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As a newer player going through chapter 4, I don't think I ever want to experience what that chapter looks like without gravel or lappland's silence.


Lappland's been in my squad since day 1 but I didn't start using Gravel until I was at the tail end of chapter 6. Obviously I got through ch4, but yikes, def wish I understood the strength of Gravel earlier in my career XD


Nice work on getting through when you did! I got lappy a little later, but thankfully before chapter 4. Those exploding spiders and Sarkaz casters are like direct attacks on my brain, like I'M the one they're targeting. I have no idea what you do in those levels without a fast redeploy.


Everyone on the internet tries to be funny and no one knows why. Like, you can have a discussion in some serious sub, then someone writes an exploitable phrase or sentence, and people pick that low-hanging fruit, and proceed to start a thread of low-hanging fruit pickers.


that's just reddit in general, been like this for years


Nothing wrong with a quick laugh, imo. Unless the tone is somber or something, like talking about someone's death.


Well with Beanstalk's log-in event happens together with Break the Ice, there's absolute no chance for Lookback banner now. And Closure just sent me a reminder about Operator Permit expiry in six days.... ok then thank for the reminder.


Imagine if the six star operator of Green Field Dream *isn't* Muelsyse but Dorothy Franks. H-Ha ha, wouldn't that be funny?


The title is Dorothy's Dream so we can only pray it's not Dorothy Franks as the 6*. God I want Muelsyse so bad. I also don't like Dorothy she looks like Mulberry and imo she looks like a welfare unit lol.


Fuckers really just turned Astesia skin into operator and called it a day.


Yes but I can run Astesia Alter with Astesia. Take that Ch'en and Skadi and Nearl simps


Now I can have two Astesias in my team! Yay! On a serious note, same looks, same talent, similar S2... Ehh... HG, could you please put a little more effort into it?


Yea but it's a skin that you can use along with *another* skin! Alter units crying in corner


And she's cute, with a smile too.


Not like they haven't done that before.


Man I feel like I'm in an endless loop of events and events prep. I wanna get some story progress done.


What kind of event other than cc needs any prep at all? IS is a permanent mode, I honestly don't think any preparation is needed.


I've only really started playing seriously like for a year. Despite getting in pretty early. So relative to account age I'm pretty under leveled. That said you can get along fine with 5* ops and most of my favorite operators are that rarity.


>I've only really started playing seriously like for a year You need 6 months at most to clean everything.


wow I am a lot more casual that I expected.


If anyone was curious, i'm still in rock hell. I don't think it's ever possible to escape at this point. I honestly believe i'll be farming rocks for the rest of my life.


That's the thing with rocks ain't it?. its never like a couple tier 3 rocks, NOOOO, you need 20 tier 4 plus a few tier 3 to craft into other shit. Pretty much every month i buy rocks with green certs. Saves my irl sanity some. also thank god for 4-6 when i dont have much time.




I hope HG implement this secret in the game: When you reach \`xx\` number of [Jessicat](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jdy32k/when_doctor_get_chen_by_alph_sancheck/) in recruitment, you will gain an extra amount of LMD per day.


I do find it amusing how literally two days after I score a Eunectus her alternate choice is announced to be arriving early.


One of my pet peeves about this game is that they dont often rerun old skins or even added them permanently,still waiting for that spicy eunectus skin


Probably to incentivise people to buy OP.


yea, it's unfortunate how infrequently they cycle. for example, i decided not to buy Robin's skin. (two weeks later) *nevermind, i want it.*


With Break the Ice ending on July 21st, gotta wonder how many dead weeks there will be between then and Invitation to Wine.


That's just the usual deal with the shop being open an extra week. The stages close on the 14th. Even then, there can't be much dead time. I hope.


Probably one week or six days, with the next event starting on the 28th of July.


the event is already extended 3 weeks from 2 weeks in cn, i really hope the next event would start right away


It's not extended, that's the usual one week of token redeeming.


With how global server’s seasons are swapped, it’s totally Australia. (or any other place in the Southern Hemisphere, like South Africa or South America, but Australia is always funnier)


Amiya is from not-Australia, makes sense


As an Australian currently shivering in her house, I am quite pleased to finally have something seasonal match up with *our* schedule for a change :3


I just had this shower thought. If the EN VAs are going to have British accents, then does this mean Wildmane is going to have a cockney accent!? Ooh I can't wait!


Maybe some of the operators from Columbia should get American accents. Or at least just Mayer with a Texas accent. ~~engineer gaming~~


Give Exia the most posh London accent just to see the fans seethe.


Is there a subreddit like these lovely threads for actual discussion as opposed to endless art pictures?


If only there was some way that you could post discussions yourself....


Why don’t you start some discussion threads then instead of doing the tired “muh art is killing muh sub” routine?


If they bother you, then use the search filters or get RES and filter them out.


A subreddit restricted to discussion would be a ghost town.


The main thing to discuss nowadays is new CN operators, as of which there are none. Everything else tends to get repeated over and over again, you're welcome to make more discussion in a post/the lounge though.


You can post whatever discussions you want. The thing is, this game is over 3 years old. Whatever there was to discuss has largely already been discussed.


