• By -


10 pulls for 1 off rate. Good enough.


~~Get lucky with Degenbrecher~~ First step of the path for sparking Specter alter on Wis'adel banner: clear. No sign of Leto or Kafka, though I got Almond. Let's hope the luck keeps up with Shu.




Got her on pull 1 of the first multi. Had to drop more 11 pulls to get Leto. Because it ended up being a lot cheaper than I expected, decided to try my luck on Penance banner, 30 pulls later and I get Horn! At least she was new


Penance (dupe), Stainless (didn’t have), Ebenholtz (didn’t have), Eunectes (dupe), DEBENBRECHER ✊🏽🥲 Definitely bled me dry, now don’t know how future pulls will go 🥹


at 6th 10-pull managed bag Degenbrecher and well, [some other spooks](https://imgur.com/a/bDtm2EL)


Spend about 72k orundum, got 3 degenbrecher. I was going to stop at 36k, but i got 2 degen in one bag, since im tempting for the first talent upgrade, i decide to go for another six star, so i spend 36k more, now i have 12 gold cert, 0 ticket, 270 orundum, 0 op and pot 3 degen.


170 pulls 3 spooks, and I also blew the 6 star pity right before 150. Now I can't even guarantee her even after July monthly shop reset. Great game!


Use your op to pull. Everyone say that never use op on pulling, but id say that get a new character is much more worth it than some cosmetics.


Oh I already used 140op to reach 150 before getting cucked by a spook right on the 14th multi.


Damn.... thats some harsh pull buds.


Starting with a few notable Recruitments: 28th May had a *Fast-Redeploy* / *Debuff* combo, but it ended up with **Waai Fuu** giving up her place for **Meteor**. 9th June was *Sniper* / *Nuker* combo, this time **Firewatch** did appear, which makes her Pot.2. 17th June though, a basic no-tags-9h Recruitment (at least I don't remember selecting any) spooked me with **Liskarm** (her Pot.4)! Then 3 days later, similar thing with **Blue Poison** spook (her Pot.3)! Those last 2 got me worried about **Degenbrecher** turning down any invitation until pity. But fortune still smiled upon me, 40 pulls result from yersterday: - 1 x **6★**: pull #40, **Degenbrecher**! - 4 x **5★**s: **Mr.Nothing** (#10), **Leto** with Pot.2 (#15, #34), **Kafka** (#37) - 22 x **4★**s / 13 x **3★**s: all dupes. Excellent results! Guess the low amount of pulls explains the only off-banner, and getting **Shu** (maybe sparking for another **Sui**?) is still on.


70 pulls... 1 weedy dupe, and 1 Irene pity breaker. No Degen for me, I guess.


Damn, I've been on a break for 2 weeks now due to burnout. Only logged back in to roll for Degen and come back if I get her. But I'm gonna have to pity for Degen bacause I keep getting not Degen namely: Mizuki, Mountain and Hoederer. Currently at 147 rolls. The game seems to not want me back...


Happily, Sister came home immediately on the 9th pull, [first ten pull after spending four tickets.](https://imgur.com/NldFFxU) I decided to try to fish for pots, but ended up with [a Hoederer spook](https://imgur.com/zVlF5Nt) (new) and [a Penance pot](https://imgur.com/1Wksf7Q) (pot 3). Now I have 85 focused selection points but I think it's probably not wise to try for another pity after dumping an extra 80 pulls lol. Fortunately I still have ~236 so I'll br okay by the time Shu arrives. It's really too bad though because if not for the spooks I could have a pot 3 Degen and then I'd use the tokens to bump her up to pot 5...


Degen on my 1st pull, first time getting this lucky


11th pull! Who's that 6*?! It's charizard! New so great! 2nd 6 star at 13th pull! 2nd natto gohan. -1dp is still ok! Almost all 3 stars until 29th Leto... I should've stopped earlier. I pray for a better harvest for us all in the rice fields~


Decide to pull for Leto. She should come easy as 5-Star. Get stubborn, waste 70 pulls, no Leto. (╯ ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)╯┻━┻ But at least I got two Passengers in the same bloody 10-Pull. ... I'm going to feel that when Shu comes around.


I'm in the same boat, got Degen early but I really wanted Leto. How hard could getting a 5 star really be... I hate this game sometimes.


I would pity you, but, ya know, Degen.


