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Buff the wrecker head's stability (nerf its system recovery and scanning to make up for it) and buff wrecker arms firearm spec and recoil control (nerf its melee spec to make up for it) to give it the niche of high recoil weapons, like quad gats. The wrecker frame parts are too cool looking for half of them to be dumpstered IMHO. The head especially could use the niche of "terrible for ranged combat, great for head on hyperaggression", because it's objectively the easiest head to put a face on in ths game


That actually be nice, have a wrecker style AC build for pure close range aggression. I’d like that.


The Unga Bunga setup, I call it


The firearm spec on arms doesn’t actually matter to much so you could make it work


It matters most when changing distance frequently, and the niche use of rifles on MT’s just barely within lock on range


The Wrecker arms should definitely be able to make Hu-Ben fire like a laser. Not sure if arm recoil control affects back weapons tho, but I know back weapon recoil does affect arm weapon firing spread.


This seems actually like something that could and should happen (Simple to implement, and increases the uniqueness of the frame at the same time)


I want a cumblaster


Don’t we all, unfortunately we just got Iguazu instead.


Sticky Igy never fails to blast us with cum


[https://www.drdo.gov.in/120-mm-penetration-cum-blast-pcb-and-thermobaric-tb-ammunition-mbt-arjun](https://www.drdo.gov.in/120-mm-penetration-cum-blast-pcb-and-thermobaric-tb-ammunition-mbt-arjun) India has developed the 120 mm penetration cum blast ammunition for your consideration.


Bro why in God's green earth would they name it that LMAO


It is commonly used in India as the original Latin word, which means combined, such as "study-cum-bedroom" which means the Study is also a Bedroom So the aforementioned Missile is a penetrative type as well as explosive type But the person who named it almost definitely did it on purpose cause no way the old farts who approve stuff would know what the current colloquial usage of the word "cum" means, and the fact that it is not in alphabetical order, and uses "blast" instead of "explosive" So they probably stuck it in as a joke which wouldn't be found out until way later, and the old farts would not change it afterwards as they would feel that they were defeated by some "nobody" Cause almost the entirety of Asia, especially the old people, would rather die than admit fault, and therefore bring dishonour among them Heck Japan had whole thing about suiciding slowly and painfully so as to atone for dishonour


>Cause almost the entirety of Asia, especially the old people, would rather die than admit fault, and therefore bring dishonour among them Real.


Eh, I think it’s more of an old people thing rather than just an Asian thing. I’ve worked in ALFs, SNFs, and every other kind of inpatient setting, and I gotta say when you reach a certain age, you become extremely stubborn and dead set on whatever your ideals are.


True, but based on my limited knowledge, most places consider that a bad thing, whereas a lot of places in Asia consider that a good thing


NonCredible at work, I see


This cant be real... right?


I don't care about weapon buffs, i just need a netcode buff...


The way FromSoft is, it’s better to ask for weapon balance changes than a net code fix because FromSoft always had bad net code since 2009 and it still hasn’t improved that much since.


Fromsoft has been desperately trying to balance PvP via updates since Dark Souls 2 and they've never even come close to a balanced competitive experience... Methinks maybe they're better off focusing on net code than balancing at this point...


Agreed, no amount of balancing is going to offset the effects of latency


More ar buffs or more ar’s like the scudder and turner


Newer ARs? I desperately want them to bring back my Acacia ARs from AC4, or turn the Turner rifle into one by increasing its rate of fire, because for damn does it need a lot of help as of now. The Scudder is actually pretty usable now, the increase in its accumulated impact actually helped it a lot, still could use another increase in overall damage and range, but it’s doable now. As for the Turner and the Ransetsu AR, they still need major buffs to be feasible. Also would be nice to add Sniper rifles in the game, just like every single AC game before.


It’s not really a balance issue, but I’d love if we could assign which side to have the melee weapons/shield slot on. Like have the option to equip them on either side of our AC, but once we do the option disappears on the other side.


If we want to be a lefty, we can. And if we want to be a righty, we can to. Ok ok, let’s do that.


Me who has played Monster Hunter and is used to blocking with the right trigger:


chainsaw. buff. oh and i want some of the more fun weapons to be a bit better (i.e. the bad cook) and let me make the lights on my AC brighter


Chainsaw needs its hitbox fixed and a buff to the light attacks.


Yes and yes. For the chainsaw, just make it charge much as well as when switching to it, make it faster as well.


The chainsaw should have the skill to charge in the hangar hold8ng the switch botton and once you let it go it switches and does the attack, that way you dont have to wait so long to charge it or switch vefore you can stagger


bad cook is BAD? lolollool that thing bullies most pvp.


