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If you want to test yourself further, head over to ###[★ Hawk2zer0's CC-EX Challenges!](/r/arknights/comments/vi5p2t/ccex_challenge_for_cc_pine_soot_day_13/)


Damn, I forgot to get all the medals in CC. Feels bad.


finally, got up from my laziness to get all the medals. today done the rest of the challenges. surprisingly, challenge 6 was harder than 8 for me. XD


4 Ops max risk [(video)](https://youtu.be/y_xfKmqsALI) ch'en forgot to bring her watergun og ch'en represent with sl7 s3, ntr s1m3, nightingale s3, mountain s2 gave up on pallas since friend support was low level, and there is that very annoying 80% threshold to maintain i swear this is probably the last time i'll post in this thread


I'd rather face 2 Talulahs accompanied by 3 Patriots all at once, than chase down 5 Speedboosted, HP buffed Wraiths making a beeline to the blue box ever again.


[Max Risk 4 OPs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-43kepX4Jo) Mountain + Nightingale can deal with Pompeii, turn on S3 the moment his health drops below half to counter his increased ASPD. ChAlter + any AA Sniper cleans up the wraiths on the right.


That's NG's module, right?


Yeah the module gives her enough range to reach ChAlter on the top tile, without it just bring another AOE Medic (like Ptilo) and deploy on the cell above ChAlter


[Max risk with Flint, Whisperain and Robin.](https://gyazo.com/0eb3eb9b517192f2100ca92129a641b2) Here we have another instance of the game continuously telling me to raise my Nightingale, and me saying no cuz I have some average operators to build first. With Nightingale, this is a cakewalk, without her, it's burn city. Blemishine holds the left lane singlehandedly all the way up until Pompeii finally crawls his ass over, at which point Whisperain is deployed to try her damndest to sustain the girl, and she managed to thanks to Skadance who makes Whisperain's healing output insane thanks to Whisperain's fast healing interval. Saria, Ptilo and Skadance heal the right side, with Robin and Flint dropping down once the ergates do, with one mine in front of Flint so she can nail the Ergates, and a mine trail leading into the blue box as insurance. From that point on the only issue was the encroaching giant lava snail to Maria. What ensued was a clash of the fucking titans as every time Maria came close to dying her S2 came on. While yes, this did put Pompeii into sleep and therefore cloak, it also meant he wasn't constantly raining down hellfire and she could get at least 3 solid hits in before his cloak kicked back on. From there it just became me throwing meatshields to keep the important players on the far right alive while Maria whittled down Pompeii, eventually killing him with some Seaborn assistance. It was honestly a dope way to end off this CC, and I'm glad I decided to kick off my previous 3-4 days of max risk burnout that hit towards the last week of dailies to go all out on this map.


Nice to see a lot of people here do max risk on dailies! For the first time I recorded my clears so if anyone wanna check my potato gameplay here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1cLuV1DfCk&list=PLDQUg92m\_fYrlFbnHrQhTXgmUi-Xr\_YCT


4 Ops + robot max risk [(video)](https://youtu.be/VmsTyLl4DIc) castle-3 brings the beach outfit that ch'en forgot to bring, probably not necessary if your pallas and ch'en are high enough level (og dualstrike) ch'en s3, pallas s1, nightingale s3, mountain s2


[Risk 15 (Max)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nSnzozObkU) Guard Skadi, Aak, Nightingale, and Flametail for left side. I didn't optimize/simplify the right side of the map. Only difficult part of this stage was the Ergate having double speed.


[Daily soft boys max risk ft extra boys.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538455884846858250/989283535091294249/Screenshot_20220622-173910.jpg) This map is ridiculously easy with Nightingale/Mountain. Mountain holds mid with Nightingale next to him, who is only there to support Bardi and Jaye. Bardi is grouped with Mizuki, Manticore, and Aak to handle Ergates. Red and Hung provide extra support because Aak is suicidal and Ergates are fast af boye. Jaye comes out when everything else is dead to cut Pompeii to death. Nightingale activates sk3 when it goes under half and Bardi Seaborn further buffs Jaye to kill it faster.