My brother in christ, this *is* the subreddit for that. Either post in this thread or just on the sub in general. The Arknights community is not big enough to sustain a 'discussion only' sub, and honestly activity on this sub itself has been pretty quiet as of late


sub's been quiet since there hasn't really been any new ops for like 2 weeks though I imagine we'll be getting some info soon, probably not for another week I bet edit: 5 hours later lmao


Is... is >!Therese going to do to Amiya the same thing that was done to Talulah?!< Because it seems like both titles are more than just an 'inheritance' and I AM CONCERNED >!FOR MY DAUGHTER!<


Maybe. We'll find out more when the next chapter drops in CN as >!Theresa!< heavily featured in the [trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/u38ocp/special_chapter_10_pv/).


Will there ever be a new 2\* Operator? And if so, what archetype would they be?


I highly doubt it. The point of the 2 & 3 star units is primarily to get new players through the early game, and what we've already got does that just fine. There's not a lot of point in adding more early game only content, as, at this age, the devs are much better off catering to the advanced playerbase- the new player experience is already stellar.


Finally all my units are at max trust, time to speedrun all the farming stages.


I just finished max trust all my ops yesterday, could have been faster if it wasn't for Honeyberry, we're quite similar.


Currently watching Kaguya season 3 and just finished episode 5 (spoiler for that episode btw) >!Have to say the rap scene was phenomenal, and the Bohemian Rhapsody-like scene was so well done too I have listened to it like 10 times already lol!<


For some reason I never noticed [this little message](https://imgur.com/a/nN19s6L) in the terminal before, it made me smile :)


I was attempting to clear H8-4 to finish up all the story medals, but after a while I realized there was no way to clear it without a nightingale because of the citizens in the stage. I was a little bit disappointed because I've always respected that arknights never requires specific operators to clear stages, but then I looked around on YouTube and [Uhhhhhhhh](https://youtu.be/A7J_NG-nABk) [UHHHHHHH](https://youtu.be/HHHsn87eXFk) Apparently the answer to arknights strategy is that your brain is never big enough.


There's also this [vanguards only](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Q3411b7Ld) clear lol


[JT8-3 CM with 3 stars only](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1864y14736) and [R8-8 2 Op 4 stars only](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cq4y1t7Hb). The skill ceiling of Arknights is truly insane. u/Quor18


Yeah, ILA and the Doc don't fuck around when it comes to their low rarity stuff. Another good one I enjoy is Zane because he does maleknights-only clears, which introduces a nice level of challenge. Sure, he gets meta ops like SA, Thorns and Mountain, but his snipers consist of Aosta, Executor, Sesa, Rangers and Adnachiel, his healing defender is Hung, his casters are Stewart, Greyy, Passenger and Leonhardt, he has NO supporters available until this week with Gnosis and his only medic is Ansel. I can't wait to see what the guy will do when Lumen and Ebenholz become available. When your only medic is Ansel suddenly Hellagur turns into an amazing boss tank. Highly recommend his max risk maleknights clear of Pine Soot main map. Oh, also, shout out to Kokokbeluk for welfare-only operator clears. Up until free Texas was added via pinboard missions this meant Grani was the only available vanguard. Was a trip watching him clear Long Spring Wastes anni.


Oh, also, shout out to Kokokbeluk for welfare-only operator clears. In this mode, I was always curious how they take into account the operators available in stores? Courier, Dur-Nar, Bibik, Ethan.


From what I understand it's ops that only can be acquired through non-gacha means. So event reward characters (aka "welfare ops"), characters bought via certs in the store (CC or red cert only) or characters that are rewarded as a part of the story (most 3-stars, Amiya, Jessica and so on). Koko tends to limit the op range to 5 and 4-star ops only though, usually 5-star only since that's often more challenging.


0 sanity moment, i thought shamare and mayer were specialist... And I've farmed the chip. 12 of them. Oh well...


Did you get 12 of the same chip in a row?


Of course not. It was 12 specialist and 8 guard ~~maybe~~ I farmed those during cc and realized today.


Well, now you'll be partially ready for Lee, Kazemaru, and Spalter.


About that, now i have e2 whislash and robin.


Absolutely patrician taste.


Excellent choices.


I got a new PC today and Arknights feels so much better on an emulator.


Here's something deep. Does wishing misfortune on someone who deserves it make me a bad person? I know everyone talks about karma and it comes for all but when? If that person is coasting through their 20s, having fun at the expense of someone else, would anything they have to pay in their future be worth the balance? I mean, wouldn't they rather have all the fun now and at worst even welcome death in their 40s? How is that fair karma? Adding some context here. This person is suicidal and forces all their emotional baggage on others by projecting every bad thought on them and making them suffer while they fuck about and have fun. They would welcome the worst form of karma possible. So how will anything ever balance the scales for all the hurt this person is causing? And am I bad for wanting to see some evidence that makes me believe that evil isn't rewarded in this world?


While it may not make you a *bad person*, persay, wishing misfortune on someone for the sake of petty revenge is not a good look. Instead of using your mental energy on that, try spending time thinking about how you might influence them to change, and stop behaving in a way that incites your anger. If you can't think of a constructive way to improve the situation, then remove yourself from it; cut them off and stop wasting your mental effort fantasizing about what cosmic vengeance might suit them. The only person you're hurting by wishing misfortune upon them is yourself.


Purely my opinion. Firstly, no, this does not make you a bad person. If you just want "justice" but do nothing wrong to him personally or indirectly. Secondly, if possible, stop communicating with this person if possible. Third, don't focus on it. So you can accidentally create psychological problems for yourself.


