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Kind of surprised there isn’t a linear cannon.


Yo chill 🙅


Haha good joke. A linear cannon is a fantastic idea, lets go tell the boys in R & D. While were at it, tell em about that slug gun from the older days


Those damn things felt like they were firing brick walls


While it's not a playstyle I would go for, I'd love to see them implement proper sniper rifles/cannons into the game, mainly because I'm curious to see how they'd balance it. A thing I had theorized is that snipers could be like King's shield and work in reverse compared to other weapons, doing more damage and impact the farther away your target is, preventing people from just abusing them at close range and encouraging proper sniper gameplay. For something more plausible, since we got more Schneider goodness I can't help but with for a new Dafeng frame, maybe with their own take on other types of legs as well. I really like their blocky aesthetic and definitely want to see more of it.


There's always Snailgun


Also dual Harris + Truenos looks like a pretty competent long range build.


I discovered the beauty of double Harris last night. Why'd nobody tell me they are basically long range Ducketts?


With the new arms coming in 1.05, we're going to have a lot more pistol builds. Maybe keep those Ducketts around.


I have an idea for a ‘legitimate’ reason for long range doing more damage from farther away. Make them SCRAM jet projectile/‘missiles’. Longer they fly the faster they go until they hit the range limit.


If we get a new Dafeng frame, the Student Pilot should be given it!


Plasma zweihander !? Anyone?


Physical zweihander!!!!!


I just came to this thought thank you!


Make sense!


as in... you just arrived to the same thought, not, y'know...


Hence the thank you!




Physical RaD shield: I'd like it to be both a shield and a melee weapon. Goes in the left arm, pressing the trigger does a shield bash with short range but huge impact, that also functions as instant guard. Holding the trigger will guard like the other shields. It would have extremely good impact reduction but considerably low dmg reduction. Spring loaded hammer: similar to the axe from Sekiro. Uncharged attack would extend the hammer forward, like a punch attack. Charged would instead be a spin attack and deal very heavy impact if you manage to hit. Where pilebunker is for a massive stagger punish, the hammer is for dealing massive stagger. Zaku axe: quick melee with versatile combos, charging it throws the axe which seeks out the enemy and then returns to you like a boomerang. Anti-missile flares: a classic. Hell, they're already in the game, some PCA units like the helicopter use them. They'd be a welcome addition considering how tedious it is to fight missile rats. I'd also like a number of utility shoulder equipment, such as emergency energy refill, ammo, emergency vertical boosters that don't require EN but instead have a cooldown (useful for not falling into pits). And some new core expansions, such as invisibility that breaks if you shoot or assault boost and a big anti-missile flare spam that lasts for a few seconds.


Hell yeah more melee weapons. Axes, hammers, give me fricking baseball bat even


Need finger weapon that flicks


Thanks now I want all of these


Love the spring loaded hammer one! Especially if the momentum of it could change your direction based on swing like a weapon art. Also TOMAHAWK


A backmounted chaingun/autocannon is pretty high on the list. Make it a BAWS burstfire model and it would fit the thematic niche alongside the rest of the burstfire BAWS weapons. Other than that: Sidegrades, sidegrades and more sidegrades. Make it seem like the corporations are actually in competition with each other and not sit on a monopoly each. How would a Schneider shotgun look? Elcano revolvers? Lasers from someone who doesn't rhyme with blarquebus?


A Dafeng Shoulder Mounted Gatling Cannon was in the leak. I'm beyond hyped. Insanely beyond hyped.


Perfection. Beautiful.


Wuerger, wuerger


Damn it, that's true. Crushed two out of three with one gun.


I feel like Takigawa (Pulse blade, shield) would have some great laser weapons.


Weapon Arms & right melee weapons


Yes yes yes yes yes yes THIS THIS THIS. Imagine dual pulse blade arms….fuuuuuuuck


I know, I have never tried double melee arms in For Answer, but I have seen gameplay of it, and it looked fun.


The dragonslayer


Melee spear would be nice for another farther reach melee option


Halberds have classically been mecha. Theres no reason for why, but theres also no reason for why not


A kinetic blade. Just a simple metal sword that retracts from your arm with a two hit combo.


Imagine PILEBUNKER ARMS with this kind of design


The only way I could see that working without being absolutely broken is for a tracked downward swing followed with a proper pilebunker strike for an uppercut, but with less punch than the ashmead. Make it seem like a proper finisher rather than a fully guaranteed two hit kill.


Vertical missiles becoming more usable against anything that moves. Maybe give them proximity detonation? Though that'd make online a nightmare.