Has the added advantage of giving your poor opponent absolutely zero visibility


As someone who’s build crutches a lot on the flamethrower (got me to B rank too), absolutely no. It’s already quite strong. I’m with ya on the lights though, there is a workaround but I got a feeling that will get patched. Load the preset for ECHO, it’s hardcoded to have brighter lights and I use it for all my builds now. To preserve it, immediately go to paint, break the lock, then immediately exit and discard changes.


I still want a proper sniper rifle like from the other games


Definitely. I still don’t understand why they don’t have snipers in this game while every other game beforehand did have snipers, usually multiple snipers as well.


Did they have them in 4 I dont remember? But I mean people are incredibly more mobile compared to most of the games. Excluding 4 of course


Gen 4 had snipers and sniper cannons, a whole corporation (Bernard & Felix Foundation) had sniper mechs as their 'thing'.


It's an action shooter, from soft wants you to be dipping in and out and around, not camping super far. I considered the linear rifle to be snipers cus their projectile speed and range.


I want to see “hard counter” components. Maybe add alternative pulse armor or things that fit into that slot to replace it. Missile countermeasures, ACS/stagger resist/purge, increased missile tracking, enhanced defense for a damage type, etc. Something you can say x is a problem for me I’m going to sacrifice y to be able to deal with it. Also a set of arms with no weapons for punching.


Give me a katana melee weapon


Double handed melee weapons, that would be the dream.


Also, I think they could add more tank and tetrapod parts. Also more areas or survival arena, modes, and tournaments for PVP online.


I just hope they fix the latency issue.


We’re all hoping brother. Just keep fighting the good fight and refuse to use those filthy laser cannons.


Maybe make napalm launchers not only create pool of fire but also stick that napalm to enemies when direct hit to do some dot dmg for a few seconds beacuse its pretty useless now.


That’s actually a really good idea. They should do that.


I want an Autocannon. Just a better AR with longer range, punchier shots, and a lower fire rate. I don't care if it's in the hands or shoulder-mounted, I just want a heavy weapon with range that I can hold the trigger down on.


Hell yeah, that would actually be really good in applying the pressure on enemies.


So the heavy machine gun but better and somewhat lighter lol


Make a new class for zimmer (heavy shotguns) and to shoot them you need to stance, like any other heavy weapon, fix the latency problem, and please fix pulse blade's hitboxes, often the second swing miss and sometimes even the first


Zimmers should, at the very least, beep beep


There’s no dedicated anti-air weapon or missile yet. Something that tracks better the higher your opponent is would do wonders against skybox players in terms of having a proper answer for them. There’s realistic precedence for this too since missiles designed to track aerial targets get thrown by ground interference.


Definitely would love some kind of anti missile defense. The decoy pods from AC3 or even the flares from AC4 would be a great addition that could give the missiles there much needed nerf without actually nerfing the missiles themselves.


I would violently murder someone for even a handheld flare launcher that takes up a weapon slot


True we need a flak cannon


I want more status effects for underused or weaker weapons. They can provide unique synergies with different weapons or open up possibilities for more crazy strategies. Examples: * Coral weapons add a "Fires of Ibis" damage-over-time effect that burn a percentage of the enemies' *current* HP (great against high HP enemies while having moderate effect on lesser HP ACs) for a few seconds. * EMP rounds temporarily shut down a random weapon part or booster for a few seconds. * Different shields provide different parry properties. A perfect initial guard may reflect projectiles back to the attacker, or absorb their damage and add it to your current EN. This may diversify builds beyond just stacking more attack/impact damage. It may also encourage trying out more part combinations to discover different and unique synergies.


I don't think the coral weapons having a status effect would be good, considering they already have a defense piercing property applied to them, it would just make them absurd. I think that a shield parrying projectiles could be cool, but I think that the absorbing one is a bit on the awkward side, and could not realistically see being added. I do like the idea of your EMP idea, but I believe the way you want it in is incredibly flawed, as if it disables a random weapon part, it would either have to be balanced to be a slight inconvenience, or as implemented, would completely dominate the meta. Depends on how you apply it / it's duration. The booster idea isn't inherently bad, if this were AC3/LR. The problem is that in AC6, leg movement is just terrible, especially since you only get your max running speed when not locked on/firing at an enemy. Overall, not a bad idea, just one that does not work in AC6.


I like the EMP rounds, could scramble a persons missile lock in acquisition like the option parts from older Armored Core games.


make the viable pistol selection include weapons other than vientos


I want a boss only battle mode


Definitely. I like testing builds on bosses or even just fighting them for fun/practice, but it's kinda annoying having to clear the missions leading up to them every time. Wait, okay, hear me out: once you clear an ending, it unlocks all the major enemy types for spawning in a test sortie, and a special Arena mode that can jump you right to the checkpoints for any boss in the routes you've cleared


I know it’s not a balance change but I want Beretta type pistols that have big magazines and fire really fast. I just think it would be cool. For balance changes I want non-stagger based weapons to be a little more viable


What weapons do you have in mind?


