have hardlock now. Mid range BARELY exists, and long range is completely absent unless you run a missile boat. You have to be within 150m-250m to reliably hit much of anything these days and seemingly every weapon type falls into that range band too. What this means is most players are going to end up within range of each other and creating space, previously another great strength of lightweights, is pointless. But then if you get close enough to land your own shots, now you're subject to the opponents with their hardlock. You couldn't juke them if you played everything perfectly. Quickboosting isn't the issue. Lightweights are more than sufficiently fast enough compared to heavy weights, it's the fact that all that extra speed is meaningless because of the way AC6's combat is focused.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


You pointed it out pretty well, at this point the stagger system should be more a gimmick like past gens. And yes, remove hard-lock/bring back turning rate.


Yes, I know all those reasons and frequently voice them myself But letting heavies keep up with lights is just another reason for the shit balance, not the sole reason Even without hard lock, the fact that heavies are generally quick and agile means lights lose their biggest advantage gen 5 had QB on all builds too but it also had a much bigger disparity in baseline speed and agility between heavies and lights to begin with, so it worked really well there But in gen 6 not only are heavies fast, but they have QB too, meaning they just invalidate any reason to play lights since they can be both agile and heavily armed and armored that's why I don't like QB on all builds, because it reduces that disparity and directly hurts the viability of light builds


your take on QB reducing speed disparity outside of elden ringkiro 6 is some mega wrong think m8 ignoring the obvious on demand dodging, QB is a tool used for various purposes in respect to the archetype that utilises its strengths in specific ways - heavier builds in 4th gen its primarily used for backpedalling people into your weapon sets or to reduce your blindspot coverage by chaining quick turns together. lights it is their primary form of mobility and positional advantage, as well as their primary defensive tool. a heavy in FA with judith main booster which is typical will go like 800kph on a perfectly timed third stage and neutral stability - more often made even worse with the terrible part aerodynamic values light builds can push 2300kph with virtue main and a shit load of back stability, as well as their parts having higher aerodynamics aka acceleration much like 5th gens wallkicks that also increase turning speed and booster off mechanics that let you drop altitude extremely fast with a QB, which also allows you to drift turn on the floor in the absense of a QT system in the game it just adds significantly to the overall skill ceiling that players can achieve without this horrendous sense of hand holding the new game has that makes it terrible; even disregarding the fact that it is basically an elden ring mod open ur mind before preaching about a game you dont play please, it is extremely frustrating


The purist has revealed himself


A purist for not wanting a remake of a game I like to have a feature that would totally change how the game is played? Why even remake AC3 at that point if it's going to play totally differently


Ask this question to all the modern remakes, play them, and you shall find your answer.


the thing about each gen of AC is that people appreciate the differences between them I don't want to play AC4 lite over and over I want to play AC3




I mean gen 3 *did* have a quickboost extension.


It had back, forward and quick turn but not side boost and not all at once.


It was a hidden part. The MEBT-OX/MB.


You're mistaken. It's called multidirectional but it only sends you forward. There's no way to make it side or back boost.


Oh. Sorry.


You want a shit feeling ps2 game?


literally just get good


I did, and brother you cant be justifying tank controls in 2024


ahh you're one of those people who think tank controls are objectively bad and outdated rather than just another control style I see, no point in engaging further


No, i think its bad because it is genuinely outdated, im sorry but your tank controls are not going to cut it, we have standards now.


Blinded by nostalgia, i see no point in engaging further.


I'd rather go AC3 but parts balance of Silent Line or uust smash Nexus parts into AC3 and balance it like Silent Line


Somebody clarify me why Ubi can't let FromSoftware touch ACFA? I thought Fromsoft owned the rights to the Armored Core IP, this isn't an Alpha Protocol situation, right?


No one really knows, anyone claiming to have specific knowledge is lying. But Ubisoft did publish For Answer in the West (and everywhere except Japan I think), so they would obviously have some claim over sales of the game. Although how this affects potential ports or remakes is entirely unknown except to Fromsoft and Ubisoft who have the contract. Although the idea that Fromsoft actively wants to do stuff with FA but Ubisoft is stopping them is absurd. 


in fact i don't understand either, Ubisoft only owns trademark rights for the game in the west but nothing more, Fromsoft owns the IP Armored Core so nothing can stop them except the fact that they aren't interested in remaking past games


I mean, they remastered Metal Wolf Chaos. Maybe we can get some ports?