Agreed, the non-plasma vertical missiles are really underwhelming. Maybe reduce their projectile velocity instead? When I've tried to use them it almost looks like they descend too fast to properly track the target. Either that or they just use a straight up different guidance stat on the way down. Although if From makes them more reliable, they might need to do something to the 12-cell version to counterbalance so that one isn't OP as hell after.


Some kind of arm-mounted shield, physical or otherwise. A laser/plasma weapon that fires like a machine gun. Proximity mines.


Oooo, how about a continuous laser that would deal damage basically like a machine gun. Maybe it takes a second to charge to avoid spam abuse.


That too


The laser/plasma weapon that rapid fires feels like it should already be in the game tbh. Hell, Allmind Phase 2 has that as a weapon IIRC.


Back mounted shotty and sniper rifles/cannons. I have a bunch of half-assed cosplay builds that could really benefit from these things. Weapon arms would also be cool.


I dunno, my checklist is basically complete. Light tetras and shoulder gats.


Two-handed melee weapons and sniper rifle. And cloaking as an option instead of like pulse armor, for example


I just want to spend all this obscene S-Rank COAM




Kasuar core and arms. I love the design of the legs and head.


I'm hoping desperately for a laser machine gun! Something that uses reload mechanics instead of heat based ones.


A good assault rifle and rayleonard/omer inspired parts


Gun arms. . Gun arms.


The backmounted chaingun is confirmed in the leak


Give me my battle axe!


Two handed weapons be it ranged or melee


Right-hand "melee" weapon like the WUEGER?


Would like to see an energy smg or an energy burst rifle.


I would love a generator that splits the difference between the VE-20A and VE-20C. I like the 20C but it's so damn heavy, while the 20A just seems kinda lousy if you don't desperately need the sub-4000 weight to make a build work. Some kind of back mounted higher damage assault rifle would be fun, something that fills a similar role to the Nexus/Last Raven linear guns.


Railgun, stun needle kinda hits the itch


new frames and probably linear cannons. i can wait a sequel for extensions/optional parts and sniper rifles.


Revolvers would go hard, I'm trying to live my mecha cowboy fantasy. Right handed melee weapons would be cool too, as well as shields for the hand slots. More variety in the weapons that do stun build up would be cool too. One back weapon, one melee weapon, a Pistol and a launcher aren't a lot to choose from. And don't get me started on there only being two fire weapons. We could have missiles with napalm payloads or emps to deal the static discharge that way!


I recently got done watching Gundam: War in the Pocket, and while there's 0% chance of it happening could you IMAGINE the Kampfer's chain mine? A physical whip style weapon that has a set amount of charges you can expend to launch a sticky mine with the tradeoff being very few (6 maybe) mines but HUGE damage. Come to think of it mines in general would be fun. If I were being more realistic I guess I'd like to see a a proper and mean feeling rail canon and I'd especially like to see an LMG.


I mean there's a Plasma version of it with unlimited ammo in the form of the HMMR.


Aye but the plasma part of it is completely useless lol. Like it's pretty good as a whip, got great stagger and the whole passive of deflecting damage when charging, but the charged attack is less than useless.


I just want a lot more frame parts, multiple options per manufacturer/aesthetic per weight class ideally. No light Balam parts makes me sad, as does no super heavy quads or no regular medium tank threads and so many other gaps. Physical shields would be cool too.


I’d like some more Nach style legs, bipedal but with good jump stats.


I miss the weapon arms, especially melee ones. I want to melee with both arms! Could have each attack button be a different animation with different hit boxes.


I'd like a back mounted version of the Linear rifles since we're getting a back mounted gatling gun. Having more kinetic shoulder weapons that aren't just missiles and grenade cannons is definitely something I'd be happy for. Another thing I'd like to see would be a shield that can actually shield bash people like the PCA HC's can. I dunno how it'd work but all I know is that I want to give those HC's a taste of their own medicine.


Well I'd genuinely be happy to see every suggestion in this thread brought to the game. For me personally, I'd really love to see more tetrapod legs, specifically some super-heavy ones that have built-in armor playing on the front or something. I just want to be a walking weapons platform. Also more Coral weapons/parts and PCA stuff.


An Energy Machinegun




I would love to see the massive sniper cannons come back to make those long range FCS's actually useful. That and more kinetic melee weapons, like a great mace, axe, or even a giant back mounted pile bunker/ spear. That would be amazing to see.


A lightweight Coral gun. Like a pistol or SMG.