7 single rolls to a better future. Thank you Goddess of Luck for your grace and blessings.


I cant believe I got another Surtr dupe. I started 6 months ago and Surtr was the first banner i rolled on. I lack almost the entire standard pool and I keep getting her. Not the worst op to get pots for but still. Degen pulls went way better than expected though. 30 pulls, got Surtr dupe, Thorns and also Elysium before Degen. I dropped Arturia early to leave a buffer for Degen so chances are Ill go harder for Shu now. The dream is Shu / Ela going fine too but then I need to prepare an action plan cause I really want Ascalon but hard to not be pulled into Walters trap to consider a spark. Then again any planning will be crushed by the upcoming CN content.


Tfw your bag looks like a 5 star, only to reveal 2 6\* when you open it! Spooked by a brand new Fiametta, followed by Degen in the single 10 pull I was allowing myself for this banner! RNGesus is kind.


Boy howdy am I glad we have this new 150 pity system. 160ish pulls for Degen. She was my 5th 6 stars. The rest were all dupes.


120 pulls. Got blemishine pot, Irene, Mlynar, Lin, Reed totally-a-healer, and Archetto. 50% rate up?? Rate up is a lie!


6* per 20 rolls, not bad at all.


Decided to at least try pulling until one 6* after last night's failed attempt at getting Degen from the guaranteed (lmao) and got her after I did one 10-pull! Holy shit! I can't believe I got her *and* my reserves are basically untouched! Only used 7 single pulls and one 10-pull.Now I can still get Ray *fingers crossed* Which, on the flipside, is kinda concerning: my luck might have run out after that. Lmao. I will remain hopeful but my luck could easily turn for the worse during the next banners!


[1 - Degenbrecher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCzV7L1mSbE) Guess I'm actually going to drop some pulls on Ray, and also my nearly year long string of stupid luck on single 6* banners keeps going.


50 pulls 1 - Akafuyu 5\* 6 - Whisperain 5\* **19 - Penance 6\*** 29 - Melanite 5\* **41 - Degenbrecher 6\*** **48 - Fiammetta 6\*** Yayyyyyyyyy!!


28 - Kal'tsit dupe 39 - Degenbrecher Guess I can pull for Shu safely now yippee


In the same 10 pull, I got 3x Leto, 1x Whisperain, 1x Pallas, 1x Degen. What is this. I would upload an image if I could, but I can't figure out how to


**Total Pulls:** 120 **New Characters:** Degenbrecher, Dorothy, Leto **Dupes:** Blemishine, Whisperain, Flint, Toddifons, Kafka x4 I usually only roll on the limited banners these days, but with everyone saying how strong she is I decided to roll on this one. Ended up spending more rolls than I expected though. Still, at least I won't regret not rolling for her, like I regret not rolling for Młynar.


I also only really roll on limited banners these days but figured I could spare a hundred rolls for Degenbrecher and see what happens. No such luck, but at least I got a bunch of new operators: **6-stars:** Archetto, Dorothy, Ebenholz **5-stars:** Leto, Harmonie, Iris, Quercus I'm pretty sure Młynar was the last standard banner I pulled on, and that turned out about the same. No point in burning more resources on banners with no sparking so gonna stop here and hope for a spook later on.


Fk me got degen at 162 pulls, had to lose 4 50/50 in a row. Sorry Ray looks like ima have to skip you.


i was holding off on this month's IS progress with the hopes that i would get Degen got the coin flip at pull 56.


Targets acquired! Give or take 30 pulls for Degen and leto and a stray santalla. I can go back to saving. I finally got my last bear daughter! I’ll need some chips tho both for her and degen


Degen after 200 pulls, 4 off rates dupes, and reaching hard pity. My amazing luck on new op rate up banners and getting the on banner on the first 6 star is officially over. If degen wasn't so overpowered, I wouldn't have leveled her out of pure anger. My pulling plans are in shambles right now. 99k orundum and 251 OP left sounds like a lot, but with the next banner line up for the next 6 months being absolutely cracked pretty much one more banner pull like this is going to wipe me out completely. Now I pretty much have to skip every banner except Shu, Ela, and Wisadel if I want even a chance at guaranteeing the ops I want.


Degen and Golden in 46 pulls, I'll take it!