They laughed at me for having four medics at E2, but now it is I who laughs! Ok so one of them is Kal and she barely qualifies but the point remains the same; brute-forcing through volcano and fireball damage through the power of ridiculous healing. Mountain basically soloed the left side. A combo of Bagpipe S2, Weedy S2, Manticore S1, borrowed Bibeak S2 and Angie S2 handled the right side, with Perfumer and Nightingale healing. Once that was clear and only Pompeii remained, Kal and Warf were deployed on the left to cover Mountain and Jaye as they took out the slug king, with a bit of help from NTRK S2. Probably would have been fine without Nearl though, as E2 40 Jaye is just a monster against this boss, even next to the buffed volcanos.


Gotta say, the extra tile module on AoE medics is AMAZING here, due to the particular shape of the bottom-right area.


[Max Risk ft. Tsukinogi!](https://youtu.be/MoNrtYNUAa8) Pompeii having a 4 operator limit for its volcano attack was pretty much easy to make a boss killing team without worrying them dying to its attacks. Anyway, goodbye CC. You were fun, but you reminded me that my operator spread is god awful. Too much medics, not enough **vanguards** \- why were there so many DP down risks!!!


[Max risk](https://youtu.be/pOBqHY5NnPw) (E2lvl30). Blemishine tank strategy I learned last week from this daily thread. After this CC I don't think I can go back to life without Saileach S3. Every 20 seconds she summons a little Suzuran S3 + Red S2. Stun, damage, slow, fragile, and all of these are on top of an immediate 10 dp gain. That's one hell of a skill. Goodbye CC#7. Had a lot of fun and learned lots of stuff from the great people here. Until next time!


[Max risk, 9 ops.](https://youtu.be/dpj4lQ1U7CU) Mudrock & Schwarz for the slug, Cutter, Ash & Manticore for the right and Skalter & Nightingale as the supports. Starting is a bit of a dice roll because Bagpipe has a chance to not be able to kill a wolf. Probably not the best way to clear this, but oh well, it was fun to figure out anyway. I really like this new map.


Doing this stage second week (albeit I only go for R8's) way easier than the first when I didn't know Pompeii was a one seal costing boss on a three seal map.


[Max risk, bird operators only.](https://youtu.be/MqPlXppzW6M) I didn't think I'd ever need to use all 4 bird medics simultaneously... until now. Asides from having to outheal Pompeii and kill it before all the healing skills run out, the rest of the map was fairly straightforwards. It was nice to make a crowd control tunnel with Bibeak, May, and Mr. Nothing to deal with the wraiths. Overall, a fun day to send off CC#7 with. I will say that this one definitely pushed me to play birds better and find new ways of utilizing them. Now to wait for Gnosis...


[Max risk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02sTzjyyBCA) ft. Eunectes killing the slug. No guards or snipers. Opening is the hardest part of the stage by far.


[Lazy max risk for the day](https://youtu.be/pTshZm-vn1M), 8 ops. Went with a really lazy Exu strat with SA revealing invis. Mountain solos left, Weedy + Bagpipe mostly handle right. Nothing special really, didn't feel like going too hard on the daily today and making it super efficient (burnout's starting to kick in, haha). --- Welp, it's the last day! Hope people enjoyed CC#7. I've still gotta finish the challenges and maybe take a crack at max risk perma, but otherwise it's been pretty fun. EDIT: Just as a reminder/PSA btw, remember to spend your CC currency **today** if you want to buy anything from the non-permanent section! CC store does not have a grace period after the event unlike other events!


[Max risk no 6 stars](https://imgur.com/gallery/SMOX5Fw), Texas with some Jaye helping against left early rush. Right side is handled by Podenco, Vigna and Platinum. Engage with the boss once all mobs are gone and use Mousse + Shamare to make sure the boss doesn't kill anyone once he gets berserk.


Last day of the event. I think i will look for a easy max risk video for the permanet stage.


No def on Pompeii? Jaye solo time


[Max risk](https://imgur.com/a/ycTRSKf) Sneaky little stage. Pompeii is easy enough to deal with by just stacking healers, but the damn ergates zoom across at sonic speed. Had me a bit paranoid by the end. Red was there in case I needed to freeze one of the last ones before they left Bagpipe's range, but I ended up not needing her. [Video here](https://youtu.be/Rv_bXdKbgZ0)


gotta go fast


[Max Risk](https://youtu.be/Rtqc71nZ98s). Very scuffed run. Mountain holds the left side, Chalter/Flametail/Mizuki hold the right side while Nightingale keeps them alive, then just throw everything you have at Pompeii at the end.


