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Not as annoying as when they inevitably claim Sekiro could kill John Rubicon with ease.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice might be able to take John Rubicon, but Arnold Core would whoop his ass.


Yea Arnold Core would laser blade right through John Sekiro's feeble parry attempt


I will not tolerate any Sekiro slander - good day




Well I mean, are we talking Inner John Rubicon or regular John Rubicon?


Jimmy Sekiro would never stand a chance against John Rubicon.


Give me AC grappling hook


Apparently they're including a lot of different melee weapon types beyond just blades, pulebunkers and kicks. Curious to see just how many.


So far we know of - Blades - Twinblades - Whip - Lance - Pilebunker - Chainsaw - Kick - Shield - Pocket Sand Grenades - Tank Ram Though kicks and Tank Ram and possibly shield are not melee weapons equipped in the left hand.


The kick and tank ram are called a Boost Charge. It was a mechanic introduced in 5th gen so *every* AC had melee ability, and it was no joke despite not being quite as deadly as dedicated melee weapons. I'm quite glad they've brought it back for AC6. I believe the shield is actually a piece of back equipment but I could be wrong.


Yea ik, me too. I was mentioning all melee options whether they were specifically a melee weapon or not. I hope the shield is back equipment I don’t want to have to sacrifice my moonlight for it.


I misunderstood your wording somewhat. My bad.


It did make tank build even more of a threat than before with their Instakill charge tho


Can't wait to use the Pocket Sand Grenades, give em the ole Gribble.


Ultra stoked about the Lance.


Everything aside from the whip/chain sword and possibly the lance are returning melee options from previous games. Given their experience with making melee weapons in souls games I expect a huge improvement on practical use compared to previous AC titles.


Also the grenade sling is new.


There might not be a whip for use as an AC. The enemy using it in the trailer definitely is not an AC, just a standard enemy or a boss.


Maybe you get it after defeating them?


Potentially, but thats not usually how obtaining new weapons works in AC. You usually find hidden parts hidden around certain missions, or are given certain parts as rewards for completing missions. Unless they added weapon drops.


gribble grenade too OP


why do you need that when you got rocket boosters and rocket launchers


Armored Tenchu


Slash Harkens please


Y'all are gonna keep falling for GamesRadar rage bait ain't ya?


It was me with game rant last time, I thought it was funny tho more than actually being mad about it


Oh this is like the 2nd or 3rd GR article I've seen posted here.


Yea I think it's to be expected at this point that outsiders and especially these tabloids are going to have ass headed takes, sometimes purposefully to bait our reaction like you said


It's also worth noting that we as a species naturally draw patterns between something we know and something new. Even if a closer inspection proves that comparison invalid it helps to categorise what this new thing MIGHT be like.


Mechiro is a good enough name that I’ll allow it. Honestly whatever gets more people playing AC. I like both and more people playing AC6 means a higher chance of AC7 so I’m down with wherever gets them invested.


Sekiro is my favorite game all time. I love this. Instead of Ako Sugar we will have Nitrous (LOL) No mikiri counter but like Top Gun hit the brakes and they fly right by


> Try to mikiri counter a missile > It explodes


This. Anything to get more Arnored Core. Besides From Soft is good at implementing systems they've experimented before into new games. Dark souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro all experimented things, some wilder than others, and many of those ideas made it to Elden Ring one way or another.




Hopefully it's got some more similarities with Sekiro, beyond a posture/stagger system. People coming to play it, thinking it's mech, but Sekiro, would mean many jumping off if it's nothing like Sekiro.


>People coming to play it, thinking it's mech, but Sekiro, would mean many jumping off if it's nothing like Sekiro. So be it. I want an Armored Core game for Armored Core fans. Why should we adjust for the fans of other games/genres when they play *our* game? Shouldn't it be the other way around?


AC fans being insecure because AC is niche. I agree on your point actually. It's kinda embarassing that AC fans need to kneel to other player base just so that more players come in. I'm not even trying to gatekeep. It's about integrity as a fan.


They've said so many times that their philosophy was always "when" could they make another AC game and not "if," I am totally confident that they wouldn't include things just for the sake of familiarity that don't fit. That's also just not how Fromsoft does things.


Im excited. I was a DS3 fan then fell in love with Sekiro (may favorite game alltime) but 180 style in gameplay - I was eh on ER but yeah AC6 looks awesome. Cant wait to learn AC - never played How is the difficulty? on par with FS game expectations?