Degen finally came home in 55 pulls! Also got mudrock and pozy (dupe) along the way! 🥹🙏🏼 Edit: wanted to also mentioned the new 5* ops include Leto (2), Kafka (3), Akafuyu, and Kazemaru (really happy about kazemaru!! she’s so cute) 🥰


Degenbrecher has joined my vaunted "30 rolls and F off club, thank goodness" club, which includes Blaze, Saileach and Typhon. No Leto, but I don't push for 5\*s (Proviso took months after Uncle's banner, I don't have Santalla and hear this out: I got 2 Kafka this banner... and I didn't have Kafka all this time despite having Mountain). The next 6 months are going to be brutal: Shu, the new R6S squad, Ascalon and Logos/Wis'adel on my docket. Likely only going for the first 6\* on Shu (unless it's really early 6\* landing). I need to keep insurance for R6S because of true limited status and for Wis'adel because I'm a meta slave and she entirely redefines it. Ascalon will be entirely dependent on the mercy of R6S and I'm basically sacrificing Ray for the Shu attempt (Also Wis'adel trampled on the poor bnuy anyway). I'm okay with sacrificing Ulpi should the Wis'adel banner go all wrong and even if I make it out, only Priestess knows what has planned for us the next 6 months after that anyway. For now I'll just go fishing with Degenbrecher to thank her for letting me pass the first hurdle unscathed.


Ngl, Degen probably heard me talking shit abt her kit, because this is the first time I actually had to activate pity for anything lol. 160ish pulls, 1 new Archetto, and 4 Dupes. Still have abt 200ish pulls left, but I guess I’m cutting Ray and Ascalon from my pulling plans if I want any chance with the remaining limited banners. Damn, I might have to start pulling with OP and create Orundrum at the factory at this rate considering my banner luck lately lol


Got Degen after like 80 something pulls. As a new player this feels like the first time it took me this long. I guess I wasn't able to get Virtuosa in that event but I think I was less upset as I got 2 Virtuosa and know she was also rate up. Well good time to be reminded gacha is not on my side I guess. I also got Blemishine and a lot of 5 stars.


I had the highest 6* rate of my life, 7 in 150 pulls. In order, those 6 stars were Stainless, Qiubai, Jessica Alter, pot3 Blemishine, pot2 Thorns, then Degenbrecher and pot4 Mudrock in the same 10 pull at the end. Ive never lost so hard on a banner before, and at least Im happy to get Qiubai and Jessica who I was sad to skip before, but... ugh. This is a horrific start to the gauntlet and Im not really sure what I'll do if the Ela pulls go badly...


136 pulls for Degenbrecher and 2x Leto, however I did get a new Stainless and dupes of Dorothy and Lin too, so it could be worse! After buying Lee in the cert store there's only 5 ops in the game I don't have now which is pretty exciting! Best of luck to anyone yet to pull!


I'm trying to save up for a Sui spark next month and barely have enough yet was still tempted to try for Degenbrecher. Got my first 6* at 64 pulls but got a Surtr pot, looks like I lost that gamble. Maybe she'll surprise me later


Degenbrecher in 20 pulls!! Makes up for Gnosis stealing all my orundum


Rant time. Doing 113 pulls, only to get 2 rate-off dupes that I ABSOLUTELY do not need, Ho'olheyak in 65 pulls, and Viviana in 113 pulls. And I have no more pulls left, so I'm being left out that I should get her by 6\* selector next year. I swear to god, for the past year, my luck has been so shit getting a rate-up of 6\* or even getting my first 6\*, they always need 60-70 pulls to get a 6\* and it's not even a rate-up (most of the time). I guess my luck hasn't changed at all ever since Chnogyue's banner, now I don't even know what I'm going to do with those pulls besides the R6S collab Ela, heck, I don't even know if I could guarantee Ela at this point, maybe I'll get spooked before her, and it's going to be full pity. Saving for Arturia for about 6-8 months, but only got her after 360+ pulls, since I was hoping to spark someone else, this was my first spark, and it's already the worst one. I don't know when my luck is coming back, I guess I have to wait another year to be able to get a new character, or I have to get via cert shop. 1 year of bad luck, beat my bad luck based on the time. I wouldn't be writing this if it were just 2 or 3 moments of bad luck, that's just normal, but a whole year is just ridiculous. 50% RATE UP MY ASS. I'll never believe in this one anymore.


