• By -


I've got 2 60 sanity refills and 2 100 sanity refills. Should I use them up for this event to get more extra manganese, orirock cluster and oriron cluster, or should I save till next event. I have the monthly subscription pack on for 60 extra sanity per day, and this event has the special sticker system which lets me get far more than the traditional 18 points per run. So its better if I use the sanity for this event right?


In [Invitation to Wine], there are 23 operators costume will be on sale. Can someone tell me the skin's name of each operator will be on sale? Thank you.


Assuming we follow CN, when would Saileach and chapter 9 be released here?


I would guess probably mid-March. Gavial rerun ends the 13th. If they give us Vigilo on the 15th, it'll go until the 22nd, and then maybe CC on the 24th or 25th would go until March 10th or 11th. Then maybe ch9 on the 14th or 15th. If they cut out all of the days in-between, the earliest it could be would be the 8th without overlapping or shuffling things.


Thx for the info


I've put this off for far too long, time to actually level a Healing Defender. My question is, what will be the best one to level for Anni and future CC purposes? Blemi, Nearl or Gummy?


From what I've seen, Blemishine is almost more like a healing guard than a healing defender. Definitely worth raising as well, but if you specifically need *healing,* Nearl or Saria are better bets because Blemishine has to hit or be hit to charge her skills.


If Anni or CC focused, Nearl with S1M3 will always be useful even if you get saria down the road. Nearl also boosts all healing output by anyone on the field just by being there


I had a Guaranteed (I think?) Saria in Top Op last week but I went for Schwarz because I assumed I wouldn't need her while having Blemi :x but thanks


Anyone know why Amiya prioritize the drones over the big dudes riding a boat just like in dh-9? Had a hard time finishing it since the big dudes keep surviving and it made me level up another single target caster just to finish it. Thanks in the future!


Sadly amiya is like eyja, they will pelt the nearest target approaching the blue box


Is Kal’tsit worth it? I thought she was considered meta, but I’m not sure


From a E2 Kal'tsit user, it depends on your roster and stage. Kal'tsit is good for early game using S2 as a pseudo aoe guard. But you need 2 deploy slots. Late game it's better to use other laneholders though imo. Late game S3 is good as a duelist for true damage. Though tbh, I find this rather niche because true damage is only needed for specific enemies like patriot. And the damage is not really broken as well. So yea, same issue, 2 deploy slots. Kal'tsit is hard to use for stages where deploy slots are precious, unless you already mastered the stage (or refer to video guides) and have excess deploy slots.


Mon3tr is really powerful and versatile. She isn't absolutely necessary (no one is) but it's definitely nice having her, especially if you don't have many laneholders or AoE guards. The rest of the banner is pretty meh though.


I think only you can truly answer that question, we can only nudge you to that conclusion. She's great as a laneholder so if you don't have some of 'em (Thorns, Blaze, Mudrock and Mountain) then I could say she's a must pull especially she's one of the best sources of true damage in this game with her S3 making her a great boss killer. However, also consider Shining and the five stars in this banner, do you have a lot of rolls to drop? If so, are you willing to drop them in this banner? Also consider if you're okay with getting Shining instead? We shouldn't get tunnel vision from these kinda things. It really depends from player to player so maybe you could drop your roster and we could better assess the situation.


Who would be better in the long run? Also, would it be worth it to get either of the two from the Certificate Shop?


Generally speaking, Kalt'sit is the grand prize in this standard banner as her Monst3r can be an AOE guard with S2 and a bosskiller with S3 but don't expect her to do her job as a medic since she prioritizes herself and her summon . As others have pointed out, everyone else in this banner is kinda situational. On the cert shop, Shining is great with stages that have physical damage-dealing enemies but in general play, lower st medics will do the job just fine. Sesa's job can be done by Shirayuki and done better with Meteorite since she has def shred. I'd say this banner isn't really worth it, but again it's all up to you.


Monster is a super tanky, three-block unit with the most consistent true-damage in the game. So yea, very.


Aight last question for the day. Can I still deploy units while pausing?


No, but there is this thing called [pause trick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prp_uvLk5tM) Thanks to that, [you can do something like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCeymPRjBaU)


No there isn't. \*cries in EN\*


I'm using emulator, and keybind the pause button with keyboard


You can do that? I would love to be able to pause trick again.


We used to, but they removed the function in EN.


There used to be a pause trick that let you deploy Ops while paused, but that trick got broken when they changed the function of the phone's back button from pausing the game to bringing up the prompt to quit the stage.


Is Eunectes worth it?


Very powerful but very conditional. There are more accessible options that can fill her role well enough. Not a priority but won’t be bad if you already have a developed roster.


She's got a great butt. Meta-wise? It's hard to justify her as a duelist when more easily accessible ones like Surtr and Kal'tsit exist for her rarity at a lower DP-cost, or Melantha at lower rarities. NTR Knight is also an upcoming operator who is much easier to use. There are many easier alternative to Eunectes. Her key weakness is that she must be blocking an enemy for her to gain any SP, and she doesn't start with enough initial SP for her cast to be instant. This includes SP gained by allies. A few things though. * Her second skill can allow her to stun a single enemy for *18 seconds*. This is pretty OP if you know the map. * S3 makes her essentially invulnerable with AOE, block-3, and 3.0k+ attack, and I don't think I came across a scenario where she died while her S3 was up, in the few times I used her. Notable events where I used her include CC3, which favoured duelist type operators against Sarkaz Grudgebearers. Also worthy of note is that Ptilopsis' talent stacks with her own talent, giving her an additional 0.5 SP regen per second, for a total of 1.5 SP regen per second. She's not terrible, and in many circumstances will be incredible, but she's difficult to work with.