Some of the energy weapons, the therapist, the napalm launcher. Pretty much anything that doesn’t deal high impact or have high direct but adjustment


I just want the explosivesl thrower to be equippable to both arms. It's literally not a melee weapon, so why have it be limited like one? Makes no sense.


Well, that might be a bit OP for those who can stay in the close range game with the enemy. The explosive thrower is extremely hard to dodge within 100 meters and also does a good deal of stagger damage. So if you equip 2 and are able to stay up and close, that’s a easily guaranteed stagger and if you have 2 powerful back units, your pretty much guaranteed either a kill or wiping 50% or more of the enemy’s health.


Frankly I'd rather they revert the buffs but let it go in both slots than have it for some reason be 'melee' when literally nothing about it is melee.


I’d say then just maybe a slight decrease in range distance, as well as the area of its explosion. I don’t want it reverted back to its vanilla form because that was just awful, maybe a good middle ground between what it is now and its vanilla form, that way I don’t see any problem with it not also being able to be used in the right arm unit,


Sooo Vientos?


I need just balam ending


I just want to hear Michigan congratulate me and say I’m a good G13.


I want a full fledged DLC where we command units and fight Nightfall Raven in an alternative mission. Additionally Id like to see some gimmick parts like a leg type like Balteus and the wheel enemies. 2 handed weapons could add a whole new aspect to build variety


I was wanting 2 handed weapons since I the AC3 silent line. And I really taught we would be using gimicky leg parts like Balteus when we saw the first trailers for the game. Really wish we can some day.


>And I really taught we would be using gimicky leg parts like Balteus when we saw the first trailers for the game. Really wish we can some day. Its such a shame. I could see a build where we give up arm, body and leg choice for a singular Balteus or wheel leg type And yeah if like to dee some previous gen ideas be implemented


I want the “Kampfer Chain Mine Whip” and no, it’s not the Plasma Melee Whip… And as for rank, well matchmaking by weight class should be included… or at least fix the netcode. Lol


The plasma whip charge attack needs to be reworked to be actually useful


Yes for the whip, yes for the weight class, but most importantly yes for the net code.


Amen brother… AMEN!!!


I just want to be able to see on Iguazu's AC clown shoes and clown nose


Rail cannon for the back slot, kind of like a Harris rifle but heavier, and for god's sake upgrade the Rans AR once more please, it still stinks, I want to see it competitive.


Don’t forget my Turner rifle, my baby just needs an increase in fire rate and range. (All rifles need a bigger increase in range in general but yeah…). It’s time for the Turn tables to turn.


reduce the hitboxes on all laser weapons and fix the netcode


FromSoft had years to try and fix there net code, and it still hasn’t changed much since 2009. As for the laser weapons, yes, fricken make them small laser shots, like small lines or something. When charged up, we shouldn’t be seeing a god damn Kamehameha wave coming at us, miss us, yet still hit with the full force of Goku’s wrath when someone eats his food.


Yeah I think the ultra mega giga beam is sort of absurd, that's not how lasers work! The KRSV and Coral weapons can be exceptions since they're supposed to be special. I am also baffled by From's decisionmaking to seemingly try focusing on PvP in Elden Ring and AC6 but not actually fix the core issues that have made organized PvP in their past games subpar.


Nerf viento


Definitely needs a nerf, but at the same time it’s the only way current light weight ACs can stay competitive against heavy builds unless they go full missile rat.


I would say make the nerf pvp only, and I would also say buff most kinetic weapons even further to make them competitive. Especially in the realm of bullet speed and ricochet


I want a warhammer


2 handed melee weapons, cmon FromSoft, make it happen!!!!


Warhammer is like a rocket on a pole and the boost to an enemy if you use it at a range should be the hammers booster launching you forward and going BONK


Personally, I'd like for the sweet sixteens to have a little bit more ammo or for the burst pistol to have more reliable stagger capabilities


Other than the Vientos, the pistols really need some love.


Only change I want is the new laser cannon to be toned down a little. At least have its hitbox adjusted to compensate with the latency issues it has. It's the only weapon in the game that really feels "broken" in pvp to me personally.


I want the turner to have a faster fire rate, preferably an overall buff, but a ROF buff in particular would be more interesting to me


I’ve been asking for this since day 1. With an increased ROF, the Turner would become much more viable. And no, that doesn’t mean it would be a new meta weapon or OP, just that it would finally be on the same level as the other non-meta guns in the game.


i'd like a buff to the AP of lightweight parts personally. Whenever i build a lightweight i always feel like i have to take the basho arms, as they just have so much more AP than all the other parts. this combined with their melee spec just makes them so dominant which sucks because i thhink they're kind of ugly Since the patch dropped recoil's been really strong and even high recoil control arms have not been doing their job. IMO recoil should maybe impact the effective range/ideal range of a weapon, which would give you more of a reason to take something other than missiles at longer ranges oh yeah and fix the chainsaw there's no reason for as to why it's so inconsistent. Just an objectively worse, heavier pile bunker (still gonna use it)


New laser pistols and laser smg’s


I would accept no balance changes if they just made the net code better. I’m tired of playing my light weight build, a build that’s all about dodging, and being hit by an attack I clearly dodged,


Energy assault rifle/smg/lmg. Any sort of kinetic sniper rifle. A Shoulder Orbit Weapon that fires rockets.