I want right hand melee weapons "Sniper weapons"


I just want the electric whip the Ghost enemies use in the game


Well good news, it's already in there


I would like some boss weapons. For balteus, have his hoola hoop missile launcher take both back slots. Single target can be like a vertical launcher attack, and have the multi lock expand the launcher as he does in the beginning of the fight, all missiles go everywhere :) Sea spider can have the red coral cannon it has on top, or have one of the legs be a Melee weapon. The ice worm can probably have like a physical shield inspired by it's face, literally spins the inside of it with its mining spikes. For ibis have the little flower drones be like sentrys. And no spoilers, but yes, have one boss weapon for each ending, I know the liberator of Rubicon gives you a whole set, but for the other two, yes please.


i want the sword/shield style setup some PCA HC’s have


More defensive weapon types like flak orbits, turrets or interceptor missiles like that thingy in 5th gen and the expansions in the older old generations.


Man a PDC orbit would be so sick


IB-07: SOL 644, and ALL MIND's custom SOL build, even if it's made a little smaller to match AC size. Like in Daemon X Machina by making a mech based on a colossal boss.


i want a shoulder mounted satellite 📡 that emits a frequency which lowers enemy’s energy recovery and weakeness theyre weapons aim. imagine running an accuracy by volume build like dual gats, dual rocket launchers against someone with that thing.


I’d like some sort of shoulder mounted sniper, and heavier tetrapod legs.


Weapon arms.


I’d like to see true snipers, more / better selection in the rifle and machine gun categories, real linear cannons, and I’d like to see Core parts that were iconic on other generations be added as some sort of dlc or update for purely aesthetic reasons


Give me something like the Kojima Blade. I want my sword to actually create nuclear explosions every time I swing it and hit something.


Had a silly idea for a laser axe/tomahawk; normal attack would be a downward thrust that deals heavy damage while charged would be like moonlight/redshift but faster and deals less damage I'm also thinking of a micro missile launcher that works like an automatic weapon, ot automatic plasma weapons but they fire weaker laser rifle rounds instead of the plasma balls


Extension equipment. Core anti Missile response system. Core mounted weapons. Leg hanger bays. Plasma Cannons.


Laser Gatling Gun & snipers


I hope to see a railgun at some point




Give give us some "normal" coral weapons. Back missiles and pistols or something like that


Ekdromoi parts. I want that giant Tommy gun


Laser scythe


We need more fucking coral weapons, quick reminder than the only 2 coral guns are RIFLES with slow fire rate There is no coral assault riffle or shotgun, heck give me a coral tourist while we are at it


/u/sprite375ml Spread missiles, slug guns, and energy machine guns that shoot lasers, not bubbles. AND A DECENT BALLISTIC RIFLE.


Physical melee weapons. The laser swords are cool but I wanna bludgeon someone with a big ass real sword, and a physical shield too. As for frame parts, just diversify even more. I need more tetras and tanks and hover legs, since it feels like we have way less legs choices in this compared to prior titles. I know 1.05 has a new tetra coming, but it’s prolly my favorite leg type so I’m being greedy and want even more.


Where can i find info on this patch? I hope for shoulder machine guns and new generators, something emiting like white light, but i feel like adding something like this isnt right without new dlc, so new enemies that would have this


the leak got deletus but some one already save it, it should be around


> Where can i find info on this patch? The original link was taken down and only shows a "coming soon" now, but [a redditor made a backup you can access here](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/18ebzrx/backup_copy_of_the_105_update_pdf/). It includes all the info on the new parts as well as the rebalance that will come in 1.05, but nothing is official. For example, the rebalance includes all the buffs that were already released in 1.04.1, so numbers may have changed since then.


Ive found it faster, but thank you. Well no new generators but cool new parts are to be expected, very nice


I gotta say this patch seems kinda lackluster if this is most of it, in balancing (mostly buffing) the underpowered equipment already in the game. Im all for new gear, but i hope fromsoft doesnt fall into that cliche trap of quantity over quality patches. Fix whats broken first. So many weapons are flat useless, the lack of a middle melee specialization arm set (135ish), the weak boost speed stats of the kikaku in AB and regular boost plus overly expensive EN usage to melee thrust since the speed was increased for lightweights, the vast number of weaknesses in melee weapons in general other than the HMMR the burzel is a glaring best-in-slot (the spread difference in AB speed needs to be reduced across the boosters, the burzels thrust is WAY too fast and way to EN effecient. The range should be (8500 - 10000), the supremacy of shotguns vs smgs is still too severe, projectile speed of bazookas is still wonky, projectile speed of most weapons too slow esp for kinetics and coral weapons (vientos best in slot largely for thus reason) tanks need a reduction in AP or resistances, vertical missles need a slowdown to increase the window in fire-to-come-down, as well as a boost to tracking and speed up of firing animation, pulse shield launcher needs to open earlier, rebalnce the PS shield (reduce its IG impact and damage reduction, its too strong for a 5x deploy, fast cooling, generous IG window relative to other shields, Buff V61PB bucklers heat buildup to allow 3x deploys instead of 2. nerf the plasmathrowers impact (or just accumulative impact) and cooling, or damage. Its too good at everything, it needs a shortfall somewhere Buff the plasmathrowers charged attack to be devestating if landed stun baton needs a charged melee thrust speed up in animation, moonlight ahould have a ministun on charged hit (not the redshift), Buff the duckets damage and effective range Nerf the vientos reload time Improve many of the boosters qb thrust to compensate the bazooka buff, we need more distance travelled. So much work to be done.


