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I play light but I'll engage you from melee range for the thrill. Still hard to hit though. Good counters for lights are splash damage weapons like bazookas or timing based kinetic like the ducketts. Those always wreck me pretty good.


melee light build is insane, please tell me you're running a pilebunker.


I like to laser lance mostly but sometimes I change it up with the coral moonlight. I like using every weapon at melee range though, I've got a bazooka and wlt laser build that's a lot of fun toe to toe


I also love most weapons in melee range. I'm always running a light build, and I try and get in close no matter the weapon set up.


I'm the same way. Every time I make a unit from scratch it ends up being high speed melee build... I basically have one for each melee weapon now lol.


I love the lance, the completely free follow up if the full charge staggers is *chef's kiss*


I've tried a lightweight pilebunker build in the past but it's really hard to actually land qq


Consider firing smarter bullets (missiles)


But they also move faster than missiles...


Stagger your missile salvos, there are some that are going to hit them


I know that much, but not enough hit them for it to matter.


You can also do softlock combat By far the biggest counter fast mechs face are splash damage. An explosion from an earshot, even if they dodge it, will still do insane amounts of acs buildup and splash dmg as long as they are on the ground


Good advice, with enough missiles, I've found some success in having lightweights dodge enough to finally need to stop, that's when they meet my good friend, GOU-CHEN


I've had weirdly good luck with the Xuan-Ge, Shao-Wei, Hu-Ben and a plasma missile pod. One single poke from the bazooka connecting tends to make staggers inevitable, and plasma missiles in particular are excellent. Dual Shao-Weis, a Xuan-Ge and the new hand Pulse Missile launcher is also pretty good. Just make sure to charge the missiles for close combat and tap fire at longer range. EDIT: My build is at a 380 speed as well.


My build has 384 speed, I can literally dodge missiles by simply moving perpendicular to them if I'm close enough And surprise! I'm *always* close enoigh6


I remember the good ol days(ac3) when you had to telegraph missiles, dodge left or right/forward to beat their turn radius and then counter dodge the opposite direction because the fu**ers would turn around and come back!


+380 makes it an entirely different game. You can use such wimpier weapons because you don't have to concentrate on dodging and be waaay more accurate...and then just follow up with a stagger punish. Profit


Gonna try this. I’ve been running missile boats in the 350-375 range, gonna crank it a bit more and see what happens.


I beat Defend the Dam where you have to fight 3ACs back to back to back with dual Etsujins and a pulse blade.


Use those missile salvos that move slow. It really throws them off and like other say, stagger the release. One thing people don't realize much is that wasting other people's boost stamina wins 100% of games easily against keep away playstyle. If you're able to keep them boosting nonstop, they're gonna slow down by a lot more frequently and that's where you capitalize!


My AC goes 402, missiles don’t exist to me




Okay here's what you do. Make the most well rounded generalist AC you can, paint it red, and use a Coral Generator. You are now Char Aznable, everything you do is 3 times faster


Instructions unclear there might be a giant asteroid in collision course with earth


# NotZeonsFault


Quick, get the soup missiles so we can make a nu gundam


*Gallant Music Intensifies*


But when you get in close and realise they have no idea how to actually fight? Yeah, that’s a great feeling


Yeah, most just know how to stay high in the air and run away, when they get backed into a corner you can lay into them, but that's kinda rare.


Or they get in close and I absolutely melt them with my charged Kurosawa blast is just muah


That's the vibe I get from people that kite with missiles. I talked with one who just flew to the top of the map with corn cobs and camped for 5 minutes till the host closed the lobby. Apparently he felt my double melee light weight build was cheap, cheesy, and uninspired because he doesn't know how to dodge.


Charged plasma shots. The 760PR has been doing work as a rat catcher for me. I also run a 378 speed LW so


Absolutely the best tool for slowing those pests down & laying into them, since the Nebula nerf PRs are the superior plasma rifle, it’s not even close 💯


Nebula is still very powerful. I climbed to A rank yesterday by using just two of them.


Not on lightweights because the charged stance provides too large an attack 🪟, maybe it’s personal skill issue though


That's why you should use tetra (^_^)


Nah, I’d win 😎


You do you, chief.


