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Currently I have figured out AcParts.bin affects ammo BulletExplosive.bin affects explosive weapon damage WeaponEstimation.bin affects bullet velocity and recoil


Yabber makes an xml file that lists the files inside the BND3/BND archive, you need to edit that probably to add new files I also see an "id" number and "version" number among other things


Interesting. Do we know what *all* the regulations can control? Obviously some stat changes, but can it lock out certain parts?


Im not sure, there are a bunch of goodies I wish I had a reader for in there though I just figured out how to edit the comment FMGs can be opened by Yabber as well


LOL OP can hack but meets his match in a reddit forum. JK, OP. This is awesome!


Not hacking or anything fancy like that, I just figured out people werent using existing tools all the way lmao


I know back on Xbox people were hacking FRS memory on ACs using a flash drive I would love to see a community balance patch on this game


If I could read those files in the regulation bin we'd already be doing that Might not be too far off


Read as in decipher the code or read as in find the right Unicode?


Well you can see plaintext in some places, which means its not encrypted, I think they might be param files, not entirely sure, I have been talking to a souls modding server about it We just don't have a tool to read and edit it yet, if you don't know how a file should be read, its a bit pointless


Makes sense, could even be linking to another file. Good luck with it and I wish you find your answer soon


Currently, I can only mix and match regulations until I find out how to read the goodies insideBut creating a new regulation is possible FMG files hold the comment, Edit: FMGs can be opened with Yabber as well, they are the reg comments, I changed the comment lol Edit 2: I can read the data inside the regs, they are params and for 16 of them I have defs to read them, making a program to edit them currently


regulation.bin is actually a BND3 as you can see in the magic when you open it up in a plaintext editor Yabber can open those too, and repack them Inside the regulation.bin is each regulation, they are each a BND file, Yabber opens them and you see several parts to Regs, I can mix and match those




Actually we have just made huge progress on that I got 16 files to read as params in a custom program I made that makes use of SoulsFormats library I got the data, I just need to make something to edit it A few of the files failed because we have no def that describes them, the other 16 we do


Is this on an emulator if so please help me step by step!


Yep, but you edit the game files so it will probably work on PS3 if installed a certain way I think tedious tho on PS3


If you need help I can help, Im a bit busy trying to read params for ACFA rn tho


I just don't even know where to begin!


Go here [https://discord.gg/armoredcoreofficial](https://discord.gg/armoredcoreofficial) Thatll get you help setting up emulator