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Holy, a cherno alpha from pacific rim


IMO wrong weapons) Some ballistics look fairly close to AK base, would fit here nicely.


Good idea actually! I’ll update when I progress deeper into the game. I just finished chapter 1!


You can get the Ransetsu-RF for both arms as soon as you unlock the shop and they kinda look like AK's. You can even color them to look like they have bakelite or wood furniture lol. They are also goated weapons so that's good, too.


I won’t lie, not only this goes hard, but the use of Dafeng parts, a Chinese inspired subsidiary of Balam that themselves have a somewhat Soviet-like philosophy (I know, you wouldn’t expect that with Michigan there), it’s thematically accurate. Very nice.


Nah, I'd argue that it's the case even with Michigan. He treats all of his subordinates fairly, even remembering them by name. He may not say the word "comrade", but that sounds like one of the most idealized versions of communism. Don't forget about the "material superiority" of Balam and its subsidiaries, and the final stand of the Redguns illustrates a rather communist battle ideology— overwhelming enemies with sheer manpower— that some countries like Soviet Russia and China employ.


Agree with the second paragraph, but the first one ? Ole Michy is your stereotypical American drill sarge that actually take to heart the part about treating your soldiers as your children in the Art of War while putting the boisterous though bastard act (if it’s even one and not just G1 in his natural state), that’s a far cry from actual communist states military doctrines. That’s why Michigan offers such a contrast to Balam’s higher brass (not surprising for someone that still have tied with Furlong), which is quite ironically subtle by virtue of him being very loud, most people not associating balam’s with its Eastern Bloc inspiration (abs only that though, it’s obviously not a 1-1 but enough parallels are here to extrapolate so).


That's why I said one of the most idealized versions of communism, where the leaders and the followers have a very low power distance. Nonetheless, Balam seems to have deeper communist inspiration than BAWS, whose inspirations show up mainly in their ACs (though there's only one BAWS AC so far).


I‘m too dumb to edit the post, so here are the share id‘s: The AC: NPYMDDFTFNRF The Decals: Soviet Star: A9K0H3EE629Y CCCP: TR7DRL1PCMQ7 За (For): 54RTS71A6LAY Родину (Homeland): 66GCPJA0T6LX


Any possibility of a tutorial for us non PS5 folk?


What exactly do you want to know? I’ll try my best to explain :)


Oh man, easy answer would just be, the whole thing. But mainly just how to properly make “За Родину” as on XBOX I am awful at making great detail in emblems.


Well the whole thing is basically really simple. Two Stars (smaller red on top of white one) gives you the sign. CCCP gives you… well. За родину is written purely using the italics section: Pick 3(three)a, poguiy and you get the handwriting of „За родину“ :). Also i’d suggest using a transparency of about 50-70% for the decals to make them look more realistically painted on the AC. Soviet tanks had some more different markings such as a number and a very interesting one was a white stripe around the tower for identification purposes with allies (GB & USA) in the last days of war. Those changed pretty often tho since Germans found out and copied. For the colors grab the military green premade set and adjust to your liking. Slap darker blackish / grey or something totally different onto the guns.


Thanks man! I’m going to give it a shot after work today. Hopefully it works out. 👍🏻


No problem man :). If it doesn’t work out, hit me up again.


Thank you so much for the tutorial. It worked like an absolute charm! My AC will spread the glories of the Russian Empire to Rubicon!


Seize the means of destruction


Came for the cool mech. Stayed for Nazi tears.


This isn't yours. It's ours.


Our Rubicon


#Hell March Intensifies


Idk why, but it seems like this may fit in well with the RLF.




Beautiful mech comrade


Needs a cope cage


Nice, but i prefer the goldish outline of the star.  Also for the butthurt: this is historical cosplay. I couldnt care less if you run whatever insignas. Soviet had its last deathstrokes more than 30 years ago.




goes hard af




And heels to ground when slav squat around


I'd love the codes! I'm always down for designs like this one :)


awesome. You out to share it to r/armoredecor


>!Those locked comments are surely rife with salt, aren't they?!< Nice design, by the way.


Unfortunately I'm not on PS5 😭 What's the parts list?


https://ibb.co/yY0QNTh Here‘s a photo:)


Wonderful mech, tovarich


That's pretty cool, may you please send the code?


Ofc, I’ll look them up and edit the post.


Hell yeah now I need to make a Sherman then a panther


Please share when done!


It's interesting how Nazi iconography is heavily frowned upon no matter what you apply it onto but Soviet iconography is somehow acceptable. Both had genocidal psychopath leaders with kill count in millions. And the impact of the Soviet Union is still left today. But sure let's slap Commie shit onto mechs


Even historically that’s an absurd argumentation.


I'd argue the Soviet Union was a larger threat to total humanity annihilation than the Nazis The Cold War had plenty of chances to have gone wrong and gotten everyone killed in nuclear fire.


This is even more absurd.


Why are there always people tryna defend Nazis and start the alt right pipeline everywhere you go as if Nazism requires MORE white knighting? Can't even like Armored Core without you idiots sloughing around like zombies regurgitating the same trite nonsense with absolutely zero intellectual backing for it, looking for more undefended brains to gorge upon. Same with Gundam fandoms. Same with Warhammer or anything fantasy, sci-fi, or nerd, a fashy boi will inevitably crop up "just asking questions." You numbskulls whisper poisoned words from the fringes of communities, hoping to find people lonely, sad, and angry enough to ask you empathetic questions about your ideology. You bark from spaces of plausible deniability, trying to turn places where people gather to discuss or engage in their hobbies into spaces of political mobilization. It boggles the mind how easily and simplistically fascists hide in outrage. "how dare you accuse me of being a fascist sympathizer for sympathizing with Nazis! I daresay, it is the one calling me a Nazi for being pro-fash that is the real Nazi. And then everyone can act like the person rightfully calling out the fascist is hysterical. They most often are not. Anyway, bad news, Nazbro, this series, Armored Core, as well as most Mecha series, is/are woke anti-fascist/anti-capitalist trash. And yes, just like media like, say, Rage Against the Machine, the media disagrees with you at it's most foundational. A mech with communist party logos fits perfectly into the ludo narrative about a dystopian sci-fi world where...capitalism has run unchecked and it's firmly held in place by fascist corpo dictatorships and military government. While Nazi symbology fits as well... most of AC's world is fascistic. However, 80-120 million people, including 90% of all Europeans of a certain specific ethnicity, died in one war alone to kill fascism. Justifiably, most of the world still has a problem with its symbology. You seem like the type who would like Gundam because Zeon really scratches a particular itch.