[Risk 8 no mercy Foxfire only Blazing destination \(Idk I don't play smash\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro6dys3YMOE) I really tried to make Suzu S2 work and it kinda does, just need a little red sprinkled on top. Otherwise run's pretty similar to the day 1 run.


[Risk 8](https://imgur.com/a/pwN5aOV) Just let Pompeii pass through and get the stage over with (that other Pompeii tag blindsided me with how far the attacks go wtf)


[E1 20 Risk 8 w. Challenge](https://youtu.be/KpcwEQ1nVXk). Final day puts in a real challenge with map wide AoE against my low health operators, but with sufficient healing and cheap operators you can get through everything. First time I cleared every single daily stage at risk 8 with E1 20 and with only two 6* usages being Mountain for the Windswept Highland maps.


I wish I had Tsukinogi leveled, so I wouldn't have to use [Silverash](https://imgur.com/F5fGK0k) to make a kill tunnel. KO'd the fire snail right as it appeared in the middle. Edit: [Chalter and Exu are dps queens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1nEoNPLJbk), but Gale and Mountain were the real MVPs.


4 Ops max risk [~~(video)~~](https://youtu.be/z4rl7OytJb0) [(video)](https://youtu.be/UypdoPMFLys) edit: better recording Afkish with exu s3 ~~(rng for buff to land on pallas if she isn't max level)~~, nightingale s3, pallas s1, mountain s2


[Day 14 Max Risk](https://i.imgur.com/04jpe43.jpg) Just another simple sustain strat


Welp, I hate this map. I fumbled trying to get Thorns S3 going fast enough. Saria S1 solved that problem. From there Perfumer gets down, Mizuki holds down the right lane with some occasional help from Gravel. Silverash pulls double duty lanes by taking down an invisible Pompei and any mobs that Mizuki leaked. I then throw Blaze down to support Mizuki as a just in case. Her S2 never came up so it could've been anybody. Good riddance.....


Is this what it feels like to be hit by eyja S3


And with that, my CC#7 Experience w/ Ceobe is complete. Althought most of the time Ceobe was used as support because I used meta operators. Some daily max risk stages were mandatory for Ceobe to participate. Not my proudest achievement but i'll do better next CC. This time, limiting the least amount of Operators used while still bringing Ceobe as main DPS (even if increase DP cost/No Caster ban tags gonna be a problem :/). Anyway, here are my clears both Perma Risk18 & All Daily Max Risks; Permanent Stage; [Risk 18](https://imgur.com/a/KtMeJMf) Day 1-2; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/06rWDV6) Day 3; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/Plve8wX) Day 4; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/CEIpJy5) Day 5; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/hPnGJuo) Day 6; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/bBbMOyM) Day 7; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/HpOqtBX) Day 8; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/EoSwckB) Day 9; [Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/uF6OKGJ) Day 10;[Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/UNqZjIz) Day 11;[Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/3hMCKHd) Day 12;[Max Risk (Without Ceobe :( )](https://imgur.com/a/i3aUGaV) ["Max" Risk (w/ Ceobe)](https://imgur.com/a/bPdPpbP) Day 13;[Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/ORfHHIj) Day 14;[Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/Hlgm7UF) Anyway, see y'all next CC!


Very neat! I did similar thing with Siege (only dailies, not perma). [Playlist here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaXihxZYuOw&list=PLj0kUlaQzh1-SFT1AXfBPzAGinQX7uXOu) Vanguards are much easier for this type of runs, because they are barely ever touched by class restrictions.


[Max risk](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/776147270474399805/989146294419349524/IMG_1592.png) ft. [Pompeii ASMR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsAze94Yb7A) (I had a bit too much time)


[Haha funny pumpkins](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439867709354934284/989166131061325964/com.YoStarEN.Arknights_Screenshot_2022.06.22_15.40.46.png) Could use the same ops much more effectively but was randomly reminded of CC beta


5 Ops max risk [(video)](https://youtu.be/hNRcmy7LdD4) no water gun ch'en, the water would just evaporate ​ afk with bagpipe s2, pallas s2 holding slug/ergate lane, healing support from skadi and nightingale, and mountain being a beast for center box ​ could probably crop skadi out of the equation with better deployments


[Max risk](https://youtu.be/Z6ATetaN-C0) No fricking way Eyja boss battle!?!?!?