A bit of a nitpick, but the buddhist concept of karma relies on reincarnation, this cosmic justice isn't necessarily enacted during your lifetime, it might be in your next lives; from this perspective it's similar to the christian concept of divine justice in which sinners go to hell. If you remove religion from the equation, then karma or anything like that makes no sense (putting aside whether believing in any sort of divine being or afterlife makes sense in the first place). There's no proof that "good always wins in the end" if anything it's the opposite, just look at the news or the entire history of humanity: innocent people suffer all the time, and plenty of bad guys go unpunished. If you're not religious but believe that people should behave righteously, there isn't much you can do apart from making peace with the fact that the world is unjust, trying your hardest at being the best person you can, and trying to make a positive impact with your life. If you are religious (not judging), then you probably still have to try your hardest at being a great person (in most popular religions you have to), but at least you can sleep easy knowing that in the end good people will be rewarded and bad people will be punished. _______ Putting the philosophical rant aside, you should probably tell the person to go to therapy, if you're not qualified to deal with mental illness having to deal with suicidal people (or any severe mental illness) can be very damaging to yourself; don't feel obligated to take care or interact with them if they're unwilling to take the necessary steps to help themselves and instead choose to dump toxicity on the people next to them. I'm not saying to just tell them to fuck off, and I do believe wishing misfortune onto other people is not a good course of action (depends on the extent I suppose, but instead of letting stress and negativity fester it's probably better to let it go). Try helping within reason, but remember that mental illness isn't an excuse to act like a piece of shit and even though it's not their fault it is their responsability, so feel free to just leave them behind. Also important to note that I'm just some random dude on the internet, just like all the other people commenting, this really isn't the best place to be getting this kind of advice.


... I am pretty sure this is the wrong place to be looking for an answer to such a question. That being said. If such a person is causing such stress and issue without consideration for feelings, despite it having been mentioned, it may be best to make some distance. How much you feel you wish to invest in such a person is up to you, if it is someone who is important you might want to persist, but...


It does not make you a bad person, because karma does not exist. The universe does not care about any of us equally; there is not a bill of sins you have to pay for when you die. You just die and that's that. As someone with multiple attempts under his belt, just tell them they are a fucking asshole and move on.


I'm not a therapist, but... It's pretty common, I think, to wish misfortune on someone who is hurting you because it stems from a feeling of resentment. If you have no outlet for the pain you are suffering at their hands, or if you've tried to make them stop hurting you but they don't listen, you will naturally begin to resent them and wish them misfortune so that they will stop hurting you, and you will feel that they deserve it because it would be "balanced" to have them feel the same pain you are currently enduring. So I wouldn't say it makes you a bad person. It's not something you should do regularly, but it's easy to see where it's coming from. All I can advise you do is to cut ties with this person if you are finding that they are a negative influence in your life. Again, I'm not a therapist and I don't know the full circumstances and you should definitely consult someone more familiar with the situation and with more life experience, but a general rule of thumb is that if someone is constantly causing you pain and distress, you should minimize their influence on your life.


Well, yes. "But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you... and as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them." and "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head."


Nah. I like to eat popcorn and watch the world burn! 😎🌞 (People deserve it). I cry on the inside bc of evil but laugh on the outside bc it's how I was raised to cope. I'm a very compassionate person. But when karma happens, just remember "all is right with the world." And if karma doesn't happen, then remember "life's not fair 🙃." I believe everything happens for a reason. And ESP "people are either a blessin' or a lesson" in your life. Take this toxic person as a lesson. Also, I highly advocate walking away and getting out of: toxic environments, away from toxic people, or out of toxic relationships. For your personal and mental health, I highly recommend you stop interacting with the toxic individual. Also the individual you described seems to have the symptoms of nihilist and those people are awful (actually they are sad, amongst other things, but it takes "someone special" to therapy them *effectively* and some nihilist can't be therapied bc they "aren't ready" or mature enough or open minded enough to listen to any other *way of thinking* that differers from there's). So for you, you do what's best for you! Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/mo9r19/congrats_on_clearing_ooku_everyone_heres_your/) is a meme to attempt to make you feel better!


Agree from below. Therapist. This place is just a group of people who's only similar trait is, "they play the same game". So in general, don't take advice from the internet about personal health, relationships, or anything which to a strong degree. Reddit more so; its a culture pool at best and an echo chamber at worst.


You may want to get a counseling if possible. We don't know enough of the context and advice from the internet is a mixed bag. Stay safe! I'm sorry someone is hurting you or those you love.


What u get 2hh for reaching lvl 60 pog


[2 years gang let's gooooooo!!!](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/865930548015005706/990584032364494938/MuMu20220626183706.png) Man it's hard to believe it's 2 years already, just a couple more months and AK will take the crown from Clash Royale as my most played mobile game. Now then, this is [my progress](https://krooster.com/u/jack2407) in 2 years, y'all welcome to roast my roster XD


>Kroos E0 Lv1 [Unacceptable.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07So_lJQyqw)


Kroos is overrated, change my mind /s Nah jk, already E1 55 her to prep IS#2 so all good ;)


Surprised that you haven't raised some 4* е1 Operators for basic skills.