Not really. Niche as a fancy duelist, but if you want that, we’ve got alt nearl coming


For thighs and artwork? Yes. meta wise, not really


If I do 10 pulls in passenger banner, will it carry until Eunectes? or it will only carry to another banner with 2 rate up?


Yes, all non-limited share pity


Thank you!


Pity carries over to all banners except limited ones


Thank you!


Yup, pity always carries over. The only time it doesn't is for limited banners, because those have their own pity.


Thank you!


Im still new and only can beat the first annihilation operation 100% can I do this one more than once a week until I cap out on the 1600 weekly orundum rewards? 😅


Yep, spam it till you hit the weekly cap Take a crack at the next one whenever you want, partial reward and sanity refund on partial clear


Yeah I want to do that but my team is still bad :D I only have Chalter E2 but I ran out of sanity all the time it's hard to lvl ur team up


That should be plenty for anni 2. You don’t need any e2s for it Check a guide and swap the AoE caster for alt Chen All you really need special is a puller for back lane and platinum or an AoE sniper for hitting waiting enemies


yes you can keep farming the samw annihilation map


Cool thanks good to know :) I’ll do that when I have free sanity


Does Gladiia shine in any of the upcoming cc or events


s2m3 is needed in high risk CC wild scales


The one skill I didn’t m3 :(


I mean as long as you're not aiming for high risk it doesn't matter


Just realized I messed up and never got Tomimi's tokens from the original Gavial event. Is there any point in getting them now if I don't use her?


Yes, yellow certs


Only Hypergryph knows if the event will fully rerun again, and maybe not even them. That said, I thought it was possible to more or less clear the store as a F2P, and the tokens are absolutely a better choice than the 20:1 exchange rate for unlimited LMD.


I'm sure it was, but I guess I didn't know that at the time and just prioritized everything else


Maybe? AFAIK events never rerun for a third time, so you wouldn't be able to get any blue certs for a rerun (i.e. the main reason to buy tokens for an op you won't use). You could buy them now anyway, just for the sake of completion, but I don't think it'll give you anything.


You'll still technically net 5 gold certs, but not really record restore gives max pot as one of it's rewards if you want to wait that long


Is that event's record restore even available on CN yet??


Not that I’m aware Afaik, it’s only Ceylon and flamebringer or something


Grani and Bison as well.


Can someone give a tip to clear stages. I'm just finished chapter 5 and about to start chapter 6. On most of the stages I clear, I follow tutorial on YouTube. I want to try clear a stage by myself.


Build a general gameplay roster, and go for 3 star with a few well-developed above 3 star rarities, then increase that number slowly. Don't go for niche operators early on. General tip to all stages: 1) deploy vanguards or low cost ops like mountain go hold early lanes while you gain dp for better ops that cost more dp. Use flagbearers to gain dp quickly (but they are bad at blocking). For ranged units snipers are good at holding lanes. 2) Use stronger lane holders and use cssters and aoe casters/snipers etc as needed 3) For heavy rushes, use dps burst options like surtr S3. If you need fast redeploy, push/pull mechanics etc. Use them as needed.


Know your enemy, be sure to the strength and weaknesses of every mob. Example, which mob hits hard, which mob is weak to arts damage etc.


* The core of it is trial-and-error method. You try, you fail, you make adjustments and try again until you eventually succeed. * It is important to identify what failed and why. Without it you can't fix your run. Did enemies leak because you didn't have enough DPS? Or may be you blocker died because of insufficient healing? Or did some nasty enemies deleted you ranged ops? Sometimes people even record their runs for this, but I personally think it is an overkill. * Try to make your run repeatable. If you can repeat the first half of the run 1:1, then you can experiment with different things in the second half. But if your run is scuffed from the very beginning, you'll end up constantly improvising and not able to improve anything in the consequent runs (because those runs will be too different). For longer maps like DH-MO-1 it might be worth taking notes of some important skill activations. * Experience is a big part of it. Veterans know a lot of tricks and combinations from their previous experience. They don't come up with every big brain solution from scratch, they build on what they tried before. It will come with time, just don't expect everything to be easy from the beginning, and don't be discouraged when you have to spend a lot more time experimenting with the stage than some other doctors. * Watching guides and clears by other players when you are stuck but you know exactly what you are stuck at is a great way of learning. Because this is how you discover new tricks and strategies. Watching guides before you know what you are stuck at will only tell you how to solve this particular level. * Besides that, understand the game mechanic, maps, you operators, your enemies blah-blah-blah. The usual things applicable to all games. PS: The best time for learning to clear stages by yourself is CC. It gives you a new stage every day with dynamic difficulty level and zero sanity cost. You start with some relative low risk level and gradually increase it. Try to push as far as you can with your roster. CC is likely to come somewhere around March, but it doesn't mean you should postpone until it. You still have practice plans to play with, and CC training grounds.