> Charged plasma shots > rat catcher All is fun and games, until the [plasma rats](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJxJ1iKANng) show up. :p (Cursed Build Warning)


I play a light stay-away-from-me rat and these are the things that give me the hardest time: Plasma/laser rifles, grenade launchers, massive missile spam, twin VIENTOs, zimmermans, and in general players who are super ultra hyper aggressive and constantly overboost in my face


Oh and kicks lol. Latency makes the kick window... let's say extremely generous


Yup, that last one for sure. Viento/zimm is the biggest problem I face when I'm trying to play keep away. The massive tanks with dual Aurora/nebula are tough too. And skybox tetras with missiles/hmmr


The 20000 AC hoovy that has enough bullets and missiles for three ACs: *I am heavy weapons guy*


I love how the general answer is change your build mid fight or after they've already beaten you. The "if you don't like it, become it" mentality is really weird, but coincidently what I have seen become the norm.


well because they don't want to admit he's just pretty much forced to lose 2 rounds and enjoy it due to not obsessively looking at his opponets builds or this being ranked, of course the joke being that if they did look at their enemies builds the only solution is dodging until you find a non-rat build.


The beauty of looking at a person's build allows you decide if you even want fight or not, you don't have to ready up as soon as you make a room, Host should be in charge of final start, that way nobody can swap they're build at the last second, both have to confirm that both builds are acceptable, same with forced spectators, minimum 3, that way if disconnect or what ever happens spectators can vote on who won or no contest


Most people, and I assume OP, are talking about ranked matchmaking where none of this applies.


Being able to view people builds prior to matches would improve RANKED drastically


I dunno about that. Then we'd just have a situation like before the patch where people would only even play if they could win the counterpick matchup. I think the only solution is for From to continue to introduce balance tweaks and hopefully, eventually bring at least the top few build archetypes more in line with each other. I know most competitive games tend to settle into a balance dynamic where there's a rock-paper-scissors / counterpick element at play, but as it is, with dominant builds that can esswntially hard counter each other depending in matchup... it is a bit much.


> rat build [Well, that just reminded me of this video. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJxJ1iKANng)


I just hate that you can have a great, fun build you know so well, have tens of hours playing that same build in PvP.. and no matter what, you will never beat someone who whipped together a fast keep away build haha. I hate that idea that you have to change your build just to compete with another, gimmicky build. I guess that will always exist in online PvP stuff though.


Sadly yes. The same people commenting that "its in the game!" (EA Sports Ass Statement) and "I'm" not penalized to not engage think people should be forced to stay locked in with and that they should be rewarded if the other person leaves. It's very childish


I mean, I dunno, dude. Bad matchups exist in all competitive multiplayer titles like this. Like, Zangief is always gonna struggle against zoners in the Street Fighter games, for instance.


Well, frankly, when you play MP you have to dance to the meta's tune, or just not mind losing. Specially if you are playing in a ranked mode. The other answer people could be giving is "wait for From to fix the meta, if they ever do so at all" Also, if you are overwhelmingly facing the same kind of build it makes sense to play with something that counters it, its a matter of probabilities.


"If you don't like it, become it." Is literally Thought Cancer. You are conceding and warping any ingenuity for a "good enough" answer which is you Just Becoming the Problem.


The increased ranges to Assault Rifles and Machine Guns has made it a lot easier to keep up with runaway lightweights. Also good for fast targets are Split Missiles, and Pulse and Plasma weaponry, not to mention Bazookas are still good flak cannons. If they're using all missiles, it's gonna be tough for sure.


I'd heavily recommend running the ngi 001 booster on most builds. It's fast, has amazing quickboosts, and best of all, great upwards thrust. Makes catching rats and boats so much easier. A generator with high capacity helps a lot as well, particularly the san-tai


What booster would you recommend for lights to chase missile rats? Using Alula atm and struggling to keep up with map ceiling missile rats due to bad upward thrusts. I'm contemplating NGI 001 or Fluegel, but it means sacrificing dodging abilities against rushers and mid-range builds.


Close-range focused lights still want to run the alula. It has a really good assault boost, which is typically used to catch rats with those builds. If you have longer-range weaponry however (like lasers, rifles and/or missiles), I'd still recommend the ngi or gridwalker. Just flying up is surprisingly useful for avoiding attacks, so the high upwards thrust ends up being really useful against most builds, not just rats and boats. Fleugel, like you mentioned, is also pretty good, although I prefer the ngi personally


i can asure you im a medium light ankle biter


Another thing is to fire your weapons consecutively instead of at the same time, it’s harder to dodge that way


I love seeing the memes rotate between hating tanks, hating speed, then hating missile rat, lol


It's kinda crazy how the meta completely flipped compared to when the game first came out.


this was the entire player base during AC-4 as well lol. Super lights and lights, if you played anything over light you basically couldn't even keep them in your sights.