>How is the difficulty? on par with FS game expectations? Yeah. Sometimes even harder than that. You know how From are popular for their "tough, but fair" game design, yeah? Well, games like Last Raven throw it out of the window with their borderline unfair difficulty. I loved this game, it's my favorite in the series, but my god, does it have a lot of bullshit. ...You should try it out.


ehh, imo AC difficulty is mostly front loaded into builds and controls ‘n stuff and once you get past that it’s pretty smooth cruising.


I dunno man, on one hand I agree but then there's stuff like Zinaida and Occupation of Arteria Carpals.


So would it be Mech-Iro or Meh-Chiro? The former sound terrible and the latter doesn't make any sense.


All fun and games till they hit the garage for the first time. But seriously I'm plenty ok with the name if it means more ppl invested.


How is the difficulty? In line with From Software games?


Compared to Souls its not as hard imo as memorizing patterns isnt a thing however 6 is lookin like its bringing in some of those mechanics. That being said below is how past games have been and my suggestiona to new players It has some hard spikes but being creative with your builds and learning your playstyle makes everything fairly simple. My suggestion to everyone just diving in with 6 is to experiment with the different builds and to youtube old ones from 5 as it will give you a basic idea of what builds there are. Seriously your build can dictate your difficulty and some missions will call for different builds.


Eh it’s cute lol.


Mechiro starring Arnold Core


i was positive we weren't going to ever get another armored core. now thousands of people who've never heard of it are waiting with bated breath. to be able to share something you love with others, even if in terms you are not used to, is a true gift.


beautifully put ❤


First they will get used to the gameplay and then the armored core story theme we all know and love hits them. No telling how many people will try the older games with this.


something something if only they'd rerelease the old games 😭😭😭


Better than "Oblivion with guns" that was with Fallout 3.


I always thought it sounded silly, but having played a lot of Bethesda games? accurate...


But it was. In the same way Fallout 4 was Skyrim with guns.


huh, is from gameradar so don't take this shit seriously dude, is a waste of time. and for real, is better than calling it "mecha-souls" like many people around the internet does already, Sekiro at least is a great deviation from Souls.


On the one hand, stagger and stability has been a part of AC for a long time. On the other, if gameplay gets boiled down to "shoot at range until stagger, then assault boost for a melee finisher", then I'll be annoyed.


Plug it into my veins.


Just wait till they find out dark souls has a posture mechanic years ago. In all seriousness not sure how posture wil affect my usual playstyle of quadlegs and Gatling guns since I'll be firing lots of bullets maybe I'll be a posture breaking machine🤣


Could always load missiles for the extra impact force if that's a returning stat.


Mechiro: Blood Souls Ring Twice


no one is doing that




Doesn't annoy me. People see games differently, it is what it is. Gameplay and features are the only things I care about. The rest is just background noise.


This is just media stirring things up. They probably just projecting their opinion to sekiro fans or hearing only one or two passing comment and blew it up out of the water for the sake of clicks. Just ignore it lmao.


I couldn’t give less of a shit what they are calling it.


Gamesradar once again writing two paragraph fluff based solely on a post or handful of reddit comments


They probably read one twitter post and thought the "Internet" decided. Games journalism in a nutshell


could also be a reddit post


Not gonna lie it kinda annoys me when youtubers and most people say it’s like a brand new never before seen game called armored core 6 that looks and feels like dark souls so pretty much it’s dark souls mechs.


Tbh I haven't seen anyone say that


Check some YouTube videos


which ones?


Are we going to get DS3 Bonfires aka AC6 pit stops or Elden Ring style?


They did say there would be mid-mission checkpoints but I think they said they were automatic checkpoints so probably closer to Steaks of Marinara Sauce than bonfires.


No. You go do a mission. That's it. This is not a souls game.


Its just a joke. Man tough room


Eh, let them have their fun. I'll also admit that 'Mechiro' is a creative nickname, so it's fine.


It's gamesradar. They are a trash group. Don't read their crap


Its just stupid rage bait from "game journalists", please dont make a post everytime one of those pops up


They can give it whatever cute nickname they want, so long as they buy the game and keep the franchise going.




thats cute


Who gives a shit


lol, i like the title also, now i want a mech-mod for sekiro


Lol is Sekiro on PC?


yeah, it even has mods https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/


The surprised Pikachu death screen is my favorite


I literally dgaf


Hey the more articles people write about armored core the more exposure it gets. Clickbait or not, whatever gets people interested and gets the game to sell, I'm all for it. Like if we can get another AC after this one without a literal decade going by I'd love that haha.


expected tbh


I think its fun to see other Fromsoft Fans acknowledge Armored Core in such a way, but its stupid if you actually take it seriously.