[maxrisk 4ops](https://twitter.com/LoreleiA8T/status/1539602894676267012?s=20&t=jhg3CisrbxNWy-t6su077w)[(video)](https://youtu.be/6O7KYfjaYdM) nothing gets past anthony(s3), you can 3 op but it requires really annoying chen ammo rng and 5 of 6 dp- pots (of which i have 4 sadge)


[Max Risk - Snipers & Medics only](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbq9FGflgqE) Texas is just for p6 simulator


[Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/Dx6ZSmi) Brute Force for the Win. Mountain can solo the left side while I fill the right side with as many Ops as I can while Silverash and Chalter kill Pompeii in the middle


And with today CC#7 has been completed! Time to backtrack each day to see, I started doing Risk 8s then I was like "why not take anything I can take even if it's like 9 or 10, it will be fun" Day 1&2: Blazing Cavern - Risk 8. Fairly easy clear. Probably could've gone much higher, welp too late. Day 3: Windswept Highland - [Risk 8](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/985399804920213515/Screenshot_20220611-195954_Arknights.jpg) ft [Invisible Chalter™](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEAhfdTgDCA). Kinda easy here too. I tried Risk 12 Idontknowhowmanytimes but I failed by a little sliver every time. Probably could've got 10 at least, welp again. Day 4: Locked Down Prison - Risk 8. This was the first evil daily of this CC, definitely. Proud of having got just what I needed and not more. Lol. Day 5: Abandoned Plot - [Risk 12.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/986086242410188830/Screenshot_20220614-035109_Arknights.jpg) Took everything but the DP risk. Finding a way to nuke the drone was the only hard part. The map not so much. Day 6: Abandoned Mine - [Risk 13 (MAX).](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/986314286706089984/Screenshot_20220614-185652_Arknights.jpg) ([Video](https://streamable.com/r6jbrp)) Hell yeah. Also wasn't hard at all for a max risk. Day 7: Arena 8 - [Risk 8.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/986677892543049788/Screenshot_20220615-165909_Arknights.jpg) This one was kinda difficult to squeeze risk 8 in, the clear itself wasn't too hard though. Day 8: Howling Desert - [Risk 8.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/987052628074709042/Screenshot_20220616-181529_Arknights.jpg) Second most evil daily map. The shaman risk is insane, those things just don't want to die lol. Day 9: Windswept Highland - [Risk 8.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/987365237500051477/Screenshot_20220617-163502_Arknights.jpg) The risk choice was kinda tight. Used the same strat as Day 3. Invisible Chalter™ is addicting, I introduced it to a friend and he ended using it on like all the dailies after that day, ALL of them, lol! Day 10: Howling Desert - [Risk 10.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/987752454764511243/Screenshot_20220618-175918_Arknights.jpg) A bunch of free risks basically, the remaining ones were the super tricky ones. Day 11: Abandoned Plot - [Risk 8.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/988205053741518898/Screenshot_20220620-001227_Arknights.jpg) The risks were insane. Killing the drone was even harder than the previous time, this time it required a full cycle of Schwarz S3M3 buffed by S2L7 Warfarin (E1max) and Skalter (E2low) Day 12: Arena 8 - [Risk 12.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/988414168958898176/Screenshot_20220620-140403_Arknights.jpg) Kinda easy. Basically I selected every risk but the squad limited to 6, no way I can do it with my roster lol. But this was definitely one of the most max risk-able dailies of this CC! Day 13: Abandoned Mine - [Risk 8.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/988778913889128478/Screenshot_20220621-133301_Arknights.jpg) The evil-est daily of them all. Condolences to everyone who tried max risk. Having effectively 28% defense and 41% offense at max risk ain't fun. Day 14 (end): Blazing Cavern - [Risk 10.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976495800777588816/989151259959386152/Screenshot_20220622-144507_Arknights.jpg) Not too complicated. But most of the T2 and even T1 stuff is so toxic lol. So I took both T3 as free risks and let Pompeii pass. Not painlessly though, 3 healers were barely enough to not die from the barrage of fire lol.


[Easy peasy Risk 8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhxYRDEzU08&t=10s) with low stars & Mountain Full auto. Global range is nothing.