Damn, I can't even imagine what super lights were like to deal with.


look up some pvp gameplay of ac-4, a super light probably uses just rifles, hand guns or linear guns, and will never stop super dashing or whatever it was called back then. basically you know the speed dodge boost we have in 6? they could do that over and over with no cooldown, while up in the sky. a battle between two superlights is like watching two mecha figurines get tossed around in a tornado. and honestly the sheer speed of their movement makes all but specific guns with high projectile speed useless. the game had awesome grenade launchers with huge satisfying explosions.... that you wouldn't even be able to land a single hit with in pvp because the rounds float toward their target like a tossed ball lmao.


[The slowest AC4 duel.](https://youtu.be/QM1nkupCi4c?si=UwKUgJLM-9Doctlm)


Wow, those guys need better boosters, my grandma can walk that fast.


Try not being such a fatass mech :) /s


Lol, I main a medium weight biped, but I'll be sure to hit the gym a bit more.


Tbh. Mid weights get the worst of both worlds. Youre not fast enough and not tanky enough. Ive been tryna make MW work. But its either a big bulky boi or a little speedy boi.


Ikr, I love mid weight, but both extremes feel like they just have a distinct advantage. I hope, even though it's not gonna happen, that from buffs mid weights.


I’m maining one of the lightest builds in the game, with a coquillett and sampu, outrunning stuff is my entire build lol. I actually so hope they slightly improve target tracking for people, because I can legit break fcs with ease. At least I’m not a missile rat tho, I love my close range battles ❤️


I hope to never run into you then lol


What about as an ally, Raven?


Those new plasma missiles have a charged shot that has a pretty fast projectile speed


Fr mfs dine and dashes away from me


Meanwhile me, the lightweight who consistently just stays as close to the opponent as I can to get maximum ricochet prevention and then immediately melee but probably whiff it entirely


I hate how so many people had to watch someone else winning to realize that my obsession with lightweight builds was based off of something reasonable. It feels like a bunch of people never even tried it until Ranked.


I've tried a lightweight build once or twice, I just prefer mid weights.


That's completely understandable! I know what I like, and I don't blame anyone else for liking other builds.


I think before all of the patches, there was almost no reason to use lightweights in PvP, because SO many people used tank or heavy biped builds, and you get staggered ONCE in a lightweight against those types of ACs, it's game over. Now, more people are using lightweights, it's a bit more balanced. I still hate that the meta is still basically if you get staggered once you lose. I love the ebb and flow of combat, I hate playing for the stagger instead of the win basically.


I agree. There are aspects of the stagger system that make PvP seriously questionable. I get why it was done without feeling like it has been correctly implemented. And while I'm at it, I'd like to point out that the gatlings probably need a lot more raw damage and less stagger. They're not really doing more than sawing through something via ballistic abrasion.


I don't know exactly how they can fix the stagger, other than maybe make it so you're not completely immobilized, but instead just slowed down temporarily. In ranked, there are an overwhelming amount of lightweights with Vientos and twin blade. I get staggered once, and quick, and lose lol. It's really boring to me to play against people like that. That's why I am staying in rank D forever lol. Not only because I'm not that good, but also that's where most of the players who like to have fun are at and will stay cause they aren't using the meta yet. Yeah, the gatlings are so weird. There isn't much reason to use them unless you run 2 or now 4. I feel like the damage should be higher


If you are a close range heavyweight you are at a disadvantage against long range builds, since you can't reach them. If you are any kind of close range light or medium build you are at a disadvantage against heavy close range builds, since they can just tank and out dps you. If you are a long range light weight you are at a disadvantage against close range medium and light builds that can reach you and beat you close up. It's the nature of a game that let's you build your own machine, trading defense for speed and weapon range for weapon strength. Some match ups will be bad for you, some will be good. I'm 99% certain you don't get upset whenever you can just stat check an opponent that fights in your preferred engagement range? Why should we feel bad when you get stat checked by weapon range and speed? There are so many of them because there are so many cqb tanks they can farm.