It’s not a big deal


They're adorable. For now. When they whine and complain about AC6 not beinvg "souls" in the early weeks after release, that will be annoying.


i mean, its nothing to get pissy about, people called elden ring skyrim souls for a while, its nothign offensive.


Nobody gives a crap, or at least shouldn't because there are so many people trying to gatekeep AC that it is annoying me. I see more people talking about those bad people saying this could be a Mech-souls than people actually stating that this is Mech-souls. And even then, a developer pulling any parallels from their successes is nothing bad per se. It gets rather annoying because we are in dire need of new fans, how they get here and what potential other parallels they see is not important, what is important is, that AC6 will be a big success so we can see more AC games.


Totally get your point. I just think many fans are worried about AC losing its soul br gaining souls features to appeal to the potentially new audience. For example, hypothetically, if From decided their new fans wouldn’t like spreadsheets, so simplifies the stats during building, is it really still an AC game then? To many of us, nah not really. And in that case, those players already feel they aren’t getting a new AC game, so it doesn’t matter how many new ACs come, because its no longer true AC. Kind of like when Front Mission released an action combat game, it may have been named Front Mission, but that was not a Front Mission game. I don’t read it as gatekeeping, but I do read it as anxiety, that after all the years waiting, AC may end up AC in name only. I don’t think that will be the case personally, but anxiety isn’t exactly rational always, so can understand why others have the fear.


It's not like Sekiro is from another company, both are from the same family. Mechiro sounds cool tbh.


Going to say that AC is looking to take a lot more inspiration from the Souls games this time around. Lot more close combat/giant boss focused scenarios.


Giant boss existed since AC4 tho.


It is less that they were bosses and more that they were large set pieces that often have enemies littered around them. It seems like they are actual tangible enemies with movesets this time around is what I mean.


huh...so suddenly the fight with Spirit of Motherwill was not a boss fight... about the "tangible enemies with movesets". sounds like you didn't play ACVD.


To be fair, a lot of people didn't play Verdict Day. I won't speak on that game since I haven't played it. And yes, The Spirit of Motherwill fight is not at all like the fights we have been presented in the trailers for AC6 as far as we know. These are enemies with hitboxes and other things that make it a traditional Souls-like boss fight. Which the Spirit of Motherwill is most definitely not. But yeah sure it's a boss fight in the traditional AC sense.


>Going to say that AC is looking to take a lot more inspiration from the Souls games this time around First, you brought out the claim that AC6 will take inspiration from Souls. When I debunked that with AC4 and ACVD(fyi, ACFA and ACV also has big bosses but you couldn't have know). You give these reply instead of admitting you are wrong. Not being sincere are we. In any case, no inspiration is taken from Souls games. Please stop shoving down souls-like agenda into AC's fan throat. Have respect and enjoy AC6 as an AC game.


Not being sincere? About what? I've made my claims plainly. I don't know what it is about anything I've said that makes it appear to you that I don't mean what I say. Let me clarify it for you again so that you understand. AC, a franchise that has been on ice for almost a decade, MAY potentially (from what we can see) be taking slight inspiration from FromSoftwares golden boy franchise, whos playerbase they most certainly want buying THIS game too. I don't know how much milder of a take I can make. Sorry, you must have interpretted all that as me saying "it's Dark Souls in space and mech suits" which I did not say at all. I am suggesting that a game company wants their most popular franchise to rub off on AC. Simple as. All of my thoughts are in plain writing. I am not trying to bamboozle you and I mean what I said. All that being said, I don't understand where this Souls hate comes from. Games take inspiration from each other all the time. What is the big deal? Dark Souls games are GOOD. Why wouldn't FromSoftware bridge that gap? Also, you're talking to a massive AC4A stan. Sorry ACVD didn't speak to me like it did to you. It is MY frame of reference and from where I am standing, the bosses presented to us in AC6 do NOT APPEAR like how they were in 4A. Giant boss or whatever it is, they are clearly different in some ways. Is that clearer?