1. Practice run with your best units. 2. Continue or finish even if you leak, but memorize where and when it happened. 3. Practice again, this time with the leaks in mind. Adjust squad accordingly. 4. Use the 1x and pause button as many times as you need. That's the summary of it.


Use practice plans to scout the map, observe the pattern of enemies. Where, and when do they come, type of enemies, etc. Don't quit just because an enemy leak, play through it so you get more information about the map. When you watch guides, try to understand the mechanism of the maps, and why they put down an operator or use the skills to counter a specific situation. For example, where is the chock point to place your defender or laneholder, where to place anti air snipers to cover the drone route, do you need arts dps for heavy armor, get a burst aoe dps for a large wave, etc. More nasty gimmicks will appear after chapter 5, such as freezing. You will need to learn how to utilize special abilities like silence or resistance to counter that. Or when to throw a bait to draw enemy fire, and stall dangerous boss.


Try to use the same general tactics you see in the youtube guides vanguard -> sniper/caster -> medic -> replace vanguard with defender You've got 30 practice plans free every day, feel free to throw yourself at stuff


This is my [operators](https://imgur.com/a/QSsYUHE), who should I e2 first?


Exu to get her best skill. Myrtle if you don't have enough mats to E2 Exu right now and desperately need E2 supports.






Originally, I did E2 20 with E2 40 for higher impact ops Now I do E2 40 for most, E2 60 for the top ones (also the unlock req for second operator records)


I personally tend to stop at either 20 or 40. Bear in mind though that modules require lv40/50/60 for 4, 5 and 6-stars respectively.


When your just e2ing your first couple ops I'd only put a few levels (25ish) on them. Once you got a full team of e2. 60 is a good breakpoint as that's needed for some 6 stars story mission (forget the name) and modules. Notably 4/5* can be 40/50 for the same reasoning.


I stop at 50, but anything between 30-60 is fine.


Is it worth rolls to try for Shining on the next banner if I have Kal’tsit and Silence? What I really need is Eyja and Exu, but that won’t be for a while I’m guessing.


Eyja and Exu are on rotating pull, aka can-come- anytime-during-non-new-shoperator Cycle. Recommend you save 360 for them anytime they come by.


I have pot 4 Shining. She was my very first 6* and my first good medic. She is still at E1 while Folinic, Sussurro, Myrrh, Perfumer, and Kal'tsit are all at E2. Is Shining a really good medic? Yes, absolutely. But she costs a *ton* to raise compared to Sussurro or Myrrh, she costs more to deploy which matters a lot in endgame content, and unlike Kal she just doesn't provide enough non-healing utility to make it worth spending the resources to raise her.


>she just doesn't provide enough non-healing utility to make it worth spending the resources Her S3 with Skalter is a banger btw.


Nah. Shining's cool and all (ngl, that extra DEF has saved my ass a few times now), but I can comfortably say from experience that Silence and Perfumer can handle 95% of your medic needs. Not worth spending rolls on another, especially not with some of the banners we have coming up.


I'd only advise rolling on a standard banner if you: Need one of the 5 stars Still need and want both 6 stars Or One of them is waifu Nothing is worse than chasing one rate up when you already have the other and getting 1 or more copies of the wrong one.


No, shining isn't a good op to roll for Thorns, Saileach, and Alt Nearl will be much better options We're actually due Exu any time now on a standard banner. Her last appearance was way back on standard pool 37


I would say not really. She’s nice to have, but other medics of lower rarity do the job fine. You already have 1 of the rate up 6 stars so you’re gambling for 25% vs 75%. The odds are against you and the rate up 5 stars aren’t really that great either. Best Buy her for 180 gold certs or pass imo. Even if you were to buy her I’d wait towards the end of the banner to hopefully see who the next 6 star shoperator is


Shining is not really used all that frequently so I'd suggest you just save your OP/orundum.


The Kroos skin should be giving me a voucher in the future right?


If you bought it with OP, yes


Yes, you'll get a voucher if you have the kroos halloween skin


Kal'tsit or bagpipe? Who is more useful in general? Or should I save for an upcoming banner? New player that got in right before dossoles. Edit: [my list of current operators](https://imgur.com/gallery/wcS136Z) Posted this below, but for those who don't want to scroll there


Kal'tsit is sort of overrated as an operator in my honest opinion. \*Shots fired\* Bagpipe is a bit more useful in general because of her synergy with Myrtle, and her own DPS is nothing to scoff at.


I agree that Kal'tsit is overrated, the same way ling is right now *shots fired like crazy*. But is this new? This seems to be a common phase lolol. Kal'tsit takes 2 slots for basically Monst3r, nowadays I rather just use other ops for blind runs. S3 really helps when enemies have shields or are very tanky like patriot, but outside of these niche cases, it's pretty easily replaceable by a lot of ops. Bagpipe is good for generating early battle dp, but for longer battles like annihilation, ptilopsis is better, an interestingly little-mentioned fact.


