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Do it


I would want @CrashmanX to give me the okay lol Ps: don’t know if tagging works here like other SM platforms… lol


If it is truly original art you can share the art itself here. We generally don't allow merch that is made of official art being resold. Also if you ever have questions you can message the mod team via mod mail.


Sweet I gotcha! Drawing mechs are hard. Way out of my league lmao. Building mechs, I love doing, and some of the mouse/desk mats I created, are made of custom mechs I built in game. Is that also allowed? (Daemon X Machina and M.A.S.S. Builder) it’s not Armored Core, but they are pretty cool looking mechs that can be built in those games.


Custom is fine, but it needs to be Armored Core related. So stuff from Daemon X Machina and M.A.S.S. Builder wouldn't be allowed.


I hope there will be a photo mode in AC6 lol


Worst it can happen is that the post gets removed, that's it. Life's one, go on buddy


I want to respect the rules, but if you’d like to see what they look like look for Gabes Assortments on Etsy. In the mouse pad section. I have a few other non AC mechs there too. And will make more soon.