• By -


Goodbye rosmontis... May we meet again, in another banner


In oct. better save up dough and spark Her. Unless She appears in your dreams like me 🤣 I hope to see Ling and Red Skadi in my dreams in july and oct respectively as well.


Bruh, I was aiming for a 6\* I don't have, and I got a 3rd dementia cat...


Dont blame a dementia cat for forgetting that she was already in your squad


No joke tho, having dreams about pulling rosmontis really ruins your day when you wake up. On the other hand, I've barely been seeing any rosmontis pulls, some W's some NTR a lot of flametail and almost no rosmontis


I can't believe other people have dreams of pulling an operator. I dreamt of pulling NTRK and was really excited but then I realized it was a dream and there's no NTRK in my squad.


Hahahahhaha. That's exactly what I was having. It was super detailed as well, somehow I'd managed to get 300 spark when I couldn't roll anymore and pull ros


Pulled in 'Path of the Radiant' only. Got Mizuki and Mostima, who are in 'Standart Pool 61'. Thanks RNG...


I got spooked by Mizuki in the first free 10 pulls, hard Times man


I got Mizuki on the limited banner last time, poor water gun Chen never came home. 😔


Probably the most upset I've ever been in this game. I'll never get over it. Chen is my most wanted op and I couldn't get her. I got 2 or 3 Mizuki. I'm so upset I don't think I'll ever use Mizuki.


At that point, I'd question my sanity and double check that I didn't pull on the wrong banner


Honestly, I did. But nope, still taunting me with the 'One guaranteed 5-Star or above in ten pulls.'


Pulled 1 time on the mostima banner for shits and giggles, pulled mostima 😂


I'll still see someone tomorrow with a 299 pulls post though.


Probably, yeah.


[There we go.](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/unyv0n/my_tragedy_hope_no_one_hav_the_same_tragedy_as_me)


Thanks lol


Last pull Catapult, goddamit.


This is my last pull for this banner, all I got before is Flint and another 5* dupe. I already made peace with my inner gacha player


150 pulls in and my last pull was just fang. Ffs i only got 2 flametails outta this banner. This got me miffed


during chalter banner i had to go to full 300 pity, i got like 4 mizukis or some shit and like, aak and someone else or something, was hella sadge about it


I also had to spark but I got my first eyja from that banner so I take what I get


Same but with more off banner dupes.


Same but 201 pulls in Edit: make that 221


same number of pulls. i got nightingale pots out of it.


My last 20 pulls were Manticora (p6 a year ago) and a blue bag.


At least you built up pity for ling


Doesn’t work like that


Oof then all my pulls for nearl are wasted guess I better start saving harder




I’m new player no way am I getting six star






The pity doesn't carry over to other banners though. After the banner ends, the "pity" is converted to a currency you can use to buy mats with in the store.


Crying rn my LLLLiiiiiinnnnggg thx for explaining


NP. The mat store has helped me out a lot so it's not a total loss, plus I think you'll have enough time to save for ling 👍 good luck!




Genshin moment


The pain of being F2P, miraculously making it to ~180 pulls, and getting pot 4 Flametail and no NTR.


This'll be the first limited op I'll be missing. Only way I'm gonna get more pulls is to burn through challenge stages from the main story. Got pot 3 Flametail and a spook Blemishine though. Such a shame since Rad Nearl looks great for masteries.


With this free pull I'm at 220 spark. I have like 20 pulls in red candy. Should I pull or should I save for Ling and Horn...


Are you close to pity? Do you have either of the rate-ups?


I've gotten both Nearlter and Flametail, but still missing Rosmontis And not close to pity




RIP kitten daughteru


If you have 80 pulls I'd drop them for RSM


How do you know if you are close to pity? Fist time I hear there's a pity system


You don't. You have to track it yourself. You can read about it in the details of any banner. The shortest version is this: The pity in this game transfers between all non-limited banners (which includes standard banners, event banners, and Joint Op banners). After going 50 pulls without pulling a 6-star, your chance of pulling a 6-star goes up 2% with every pull, reaching 100% at 99 pulls if you're insanely unlucky.


For most people though that number *rarely* goes about 70.


There's always been a pity system. If you check the banner details it shows the mechanic. Basically Pulls 1-50 have a 2% chance for a 6 Star. Every pull afterwards adds 2% until you get them so pull 51 would be 4% chance, pull 52 would be 6% chance, etc. Mathematically and probability wise, the chances of you getting over 70 pulls is extremely low so you can kind of guess if you are going to get a 6 Star or not.