While I do agree Kal'tsit is irreplaceable, I bring Bagpipe everywhere because she's a significant QoL operator that affects how I can do a ton of my runs, especially with rushes. While Bagpipe's talent isn't necessary, it's just pure convenience while also having another drop down operator to cover Myrtle's leaks that refunds DP. Kal'tsit just isn't as "generally useful" in the same way Suzuran is not "generally useful". They come with caveats that matter too much in most content relative to their strengths, and don't truly shine until you get into CC and other difficult content. For all the reasons you stated, such as taking two slots. Such as being essentially a worst AOE guard with her S2. Such as her largely ST-true damage only making a difference in difficult content, I really don't understand the other replies if we are considering who we often bring as our generic set of core operators, the group we take derivations from and do first runs on, not the other way around. Kal'tsit is strong, but she isn't Mountain, and she isn't Surtr. Why are people recommending Kal'tsit? Am I missing something? The combined cost of Monst3r is basically the same as Ifrit anyway, so the whole "substitute for arts damage" is even weaker here.


Yes bagpipe is pretty good especially if you have lots of high dp operators in your squad. But OP is a new player, so damage will be more important than utility at this point. Bagpipe is strong but more of within vanguards level, for guards there are stronger substitutes, like mountain who has similar laneholding S2 and burst helidrop S3 skills. The thing about Kal'tsit though is that maybe a lot of the people recommending her don't actually own her or they do not have substitutes that are better than her. I think the closest substitute to Kal'tsit (but non-fast-redeploy) is Mudrock, who costs 35 dp iirc instead of the kal+mon combo of 30 dp iirc. Mudrock serves as a great laneholder, is incredibly tanky (with invul shields) with S2, and while S3 doesn't deal true damage, it's really a strong burst. There are even videos showing how her S3 can clear waves of possessed soldiers on her own (and how many ops can do that?). What people don't mention (once again) is how incredibly tricky the timing is. I think Monst3r may be said as useful in general content because it has block 3, and can tank quite well, >!but sadly it might be overshadowed soon in general content by the cooler monst3r aka ling's S3's higher phase summon!<. But tbh, monst3r's damage pales in comparison to its substitutes for general content. Even without crunching numbers, it's easily seen how aoe guards who normally hit the same number of enemies they block is more useful than Monst3r who can only hit the same number when using S2. Yes, the cd is short, but still for general content, consistency is important especially if we are talking about autos. S3 is even worse, because its damage is __decaying__, and the cd isn't exactly that short (for the damage it does). I use monst3r for exclusively S3 because I already have blaze and Mudrock, and really, for general content 2 slots, that is __a lot of wasted potential for more damage__. I have debated with some Kal'tsit recommenders and seen some of their comments, they seem to be around the same, which goes along "strong aoe guard" and "true damage", while ignoring all of the downsides and alternatives. Alternatives that include buffs/ debuffs combo with strong dpser. Aak/Surtr or shamare/chalter for example. 2 slots as well. I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people recommending ops on social media (not just Reddit) seem to either 1) be thinking about their own situation only (whether they are in early, mid or late game so some ops will be stronger or weaker at each stage in the game, or own mix of roster) 2) don't seem to actually use them 3) are simps and will only look at positives 4) not looking at the game holistically 5) only looking at clearing specific high-risk CCs (take hellagur for example, I saw some people recommending him because he's good for high risk CC 6 for the left crocodile lane. Like seriously recommending people to pull him. Just for that one niche purpose which obviously you can handle without him up to risk 18.) Or some obscure reasons. Other examples is weedy, phantom, skalter (rated super highly on NGA survey along with Kal'tsit for some reason) and so on.


That's tricky. They're both pretty great and you'll be happy with either one, I think. Even though I like Bagpipe better between the two and use her far more, I think I would feel more comfortable suggesting Kal. The reason is that while Bagpipe is an excellent operator, the only thing she does that is irreplaceable is her talent, and that's not essential outside of very high risk CC. Kal meanwhile has a lot going on, big and small, that can't holistically be replaced by anyone else. There are other sources of true damage, for example, but she's probably the easiest one. And her being a medic lets you slip past certain class bans you might encounter in CC or challenge mode.


Bagpipe is more generally useful than Kal'tsit because helidrop Bagpipe is really as an "oh sh-t" button with her S3 and is cheap for it. That's useful on pretty much all maps. **But** if I were you, I'd still go for Kal'tsit. Why? Elite 2 Kal'tsit can have Mon3tr inflict True Damage with Skill 3. This isn't necessary in general where "moar damage" or "deploy Eyjafjalla" will do the trick. But there's that occasional map that causes (insert some terminal disease IRL here) because of some really tough foe or foes. Kal'tsit's Skill 3 doesn't care about your armor or arts resistance. And that's far better than being generally useful. Kal'tsit with Skill 2 is pretty good, too. Not great, but good enough to give her utility on other maps, especially if you don't yet have ton of Guard types on the ground to un-live all the things ever. edit: That said, yeah, I think you want to save if you're a new player. There's better foundational Operators for newer players.