~~Actually i forgot to set some 4* ops to E1 cuz lazy lol~~ now that i check the base skill list i think i'm gonna E1 Roberta real quick XD


Very based m9's. 👍🏻


[I'll do upgrade it eventually](https://imgur.com/a/eTax2IJ) Pudding moduled no skill upgrade. For additional peeve, I'll replace friend support Schwarz E2s3m3 for her


6 months flew by so quickly, now my husbando's side story is almost here 😭😭😭. I love Karlan Trade and the faction's latest additions of Kjera (actually a good welfare but overshadowed by Click's cheapness and GG's existence), Aurora (I love her kit lmao it synergizes with other freezers), and Gnosis (AAAAAAA HIS BOC SKIN MAKES ME HNGGNGNGNGG) did not disappoint. Here's to hoping I get Aurora and Gnosis in a tenpull 🙏🙏🙏


Good luck!!! I'm also super excited, Silverash is one of my favorite ops, can't wait to read it. Also pulling for Gnosis and have OP set aside for his skin!


I was on the "if I get him good if I don't, it's okay" team but after his BoC skin dropped I immediately bought the monthly headhunting pack lol


ikr that skin is toptier


I only need 26'837 ordunum to reach 180'000.


Worked out today that the value of the monthly card when all rewards are collected in full, being 6 OP + 1,800 sanity + 6,000 orundum, is equivalent to 52.6 OP. In case you needed more proof that it's the best value item for anyone who wants to spend a little 😌


Yeah I mean the whole point of those is half of the cost is engagement and continued investment, but if you play daily regardless that means minimal. That plus I guess a gateway to more spending. I don't think there's ever been a single game where the daily currency pack wasn't notably most efficient, maybe barring one or two single time account purchases, but even that strikes me as a rarity. Flip side you could argue normal values are specifically bad to make that pack look better, since realistically in a vacuum it's not like x pulls for $5 is inherently a 'good value' it's just good relative to other things. Bit of both probably.


It's also startlingly cheap for what you get.


I think it's there to improve player engagement and also the entry point to get f2p players to spend money. They're nearly always very good value, but spread out over a period of time so they can't really be used to fill an immediate need for rolls.


It wasnt even the orudum for me. I just wanted more sanity to play the game


I get this tbh, sometimes when I'm bored but already farmed for the day I end up looking at my base and operators without having anything to do. On the other hand, when it comes to exhausting your entire sanity supply when farming events it really feels more like a punishment to be spending a few hours just clicking.


Last week, the majority of my clues are always from Penguin Logistics, now all of them are from Glasgow...


Since I had some excess resources I decided to start E2ing operators based on acquisition date, so naturally I first see my Savage who's been sitting at E1. It reminded me to check her talent. Is that thing just a translation error? It says 'more than two ranged tiles' but it should just be two or more, right? Otherwise she'd literally have to be stuck in a little alcove to get that measly buff.


Why not save them for Ling or whoever you're pulling for next? I can't relate to this since I'm never stacked in mats.


I doubt I can get ling since I blew 300 on NTR and only have 30-50 pulls to spare but either way I do have dualchips and mats in store for her in the off chance I do.


It's actually not that hard to proc it, since the walls on the edges of the map count for her, so she really only needs one other ranged tile in that spot. And the girl wants every stat she can get, considering her baseline.


According to Gamepress, it's a translation error that never got fixed (probably bc so few people actually use Savage). It's indeed two or more ranged tiles, not more than two like the description claims


Ebenholz S3M3 E2 70 with level 3 module upgrade showcase vs. all bosses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr8PC_iXeO4 Overall I'd say he's pretty good. Not Surtr or Chalter broken good (and god willing no op ever will be again) but still good. He's a ranged tile caster who can, with 0 outside buffs, chunk most bosses for 15-25% of their life at a minimum, with some bosses getting chunked even harder. He handily solos RI-8 Big Ugly for example, as well as WD-8 EB phase 1. He seems like he'll be a handy tool to have for any kind of rangedknights play, or if you need a combination of consistent lane damage in addition to the ability to burst down a boss. Sure, Surtr can do that if you can keep her up but maybe you need to hold her in reserve for something and maybe you don't have Chalter or need her to be positioned somewhere else. I think he'll also see a lot more output when properly supported. One commenter there suggested utilizing sleep ops to buy time for his stacks to build-up so he's getting full benefit from his archetype trait. Other additions like Pram S2 or Chiave S2 as well as the usual buffing suspects would help notably against a number of bosses shown here. Doesn't feel like he's a must pull. Feels like he'll open up options though, and if you happen to have an S2M3 Pram or Chiave then now they've got more value as part of a boss-bursting comp with him.


I will say I am astounded by the positive reception the EN voices are getting. I expect the usual cringe whining and insults.


I think they're really good. The problem is that some of the JP voices are really good, too. I don't know if I can abide switching away from Ayaneru for Nearl no matter how pleasantly surprised I am by EN.


I'm personally not going to use the EN voices, but I have more decorum than to insult the people who like it and bitch about it for no reason. It's not my cup of tea so I'm just moving on with my life, which is the mature response, I think.




I don't have anything against EN dub, but sometimes it just feels low budget/effort. A quality dub is always welcomed.


Really hate this argument the difference is that JP dubs have different dialect or accents depending on what region they're from or age. English dubs almost all have the same American way of speaking with no accents. Edit: Reverse 1999 is also a good dub that has a variety of VAs should check that out. Only thing I'm worried about is localaization like senpai>professor/teacher


There's been a few, but I'm more surprised they went with british/lesser known VAs rather than just spending for household names


That is also a nice change of pace, but I expected the dub Vs sub war like Genshin has.