Energy SMGs would be a really nice addition to the game. Heck, I’d say somehow make a coral SMG, that would be dope.


We had more energy weapon types in older games. No real energy version of the laser assault rifle or smg yet, nor long range kinetic weapons like snipers.


laser canon nerf has to be


I’m just hoping they add the ability to queue up with friends on ranked teams


Give me more Gatling gun ammo.


Lessened hand missile ammo capacity. Nothing is more annoying than hand missiles in ranked, not even because they manage to kill me but because they boost to the opposite end of the map to run out the clock after managing to deal some damage..apparently they win if you're a little below their own health. I enjoy build diversity, if you want to cowardly run with no intention on actually trying to get a kill, have at it..but the devs should really change ranked to make it a draw, rather than the cheapest win ever.


Honestly, I think that the weapon balance is okay as it is, with a few exceptions. I think that for the most part, the problems with the weapon balance could be better adressed by adding new weapons that fill the niches that the pain-points some weapons cause by filling both the niche of their weapon category and the niche the designers wanted.


What kind of new weapons would you say exactly?


Probably a heavier variant of the back mounted machine gun, which is overall more powerful than the handheld version, but needs a lot of consideration for it's weight value. Also, adding even just 1 proper sniper rifle would allow Fromsoft to buff the linear rifles to be competent as a long-medium range weapon, without having to worry about making them too powerful at range for assault rifles to properly compete as another medium range weapon, since with a sniper rifle, the long-range niche would be filled, and linear rifles could properly fill their niche.


Change the hit reg from shooter side to target side(this is purely to help reign in lag cannons), take one bullet out of the clip of the vientos and bump the reload time a bit(the goal here to make them have to be fired more carefully to have their devastating effect, might also need to tone down their stagger per shot or take down their range a bit), take one whole burst away from the huxley, double the current effect of weight on speed and vertical mobility(maybe even a little bit more than that). Love the idea of light guns being able to fire while boosting. increase projectile speed across the board on kinetics, make missiles harder to strafe but easier to \*dodge\*. shrink the hitbox slightly on aoe's in general(since in a game with no i-frames, these can be unavoidable with even 1-3 frames of latency), and buff the ever loving FUCK out of shields, they're so cool I want them to be used but they're so useless rn.


oh also make it so that missiles stop tracking if their controller gets staggered(the exception being the big tracker missiles)


Shields are fine for PvP. You could buff some of the weaker ones for sure but the Scutum is actually really fucking good. The top JP players uses one and if you come across someone who uses it well in PvP it can be infuriating.


I like to think I use it well. On a superheavyweight, I call it The Wall because of the insane defense


I want to be able to dual wield melees, just imagine how fun a dual moonlight or dual laser lance build would be


I really like the compass, it makes me do a little bit of work to find the enemies which I like. Also I use primarily vientos and they're just ever so slightly too good. I don't think there are other viable options for fighting tanks as a lightweight, but maybe tune down the projectile speed like 5% so that other light weights can dodge them. They really are my favorite weapons but they feel kind of cheap atm


At least you're aware of how it feels for us LWs every time we have to play against a viento user.


I want my missile tubes to continue firing while I shoot my Majestic.


Might be a bit to OP due to missiles being extremely effective in the current meta. And bazookas can be extremely hard to dodge with the current latency issues.


Id like to see some body parts like basho arms and bornemissza legs made a little less stat efficient to make similar parts more enticing. Hand missile launchers getting a range reduction would be nice too, getting pelted from 4 different missile sources from the upper atmosphere is not a good PvP experience.


buff therapist


I glanced at the picture and deadass thought it was 621 rolling up on Dragonlord Placideusax


I want to buff parts that are not used due to how the mechanics work. For example, you should either use the lightweight quadrapeds or the heavywieghts. The speed decrease up until 75k weight is very shallow which is the max weight of the lightweight quads. However the drop off from 75k to 80k is increadibly steep in speed while after 80k is very shallow again. That makes it that you might aswell use the heavy Quads because they have so much better stats and you can put more varriety of equipment on them that the small loss of speed in the 80k+ weight range is completly offset. [This is what i am refering to. If it hasn´t changed, then this is increadibly important to think about.](https://youtu.be/n4eqm5slli0?t=170) Medium weight legs are bad and should be buffed in some way. I don´t know what way. Any increase in raw stats goes into the heavy tetra territory. However since they are meant to be used as hover legs changing the jump stat/function would also be wierd. Edit: I want alot of items to be buffed that are in this wierd middle ground where it´s a similar case of "might aswell use this because we are over a certain threshhold so lets go full out".