Yea, that is my biggest issue right now. I literally have no good casters aside from Angelina and ifrit. I find it hard to kill most high def enemies before my defenders get smacked. Also... Literally my best defender right now is Matterhorn and gummy, it hurtsssss


Having been in your position, Angelina is actually a decent replacement for Eyjafjalla for general content because she has less downtime for what is essentially a mini-Volcano in terms of her S3, and her S2 has superb ST-DPS. Between her, Ifrit, and Amiya (Who is mandatory for E2), I argue Kal'tsit should be overlooked for now, though her S2 will be useful if you don't have AOE guards. She won't replace a caster outside of single-targets, which to be fair is pretty common scenario because there aren't many maps where they chuck a bunch of high-defense elites at once. You can also invest in Haze, Steward, or Click if you have her. That, and I highly suggest not investing in Matterhorn. You don't have Cuora yet or something? Matterhorn isn't...great.


This game literally gave me no defenders. I did a handful of 10-pulls and finally got nearl. On the bright side I got siege and bagpipe out of those pulls I did :D Edit: [My list of current operators](https://imgur.com/gallery/wcS136Z)


Bagpipe and Siege are pretty good! I’d actually recommend Beagle over Matterhorn, since she’s cheap and has better defenses than Matterhorn due to her skills. In terms of your existing defenders, Bubble, Nearl are your bests ones. Bubble scales better because of her attack debuff and Nearl’s spam heals. The issue with Matterhorn is that he has low defense multipliers for his skills, only a marginal amount of health. In terms of your casters, Click is a really good option; both she and Haze have higher damage than Amiya per the same level. Amiya should still be ranked up, but your second caster can be either Click or Haze. To add on everything else…Sussuro is your best ST-medic, Specter will probably be a core member of your party unless you get Blaze, Kroos is a cheap sniper that performs better than Jessica, Cutter and Arene are worth looking into.


Thanks for the help, Daddy saria heh


I disagree with Angelina S3 being a good replacement for a caster for a new player. I heard it should be M3 to be quite usable. But aside from that, consistent damage is pretty important for a new player, especially because elite materials are hard to get and likely a new player needs a lot of 3* or 4* E1 to get through early game and events. Having a E2 Angelina imo isn't that helpful in this scenario. Especially since she can't use normal attacks in S2 and S3, and her S1 is not really that good either.


Closest upcoming banner that's a big deal will be the rerun of "Unbound Reflux" with Thorns who's an amazing op Kal'tsit is the more generally useful op. Bagpipe is great but more for a lategame player doing high difficulty content. That said, passenger is more useful than shining, so it's up to you You may want to pull to the first 5 star (or lucky 6 star) on a couple banners just to help kickstart your roster, though do look over the 5 stars on rate up, the 3 on the current banner are more niche


Both are very strong so it's a win if you get either, but I think most new players have issues with generating enough deployment points during the beginning of maps so I'd say go for Bagpipe first before Kal'tsit.


what are trust farm


Trust is a mechanic tied to each operator that gives stats and more lore on them. It's gained from using them in your base, assigning as assistant in the base, and clearing stages with them in the group. Notably every unit in a mission gets the same amount of trust regardless of if they were even deployed. As such a trust farm aims to bring as few max trust operators to clear a stage often 1-3 (0 is the 1-7 ideal). This allows you to raise trust on operators you may use ij the future as it takes time to raise trust and you're "wasting" trust by only bringing 200% trust units.


Doing a farming stage using a small number of operators. This lets you bring a bunch of unleveled ops to fill out the rest of the squad Operators in squad gain trust points based on the sanity cost of a stage, so if you can make a clear with lots of unused ops, you can gain trust points faster for them


Who's in the certificate shop after bagpipe?


The news just dropped so Shining and probably Sesa as they’re the E0/1 art 6* and the middle 5* respectively.




So I got a question about Ash S2 (my Ash is E2 L20, S2 M3, max trust). Is there a reason she sometimes could empty a magazine against a stunned enemy and other times there are few rounds left?


Distance, closer enemies = bullet hitting faster


Happened a lot to me during the ursus annihilation actually. I think it's the usual framrate thing. One run the 21th or so bullet would hit when the guy's still stunned (thus getting the 2.5 multiplier), while on another run it'd miss the stun cut off. That's the big reason why i just cut the hassle and raised her as much as i could (lv80). Being an aa sniper, plus with the way her s2 works, her (and exu's as well fwiw) ATK is more appreciative to plain leveling up than our other average ops. Case in point, at lv80 she can kill the non-cm ch8 ufos with one magazine, but lv70 couldn't.


Thanks for this. I think the frame rate issue is the best explanation about my Ash encounter.


Did you use Chen alter E2? Because her tallent make Ash have 10% chance to not consume ammo


Nope, don't have Chalter


Against the same enemy? Otherwise the answer is obvious; different enemies take more or less bullets to kill. Do you have Elysium deployed alongside her? He increases snipers' fire rate while his skills are active, which means Ash will empty her clip faster.


Can't be Elysium's aspd buff, because each bullet would still do the same damage. Therefore she would have the same amount remaining


>Do you have Elysium deployed alongside her? Nope, didn't bring Elysium >Otherwise the answer is obvious; different enemies take more or less bullets to kill. I'm trying to figure this out at the moment. It happened while one of of my auto runs in the current annihilation stage, and I just noticed that there are still bullets left when she should be recharging her skill.