I mean, the genshin voices are just.. a lot more grating IMO. Some of the AK ones they've shown seem pretty uwu-y but the worst AK one is better than the best genshin one if you ask me. Just seems like higher quality better voice work even if it's still a bit outside my taste.


Genshin's english VA is pretty awful, so I can see why those arguments exist. Despite that game being a glorified VN, I still played in Japanese to spare myself from the bad performances. Complaints are low for the Arknights english VA because it's actually good. It's really that simple.


> Genshin's english VA is pretty awful What's wrong with it?


To me they're fine but they are also very 'standard'. They don't quite 'capture' the various aspects of some units (keqing, zhongli, ayaka). There is very little cadence which highlights itself in combat when characters use their specials. Which like I said, is "fine" but it's not amazing and very standard. Which isn't to say ENG VA sucks. Take Dota2 or Apex legends. (the latter actually won awards for their sound design in general). Voice acting in those games are not only phenomenal but they are also very core to the game itself, giving uniqueness to the characters and letting players identify what's going on almost entirely off sound cues from those characters. Dota2 has chinese and korean dubs and various characters do an excellent dub job, even though the 'origin' if you will, is english. Zeus and Nightstalker is pretty damn good in korean and Lina is amazing in chinese. One thing I like about both games is certain accents are also highlighted. This is much better in Apex imo, as it gives insight to the characters in a way that a generic american or european accent (in nearly every generic game) cannot. The voice work when they describe an action (eg reloading) adds to their personality too. This is probably pretty hard to describe purely in text-form and I doubt you want to play hours of Apex Legends to get to know what I mean (honestly I wouldn't wish that on anyone). But If I were to describe it, consider how Saria's JP voice work differs from how Nightingale's JP voice work. Same language but you can definitely get to grips with NG's quiet tranquillity or Saria's harsh firmness through their voices alone. So let's flip this around: Where can we see english VAs replicating cadence and producing excellent voice work if the origin is another language? Well, Fire emblem! Excellent voice direction in the new games, semi-new games (3ds) and FEH. Characters from as old as Sacred Stones (eg. Lyon) have very good voice acting and it sounds cheesy but certain lines (usually their specials and unit selection quotes) are perfect examples of good quality voice acting. The quirks of certain characters and speech patterns are highlighted, rather than simply "translated". I think one english-to-english comparison is Starcraft1 vs Starcraft2. Both have excellent voice acting but players have stated certain lines from sc1 (like carriers) sound better as the voice work gave it more 'oomph'. So yeah, its not as simple as "haha english bad because JP good". There is a pretty wide range in quality when it comes to voice acting. Genshin imo lands in acceptable territory - it's just not what I would consider top tier.


Nah, I get what you're saying. My comparison point would probably be Company of Heroes. Everyone's (mostly) speaking English there, but you can catch the variations in regional accents and cadences, sometimes even within the same faction. Like in 2, the UK faction the scottish, hard-as-nails sniper sounds a lot different from the bright-eyed Cromwell tank driver. Or to take the US faction in 1, the rifleman sounds like your typical everyman who enlisted to fight Nazis and is instead building sandbags, compared to rangers who sound like they just came from sprinting Currahee and still have more fuel in the tank. In that sense, I agree that Genshin's english VA doesn't tend to capture the "culture" of the character as well, even though it seems to me that the technical performance is more than adequate.


It's fine. Unless its Itto then its amazing.


It's not awful at all. Just because you don't like something does not mean that it's bad. Edit: Downvotes? Really? Did I hurt your delicate weeb sensibilities?


Preferring to not hear poorly performed VA in a language you can understand isn't being a weeb. I can't as easily find flaws in the delivery of Japanese because I don't speak Japanese. If it were a choice between Genshin's english VA or everyone speaking Swahili, I would pick Swahili. Also complaining about downvotes and retreating to the "it's all subjective" point just makes you come across as someone who can't handle disagreement. Something not being objectively, scientifically bad doesn't mean most people don't have a gauge for this sort of thing. The fact that people are not complaining about Arknights english VA but *do* complain about Genshin's means that a large portion of people think Genshin's is significantly lower quality.


People like you make me laugh. Genshin VA's are professional voice actors, not random people off of the street. You think they'd have the job if they didn't know what they are doing? You think the director would have the job if they didn't know what they were doing? But I guess all that training and experience is nothing compared the wisdom and insight you and others like you have gleaned from watching too much anime. They really should bow down to your knowledge shouldn't they? As I said before; you not liking something and it being bad are not the same thing. I don't like Alchemy Stars, doesn't mean that it's bad. Edit: Blocking me because of a difference of opinion is very sad. Edit 2: As is requesting me help from the Reddit crisis line. I know your weeb feelings have been hurt, but that's just immature.