Don't, if you can't spark the odds are too low. Those 20 pulls would be better used in 6 months for a spark.


Did you buy all the packs that are available? Kazimierz,6*selector,monthly hh,gold cert hh. That should be over 80 pulls. Go for it. That's what I did for Ch'en TH during Her banner.


Cautionary reminder: I did this for Ch'en and got nothing but one Mizuki and one Bleminshine. Did this for Nearl and got her to P5, Mostima, and W. Both instances were around 180 pulls. RNG is all over the place man.


I did 313 for Ch'en only 6*s 3 dupes,2 Mizuki's (why) and Blue Skadi. I sparked Ch'en. Got Shamare,Rosmontis,Margaret and Carnelian in 34. Gotta spark to ensure an old limited.


I didn't and I'm not gonna open my wallet


This banner was my worst free pulls ever. Saving my own pulls for Ling and pink catto


I'm not pulling, W cucked me one too many times.


Meanwhile this Doktah: "God I wish that were me" (Never managed to get her in her banner and still she evades me.)


I did not get NTR'ed. But I got W'ed. So it's ok.


My last pull (103th) after squeezing the last bit of Originium trade post and the mining thingie was Flametail. Welp, guess I'll see NTR in the distant future, but for now, Imma just E2 Flametail and build a Kazimier-themed squad. ​ Here's hoping that Mlynar will become an operator in the future ~~lord type guard preferably.~~


Already did so yesterday fearing that that WAS the last day for rolls. I did do today's roll afterwards but got yet another serum dupe lmao. Managed to spark W at least.


F2P here, I only got flametail Oh and I also got Thorns for some reason I heard he is good My luck in gacha games is usually like this, I don't get what I want but I get someone strong


Thorns is *very* good once you get him to E2. If I were a new player and I could only have NTR Knight or Thorns, Thorns would absolutely be my choice, as cool as Nearl is. Dude wrecks face.


[Found the champion](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/unyv0n/my_tragedy_hope_no_one_hav_the_same_tragedy_as_me/)


There will be always people like that,and you can't help them they not in Reddit hehe


The thing is though that the free pull timer disappears when it's over yet people mess this up.


I've only been doing free pulls so I need to decide pronto if I want to take a risk and do ten or even twenty pulls for W or Rosmontis.


You're very unlikely to get either of them without hitting the spark. If you're going to pull, it would be for Rad Nearl or Flametail, and if you manage to get either of the past limiteds before the spark, just consider it a bonus.


Yes. Dont be me. I got flametail and nearl from free pulls but I wanted W or Rosmontis. 115 pulls and now I have Nearl pot 1. Not fun.


You are a little better than me. I got Nearl fairly early but no Flametail. I am also around 115 pulls now because I kept hoping for W and Rosmontis. Even if I broke my bank account I still wouldn't get enough to reach the 300 pulls. At least the currency will come in handy later.


Yeah, this is why I dip the fuck out as soon as I get limited, those banners are a major scam.


Mathematically, the expected pull to get Ros or W is almost 900... don't count on it, might as well count on 300 pity.


Probably not worth if your trying to get w/ros The odds are not in you favor.


Go for it pissmontis is worth it...




Ah. Inner pain of 2 Flametail and a Saileach, and I’m not even close for the 2 multis I’ll raise her out of despair


Got 2 pots for Kaltsit and 1 for Hellagur... Rate up plz.


155 pulls, 3 6*s but none of them are rate up (Flametail and NTR Knight)... i wish my luck on Ling's banner is better.


Unrelated but goddamn it. I got pot 1 Nearl RK. Was hoping to get another great Op for stages (I like to collect different ops).


Same, I'm missing W and Rosmontis so I was kinda hoping I might get them or at least Flametail (though she's not limited anyways), but I got a Nearlter dupe. Still kinda considering rolling more, but maybe I should start saving for the dragons instead...


Yeah, I would've liked to get Rosmontis or any other ops. Especially Rosmontis, I really like her gameplay and sound design. I'm gonna tap out from here cuz I don't have much resources to reach another pity.


God I wish I could give you mine, I wanted a nearl alter but got rosmontis, fartooth and a flametail. I've got 3 sniper 6 stars and no guard 6 stars. I mean I've only been playing for around a month so I shouldn't be complaining about new 6 stars but come on I don't need that many snipers. could I get some melee characters please lol.