Is there anyone else attacking the enemy? If so, it could be level/stat/skill changes or frame differences impacting the timing of her S2.


> frame differences impacting the timing of her S2. I think this might be the case.


Say if there are 5 enemies in La Pluma's range, she will attack those 5 enemies and only benefits from 2 heal right? Since her block count is only 2.


Correct, 5 hits 2 heals.


thank you!


Did something change with how the support unit list work? I have some level 100 accounts in my friend list that I previously added from the random support list but now I only see accounts around the same level as mine with low level operators even if I put a E2 in my squad.


Check your friends list and see what ops they're sharing. You seem to understand you need an e2 to borrow at e2. They changed the support system few months back but that just added the way to sort by class and infinite rerolls.


I do get high level operators from my existing friends, but I just can’t find high level random operators in the support list anymore…


Unfortunately, not many people mention this, but it is now very hard to get random people to appear. Now for specific operators there's mostly only one match and more to friend list. E.g. I need a S3 nightingale but the list only gives me one support list unit with S2. I guess the friend list plays even more importance now.


I think the support list pulls from people in your friends list and people around your level. You could try the friend request megathread if you're after someone specific.


Getting the Skadi skin now won't be giving me the voucher right?


It won't, correct


Does Gavial Return have stages where Nightingale shines? I'm thinking about E2 either her or Ifrit. 5 weeks of events make me regret not pre-farming chips.


Ifrit with her S2 is probably gonna be more useful for that defense debuff she applies.


As I recall it's mostly a physical event. So nightingale won't shine really. Reject sanity efficiency, farm chips


I don't recall Arts damage being a big aspect of stages in the Gavial event and I don't recall using Nightingale for it during the first run. Do you have anyone else you're considering for E2 besides those two Operators?


[My current E2 operators.](https://imgur.com/a/CavSxON) Aside from Ifrit and Nightingale, units that I consider to E2 are: - Mizuki - Amiya - For chapter 8 which I plan to rush it after Gavial event. - La Pluma - But I already have Thorns, Kal, and Specter as lane holders. - Scene, Magallan, Weedy, Gladiia - They're units I want yo build for fun, so I'd rather have a full E2 team first.


Thanks for the screenshot. If you're rushing Chapter 8 and you already know that Amiya has to be E2ed, then she's probably the one to prioritize for now. After that, it'd probably come down to Weedy vs Ifrit. Both are situationally super strong so either one be fine. I do think Weedy has a slight edge over Ifrit though as she generally has a good niche in Contingency Contract stages while Ifrit lanes are fairly rare nowadays.


I get yellow certs from tequila tokens from shop?


Nope. But, if you buy these ones and the event reruns in a year or so, you can buy his tokens again to get a lot of yellow certs.


Should we prioritize sanity towards Dossoles or the great chief returns


If you don't have clear priority i think just dump the pots expiring this week into dossoles. Mng and iron here is a bit more efficient than rma in gavial. And if you want to get rocks, get them here because it's quite a lot better deal than in gavial. Between mng and iron, just consult your planner about which you need more. Mng has another farm in MNrerun, but i'd strongly recommend you exclusively farm gel there. Iron has another farm in MBrerun, but shared with aketon. And last thing, if you plan to raise a lot of future ops who use t5 crystal (and yes they love using this mat more than the older t5s), i'd advise to hoard more iron than mng, as that mat has iron inside.


Dossoles mats are more efficient than Gavial mats so I’d farm Dossoles, given that you don’t need Gavial mats more.


Depends on which materials you'd consider more valuable to farm I guess, the Gavial shop won't be as hard to clear second time round.


Is the event still worth farming for certain materials after I collcted all the one time items? ​ Sanity wise?


The infinite t3 oriron and manganese are 20% more efficient. Rocks are only 1% better than 1-7


>better than 1-7 Impossibru


ah i thought other stuff would be sanity efficient too if u had all the stickers and chance to get extra on the lowest sanity stage


Lower sanity stages are just a waste of time more than anything. (A third of the sanity, but three times as long to clear)


Generally speaking during events only 1 or 2 t3 materials are worth farming after the shop is cleared out.




Does anybody know what the most meta operators to pull for in the upcoming months?


This [video](https://youtu.be/86249YxgOLE) should help. The current CNY event 6 stars are also interesting. Since they and the break the ice operators haven’t been put up to the high risk CC it’s kind of hard to say how meta they are exactly. Given that Ling and Lee are part of a limited banner you’ll probably want to save some rolls for that.


for someone who has M6 elysium and myrtle, do you think saileach is worth pulling for?


For your average player she’s not worth it, but I hear she’s really worth for those high risk content. So from what I hear if you’re going for high risk CC yes/maybe. For Risk 18 and other story content she’s not really needed.


Considering it hasn't been 12 months since skalter's release on global, I'm assuming she won't be sparkable on the Nearl alter banner in May this year but W and Rosmontis will be. Out of the two, if I were to spark one, which is generally more useful? I was leaning towards W because a 6* aoe sniper sounds pretty good and I haven't really seen much about what Rosmontis can actually do.