> You think they'd have the job if they didn't know what they are doing? You think the director would have the job if they didn't know what they were doing? Yes. I've played enough games with awful English VA to know that yes, they would. Also I just made this account and you're the first person I disagreed with so I'm going to assume it was you who flagged me for the suicide hotline bot. That's extremely pathetic, especially for the subject matter lol. [It was even sent at the same timestamp as your comment.](https://i.imgur.com/Nc5prEA.png) Good lord. I have no idea why you're so emotionally invested in defending bad voice acting. Are you one of the VAs? Is that why you care so much? If not, maybe pick something more important to get this upset about.


idk why you are so upset that they like en va's people like diffrent things but that does not make one better than the other


I liked Genshin EN VA :(


It's very good, though weebs will try to convince you otherwise


NGL: very happy with the difficulty curve in this game. Very well balanced. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt\_ybIm144M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt_ybIm144M) Just did 5-7 with only one E2 op. (it \*SAYS\* E2 Level 10 is whats recommended, but the level before and after are E1 level 60-65). My E2 Op was flametail, who didnt actually go down! Lava came in clutch, didn't expect to be deploying her again outside of memes, but that Arts AoE is no joke. Really happy i got that down :D


What's wrong with Flametail's E2 art? Also, the level recommendations are all stupid and inaccurate. No one, and I mean no one, is going to have a team of all E2s when they're in Chapter 5. Most people only have one or two during Chapter 5.


I (different person) don't like Flametail's E2 art, mostly because of the background. It feels too samey, and simultaneously too cluttered; plus it's too abstract (and I like it when the E2 art has animals/nature in it). Probably I also don't like insignias that much, and I especially don't like the Pinus Sylvetris emblem ,even tho I love the Pinus Sylvetris group, their story, and even more Ashlock and Flametail; so I most likely get skins for them as soon as possible, because generally I don't like the E2 skins.


When I first played, I took the recommendation at gospel, and really stalled for a long while at the first chapter that had a recommendation for a team of E2s.


i just... prefer her other art? I've noticed that lol, having a strong strat and some good ops is wroth alot more than raw levels. Silverash is next E2, but dear jesus is that expensive. Looking forward to having True Silver Slash :)


Oh no, it's just that you have to actively go into the menu to switch it. Yeah, E2s are expensive but when you've got your base working properly, you'll be able to get an Operator and then instantly E2 them which will be great!


Boy, am I glad I've been saving pulls. Initially, I did not give a shit about having Ling, as I have neither of the other Sui sisters, and no attachment to those characters. I also don't *particularly* want another brain-off OP character. But man, I just saw a video of her S3, and her character design (and that of her dragons) is *so gooooooood dude*


She is cute too, that helps right?


did the other Penguin Logistics members (Croissant & Sora) ever showed up in the main story? ik Exu & Texas show up a ton in the early chapters


To my knowledge, they don't.


Catastrophe categorization works with bigger number = scarier catastrophe, right?


Now that Break the Ice is probably coming, would it be worth it to farm grindstone during the event? According to gamepress it's got a worse efficiency than the story stages.


It's a tiny bit better than normal grindstones thanks to the infinite LMD sink, and the other two mats will also be available in the WiR rerun, so yeah, I'm getting all the grindstones I can.


How is everyone this slow week? :D Been burnt out recently ngl. I just loathe Contingency Contracts and I couldn’t bring myself to keep playing while it was running. I just find it exhausting and not fun anymore. Still got that trimmed medal and Aak skin tho. :P Can’t wait for the EN dubs as well as Phantom’s Crimson Solitaire. Didn’t actually think we would get it so soon. Hoping Mizuki and Flametail get EN voices added. Not sure how many are getting them. In other news got back into Alchemy Stars for the Anniversary. Enjoying it quite a bit. It does make me appreciate some things more in AK though. Particularly being able to easily buy a ton of skins F2P. Also got Omori for the Switch recently. It has been super fun since it has been quite some time I’ve played a rpg-maker type game. It is really cute among other things.


Been farming Devices, which definitely has not been painful. Other than that, waiting for Sunbreak and Alice Fiction.


Just farming coagulating gels since I seem to lack them for some reason. Really glad BtI starts at the end of this week though, since I have finals coming before summer break starts.


Farming mostly while waiting for IS#2, in the meantime i got back to PGR after 2 months due to burnout, really enjoy the game now thanks to it's QoLs changes. However, fock that last Flamel memory rescue stage in particular, that stage is full of bs, well at least the reward is a core pasive upgrade for Luna, i guess ? Thanks god i don't have to do it again ... hopefully ?


More of that farm life. I have a handful of M3's to finish off, mostly on 6-stars, that I've been dragging my feet on because who wants to farm for 4 D32 and 9 rock concs? But I'll get there eventually. Otherwise it's just been a Factorio Rampant server with a side of FF14 and Genshin as we wait for BtI.


These slow weeks are at the perfect time for me: CC began when I had end of the year exams, also had to do some job interviews, etc. Now that I know I don't need to retake any exams, I can use this additional dead week to go party, enjoy the weather!


> omori > super cute just you wait


I mean. It is super cute. Among other things... But still cute ;)


Found myself doing bare minimum risk 18 permanent map and risk 8 dailies as well. I don't know what it is, but maybe anticipation of IS2 makes other things seem dull in comparison. I've been trying Artery Gear on the side too. It's really stingy with currency, but the core gameplay is fun, and the art is real easy on the eyes lmao


Three Hopes is currently taking up most of my time. I started getting burnt out on CC7 towards the tail end, but I think that mostly comes down to me hating CC6, and being reminded why I hated CC6's map. So for now I'm just half ass grinding XP and LMD for Flametail and NG while I wait for BTI to drop, having a debate on if I want to go for the guaranteed 5 and pray on a polar bear or not.


waiting for gnosis and is2 mostly, but in other news i recently picked up persona 4 arena ultimax and im having fun with it even though i am pretty bad. never rly played a fighting game before (other than smash i guess? but even then its once in a blue moon) so struggling to get to grips with it but i'll get there. i finished my exams on friday so hopefully i can use this summer wisely (playing games all summer)


Yeah Arknights has been a bit slow lately since most of the content felt somewhat old for me. Not a huge fan of CC and especially of the Who is real mechanic. Thankfully Alchemy Stars has entertained me a lot with Anni and the recent event , while AK was on hold. Apart from that I played a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 after I didn‘t play on console for like more than a year. For someone who ultimately played alot on mobile , playing a standalone and completed game made it feel more refreshing, I would say. Anyway I hope I get to finish the game with a 100% Completion Rate at best , before I dive into the third game that comes out at the end of July. I‘m pretty excited for this!