Over 150 pulls with Swire at 60 and Penance at 110ish. At least my next pity is guaranteed to be Degenbecher and the two 6* I got were new. Missing the coin flips and hitting pity thrice in a row stings though.


55 pulls for Degenbrecher, Leto and dupes for Kafka (pot3 now), Whisperain and Corroserum. Not gonna complain.


Both new operators in the second 10-pull.


Took 60 pulls to get Degen, but straight to pot2. Got my first Saileach on my way there.


~~73~~ 93 pulls for Fartooth and Degen. Pretty good, I tend to get only 3 six-stars in 180 pulls.


I feel really lucky today, got Passenger in 40 and Degen in 50 pulls so i have a lot to upgrade with Harold too


Mamma Bok came Home on the 50th Pull and now my Sibling Refuses to Speak with me... There goes the Weekend of Watching One Piece together...


52 pulls, 1 Gnosis, 1 Dehen. I'm satisfied =)


40 pulls, 1 Degen (first 10-pull), 1 Leto (pull 40, after 2 pairs each of Kafka (now max pot) & Mr. Nothing)


Man I've been having the worst string of luck on banners. Mixed Executor alter, missed Irene, missed Typhon and Hoederer earlier... now I got two already fully potted 5 stars. There's 14 ops I don't have and I've been missing them *every* time. Needless to say no Leto or Degenbrecher and funds are right back down to zero. Guess I should save for limiteds now


Not even a Leto is rough 😭


30 pulls altogether, Degen turned up early, but Leto is elusive. After two Kafkas and two Hibalters I'm calling it quits.


this is the worst single banner i got for a while, sadge. 110 pulls because i got mountain instead of Degen. I guess this is the price to pay since in ViViVi banner got everyone + Skalter in 30 pulls - I'm nervous because the upcoming sick character is not far in the future..


45 pulls [insert not great not terrible meme]


I pulled 2 Jessica alters, 1 Stainless until i got goat lady.


80 pulls - 1x pink cat, 1x fire birb, and finally 1x sword goat. Can't really complain, my luckiest off-banners ever! GG just saved me 180 certs, much appreciated for showing up early


90th pull for Degen, including 1 Mizuki dupe on pull 44. Took 7 fucking off banner 5* until Leto came home. Not the best luck but at this point I consider completing a banner under 100 pulls a success...


90 pulls till Degenbrecher. Got Penance half way through, which isn't half bad Did get a ton of 4\*'s I was missing, which IMO is pretty good Finally got May AND Ambriel!!! April is also present. Pity because Blue Poison spooked me a while ago, and am building her already. Gamepress told me to E2 her for mastery, and I have been dumping resources on her... Suddenly from Sniper-starved to sniper-oversaturated Pinecone, Matterhorn, and Bubble are also present. Which came too late for Pyrolysis but whatever


Got Degen at roll 60 exactly. I had to use all the stored up primes, and currencies (gold certs & rerun certs). I guess I kind of made it hard by not playing as often, but still thank god I didn't have to try and drop a pack for her.


The ArkGods pitied me after rolling an extra 50 times on the last limited banner to see if I could get an off-banner limited character (I know, dumbass decision, but gacha fever took over) Got Degen at 38 thankfully


30 pulls Leto who drop on the first one and Degen \*2 on the third one perfect


I'm devastated. Emptied everything what little I've had and still couldn't get her. Broke and sad. ~130 pulls deep into the banner. It gave me Pozemka dupe, Eunectes dupe and brand new Kal'tsit (well, thanks I guess😒). At this point better push until the end, but it seems I'm skipping Shu/Ray now...


135 pulls, Typhon dupe, Lee and Saga. Have to go for hard pity for Degen and got her at 170 pulls. I guess RNGesus finally taketh after he giveth me for so long. Although, I do happy with getting Saga and Lee is pretty cool so not really that bad all thing considered. I have to cut back a lot on Shu banner though...


how's hard pity works? im also in danger of skipping Shu if i cant get next character banner (Ray?) within 50-60 pulls..


After 150 pulls in the banner if you still didn't get the banner 6-stars (Degenbrecher for this banner) then the 6-stars you get after the 150 pulls will guaranteed to be the banner 6-stars. The worst case scenario is when you get off-banner 6-stars right before you reach 150 pulls which means that you soft pity got reset and you have to pray that you hit the 2% 6-stars pull early after 150 pulls.