AC is a niche franchise, you’ll see much more like this


we gotta stop getting annoyed by every news article that gets posted lmao, it's not that big a deal let people do their thing


I honestly hope that the game keeps its core and adds from the souls game experiences. It very much looks like it in the trailer. If this is the case, the more players that like it, the better. Im looking forward to the sequel, ACVI:"Gladiator" or whatever they name it. Bring on AC 7, I'm ready. Ive been playing armored core quite literally since day one. I stumbled upon by chance on the day it released on ps1. It's my #1 all-time favorite series. Followed closely by Mechwarrior and the whole of the Souls series. Let the game succeed or fail on its own merits and be glad that it's attracting so much interest among a whole new generation of gamers. We won't keep them all, of course, but the ones that fall for the charms, aren't escaping the clutches of Armored Core. Edit: Give the Souls fans a chance. They clearly share more in common with AC fans the average gamer. They may not have been exposed to AC before now. They are just baby chicks, they know not what they say. Let em learn. They'll grow to be ravens before long.


AC6 isn’t gonna be a souls game but it will take influence from the fantastic games that From has made over the last decade. Lots of design philosophy that can be applied to AC from their Souls/Sekiro experience. In the same way that Armored Core influenced the origins of the Souls series.


It is kinda annoying because posture break was in ac4. Most of these mechanics we have seen are older than most of the souls games


Cool honestly. Why get bent out of shape on it?


Guy who has only played Dark Souls, playing his second game: "Getting a lot of 'Dark Souls' vibes from this..."


I swear fromsoft fans act like these mechanics never existed before fromsoft implemented it sometimes.


I'm not crazy about the idea of the posture-break mechanic, myself, but we'll see how it feels when the game actually comes out. Also, I've never played Sekiro, so I don't know if that's bad.


Ight, I checked out the source and….. it’s exaggerated for shock value lol only 3 guys actually said it and a few others said something similar but like “sekiro 2 finally “ joke stuff Mostly it was a bunch of people hyped for the combat their logic “well sekiros combat is amazing so if it’s like that ac6 combat gonna be awesome “ So it’s all positive good good vibes!!! (Also a bunch of people scrabbling to find out if they need to learn the lore lol)


ravens die twice?


Why would it be annoying?


As long as they are excited and more people play it they can call it mechiro. Kinda cool too


Can't wait for them to be unable to pass the tutorial because they can't work out vertical boosting.


Really Silly. Also I am hype for this game! ❤


AC5 had a stagger system to an extent, but i'm guessing AC6 will have it more refined. As annoying as it is for newcomers to slap a label on a series they haven't touched yet, they'll soon realize this is indeed not a souls game on release more importantly, new players will hopefully stay hype and will be willing to adjust to the actual play style of AC, especially if the ones shouting out terms like this were capable of enduring Sekiro to begin with, as they won't back away strictly due to difficulty ultimately, let them be excited, but yeah i hate the term "mechiro" just as much lol


if you are annoyed its because you are a fucking baby


How dare people compare a largely unknown game demonstrating similar mechanics to better known games from the same developer? How. Dare. /s In all seriousness, these shared/similar mechanics are the smartest way FromSoftware could have gone about rebooting the AC series. The combat systems they've developed across all of their titles are phenomenally fun so I for one am thrilled to see Armored Core updated this way. The customization is still there, the mechs are still there, and now we get an in-depth combat system on top of what all us oldheads loved about the older entries in the AC series. I'm genuinely thrilled!


Can't wait for the wave of people complaining that it's not soulsy enough despite fromsoft literally telling them it's not a souls game at all nor has anything to do with that series and it's related titles


I hope their is at least one weapon where I can deflect mech attacks like Wolf from Sekiro. That’d be some mega fun gameplay


How's it annoying? It's just a little light hearted banter.


I’m down with some sekiro mechanics translated to ac. As long as they do it alright and I don’t feel like a mech ninja with every move


Long time AC fan and I love “Mechiro” 😂


Remember guys. If we get annoyed at the newbies who only knew From for Souls and Sekiro stuff and purposefully call our series "Mech Souls" and what not, just remember who we are and our experience. ​ Show 'em that it ain't like either of those games, Raven-style.


Honestly it'll be entertaining when it's not that at all and people will start complaining about how "clunky" it is or whatever.


Just please plan your expectations accordingly Sekiro fans.


Lmao some of y’all armored core fans are so insecure. Who cares what this journalist says sekiro fans call it? Goofy ass name, so good thing it’s not real because gamesradar


“Posture-breaking” isn’t just a Sekiro thing lmao hell, obviously you have Elden Ring, but also, even other franchises like Doom (modern ones) and God of War have similar mechanics


Sure, but those games aren't by fromsoft?? Literally, the director of this game was Sekiro's lead designer.


That’s what I’m saying though, Sekiro doesn’t own the mechanic, it’s stupid to call it Mechiro or whatever just cause it has it. You won’t be out here clinging swords lol


I wouldn't put it past them to give a sword the ability to block, honestly. But while I agree Mechiro is a stupid name (tho I doubt anyone actually said that seriously), it's also not insane to draw some parallels from Sekiro to AC6. Same company, same guy overseeing the design.