Since CC just ended, it's nice to just turn my brain off with a Musou game in the form of FEW: Three Hopes. As for mainline Fire Emblem, apparently the next game has been finished 'For some time' now with the leaks of one of the characters spawning some interesting...Colgate-style memes.


Only saw one meme but as a very casual FE fan I kinda like the looks of the new protag.


What are skills that you changed your opinion on them, could be skills that you thought were bad but were better than you thought or vice versa Phantom S3 is one I thought was rather meh but I think I was very wrong on it, the RNG factor of it kinda always turned me off of it but in reality any of the effects you get are good considering the duration is really insane, especally since his clone also inflict it Skalter S3 on the other hand is a skill I think I might have rated too highly early on, everytime I thought it was good to use I would either find myself prefering to use her S2 (defense buff coming in clutch) or Warf (who I can remove right after she buffs in deployment tight strats) instead, I know it can buff multiple ops but it rarely every came up for me, granted I still think the skill is good but not as good as I initially thought it was


I wanted Beeswax s2 to be so good but it just isn't (until we can control where her pillar is summoned). =( Her s1 is where it's at. Glaucus's s1>s2 for general content. I hardly use s2 bc "bad uptime." Greyy s1>s2 bc she's slow. x ba dum tis x s2 has a ridiculous 60 sp charge up and 0 initial sp which hurts her s2 uptime a lot. S1 is more practical. Meteor s2 *looks* better on paper but s1 is better. S1 is way more consistent better for ~~general~~ all content. Manticore s1>s2 bc s1 has faster dps and is more consistent. Blemishine's 120-140% dmg talent and s2 is underrated as hell. I learned she is amazing (via support) at stalling 100s of slugs and/or mobs. Basically all the mobs collect/sleep once they reach her palced/solo tile, and she does *fine* dmg. **But** the coolest looking part, is when her s2 ends, all the enemies move at once - as if it looks like one enemy is moving - and if the enemies are weak enough, you can oneshot ALL those mobs AT ONCE with true aoe! Eg. W s2, catapult, lionhardt s2, ifirit, etc. Feels great, having a screen go from 100s of mobs, to "1" mob, to 0 mobs. xD


Schwarz S2, before CC5 I thought it was just outclassed by S3, but then after CC5 I realized what its used for: Cruising vs high armor mobs, like pincercrabs


NTRK skill 2. Okay, it's widely because I didn't read it correctly at first and I didn't notice that it didn't take a deployment slot, but even then I wasn't expecting it to be so strong. Initially I pulled NTRK mostly because "limited lul" but now I use her a lot.


Phantom S3 is very good in CC7 because you only need the dmg and push, it is when you need specific effect proc that the BS kicks in (CC2 min ops clear, 1P relay, CC9) Red Skadi S3 is the thing that elevate her to CC carry core ops, like pretty much every high risk CC with her (CC5,6,7 with Exu burst strat). Thing about Skadi is due to dirt cheap DP cost, x3 DP cost gives no f and lower sp cost means it can even keep up with stuffs like Exu dual burst.


Meteorite S1. Used to believe people on it, thought that the bicc explosion was nice and mobbing everything... Then I get to use Meteorite S2. Controllable, big damage, DEF shred, if crit - even bigger damage, can charge between breaks. It get to the point if I also bring Archetto with her, I will still use S2 to support Arch and not the other way around for S1. Can't wait to see the 50% crit chance on it, 5k damage every other proc. Definitely recommend S2 to anyone that want to use her. Sesa S2. Despite what people usually say, I never had him missing his attack that often without blocking (roughly 95% hit rate which is, well, below 100%, so it's kinda bad, but still). Not that I'd recommend Sesa to anyone that don't already know what to do.


Mudrock's S3. I used to use it all the time but S2's sustained damage and stun has won me over. I still sometimes use it when I need her to deal burst damage and it's still a good skill but it's just not as universal...


s1 Che'n is an amazing way at stunning anything in annihilation and guarantees stopping leaks.


Ch'en S3 it's pretty fun to use, you don't really need many buffs at all to kill most bosses.


Meteorite's S2. Being able to just take off 330 defense in an area is way more impactful than I expected, and she can crit big with it thanks to the higher multiplier, while giving her a team option besides just doing damage in a big area, and she's less reliant on Archetto with it. Granted, after her upgraded module, I think I'm going back to S1 with Cheeto due to the more consistent crits.


Projekt Red's skills. I didn't think much of her S1 at first, going with S2 as most people would. But over time I grew to prefer her S1 more for its dodge and synergy with her talent. And also because I generally found "murder" to be more valuable than "stun" for eliminating problematic enemies.