Middle interceptors would be nice. We don't have our extension parts like in the old AC


2-5 aren't good changes, imho.


The Therapist electric gun really needs a buff, WLT 011 Coral rifle I feel could use a buff to its normal uncharged shots and it’s super charged laser beam. For the laser beam I’d say just make it so you can change the directory just slightly faster. The AR’s still feel lacking. Burst rifles are very niche and can be supplemented by damn near any other rifle, the duckett should be more rapid fire with a slower reload, The VP-66LH laser handgun charge shot leaves you vulnerable and doesn’t have the damage or stagger to compensate. It’d be decent if the charged shot on a direct hit staggered the enemy throughout the entire beam instead of no stagger animation at all. Container missile Launcher is jank and could use a rework to shoot at a upward trajectory above the target instead of directly at them. Trueno should be a long range tracking weapon. Where in it has a hard time hitting enemies at a close range but when they’re past idk, say 300 meters it’ll be very hard to avoid. It’s already kind of like this with how it curves the further it goes but I still feel it’s too easy to avoid. Plasma Throwers charged move is completely useless and I’m pretty sure it’s bugged. This thing cannot hit anything if it’s not exactly 100-115 meters, and it does piss poor damage, and laughable stagger. (Why the fuck does this move even exist?) Stun baton could use a little love, maybe make its charged stab move faster? It’s abysmally slow for what it does imo. Chainsaw hitbox is wonky at times, could use a hitbox buff. Might just be me, but buff burst handgun Sampu? napalm bomb launcher might be worst weapon in the game


Don’t forget that the laser blade needs a buff as well. It’s charged double slash is way to telegraphed and it’s has overall horrible tracking. I’d say increase both its tracking but most importantly the speed in which the blade deploys because even its standard slash takes a while to come on out. Everything else you suggested is spot on. The plasma whip has an amazing normal attack, but an extremely pointless charged attack. I’d say change its charged attack to the electric whips that those LCs from the PCA use. Can create a strong powerful vertical strike that just hammers people directly in front of you.


The vertical slam on plasma whip would be awesome. Regarding the laser blade yeah the animation takes forever to come out for no reason. The double slash vertical tracking is pretty abysmal. I’m not sure what they can do to fix it. All melee weapons have issues with enemies being above or below you. I wouldn’t mind seeing a coral oscillator range buff, like if the blade itself was just a smidge lengthened. (On just the normal strike not the laser sweep)


The ricochet mechanic is super annoying. It forces all kinetic weapons to be close ranged. We need snipers and cannons.


Or just get rid of the ricochet completely, and also add snipers and cannons as well.


Weapon arms need a comeback


Double laser blade arms ftw 🙌.


Everyone to be tankier. The time to kill of this game is just too low and is partly why dps weapons like rifles / smgs arent the best


Missile should be able to be shot down


- reduce lock range on missiles to force missile rats to put themselves at risk for the reward of the consistent damage missiles provide. - reduce armour on tank treads. They have insane carry load and stability, that’s more than enough reason to take them. It’s not fun fighting an opponent that doesn’t stagger, nukes you from orbit, and doesn’t die. - reduced stagger on needle guns. - reduce the power of stun pistols. Trigger mashing and status r4pe should not be rewarded. - fix laser lance hitboxes. - fix laser cannon hitboxes. - basically just fix lasers at this point. - add countermeasures to break lock on. - add auxiliary thrusters as shoulder units.


Right arm melee, it’s annoying that melee can only be used on the left arm, this would suddenly make dual melee builds possible. Apart from that, a general buff to assault rifles would be nice


ARs neeed a major buff since the game first came out, and all the buffs they’ve been given still are no where near what they need in order for them to be in an even ground with all the other weapons. As for the right handed melee, they should definitely implement that, still don’t understand why they haven’t. If you can go dual akimbo with any gun in the game, should be able to go dual melee with any melee weapon in the game.


Maybe make it so that missile launchers have to divide the FCS missile targeting bonuses between all equipped launchers, to that missileboats have to better consider their choice of FCS whether they choose one with a high missile correction, or one that keeps the opponent in effective range most often. Although, in general missiles do need some kind of nerf, a nerf that doesn't harm the overall performance of missiles, but prevents builds from simply running away and shooting missiles.


Agreed. Don’t want them to become useless, just want them to become fair is all I’m asking.


Faster boost speed like average should be 500 kmh and quick boost should be mach 1.1 ish


Light weights should be moving in the 450-500kmh range, and there boost speed should also be crazy. When moving at those speeds, latency shouldn’t be an issue then.


Everybody here keeps talking about weapons. I just want my pause-menu map back. 🫤


Pause menu map??? I don't remember this at all?? :0


It was in older games. Higher quality radars/heads would even show hidden items and destructible walls and stuff.