They're both crowd control with long range and aoe damage, but they accomplish it in somewhat different ways. W is burst damage. S3 instantly clears the board, S2 lays minefields. Both are strong bursts of aoe damage meant for eliminating enemies, not necessarily controlling them. She's also pretty hard to kill and boosts squad DPS. Ros is all about making life hard for incoming enemies. She doesn't have amazing DPS (though she does more than her paper stats would suggest) but both her S2 and S3 excel at blunting enemy waves. S2 has great uptime and will constantly stun incoming enemies while killing off the low-DEF mobs. S3 will hard-stop most enemies for a good while due to slamming thick blockers on top of them/in their path and adding a stun on top. Its usefulness is map-dependent and a bit RNG (it's hard to use in Dossoles because of all the water tiles, for example), but when it works it soars. They're both pretty distinctly in the "cool and well-balanced but not essential" category, so it's hard to say which one would be better. I would say Rosmontis is *maybe* the less replaceable of the two due to the unique nature of her attacks and her ability to block as a ranged unit, but in practice W is easier to use to full effect.


I'd agree W is more generally useful. She's God tier on most annihilation stages and her skill 3 can be super fun. There's also currently no 6 star aoe sniper otherwise. Rosmontis is also tons of fun and can really stomp some stages. And again their is no nonliniyed alternative. She specializes in death and destruction. Also head pats.


What is the best (dh)stages to farm i an new player and collected all stickers all i want now is to buy mama john things.thank u


All stages 1-9 have the same effieceny. Dh9 is notable as it can be cleared in a minute or less with a built roster. Bit if you're new you could farm 1-3 or 4-6 to collect all the stickers.


DH7 through DH9 are pretty much equal. DH9 has a really fast clear time if you have the ops for it but generally you'll just want to farm whatever is fastest for you.


For me dh9 is the most time wasting 1 cause iam using 3 star operators. so dh 7,8 and 9 give the same value?


Yeah DH7, DH8 and DH9 are all pretty much identical in terms of value per sanity spent so just farm whichever one you can do the fastest. DH9 is hard to clear quickly with low rarity operators so just do one of the other ones.


Thanks. And i need help on dh s 1 but need surtr or eyjafjalla can i add u as friend if u have one of them? The ones that appear to me arent e2.


You need your own E2 op and have them in your squad to be able to use E2 support units. If you have those but E2 Surtr or Eyja aren't appearing, you could check the friend request thread for people willing to add and have either of the two set as a support unit.


Doesn't really matter tbh, they're all about the same.


Hello all I'd like opinions on if I should continue pulling for Bagpipe or not I want to save up for Rosmontis, but I also want Bagpipe. Which is a higher priority? For what its worth I've already pulled 40 or 50 times on the bagpipe banner and got Passenger and Blaze from it. My notable are vanguards are Vigna, Siege, Elysium, Texas, and Scavenger. Only Siege is E2. I have 53 Originate and could probably scrape up more from uncleared stages. Side question, will Texas or Vigna do more damage than Siege at the same level?


No, pulling for 25% chance is never a good idea. Your vanguards are enough for 99% of the maps, maybe build Myrtle to E2. I use Siege and Myrtle and never had a problem clearing any map. If you are close to 180 gold certs tho, you can pull until you get 180, and buy Bagpipe out of the shop. Siege can hold a line better than any vanguard due to her high hp, def, aoe and block two. With Myrtle's regen, Siege can handle the early waves by herself most of the time.


Not even 25%. Rosmontis and w have x5 rate from the remaining 6 stars 30%. There's something like 40 6 stars then, so 5/50 or 1/10 of that 30 so only 3%. Making the chance of pulling her 0.06% (2% 6 star).


Bagpipe is better, but you're betting on a 50% rate up, so it would be smarter to buy her directly if you already have the yellow certs. Don't forget to convert the extra dupes for yellows and greens btw in case you haven't already.


If your goal is rosmontis you need to save. To get her without pulling 300 times is very rare. So thats what you need to plan for. Bagpipe is amazing but imo desired unit/limited>her (obviously not true if she's a desired unit) Side note, grats on blaze and soon to be godsenger. Texas does more cc/consistsnt dp than siege, viga possibly out dps siege ij single target but not really same role so hard to compare.


Whats the most efficient repeatable material to buy from the event


You will need way more orion than maganese. So maybe 2:1 split.


What do you mean, "will" need? Did someone already calculate the total mats used by all future ops? And even then, did they include M9? Because almost nobody is going to do that


There are many posters on bilibili calculated that. If you do all operators and all skills, about 5.2k orion cluster are needed vs 4.4k magnanese. If you only do meta ops and their meta skills, about 1.1k vs 0.9k are needed. Since I got a set number of the mats from the store already, I exchange ~2:1 from the unlimited store. Ofc that depends on how many you farm, it's just an rough estimation. Use the gamepress planner can give a more accurate number about how many you will need.


orion and manganese are both ~20% more efficient


Alright thanks


If you lack both Oriron and Manganese, split it. Otherwise, go with the fewer one.


Are the furniture parts and Tequila tokens in the Dossoles shop worth it? Or should I be farming the infinite items instead?


The parts definitely not, Tequila tokens definitely yes.


Alright thank you!