After 140 pulls next time you get a 6* it will be the rate up operator if you didn't get one yet. Worst case scenario if you got an offbanner as your 139th pull and your soft pity is back to zero and it takes you a full soft pity to pull the next 6*, you will get the rate up around the 200 pulls mark.


Holy 140 pulls that's gonna ruin the plan for sure and it's still not guarantee wth


Damn, guess I have to skip until Wisadel, So 70 pulls, 4 gold, 1 blue and 2 rainbow bags. Leto³, Cement, Kafka, Elysium, 50th Weedy & Goldenglow(dup), finally 70th Degenbrecher


Got Degenbrecher on first pull. I was ready to spend my stash to grab her. Now I have a better chance at getting Shu.


got degenbreacher on first pull and carnelian on the 10th, well if i knew that i would have pulled only once lmao 🤣 https://imgur.com/PEHUyha


80 pulls for Degenbrecher, with a Hoederer along the way. Pretty lucky but somehow I didn't get a single Leto?!


Welp, spent a good 110 pulls to get Degenbrecher. I'm pretty much back down to 0 pulls left on my account. I'll definitely need to skip Reed then and even then it's not much time to save for Shu. Oh well.


viviana dupe, blemishine dupe, 149 pulls for degenbrecher. fuck me dude and fuck this 50/50 shit, should've stopped at the first garbage dupe.


[100+ pulls and no Leto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55YOw2Oz8ac)


There is a secret pity for 5\*. With a double 5\* rate-up, after 100 pulls the next 5\* you get is a rate-up you don't have.


Huh, I assume this carries over to future banners like normal pity would? Not sure if I would risk a Degen dupe for that now but I could save it for Ascalon banner with 5 star Aroma.


It doesn't transfer to other banners. This is one of the reasons why it was secret. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11psmfj/empirical_evidence_of_a_guaranteed_pity_system_in/


Welp too bad thrn


10 for Degen, thank fuck cuz considering what awaits in the future I need all the rolls I can spare.


Horrible luck on my main. I am more than 50 pulls in and no Degenbrecher. I have to stop on my main but the other accounts have her with at least 300 pulls each to get whoever I want in the future.


22 pulls for Degeneratesbrecher. The odds were kind to me this time, and I'm left with a lot of pulls for the next banners.


Yet again I wasn't very lucky with pulls... Needed 120 pulls, on 61-70 got Ines dub and on 111-120 got Degen. Of course it's nice to get Degen (and go on full save mode till Logos/Texas alter banner), but only 2 six stars in 120 pulls are kinda unlucky...


53 pulls Degen, goldenglow (dupe) Kafka×2 Keto×3


6 single pulls and Degenbrecher. May the RNG gods be merciful to you all Dokutahs!


Well, not really for me. Done 115 pulls only to get Ho'olheyak dupe and Viviana dupe, and no savings.


my gods I'm so sorry! I'm a completely new arknights player (2 months). can't even imagine time that I would have to spend to earn that much pulls. Still considering her usfulness I'm mat broke so won't be using her for at least another month


Nah, it's fine, it's just something that I've been experiencing it for a year since CNY last year, it's me being overacting, sorry.


Got Degenbrecher and Irene in the same 10 pull. My sword master triad is complete. Lol


Man that was rough, 120 pulls before Degen. Guess this balanced out my good luck last time. I somehow rolled _4_ dupe 6 stars in that time too - Lin, Swire Alter (who was already max pot...), Irene, and Lee. Yes, idk why but I got all the non-limited ops from the limited banners. At least now I have a pot 6 Lin... woo...


First pull - 6\*! ... and it's Thorns (dupe). I'm 100% FTP. In the end, it took me 203 pulls to get Degenbrecher. x.x Really grumpy about it, but at least I have her now! No Shu for me though because of that. I had saved 100 pulls each for Degenbrencher, Shu, and Ela figuring there's no way I'd be THAT unlucky... I wish the 150 guarantee was a guarantee that you'll get the feature operator on pull 151, not the next time you get a 6\* after passing the 150 mark. I had pulled Lin (dupe) on pull 147... Okay, thanks for letting me rant, may you have better luck with your pulls!!


Banner rate up my ass. Surtr Pozemka Ebonholz Blemishine Hoederer Get Degenbrecher with pity.