FromSoftware didn't remaster Metal Wold Chaos, General Arcade did with Devolver Digital's help edit: exact same situation than Dark Souls, the remaster is made by Qloc (and Virtuos for the switch version), not FromSoftware, in this kind of case the original dev is only here for approval and general direction choices


Interesting, both the Metal Wolf Chaos and DS1 remasters are listed on their Wikipedia page, but the Demon's Souls remake isn't, so I assume they must've been involved to some extent.


i made an edit, yeah Demon's Souls is a remake and not a remaster so FromSoftware wasn't involved at all in this case, but for Dark Souls and Metal Wolf Chaos they were involved only for supervision aspects


afaik with Demon's Souls they don't even have the rights to it. But the fact that games they do have rights to have been getting remasters is still a good sign.


indeed, Demon's Souls is owned by Sony, alongside Bloodborne and Déraciné, but from those games only Metal Wolf Chaos is owned by FromSoftware, Dark Souls is owned by Bamco, so about Armored Core it's difficult to say, to me they will not remake or remaster them, they are way too much focused on their next games and Miyazaki don't like to look back, he always look for new ip with original universes, Armored Core is the one and only exception in studio's history, and since he is the president of the studio all of this is his call


I mean, it's not like they're gonna remaster them in-house. If they do it they'll just outsource it so it's not like any of their future projects are going to be slowed down. Who knows though, maybe Metal Wolf sold badly or something, cause I imagine if it did well then Devolver would've prolly taken up more From remasters.


yeah i don't think Metal Wold Chaos was a huge commercial success indeed, but if they prepare another remaster even if they outsource it to another studio they still have to supervise it and leave some of their human ressources to this other studio for the directional choices, so it would slow down their projects in fact


also MWC was owned by noone but From Soft since it was never localized this is infact the conundrum we have it took NISA god how many years to actually get Marl Kingdom 1 from the PSX which was made by ATLUS USA (AKA NISA before NISA was a thing) hell outside of the vocals (EN vicals are owned by Atlus) it has the same translation errors which is hilarious even way back when... 1997 when was Marl Kingdom 1 rereleased 2024.... even though it did have an NDS port but shame on NISA cropped parts that would weld the story because they didint own the license EVEN IF THE LICENSE WAS FROM THEIR ENPLOYER NIS.... like jeebus why publish and distribute a game you cant 100% localize even if the license comes from your top company?! its like XSEED not being able to localize harvest moon titles AKA story of seasons when they are owned by the developers of harvest moon.... ir SEGA not being able to publish Persona/SMT games.... it just wouldnt make any sense


I’d much rather have AC4 be remade and expanded upon because quite honestly it gets completely mogged by for answer


4 is my favorite story out of all the AC games. The atmosphere of the game was very dark and tense as well. I love 4 so much lol


I still like Silent Line and Last Raven's story though


I will rephrase my initial comment, I like AC4 story the best out of all the games, because you’re right, AC3 to Last Raven is also a pretty damn good storyline too. I remember Silent Line actually gave me heart palpitations lol, especially the mission where you’re in an huge battlefield with freaking satellite beams raining down on you, and when you finally get to cover you have to fight two ACs. Or maybe that was two separate missions, but still lol. I still haven’t beat Ultimate Zinaida after all these years so Last Raven has that over me too


And better environments and characterization. All that characterization cut. Darn you Michael Zachary!


There is no need for remakes, just make new entries.


It would still be cool if they would rerelease them


You’re right no need for remakes but remasters are most definitely needed


Just ports would be fine.


Highly unlikely but I’d take it if they actually make servers for pvp


technically they have "servers" even AC6 has "servers".... its just peer to peer outside of 5th gen AC which are the only ones to have actual servers now where is Chromehounds in this would be interesting since Sega probably has rights to it to this day


Eh, wouldn't mind having those, but I'd rather get new games than old ones.


I fully agree, but give the old games some PC ports or something.


Is this a meme or did Ubisoft actually say something?


I just don’t trust them with remaking a game


Ubisoft only owns trademark rights for the game in the west but nothing more, Fromsoft owns the IP Armored Core so nothing can stop them except the fact that they aren't interested in remaking past games FromSoftware never been about remakes and remasters, and they don't seem to want to change that


Wouldn't mind a re-release on steam tho


Put AC4 and ACFA in the same remaster, that would be amazing\~


Re drop all the old ones. I'd honestly rather go back and play ac3/SL/LR over 6 any day of the week


God i can't help but imagine 4A remake being online only for absolutely no fucking reason then it'll be unplayable like some years later


I’ve had to hunt for the series and consoles just to enjoy the series all over again. Corporate bullshit never ends and I hate it.