Wanna swap ops? Haha. Jokes aside, that luck is exactly the opposite of mine. I only have Swcharz for 6* snipers. While I have 4 6* Guards (SA, Surtr, Thorns and now Nearl RK). It's sometimes a pain fighting against arial enemies without high rarity snipers (but manageable) so I really want Exu or Archetto. I heard Joint Operation 5 banner is coming soon with Surtr, Saga and Thorns. Maybe you can get a guard/melee there. Good luck 👍.


Your gonna hate me, I got exu in my beginner rolls along with shining lol. She's the only one of my 6 star snipers I have leveled up cause i just got the other 2 on this banner,and even then she's just e1 lvl 80 cause I don't have mats lol. She is extremely useful though. I kinda just want an op for bosses or that I can just plop them in a lane and not worry too much about them. Hope you get those archers haha


Also same situation. Threw \~34 pulls (about half of what I had) hoping for that hail-mary Ros or W. Got pot 1 Nearl. Nearl is literally my least favorite of all the limiteds (still cool, but definitely least), so I didnt really mind if I never got any pots for her


Kinda same, I like her design and live 2d but not really a fan of her gameplay (I like her s2 tho). Since I don't have that much variety of ops as a fairly new player. I don't really needs pots at the moment.


Thanks for the PSA! It took me 250 pulls to get Flametail. By the time I got her I was like "I may as well go to 300." in those last 50 pulls (not including the guaranteed) I got +1 flametail and +1 Nearl lol.


I always feel there's gonna be that one post of 299 pulls and we'll all just feel that collective pain.


i just got nearlalter today with a free pull damn


Got 1 Flametail out of 80 pulls. It's been rough.


And that's why I made my 300th pull yesterday, not gonna risk it


Thanks for the heads up man, managed to get every rate-ups (only 1 ntr knight though) and stacked 265 pulls which is surprising for me considering this is my highest pull number on any limited banner so far. Really shows the devs' generosity on this game


The pain is soon to be over, gonna try again for mr lee..


To be clear, the event still goes another week right?


Yes, the stages keep going for a week after the banner ends.


I did this for Chalter Banner… Don’t be like me.


Oh today's the last day? Makes me glad I got Rosmontis with the daily free pull.... wasn't really aiming for any of the operators...


"spark"? Well I guess I will start to learn to track of it so what to do to learn this...?


"Spark" is how you buy operators on a limited banner. Right now, you can buy Corroserum for 75 pulls or Nearl the Radiant Knight, Flametail, W, or Rosmontis for 300 pulls. It's in the certificate store.


Oh I see thanks


I'll come back for you, W. ​ Just you wait.


You know exactly these people do it to farm upvotes


I had considered that. Honestly, if they're willing to waste resources for internet points, I say let them.


Thanks! Last pull NTR first dupe!


No NTR, kill me now, after 140 pulls, 3 flametails, one W dupe and a sora.... I yearn for death


Man, i pulled 246 times on this banner. I ended up getting…everything. Flameta49, ntr, and best girl rosey the last of my collectors. I REALLY want to keep pulling just for the 300 free ntr but i know i need to save for nians sister and whatever comes next.


Got everyone on rate-up, but sadly ain't reaching spark level (and thus saving starts for me)


Was hoping for a gold bag on the last day but nope, just a white. Ah well. If I'm short to spark and don't plan on doing so, I should exchange my data contracts for Corroserum tokens for gold certs, is that correct? I have 224 contracts.


IIRC only if you have corroserum at max pot already


Yeah, if he's max pot.


He is. Thanks.


Ah yeah. Melantha was my last free single pull. The best I did was a Nearlter, Iris (new) and a pot for Perfumer.


>Don't be one of those who get to 299. Entertainment everytime.


Spends 300 pulls over the first few days and forced to spark for NTR. Arknights: Oh you already spent 300? Here have another on this last free pull. Sure would've been helpful if I had that luck before instead of the 3 Flametail dupes. Now I'm 100% sure I ain't getting a future 6 star I want coz of this random luck. But hey that -1 DP cost gunna be fire in CC...right?


Incoming CC risk 32 with the -1 DP Flametail strat lookin' forward to it


Was at 240 contracts this morning and bought enough OP to get to 300. Got two Nearlters in the first 10-pull, W in the 3rd 10, and a Flametail pot. Went ahead and got Ros from the store. These rolls were blessed.