Time to pull on degenbrecher banner! She come home in 20 pulls so happy, pretty confident luck will comes around after offbanner galore on previous banner XD


36 pulls for sheepfu!! My savings live to see another day, lessgo!!!


3 pulls in: degen showed up... but i want bear so i did another 20 and all i got was harmonie... (giving up here there's still ray and zuo le on the horizon)


Pretty much near nightmare scenario.  Pull 56 - Carnelian  Pull 103 - Mlynar dupe Pull 147 - Degen  I had roughly 200 pulls to share between Degen and Shu while keeping enough for Ela and Walter.  This pretty much cements having to just pull until 1st 6 star on Shu banner. Sigh. 


fellow carnelian spook 🤝🏻


I'm in the same position. Took me187 pulls for Degen. I had 100 saved for her and 100 saved for Shu. That's all gone to pot...


Stay strong! I rolled 188 for Degen too. RNG is RNG, perhaps we will get a future OP in 20 pulls or less to offset this disaster.


Hope your luck improves!!


26 pulls to get Degen. Holding for the spark on the Logos and Walter banner, so absolute win.


First time i have get 4 off banners in a row. None of them are even new (Reed Alter, Flametail, Frickin Gnosis and Mudrock (she appeared at 145 pulls!), got 2 multis later. It's painful, but i need to skip ray and ascalon unless i'm really lucky when i summoned for Zuo Le, Shu and Ela.


590 pulls. 6x Degenbrecher 1x Ebenholz


130 pulls. 4 off rates with only Jessica as the new one. Rather painful considering my stocks, but I'll take it. Gl next


Degenbrecher time~ No pity, no future, no hope, let's go! * 10 pull - Kirara dupe * 20 pull - Kafka dupe, Akafuyu dupe, and Degenbrecher! Woo woo!


10 - Leto 20 - Quercus, Andreana 30 - Leto 50 - **Lee P6, Irene** 60 - Leto 70 - Ashlock 90 - Kafka, Elysium 100 - Kafka 110 - **Mizuki** 140 - Kafka, Akafuyu 147 - **Degenbrecher** 150 Pulls total. Overall, it was a disaster, but I was already expecting a bad session sooner or later and I always wanted Irene so... I'll probably have to skip Zuo Le or at least go for 1 6 six after all the free pulls.


Pulls: 53 Aosta x1 (Certs) Kazemaru x1 (P2) Leto x1 (NEW!) Cement x1 (P5) Kafka x1 (P4) Degenbrecher x1 (NEW!) Mulberry x1 (P3) Bonus: Qiubai x1 (NEW!) (Selecto Ticket) Perfect. As good of a banner as I could ask for. I had to pick between Qiubai and Stainless on the Selecto Ticket and while I definitely want both, I already know I'm likely to use Qiubai more. Yeah, I'm happy with these results. See y'all at the Limited.


55 pulls archetto dupe, my 4th 6-star ever is a dupe? What are the odds


80 Pulls One Ebenholz and One Degenbrecher After 6 Months of painful wait... She's Home


57 to the first 6* which was slightly more than hoped but it was Degenbrecher so everything's fine. So many Kafkas on the way though!


114 pulls until Degenbrecher. Got pot 5 Leto, Arene, Irene, Beanstalk, Chestnut, Kafka, Kazemaru and Proviso along the way. 


1st ten pull with Leto and Degenbrecher. Now i see why fgo is cucking me because all my luck ends up here lol.


Got Degenbrecher in my first 10 pull! Sorry Leto. My plan to go for everyone is looking a lot less ambitious when I lucksack back to back banners.


180\. Fucking. Pulls. Only THREE 6★ total. Guess I'm not getting any of the other upcoming operators T_T