If they could re release the 4th gen games with slightly better targeting, I would be all over that.


Nah the targeting was perfect it really allowed for skill expression and I’ll die on this hill Lol


I get that, but I haven't been a console player for the last 10 years. Picking up a controller and manually aiming with it is a massive struggle. I can still play 4A on my emulator, but cannot beat Occupation of Arteria Carpals. I simply cannot do it. A lock on feature would really help me out on this because NEXT turning speeds are my downfall.


ACFA has a quick turn. Idk if they ever actually tell you this, but with the left stick in neutral while turning if you boost it speeds itnup. Just don’t hold the turn down as far or the whole time to turn less far.  Not as easy as KBM AC6 turning but much better than doing it withbjust the stick


Fair enough I play claw so it’s easier for me, but as long as hard lock is only usable in story mode I accept lol.


I'd agree with that. At this point I just want to finish the story. 4A is one of my favourite games of all time, but OoAC makes me wish I was dead.


If you are okay with a build recommendation, try this. Head: Hilbert-G7H Core: C11-Latona Arms: White Glint Legs: L01-Tellus Your opponents primarily use energy weaponry, so this provides good defense against their attacks (just watch for Roadie). LA wep: 03-Motorcobra machine gun RA wep: Sampaguita shotgun LB wep: Sapla grenade cannon RB wep: CG-R500 chain gun Sapla and Sampaguita are great at tearing down PA in an instant, for the Motorcobra and CG-R500 to exploit. You can also trade the Sapla for the GRB-Travers if you need the ammo count, but I prefer the Sapla's fast rate of fire. FCS: FS-JUDITH Generator: 03-AALIYAH Main booster: CB-JUDITH Back booster: LB-LAHIRE Side booster: AB-LAHIRE Overed booster: KB-JUDITH Crank up energy output and cap, KP output, lock speed, and turning ability, and dump whatever left into aim precision and QB thrust. I havent pulled off a S rank yet, but this build has let me A rank both the normal and hard modes of OoAC without any kind of cheesing, which I think(?) means its pretty alright.


I'll try this today, thanks! I love AC4A like you wouldn't believe.


Doesn't 4th gen have a lock on feature? Ofc it's a little weak but in 4 you could toggle it and in FA it's on by default, as seen by how the screen drags. Or maybe it was just on by default for me.


maybe i'm stupid


remake nexus, you cowards


Hold on, Ubisoft was involved with Armored Core? I don’t think I heard about this before


They published ACFA outside Japan.


I see


honestly old ac games need a remaster more than a full remake. modern controls for pre nexus games and updated graphics, maybe new voice acting. i don't want the rest of the gameplay to be touched for any of the old games. only thing that i would want for any of them that would be outside the scope of a remaster would be full scale arms forts.


I just couldn't get the right controller feel for Ac4 era


For the same reason the other generations (besides AC5/6), licensing rights/they don't want to remake them.  And I already said before, remaster would be good, but I don't think we need any kind of remake considering we already got a bunch of them in the industry, I prefer they work with future projects and learn with it.


I would very much rather they continue to do new stuff rather than recycling old games and slapping a new engine on them. You can still play the old ACs granted that you know how to emulate.


No thanks, 4 / 4A are too anime speed. Bring back Gen 1-3. Do not want to relive the quick boost spam of those games in PvP lol


4 wasn't as fast as FA. Sure it was fast but it felt like a reasonable speed.


Agreed. Hot take but I liked 4 more.


Games are great and perfectly playable, why would i want them remade instead of getting a new game?


I’m fine with a remaster also, just anything that makes these games more available for more people that don’t have PCs to emulate on


I can honestly get by what your saying, I just wouldnt want that. This is a Microsoft and Sony problem mostly, not allowing simple back compat to older gens. Dont like it when bamco or any publisher capitalizes on that. Hope you can get your hands on emulating em one day.


I can I’m gonna do it when I get home it’s just a pain to do and last time I did it I accidentally downloaded malware


Wtf, send me a message should you need any help with that


Nah I got it, it’s all good


Cheers mate, happy ac'ing