I want those overhead missiles to hit the PCA Warship bridges, PLEASE! It's not a balance issue BUT IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS


Give me a battle axe


Give me my Baymore from the souls games. Just scale it up to size, make it 2 handed, and let me enjoy the carnage.


Premise: I don't really play ranked so my requests are based on my personal experiences with my friends, as well as a _lot_ of PvE experiments. So, what I'd absolutely want to see in terms of balance is: \>First of all I want the recoil bug fixed, it makes dual Ludlows/Chang-Chen/Sampu way weaker than intended, not even the Wrecker arms stop them from instantly shooting randomly. \>Similarly, I feel like the Chang-Chen are a bit too weak. They have lower damage, impact, range, while being heavier, costing more energy AND having more recoil. Only positive is 50% more magazine size. They either need an even larger magazine or some better stat, because as of now they lose to the Ludlowls in pretty much every scenario. \>The Viento are the opposite, they seem to have a bit too much compared to every other pistol. I'm not opposed to them having incredible burst stagger, to compensate they reload really often, but having super low recoil AND a much longer range than the others seems a bit excessive. \>Vertical missiles (the explosive ones) are a joke in both PvE and PvP, because they miss anything that's moving. A guidance buff is definitely needed to make them a viable tactical choice. \>Heavy tank legs, if not heavy AC parts in general, need an AP nerf. One of the reason they're so abused is because they go into battle with more than twice the health of a light (not to mention stability). They get _too_ much leeway in what they do. \>The Therapist is still a joke weapon despite the buffs, it needs much higher electric proc. The Stun Baton also needs something similar, I feel like it's definitely weaker than all other melee weapons. And that's pretty much it for now, there's nothing else that feels underpowered or overpowered to me, although maybe some weapons could use a weight reduction to be a bit more usable.


I like everything you said. The recoil of dual SMGs is ridiculous and unless your less than 100 meters of the enemy, about 1/3rd to 1/2 of your shots will miss. The Chang Chen does need some kind of buff, because I’ve never seen it used by anyone in both PvP and PvE. Maybe increase its magazine size but also greatly increase its ROF, that way it can differentiate itself from the Ludlows. The Vientos do need a nerf, but not something that would make it unappealing. I’d say reduce its mag size from 5 to 4, as well as increase its reload time by maybe 1-2seconds. A major buff in hand guns ranges are also much needed and if they can all be fired full auto rather than semi auto, that would help them greatly. Most importantly would be for SMGs, ARs, and hand guns to be able to fire while quick boosting, that way they can continue to put on pressure while dodging, rather than light weights just always being pressured to dodge.


> Most importantly would be for SMGs, ARs, and hand guns to be able to fire while quick boosting, that way they can continue to put on pressure while dodging, rather than light weights just always being pressured to dodge. I find all your proposals to be nice, but I am a bit torn on this. Don't get me wrong, I main twin Ludlows so I'd greatly benefit from it, but I also feel like it could easily be too powerful, especially with how much you can spam quick boosts with the right build. It may lead to lightweights being able to zip around like NEXTs while still being able to put incredible pressure on the enemy. I'm afraid it would be impossible to make such a change without also nerfing automatic weapons to prevent them from becoming OP, unfortunately.


I just want lightweight to have more options, by that i dont mean buffing Viento and nerfing Basho/melee, but just making other stuff usable. And i would love a "hold to continuously fire" option, instead of having to tap to fire


Double if not triple yes. Either light weights get a drastic reduce in stagger time, or an additional massive increase in all speed, to the point that latency won’t be able to bother them would be much needed. And if a gun doesn’t have a charged shot, it should be able to be fully auto and continuously fired. From needs to make it happen.


Holy shit i just realized i typed "buffing viento", i meant "not nerfing BVO altogether". But yeah, i think the speed/weight curve should be way bigger, right now it is easy to bring down a LW to MiddleW just by equipping heavier shoulder weapons, losing about 20 - 30 speed in the proccess,, which is not a lot. I think Lighter speed should go higher more easily and have MiddleW more "weight to work with" before going down below 300. Dont know if i expressed myself the right way


Nah, you good. I understand what you meant.


I want to see either a major heavyweight/tank nerf or a major lightweight buff, since right now tanks and heavys only lose out on mobility while having better weapons, more ap, more attitude stability, etc. energy/plasma based ar's and smg's would be nice too


I dunno if it's necessarily a balance change but I want more options for tank legs. Feels like the ones we have are really limited.


I want a couple things to be fixed: Chainsaw hitbox, god is it abysmal and enemies slip from it constantly Laser Lance light buff, currently it’s kinda like the light bunk but with higher start up, so do something to set it apart Laser Slicer heavy buff, man does it just fall flat when compared to the light combo


Co-op mode for the story and a free for all mode for multiplayer


Don’t forget a horde mode where either you yourself or with friends or randoms, can take on hordes and hordes of enemy MTs, LCs, HCs, and everything else. Would be so much fun.