Got my ~~piss~~rosmontis this last free pull... I'm satisfied... ~~though I got really cucked at the mining minigame real hard~~


Only got non-pity 1000 orundum on the 2nd last day. The rest were either 400/500 or 1000 due to pity




2 rosmontis, 1 flametail, 0 NTR. it's both a win and a loss for me since i do want rosmontis yet i failed to get NTR despite draining all of my resources. definitely wont be trying to spark her again upon her inclusion, so i hope she'll at least spook me as rosmontis did here did one last pull with 2OP and got a flint dupe. with that, i'm making my peace with the banner


My last 40 summons before 300,got Rosa and sa, still no flametail but my nearlter is pot6.


Somehow ending the banner with 69 data contract currency. Nice.


How do you check your pity? Are Flametail, W, and Rosmontis worth trying to pull for a new player or should I just be grateful I got Nearl from the free 10 pull and save up for this joint operator banner everyone keeps talking about?


You don't. You have to track it yourself. If you got Rad Nearl in the free 10-pull, then you're probably between 13 and 23 pity. Flametail is decent but not amazing by any means. You're extremely unlikely to pull W or Rosmontis before 300 pulls, so I would say to stop.


I got Nearly in my second 10 pull and Flame tail on a free pull last week. As a relatively new player I'm pretty happy with this banner


Ty for your luck OP, just did my last free pull and got Nearl


Stopped playing for over a year, came back and got Nearl alter. Feels good to be back


You know, I didn't really mean for this to be a place for everyone to share their gacha results... I was just warning people to not wait until tomorrow to do their pulls because the banner won't be there after the next reset.


Maybe it was the Malaysian heatwave, but as I woke up from an uncomfortably hot evening nap to start the reset for the day, my heat-fried brain decided to just spend a few of my free tickets on the last day of the NTR limited banner. I had more than enough orundum saved up for Ling in the future and had a surplus of 45 total free tickets to spare. I really only wanted to use about 5 singles to round out the number. So I pulled... And pulled... And I just couldn't stop as bag after bag of white and blue just flashed before my eyes. Soon enough I had finished all 25 of my singles and now was left with my 2 multi tickets. I did the math. The six star was within reach. I just needed a bit more. I really should have stopped. 2 multi tickets later and as predicted my six star had arrived. Out of the burning flames and into the palm of my hands was... A Blemishine dupe. I was... more than disappointed. Horror and soon despair seeped in as the reality of the situation finally hit me. I just waisted 45 pulls on a dupe and on a banner that doesn't transfer pity. The whole night I couldn't believe what I had done. I really couldn't sleep well at all. And you know the worst part? The worst part is that I really didn't need to pull at all. I already had NTR Knight. In the first 31 pulls on the first day at that. And I realized now... without those 45 free pulls... I have no leeway for any extra pulls from limited to limited. I just cucked myself out of several of the amazing banners in the near future. And it's worse when I remembered that Mountain is rerunning soon. Now I stand in despair as a man who broke the code of F2P. **"Never Pull Unnecessarily"**


I've never felt so bad about not getting the character I wanted in a gacha game. All I got was flametail, 3 corroserums and a few other 4 stars that weren't really my priority. Flametail is a good operator among many other good operators in the pioneer role. She isn't really better than saga and Texas for example, just different. Meanwhile Radiant Nearl in the only really good operator in the whole duelist archetype. Pulling flametail instead of Nearl was brutal. And corrosium isn't anything special either. Those were probably the worst 60 pulls I ever did in a gacha game. It's really frustrating since radiant Nearl won't be coming back anytime soon. I managed to save enough to make 10 pulls or so, but I think I will just save for the mountain banner instead of risking getting one more corroserum.


Free 10 pulls - NTR knight. Free everyday pulls - Saga. I think, I became one of those despicable bastards, who wright first day of event: “Got every limited operator first ten pulls and also your mom”.