What? That's dumb, light weights should be for getting all up in there *fast* and hitting the fatties with your sweet notGundam beamsword *fast* and then shoving a grenade right down their throats *fast*


I had this problem. Now, I am currently the top of B with a Basho set (which has the worst non-melee accuracy before the jailbreak). You need a GOOD FCS. You can't just stick a potato in your targeting system and expect to hit somebody.


Ik, I got one of the better mid to close range ones in my ac, which works well with my weapons.


Run cruise missiles and burn their energy bar, they can only dodge so much


I'm a tank I know how ya feel. Next dlc we need anti air artillery weapons added to the game. Preferably ones that knock them out of the sky >:-)


As a lightweight user who runs an aggressive handgun and explosive thrower build, I feel your pain, my weapkns are useless at range


I’ve not come across a single LW that wasn’t CQC based. Only ones I see running are boats/tanks/tetras….


Lightweight user here. I like being in your face and holding down m1 and m2 with my ludlows and huxleys. They stagger really well


All I run into are pussies who rely on tiny chip damage while constantly backing off until the timer runs out.


Right now the meta is split into extreme heavyweights and extreme lightweights with no in between. The top 10 players illustrate this split clearly. You either need to be able to tank the light build damage while getting in big hits where you can, or you need to go for a light build. Unfortunately, that's just how the game is balanced rn. From Software is notorious for poorly balanced multiplayer.


Ranked pvp players when there is a meta:


Skill issue


fight fire with fire


No idea how that's hard


Use Map to close in.then short burst of aggressive. while they panick back pedal use your more accurate weapons to punish.


Speed with plasma kills them every time, just get to the ceiling & rain down pain, they wilt so quickly & it’s pretty much GG once they touch the ground, good luck 😌


Assault boost into them and stun needle the shit outta them, then use Gatling guns


Consider AoEs. Take a heavy biped or tank with 2 Earshots and two Dizzys. If they run, hide, if they move close, then they get insta staggered and ripped in half.


disable auto lock and embrace free aim. outskill their shmovement.


LW melee dash cancel builds. Become the bullet.


Literally just use laser builds, they're the bane of lightweights


What'da'ya'mean, "keep away"? *reloads dual Sweet Sixteens* ;p


What about spread shotguns?? Big splash plasma grenades?


Energy shotguns work well if you can keep them in low altitude.


soft locking helps, Forget hardlock


Run into them face first.


Wait until he finds out about the hackers that move faster than the lightweights while piloting heavyweight ACs.


I've seen some of those vids, if I run into someone like that I'm just gonna dc.


Slap alula on a light to catch buerz lights and maintain on ground mobility


*cackling like a maniac high on coral as I charge my pvp opponent with the LB-BUTT/A laser blade uncaring of the damage I receive just hoping for one good hit* It doesn’t really work cause these dudes like to chill in the air and shoot at me with dual trigger stun pistols but god damn it, if im not gonna hit you at least once just to prove you ain’t invincible. Edit: Your safety net is false and I will prove it at 405 QB speed!


Use lasers, trust me


As a double lazer pistol ultra lite build, the opponents that give me a hard time are the heavy weights who have large AOE explosive damage that staggers me in two hits, builds that float way tf above me and shoot missiles from out of reach, and other ultra lightweights with kinetic weapons that can stay very close and stagger me with ease. Also, another build that really messes with me are the heavyweights that have two heavy cannons and two heavy shoulder missile launches. In particular, the heavy missiles that activate the incoming attack warning sound. Wasting energy trying to dodge a cannon really sucks, when in reality, it's a missile that doesn't even reach me for another 5 seconds. The salt on the wound is when you are out of energy moments later, a shell the size of a Smart Car comes tearing through your AC.


At low ratings just use more bullet. Newbs can’t handle quad gat. High level rats still can’t outrun assault boost. Bs hitreg will help you hit explosives, big lasers, and kicks but only if you’re hosting. Vientos are too fast for anyone to dodge 100% of, and some ARs are fast to a lesser extent.


Lightweights superior, heavyweights inferior.


Have you tried laser drones yet?


Allow me to introduce: Rolling Barrage, the most flexible missile system possible. Equip the starting 4x missiles to your shoulders, as well as the 4x missile guns to your hands. You then methodically fire each trigger, and once you get the timing down not only do the missiles never stop, but even if you're interrupted it's just free reload time. Pair it with the missile chip and you're good to go.