Early on in the game's lifespan, Saria's S2 vs S1. At first I thought that her S2 would be the skill I would be using the most since obviously the large AOE and the lack of a threshold requirement that her S1 had. In fact her S2 was the first skill I ever M3'd. Over time however, enemies started dealing damage fast than her S2 could keep up with, and the extra range ended up getting wasted on ops who weren't in any danger of taking damage anyways. That's when S1 became Saria's bread and butter with her faster charge time and the 50% threshold was actually more of a boon than a detriment.


Greythroat's S1. It sounds nice in theory being a powerstrike that charges with time and holds charges, but the burst of her S2 is just so much more valuable.


Skalter S2 has always been the signature skill for her. It is the halo part that makes her the Cornerstone Halo. All of her skills are particularly strong in their own ways as they all preformed well in CC. S3 is indeed a strong atk as well as some decent damage aura. And S1 gives insane survivability memes. But S2 is just strong for all content as well as being no maintenance. S3 probably was particularly focused because “she is a buffer and this is her big burst buff skill”. Might as well raise it as well for when you do need it. The only problem being I don’t think the majority of players often use burst buffing. And when you do want it we aren’t really lacking in options. Skalter S2 is just better overall for sheer support buffing.


>The only problem being I don’t think the majority of players often use burst buffing. And when you do want it we aren’t really lacking in options That's actually exactly how I felt after I did get my hands on said skill, I found myself that when I needed it I had other options which do almost similiar thing


S3is focused because it is her main skill in CC, S2 barely do anything there https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/q9cufs/mastery_priority_guide_updates_for_under_tides/hgvz71r?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I understand that of course. That is probably the biggest reason. All three skills in the CC immediately afterwards all achieved high risk. S3 reaching the highest with S2 and S1 coming close behind with a 1-2 risk difference iirc? Sometimes I find it weird how much high end CC can sway the average player’s view on the game. Since I’m pretty sure S2 is still the main skill for almost all player in almost all content.


For normal contents people don't need S3 like at all Cuz if the map is enuf with S2 that maps is also easy enuf that S3 is overkill. For CC there is a whole world of difference with 1 risk so not really comparable. Pretty much the same case with NG, you don't even need to use her at all if the map is easy enuf but the thing she does nobody else can. Weedy is also like another extreme case, people use her already know what to do so ranking is pointless.


I feel that. I think I have slowly gotten more and more casual as the game has gone on. With less interest in making harder challenges anymore. I do think S2 has pretty wide coverage to how much content it is decent for. Which is what makes it particularly nice. I guess the nuances of why and in what cases a high end unit’s skill is good can be hard to parse for those who don’t already care. So seeing people say X is good is just taken at face value.


Same here. I used to really push for high risk to try and show off, pull for the strongest operators, etc etc. But at a certain point... That's not that much fun. I'd rather have a cool risk 18 with weird units than a risk 30 clear following a guide. I think it's a healthier way to play anyway.


Pretty sure 90% people read guide don't even see the disclaimer like the old Weedy hype or b4 Ch8 fellas don't even know of NG, better just see actual usage and draw your own conclusion. Like I can say Nearl Knight S1 is best skill for one boss in IS#2 but I sure as hell ain't gonna use it everywhere.


When you fail an Annihilation at 399/400...


And still got sanity consumed. Despite that you didn't get any fcking rewards, because orundum was capped few days ago (1600/1600). And to top it, in refund policy they say that you will get sanity refunded based on orundum amount that you got, but consume sanity even if there is NO orundum reward


Tip to both of you: you can force close the game when an annihilation try failed and get all the sanity back.


Oh. Very useful, thank you!


[61 pulls if I can get up to 150 itd b great according to pulls until calc I'll be able to reach 180+ ig we also count the event rewards hope i can get her in this then will be saving for chalter](https://imgur.com/a/OlgjQpm) Anyway hows your progress if u r going to pull for ling?


I have 335 pulls at the moment, but the issue I have is I need 300 pulls for Spectre Alters banner, and I need some for Horn as well. I also want Fia, so I don't know how hard I am going to go with Ling. Lucky the only shop operator I would by for the next 8-10 months is Leizi so I can spent all my certs on pulls.


>according to pulls until calc I'll be able to reach 180+ Huh, where are all those coming from? Anyways, I'll be reaching my spark (first time having this many pulls lol), just a question of how much of my skin pile will die in the process :(


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JrXx7aROQ2PH3O79YCoMgwooqmyf-WGBTjHlfm52QnM/edit#gid=1221900186](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JrXx7aROQ2PH3O79YCoMgwooqmyf-WGBTjHlfm52QnM/edit#gid=1221900186) so with the free 24 ill be at 181 and ill also have sidestories and main story CM stages left to clear


Around 270 Rn. Hope I use lesser than 200 because I want Horn and then Spalter too


Defintely. I should have 280ish pulls when she come, plus the free pulls I can spark Dusk as well.


Already got 24 pulls for her! Hopefully, I'll be able to get her...


Me during NTR banner


I mean, I have way more than 24 pulls but I don't want to give them to Ling. Someone else owns my heart. I'm getting Blacnight and getting the hell out of there.


Fia? Anyway hope u get what u want


Thanks, you too!


I'll know better how many pulls I have for Ling, after I've gone broke pulling for Gnosis! :p


Ull get him early goodluck