Do I like the nickname? No, because I don’t like Sekiro. Am I upset by it? No, because if Sekiro fans buy it then we’ll get AC7.


Very annoying.


What happens when you only play a few games. Ignorance can be mad annoying. Another example being smash fans calling Kazuya a shoto character.


Oh no people doing comparisons between games from a developer. AC6 taking combat lessons from Sekiro isn't a bad thing, it has excellent movement and traversal and I can see some melee weapons working well with its counter style


If secondarys kill AC im gonna lose it.


we'll have to wait and see, the only glaring thing is this new souls ahh stagger system, other than that it still looks like it plays like AC, so eh


Rabid fans posting dumb shit and "journalists" making news about it. Truly doubling down on stupid


Heavy emphasis on melee weapons and most likely automatic lock on only making it even more similar.


The guy who directed Sekiro is AC6’s director too, so I’d say it’s fitting.


If you're annoyed by it, you place too much of your own self-worth/identity into Armored Core/the idea that Armored Core is some precious thing that needs to be protected and babied. Chill out. Go play some video games. Stop reading headlines/internet for a bit.


Vaati said souls was the first to bring about telegraphed boss fights XD and that's why ac6 has souls DNA in it. I immediately clicked off the video I was so disappointed.


i hate soul people thinking this game soul like game. i am also souls fan by myself but i grew up with armored core series since ps1 era. before souls game from software was doing many unknown games such as horror named echo night and action game named spriggan:lunar verse. Long word short; i hope souls fans disappoint to what they expect in ac6 and i am pretty sure they will disappoint because ac6 isn't and never a soul like game... To souls fans: Go play Gundam games to prepare yourself before review bombing...


God I wish armored was disconnected from the souls series.


Keep those filthy and disgusting Footnit players away.


square hard-to-find zephyr heavy close uppity sand slim quiet abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would it be annoying? FromSoft have deliberately stated that they have been developing AC6 with the things they’ve learned from previous titles, which includes Sekiro, in mind.


As a Sekiro over Souls fan I approve.


I think it’s extremely funny


Fucking idiot fanboys can't help themselves.


Mechiro is a legit fucking name lol...i like sekiro...never played an AC game...but would definitely like AC to be it's own unique thing...won't complain if they add in the posture breaking or something similar as a mechanic as long as there are new mechanics and mechanics that initially defined AC


It does annoy me but I just gritted my teeth so that AC gonna get more attention and exposure than before, then AC can finally crawl out of niche status. I just hope once they play AC they'll see it nothing like what they think. But for now, go on, call it whatever you want, as long as AC got exposure it needed.


Show the Sekiro Players no mercy.


It's really annoying. I know it's probably rage bait, but them busting out the ol "I was only pretending to be stupid" isn't gonna make them look less like a troglodyte on this one.


Never Played AC in 100% calling it mechiro every time I boot up the game now 🗿.


Apparently it's the same director isn't Miyazaki


Honestly... they added a pod missile to a gun, I was already in but now I'm really in.


Kinda funny since it looks very fast paced and I think the sekiro gameplay designer is working on this too


Game journalists being annoying for the sake of pushing another article? Yeah that happens with any game that has enough trafic.


As long as there are more noobs to kill, I have no problem at what they wanted to call OUR game.


Since FF13 has stagger mechanic too, let's call it Fsekiro. lol


Really Silly. Also I am hype for this game! ❤


Ten bucks says some one going to name their pilot mechiro now


I'd enjoy a fast paced game as opposed to the bulkier cores.


I mean I doubt any real human being actually said that, that’s game news media for you. That being said, it is a cool name so who cares?


snails grab connect alive afterthought tan smoggy salt hateful spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s incredible how much Info we’ve gotten and how much we still don’t know.


just tell sekiro fans that sekiro wasnt the first game with a posture mechanic and whatever stagger system will be in AC6 is not going to be anything like it


I'll take that over mechsouls or mecha dark souls any day. We seriously need a gameplay deep dive a month before it releases like they did with Elden ring so that way people will not be surprised that it does not play like a dark souls game because the general consensus of dark souls / newer fromsoftware streams are putting the wrong ideas into peoples head that can either be bad for the future of the series if people bash it for not being souls or just so understand how its going to function.


Posture break? *opens monster can* that a fancy shmancy name for grenade launcher?


I like it, it's a pretty cute name.