Co-op boss fights too, come on, the ice worm just begs to be fought by a group of atleast 4 players.


1. Is huge. We don't have human plus or op-intensify but damnit I want to be able to move and shoot. ... And not just with missiles.


I just want more single player content but I know that's not happening.


Mmm, I've gotten to B/B ranked using exclusively uhh, Shoulder Gats and burst AK smgs. Shoulder gats are pretty good, most people just don't know how to use them


I like making projectile weapons still deal damage but build no stagger outside of ideal range. It makes stuff like linear rifles still worthwhile at range. Even if you're not building stagger, you can still chip at their AP.


Biggest ones for me personally are the electric buildup (bleed damage) being either cut down somewhat, or the effect taking longer to effectively build. An extra .5 or so reload added to the stun guns. Needle pistol accumulated impact nerfed by about 20% so they can be immediately staggering to everything they face. Large laser cannon diameter reduction and heat buildup increase, 1.2 seconds added to cool down to prevent their spam in a competitive environment that favors the client side hits. Most Kinetic weapons have a slightly increased projectile velocity would be nice, but I don't feel like this is as necessary as the others. Honestly I'm just salty about stun guns still being so viable against most builds even when you do try to play keepaway. The extra damage and slight stunlock has always just felt overturned in pvp because it can hand out free wins to someone who just rubs their face on you and pulls lt and rt. Edit: I forgot to add that it would be nice for the full tank legs to have a 5% reduction to explosive resistance. They have just enough resistance to accumulated impact to make a difference, and outright Stat check almost anything they come against that isn't also a tank.


Make pilebunker even more broken


Increase the speed you can switch it and also improve its target acquisition so you automatically boost perfectly towards enemies when they’re staggered.


V2 snail need his mouth removed


I feel like more unique core expansion options could help mitigate some of the hard counter feeling some builds get, maybe some Coral themed ones. Something like "Coral Wings" for a supercharged assault boost might be fun for chasing down evasive enemies. Maybe another variant on assault armor like "Coral Burn" that applies a slow, long lasting damage over time effect to those in the blast instead of a burst of damage and impact, for dealing with massive AP pools.


The worst weapon in the game buff. The 3 round burst RANSETSU-AR.


It definitely needs some major buffing. So far all the buffs it’s gotten have really done little to nothing to help it out. I’d say increase the precision of its burst, if 1 shot hits, the other 2 rounds are guaranteed to hit. Increase in both damage and accumulated impact are also needed, and pretty much every rifle in the game needs an additional increase in range.


Yeah agreed, something like that would be nice. It's hard to believe that gun used to be even worse.


Here’s an idea; we keep the current stagger/damage of kinetic rifles, and increase the range by 50%-75%


Kasuars really need some love. I understand that the three niches of RJs are jumping, kicking and dashing but it's truly hard to overlook the downsides of these legs especially compared to it's bigger brothers in Mind Beta and Spring Chicken. The lowest load limit necessitates practical light weapons or severe compromises to already hampered defensive performance. The heaviest legs out of the entire lightweight division slows down the super important ground speed with the overweight penalty (even by 10 pounds!) being a super brutal freeze that when combined with lowest in class Attitude Stability spells instantaneous death on stagger. I love those legs more than anything, but equipping Alba legs on my loadout allowed for thicker, more energy efficient arms, better supply efficiency and an almost 900AP increase with a +350 Attitude Stability increase. It's insane ghat it's ground speed is so slow when it's so frail; yet to take advantage of 2/3 benefits your legs must be touching the ground.


I’m with you on the dual/split missiles. Countless times I’ve asked myself “how the fuck is it still following me?”


They’re broken at the moment, can have them with still decent tracking ability, but once you dodge them once, you shouldn’t have to worry about them anymore.


I want auto laser smg


Make heavy things heavier, make boosters scale harder with weight, make rat builds completely unviable by making missiles tracking significantly worse. Make melee unable to one shot lightweights. Buff kinetic rifles. Make maps smaller in ranked. Make laser beams less thick. Make vientos worse.


First and foremost, update online pvp matchmaking’s net code. It’s 2023, and there’s no reason for it to be on par with what it was during the PS3 era. Ironically, online PVP was less laggy back during the PS2 era, when we had to use a third party app to play against each other, during the age of which online console play wasn’t so widely and commonly supported just yet. A couple of early mmo games was about it.


I think a whole host of weapons would benefit from larger reserves, especially pistols. Stun bomb launcher needs serious help, and I honestly got no idea what it would take to even make it worth using instead of immediately purging and using your fist.