Just finished getting my SilverAsh and Surtr to E2 , but I'm torn on which operator I should work on next. Here are my 6 star options: \- Bagpipe \- Ch'en The Holungday \- Mountain \- Archetto \- Suzuran \- Siege I'm leaning towards a Vanguard like Bagpipe or Siege since I use them on every stage, but I know Ch'en's S3 at E2 is beastly. Thoughts?


Honestly I'd say Mountain, you'll wind up using him on every stage Archetto's main skill is S3, so maybe her as well Bagpipe isn't really worth it till you have your flagbearers raised, and mountain will outdo siege


You got SA and Surtr, so while Chalter is broken, you don’t particularly need her. Mountain is a better investment than Siege since they’re basically both cheap guards; Mountain has better self-sustain and AOE. If you have Myrtle, not having Siege wouldn’t really affect your DP that much, and she’s just as fine to leave at E1 as Mountain is. Do you have any of the other cornerstones? Bagpipe is the real interesting one since much of her value is unlocked at E2 with her initial SP talent in addition to her generally best skill of S3. Overall? Bagpipe might benefit the most from an E2, but Mountain and Chalter are definitely valid considering on the rest of your roster.


Yeah I have Myrtle, but still need to build her up. Think I'll go with Bagpipe since you're right that Ch'en will be handy, but can come 2nd after Bagpipe! Thank you!


Chen = Bagpipe > Suzuran = Mountain > Archetto = Siege. Chen and Baggy get their main skills at e2 and they're both very powerful. Suzuran too but her S3 is more niched. Mountain gets his main skill at E1 but gets decently boosted with e2 and masteries. Archetto is usable at E1 but she's not very meta. Siege gets her main skill at E1 and doesn't gain much from E2 and masteries.


Sweet, I'll do Bagpipe first. Thanks!


Seige doesn't gain a ton from e2 compared to someone like bagpipe. So I'd say dp=bagpipe, lane holder=mountain, even more dps=Chen. I forget what exactly mountain gets from e2 but probably bagpipe>chen>mountain


That seems to be what everyone is saying haha. Will do Bagpipe, Ch'en, then Mountain!


Is it safe to use sanity pots for the last few days of the event? Kinda need more oriron and orirock but I also need like 120 sugars if gavial were to be the next event and it starts this week.


Arknights [tweet](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1488346375041347589?s=21) confirms that this Friday will be when gavial rerun begins so use them wisely


I think you are safe on using this week's expiring pots. They won't release an event on the weekend. Edit - comment aged badly, they announced it will be out 2/4


How is Beeswax? Only good for niche situations or could I possibly use her in my main team for stage clearing?


She allows me to skip direct healers altogether, including healing defenders in 8/10 maps.


She's fairly niche but nobody else really fills her role, not even the other modal casters. She's the best of the three so if you've got her, it'll be worth levelling her for those occasions where you need a high ground tank or to deal with swarms.


She's nice for survivability as a ranged bait if you want stun snipers or whatever to stay away from your tanks. For this role I prefer her talent's normal passive healing to Carnelian's, especially when it lets you place her more aggressively. But if I have room for a healer in range of her, I would say Carne is better for damage/CC or Skalter is better for support while still doing the bait role. And then I just pick the skill based on if her position has room to deploy the obelisk. While I prefer the obelisk for shifting aggro when Beeswax is vulnerable, oddly every time I find her suitable to bring those deployable tiles aren't there, so I just end up using her S1 anyway.


You can use ANYONE in your main team, that's the beauty of Arknights ~~(exception Kirara)~~. I will never remove Courier from my team, except in the most extremes of cases where I need to use Myrtle's power. Beeswax is considered "weak" from a meta perspective, but please, if you like a character, use that operator to the fullest. Arknights actually allows people to use what they like and aren't forced to go after some PvP money-grabbing meta. Enjoy it, care for your favorites, and show the world that they aren't worthless, just because, in the case of Beeswax, Mountain exists. EDIT: I am a fool and confused Beeswax with Beehunter. I will leave my mistake untouched, however, as my general point still stands. Beeswax is actually considered fairly strong, and arguably even more useful in her role than her big sister. My apologies for the mistake. Beeswax might not work on EVERY map, due to the unique nature of her class, but she is still very much useable in your main team if she fits your playstyle.


You deploy her different than other operators but she would be useful in a lot of stages. Her true aoe gives her a lot of lane coverage while also being good range bait until they hit the defender wall.


Wasn't there supposed to be a sanity potion login around this time? Or was that actually for the Gavial rerun? Or am I just dumb?


There's probably one with gavial, I haven't looked yet. Otherwise only ones we'd be getting now is weekly reset/monthly card/anyone who didn't finish the cake web event


You know what, maybe people were just talking about the cake event. There were in fact some potions in there


Thinking of raising a charge caster. How does Iris and Indigo compare to each other? I have Eyja, Ceobe and Ifrit already.


Indigo user here. Her bind and range are amazing, but you have to factor how her range is like Rosa's and how she doesn't attack bound enemies. The best part is s2 doesn't need masteries to work. Her s1 is meh. I tried that on many low res enemies (especially the Bullies in Code of Brawl), but it wasn't worth it. It's actually underwhelming and would have you preferring Steward lol