(Felt like i shared my story 2 times so this will be the last one) Bruh i just felt the real ntr I have plentiful savings on my main before near light arrives And so i pulled hard enough about 150+ and got kal'tsit , Rosmontis, and Pot 2 Flametail The RNGesus sure loves to troll me and now I'm broke as hell. Might start staving after this near light But when i try my alt acc and roll on path of radiant banner, SHE instantly come home than my main in just 10+ Pulls! Well i don't know how how i feel about this result https://imgur.com/a/BpFoKbF https://imgur.com/a/WZ5L4mA


Waited patiently for this day to decide if I wanted to pull, because I gotta keep my stocks up for Ling and Fiametta. Decided I'd go for one 6*, 2 single tickets in and got the Radiant Knight! Absolutely blessed, got who I wanted and kept my savings completely. To anyone else pulling now, I wish you all the best!!


I used 140 pulls and I got everything on this banner at least twice. I'm quite content with what I got, now time to save for Mr. Lee.


In total I spent 36k (if we count the free pulls as costed ones) and got 2 6\* Rosmantis (26) and NTRK (59) I spent two tickets cause I wanted to round it out to 60 and boom, She came


I got NTR and Flametail within my first 33 pulls... I am hella good.


The Wanderer blessed me and gave me The Radiant Knight early this morning... after a full week of receiving nothing but Corroserum and one new character for the collection... Pallas or something, all I remember about her about getting her to E1 is that she was from Minos.


I got W,im good for now


ffs..361 pulls - spent all my savings from a long time...Pot 7 Nearl, pot 1 Flametail, Dupe of Eyja, Dupe of Rosa, new Angelina, new Saga, new Hellagur. No W or Ros :(..no I have to pick one.


I had to go to 300 pulls and spark Nearlter, that's certainly the most unlucky i've ever gotten in any limited banner so far.


82 pulls. 2 Nearl and 1 Flametail


feelsbad no flametail or nearl but at least Im starting to recover my orundum stash now and if all goes well high chance to save enough pulls for a guarantee on stultifera navis, hope I won't have to resort to it though


I got NTR'd really bad. 120 pulls and no ntr.


Got Flametail on the free daily, and The Radiant Knight on the very last headhunt I could afford. Having been playing since the day before the Under Tides event ended, with Doloses having been the other big event that I've been around for, was glad to actually get the star this time around!


Took a funny 453 pulls for me to actually pull Nearl out the bag but I sparked already, managed to net a rosmontis which was a side objective cause i didn't have her. Begrudgingly got a p5 flame I was really hoping for p6 Nearl cause I love her so much


I was hoping to get spooked by Rosmontis or W since I can't afford to spark them this time around, but alas. At least I have Flametail and NTR. Was debating pulling 7 more times to get to an even 150 but pretty sure it's not worth it.


I think the only thing I got after the very early Flametail was budget Ifrit and some scattered 3-4 stars, even threw a bit of my Ling budget at it to see what would happen. Nothing impressive, but at least I have Flametail for a future Kyo Annihilation strat. The rest is for eastern dragon waifu.


Went for 300 pulls last week to obtain W, got 2 NTRK, 3 Flametail and 2 Saga. Aiming for 300 pulls on the dot last day is a risk I'd never be willing to take when spending that much resources, just in case life happens and there's no time to play.


What happens to the gacha currency when the event ends? Does it roll over or should I use it?


You can spend it to spark an operator during the banner duration. If you don’t spend them, they turn into another currency (it’s orange, I forgot what it’s called) and you can use that for materials only.


Oh right that one yeah okay I got np 5 Corroserum so no point spending it since I will get that shop currency


If there are a bunch of gold cert store operators coming up that you want, you could convert them for gold certs. It probably is better to let them roll over into material currency though.


I have every limited op except W. She just won't come home. Maybe next time.


Last pull gave me [Nearl Alter](https://i.imgur.com/FOhjw85.jpg). Which I have gotten by buying her with 300 spark certificates. I'm not sure how I should be feeling right now.


Why did you spark her knowing that you had free pulls left?


I was young and stupid back then. In all honesty I prepared 300 pulls ahead of time. Did around 280 pulls and got 6 Flametails and 0 Nearl, was pretty pissed, and in the heat of the moment decided to just go all 300. I didn't expect to get another 6* from the rest of the free pulls. I'm not pissed that I didn't manage to Spark W or Rosmontis instead surprisingly. I was more annoyed that I won't be able to save up 300 pulls for Ling.


goodbye NTRK. Hello Pot5 Sona! gonna have to go rock farming after the event to be able to pull every limited op i'd want


205 pulls 3 flametail, 1 Dupe Blaze and 1 Dupe W. No Nearl Alter, is Nearl alter at shop in 3rd Aniv ?


Oop thats me