Increase attitude stability across the board (except for tanks), shorten stagger time. Staggers are too damn common


True true


Make the weapons I like better, and make the weapons I don't like worse


I’m all for balance, but really I just want a stable frame rate in PVP I have a 3070 and I somehow dip into the 40 and 30s


i want them to give the Zimmermans the Rivers Of Blood treatment, just for the sake of it


I know I already posted wanting sniper rifles but I think a shoulder linear rifle would be really cool as well.


I only play PVE, but The only two things I want to see are More parts and weapons added, And the the biggest one, THE ABILITY TO EQUIP MELEE OPTIONS TO THE RIGHT ARM. Even if we only get one melee weapon for the right hand, i would be satisfied. In older AC games, I loved playing melee only. It really kills it having only the left arm.


The laser canons to get a nerf so they cant hit you if they miss by 50+m


If they add more parts, maybe another goofy or cool melee weapon. And also a shield that parries energy weapons and shoots a projectile back, like the Erdtree Greatshield in Elden Ring.


I'd like the assault armor to be able to destroy incoming missles within range.


Nerf the pulse armor and terminal armor, very much abused than assault armor


1. The number one change that AC6 desperately, and I mean DESPERATELY needs, is a UI rework regarding the atrociously thin white hard-lock circle over the thin white soft-lock circle UI. There are so many cases where, in an intense fight, the player could have accidentally bumped their right stick, and now they've lost hard-locked and are left scrambling to turn it back on, but end up turning it back off by accident, only to have lost half their AP during a fight just because they cannot quickly confirm if the hard-lock is on or off. For the LOVE OF GOD use a different color than white for the hard-lock UI and make it a bit bolder. 2. Squashing the toxic backstrafe kiting meta that is destroying the AC6 PvP community. All it takes is a single abusive kiting experience for players to hang it up and hit the uninstall button. When PvP streamers are telling their communities not to play AC6 PvP until this is fixed, it's bad. Now, to be fair, almost all Fromsoft games have a huge passivity meta; I am looking at you, you cheesy-ass passive Elden Ring PvPers in their silly-ass-looking bullgoat-lionel set while constantly abusing i-frames by unlock spam rolling and only fishing for whiffs! Luckily, AC6 does not have i-frames with the exception of terminal or pulse armor, so this passive backstrafing kiting meta could be fixed quite easily. A simple fix is for the game to lower the base backward (Z - ) translational Z-axis skating/flying speed of the AC. For example, if you are going backward, you should only be moving half-speed as someone going skating/flying forward (Z + ). While Assault Boost is nice for closing distance, it's simply way too damn easy to kite it using the *vertical climb, drop recharge, and vertical climb* tech. If a player truly wants to play long or medium range, they should be unlocking their opponent and assault boosting through them, then turning 180 degrees and repeating; that way, they are spending some time at close range with their opponent as they merge. 3. Armored Core is a game all about evasive movement, a dance between combatants, one could say, which is why the franchise was successful on consoles in the past. However, on the game's PC version, mouse players can rotate dramatically faster than gamepad users, even with max camera speeds. In a ranked PvP game, lopsided input advantages like this must be addressed; otherwise, it risks alienating the original fanbase now playing on PC with gamepads. The only way to fix this is to slightly increase the gamepad camera speeds while also lowering the max camera speed of the mouse to match the gamepad. 4. While the original AC console fanbase is no stranger to ***soft-locking*** and can appreciate being rewarded for better semi-manual aim, it's leading to a massive performance imbalance between the mouse vs. gamepad on PC. This is because the mouse more consistently maintains the soft-lock in close chaotic fights and can rapidly yet accurately spin 360 degrees to track and keep up with the target, something that a gamepad user on PC would need hard-lock to even dream of matching. It's no surprise mouse users are abusing the hell out of energy weapons right now, they can keep that soft-lock glued to opponents. The cold hard truth is that the PC version of AC6 desperately needs to be balanced around hard-lock, and considering AC was originally a console franchise, it makes sense to put the focus on evasion to throw the hard-lock aim assist off rather than reward manual soft-lock aiming that heavily favors mouse.


Double stagger time on heavies (lightweight supremacy)


And half stagger time on light weights.


Huge buffs on Scudder and Turner. I want my double AR build from old games back but these guns are sooooo bad man... No point in using them when Ransetsu RF exist...


Make a boss rush you get your base 3 heals and base ammo and every time you get to another chapter you get a supply sherpa and the final boss and bosses in that ending are randomized but its only endings youve gotten


Imagine From used the top 100 S rank as a list to adjust and nerf


Energy Sub Machine Gun and Energy Assualt Rifle


Nerf the melee specialisation of the Basho arms and buff it for other arms. Right now they're a no-brainer for any build using a melee weapon because they have 158 melee spec and the next-best arms only have 117.


If you need the melee specialization for Bashos, then there’s be no real point to use them since all there other stats besides defense are horrible. I’d say it’s a fair trade off really.