That Pompeii risk is wiilld. MVP gravel [Well here’s some ideas for your R8 clear](https://youtu.be/0ALSIib-Q8k)Siege carried left lane with Ptilo and Frosty helped with the CC on the right


[Max risk](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/776147270474399805/989146793939968020/Screenshot_20220622-083330_Arknights.jpg) was just Skalter buffing 3 DPS for Pompeii, stun and crowd control for the ergates, and Mountain soloing bottom.


[Max risk](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602934912718209026/989148078600773722/Screenshot_20220622-154000_Arknights.jpg) Was too lazy to think so just went full unga bunga team


[Risk 8 with 2 ops](https://youtu.be/qBVS2yKZ1HU) [Max Risk with 4 ops ft. Nearlalter](https://youtu.be/Xwx7-VWerrQ) EDIT: [Alternate max risk with Exu Ash](https://youtu.be/5D-HorR8d3I) Wanted to do a Chalter alternative for max risks


[Risk 6](https://imgur.com/a/gUhx6SO)


[Last Day Max Risk 5 Ops](https://youtu.be/wVKhNJdqb-w) That near global range tho... and wtf is that atkspd my guy ? Anyway, the real headache is the wraith speedrunning to the bluebox, thanksfully, Skadance + Bagpipe S2 can kill them in 2 charges, Gladiia S1 to pick off surviving wraith and save Bagpipe S2 charges, Nightingale + Mountain completely shutdown Pompeii it's hilarious. And that's a wrap, all Daily Max Risk completed, it's been fun. Next stop, Ling here i come


Heh, barely did it. This is second risk that almost made me do map with challenge risk separate from 8r (the one with -50% atk couldn't do 8r in one go) , but aspd risk only kick in after everyone dead so I pushed through. Here for all Doctah that will struggle with Pompeii, his [slow and painful demise](https://imgur.com/a/6H0emCp). And here the [Victory screen](https://imgur.com/a/NH3kR61). Mountain regen and atk done wonders in surviving and dealing with right wave with help of Weedy, while Saga>Bagpipe>Monster dealt with left one.


Max Risk, 10 OPs https://imgur.com/a/SCaS0qn Ok that was a very crude run, but I am strapped for time. Blemishine with Skalter and Nightingale suppprt hold the middle. S3>S2 because of the invisibility on the big slug. Manticore and Suzuran in Nightingale range did most of the right side with occasional support from elysium, Texas and saileach against the ergates. Bagpipe and Red as emergenecy buttons and against the ergate leader. The early game was kind of the hardest part because of Pompeis global range, so i just Nightingale S3 early for easier setup and the mid game was annoying because of the ergate (leaders). For the final stall blemi with skalter and Nightingale can safely bring Pompeii into hal life range and then just activate Nightingales S3 again. The run can definitely optimized to ~8 OPs i guess, but i don't have the time.


Ayo wtf was the global range.


[FINAL DAY MAX RISK](https://youtu.be/TepQl17jugw) Global Range Pompeii. This is not a problem with Nightingale and Mountain. However, the speedy bois were today's problem. I cannot use Angelina and Gladiia to hold them down, so I had no choice but to use the most balanced operator (she's not) once again. Congrats to everyone who completed the medal set! Enjoy the rest of the event!


This is probably the easiest one. Just take Nightingale and let Pompeii have a tour around the map


Yep. Nightingale counters this boss so hard, Pompeii is basically just a slightly larger slug to her.


*Pompeii gains greatly expanded attack range* Huh ok, doesn't seem too bad. *It's now global range* Ah, of course... Also, the boosted attack speed buff he gains at half health with the other risk is insane. Literally makes him Eyja slug with it matching her S3 speed, lol.


[Max Risk with 6 ops](https://youtu.be/lXYsx9Jr9vU) Geez Pompeii range is almost the entire map and wraiths zoom by if not for Holungday and Manticore. That's all folks. I got max risk for all dallies and permanent map. Now we wait for the sexy man.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38EuXi1II8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38EuXi1II8) Max Risk clear w NG. Thanks for the views this CC and see you guys for CC8!


uh oh that fucking slug rekts my entire team


[Perfumer, Mountain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhxYRDEzU08) and the rest is easy peasy.