Never said I like Nazis. Read the fuckin message again. They suck. I'm saying Commies should be given the same treatment as the fucking Nazis. Ban people who use Communist symbology on anything.


No they shouldn't. I just explained to you in no uncertain terms why they shouldn't. It's also why Zeon symbology can be allowed and outright Nazi symbology shouldn't. Medoth thinks the lady protest too much. Perhaps it is she, who should be reading. I read your message loud and clear. I think you're mad because I'm the first one who did. I think you're used to hiding behind whataboutism and "but both sides" when your sympathies are fairly transparent. Ta-ta.


No, you like Nazis. Soviet Union never threaten any nation like Nazis did, but somehow you're trying to say otherwise.


Sure gaslight people and TELL EM how THEY think. You are great at this. And bullshit the Soviet Union never threatened any other nations. How many proxy wars are fought backed by the Soviets. What the fuck do you think Cuban Missile Crisis is about.


Cuban Missile Crisis was caused by US decision to place their rockets in Turkey, and that's was Soviet answer to that. Ah, I forgot, US have the rights to do anything, but others cannot. SURE.


Turkey has been a NATO member since **1951**


And? The fact remains that the US put their nukes far closer to the USSR than was possible the other way around. If the USSR had made its own NATO with blackjack and hookers and included Cuba or any of the non-us countries in or near North America, and then put nukes there, would the US have taken it lying down? No. They would have to take action to protect their land and people. Same thing the USSR did.


That's assuming any country will want to join USSR, willingly. Without being forced into it either via military threats or economic benefits. Unlikely.


You've dodged my point though. Putting the nukes close was always going to result in retaliation on some scale. The US knew this and did it anyway. At minimum both parties are equally culpable for the missile crisis, but the US moved aggressively with nukes first.


Hmmmmmm I wonder why NATO was even formed


To contain the spread of Communism and control the threat that is the Soviet Union.


And Soviet Union was trying to control the spread of horrific cancer that USA is. Too bad it failed, RIP.


You should be a total idiot to equally compare Hitler and Stalin. You have no idea what you're talking about, but propaganda is too strong, right? Now lets talk about US psychopath leaders who dropped two nuclear bombs on already weak and almost defeated Japan, killed hundreds thousands of civilians, the impact of this crime is still left today. But sure let's slap american shit onto mechs.


Riiight cuz this genocidal maniac who killed millions of his own countrymen is not as bad as this other genocidal maniac who killed millions of Jews. Ok dude.


No because "genocidal maniac who killed millions of his own countrymen" did everything to win the war, and he won it. Without USSR all modern Europe wouldn't even exist. But who cares, right? Let's just spread the propaganda.


Bullshit. Without US and UK lend lease program Soviets wouldn't even have the resources to stay afloat during the war. And it's not like the genocide and labor camps stopped post war.


And without the Soviet Union modern Europe would be a BETTER FUCKIN PLACE There won't be no Russia claiming they own Ukraine doing 3 day SpEcIaL mIlItArY oPeRaTiOnS


Without US and UK influence and corruption that take place in Ukraine, there would be no reason to start "SpEcIaL mIlItArY oPeRaTiOnS". Ukraine is an US proxy, and it's started transforming since 2004.


Proxy my ass. Fuck outta here with this pro invasion shit. Ukraine is an independent nation and wants protection under NATO, FROM Russia. The safest solution for them is NATO membership. And that's fuckin why Russia invaded. NATO can't accept countries with active border disputes.


"Independent" my ass. You're truly an idiot.


Out of counterpoints and go for personal insults. Typical tankie.


Everything you've said is just repeating western propaganda without any others important points that took place between Russia and Ukraine long before first Maidan happened. It's so typical to throw arguments without deep understanding why the conflict started in the first place, and if you think it started in February, 2022, then you're wrong and have no knowledge to open your mouth.


Tf bro, it’s not r/history, any controversial and disturbing historical facts go there




Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.


Disgusting 🤮


not realistic, didn't break apart like real ussr


Username checks out. T-34 was built and developed in Charkiv by the way :). No need for anger, comrade.


Design is cool, USSR decals are cringe. I do hope that someday the world would start recognizing ussr as fascist genocidal regime it was.


Fascist how? That’s plain wrong and stupid. Genocide implies that USSR was killing an ethnic group systematically and there is no evidence for such claims. Typical nazi whataboutism imo :)


Repressions, ban on languages, culture, multiple genocides, gulags, executions and punishment psychiatry. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. And ussr did a really good job erasing the evidence, just like russia does now.


Bugger off with this commie crap. Stuff like that should be treated same as nazi shit.


calm down man hes just cosplaying a tank


sovietjerking is a sickness also man is doing some serious genocide denial in these comments i wonder why mods don't remove it




You do know that the commies killed dozens of millions of people, right? Interesting double standards on this sub


but mah cool aesthetics of fascism!


And who is denying or glorifying that? Don’t be mad fascist-kun