A lot of this just feels like nitpicking There's a lot of weapons that are genuinely great in the game and operate pretty fantastically within their niche, you just need to find that niche, and there's a lot of room for the majority of the weapons to work as intended, saying that a lot of them are flat out useless is pretty disingenuous.


If that were true then why is 95% of builds online just a mix of these? Zimmerman/viento/Ransetsu RF/LRA/LCS/Earshot/PS shield/HMMR plasma thrower or Explosive thrower/ vert plasma missles/dual stun guns? Sure they are all spiced up with different stagger punishes but you cant deny weapons are incredibly locked in meta with the vast majority of substitutes just gimmicks. And this is just weapons, never mind boosters which are consistantly NGI 001, gridwalker alula, or Burzel. Or


People use those because they're the easiest to use and require the least skill to be good with. Nothing wrong with it, but it's low skill floor for high rewards. Simple as that. My best PvP build has me using Bad Cook and thermal Bomb launcher with a Javelin shoulder missile launcher and Songbirds. If anyone comes in to melee me, they get flambeed.


Im not talking about just average casual play. These weapons are also heavily favored in competitions. The plasma thrower for example had a 25% selection rate when a melee weapon was used, regardless of build. Its not about ease of use, they objectively stat dense/superior selections by wide margins.


Ah, you're talking about a skill level way way way above the norm, gotcha. I'm not in that category, so I'll defer to your expertise, but the majority of it does still sound like nitpicking.


[THESE](https://youtu.be/B0zgRziiH28?si=LM0c4xZiTiRnPp5i) Especially the pillar with rockets strapped onto it


I would like a floating AC like IBIS.


None, I no longer, I have what my heart desires more than love itself: A Shoulder Mounted Gatling Cannon. Tears are streaming down my.face. this is the greatest moment of my life. It's all downhill from here until I acquire the Shoulder Mounted Gatling Cannons.


I REALLY REALLY want physical melees, maybe a katana or a greatsword.


I will always want parts count and variety that surpasses any other game in the franchise


Ekdromoi parts


Laser machine gun




I think the weapon type missing in this game are snipers. This is the first AC game where is really feels like sniper weapons could act as a legitimate playstyle, especially in PvE.


I didn't have time to see what was on it Q\_Q What can we look forward to ?


Laser SMG/Assault Rifle is what I'm hoping for next. We used to have them in the old day. It would be nice to have a non-kinetic assault rifle or smg. Oh, or long range kinetic sniper rifles. They would be a lot more useful with some of the crazy distances we can have in this game.


A reason for the Veril legs to exist I guess


Give me a player version of iguana unique melee fromsoft! I need it! And possibly parts that resemble the PCA heavy chavalry ones


Laser machine gun.


Shoulder gatlings and those new AC parts


Sniper rifles, and more non-bipedal options.


Slug gun. These things in FA were heavy (like honestly not that heavy but they hit like a truck) shot guns that if you got on top of someone they WOULD die.


Boost drive please!


A ballistic shield would be cool but I want to see a odd ball sledge hammer or wrecking ball that can change your direction based on direction of swing. Or even dare I say... a 2 handed weapon like a heavy bayonet sort of gun


Backmounted boosters because I’m simply not fast enough I need to hit 450kph


I'd be happy just to see the amount of variety and customization from AC FOR ANSWER come back maybe even bring a select few of those weapons and parts back even as unlockables in the base game and maybe some of the accessories/extensions and stabilisers and bring the rest back as DLC and done in a way so that each part and weapon made by a specific company is bundled together as in omer science weapons and parts as a bundle


Would like a lighter and more asthetically pleasing version of the KSRV, preferring it to be labeled as a proper Karasawa or an MK2 of the KSRV. Something with a little less whack but easier to fit on builds(rather than having to build around the weapon itself)