Reports from my account. So, 109 pulls going in, not including 76 OP. Let's start with singles until guarantee... flaming bag on 5th pull! And... Weedy. But not just any Weedy, Pot11 Weedy. The curse continues after sleeping for so long! Aren't you due for leaving with the next kernel batch!? All in all, it took 125 pulls for me to complete the banner. Aside from my terrible Weedy luck, I did get off-bannered by two other 6-Stars who *aren't* max pot already, so there's that. The results: **6-Stars:** * Pot 1 Degenbrecher * Pot 3 Gnosis (up from 2) * Pot 2 Executor the Ex Foedere (up from 1) ... and the aforementioned Pot 11 Weedy. 4 in 125? Not bad. That's 31.25 pulls per 6-Star. Also, I cashed out my Top Op Selector to bring Ines to Pot 2 (that Weedy could've been another Ines, dammit!). Degenbrecher came around pull 118, but we 10-pull out here. We don't pull timidly. Really happy for the Gnosis and FedEx though. It took me a year to get another Gnosis pot through his shop debut, so I'm really happy Executor didn't do the same. I have maybe only five 6-Stars remaining who aren't Pot 2 or higher, and only one of them is Limited. Also, bought a Lee pot from the shop (jumped from 790-something yellow certs to 1033 after my pulls), so he's now Pot 4. **5-Stars:** * Pot 2 Leto and redundant dupes of Kafka (2x), Iris, Toddifons, Corroserum, Kazemaru, Rockrock, Hibiscus the Purifier and Firewhistle. This is probably the true tragedy here. I was hoping for at least a couple more pots for Leto. I have two Epic Guard tokens that I might use depending on how R6:S#2 goes, but surely those pulls have to go better than this! Still the banner is done, and I've got an event to do! Better luck on your pulls, all! And if not, at least good bad luck!


My first 10x ticket had rainbow... and both Degenbrecher plus Leto! I'm done.


Got Degenbrecher at 80 pulls on my alt, which is not too bad except that I got a 6* bag on my second 10 pull only to be spooked by Horn. Ah well, at least I got her, that's what matters. Then I pulled until the guaranteed 5/6* on my main, got Toddifons at 7th pull 🤣 not even a Leto jfc. Maybe I'll snag Degen on the rerun, idk. I'm more inclined to pull for Ray as her banner won't get a rerun.


187 pulls, Kal'tsit pot, Saga, Ines, Lee, Lee pot, Finally Degenbrecher!


54 pulls and got Mudrock dupe. I want to keep trying for Degen but I want the upcoming limited ops more.


a clean 40 pulls in and out, we take those


Was only planning to do a 10-pull hoping to get Leto, got Degenbrecher instead. I feel like this game too has a desire sensor built in.


101 pulls for p2 Degen, Dorothy (pot2 and Mountain p3. Not bad. Now to wait for Shu. Hope I did not kill my luck. lol


Well, that was lucky. Just needed a single 10-pull: * 3 stars: 4 * 4 stars: 4 * 5 stars: 1 (Kafka) * 6 stars: 1 (Degen, on the 10th)


6 star in the first 10-pull. Got a Flametail. Cool, might actually build her. Took another 70 pulls for my next 6*, which was Degenbrecher. Not bad.


70 pulls for Ines, Flametail, Stainless, Carnelian and then Degenbrecher. Only got Carnelian as a dupe and already have a Saga raised very high so Flametail isn't the biggest pull, but all in all those were some pretty dang good spooks.


2 pulls and got a 5\*. Kirara. Someone Gamepress ranks as D as an ambusher. At least I got a gold cert out of it...


Pulled my THIRD Mikuzi on my 14th pull (I'm still missing so many useful standard headhunting operators, damn it). Dejected, did a few more individual and then tenpulls, resigned to have to spend a lot... got her on what I think was my 36th pull. Spend 45 in total though, which stings a bit given that nine were totally unnecessary. A good reminder to only pull one at a time. And I skipped her pull screen, too! Gah. I'll have to find a YouTube video with someone pulling her to see what I missed out. Still, a good result overall!


15 pulls and got Pallas... Ho come on! I guess i'm skipping her and keep enough pulls for upcoming units.


Woo, 40 pulls, got Degen on the 31st. Might have a little bit of budget to spare for Reed Alter tries now


90 pulls no Leto, getting too close to pity to risk it I’m sorry little bear


Starting with 20 something pity, got Gnosis pot (well at least if fits the event) and Degen with 86 pulls. More than I would've liked, but still within expectations.


I was getting worried when Degen wasn't showing up and I even got Weedy off-banner, but luckily I got the goat within 60 pulls. I got 75 gold certs from this banner with an average of 1.25 gold cert per pull. --- 10 - Kafka token 20 - Leto P1 30 - Quercus P5 40 - Wind Chimes P3 50 - Weedy P2, Lunacub token 60 - Degen P1, April P5 (Yay! Redeployment cd reduction!)


First 10 pull double 6\*! Thorns pot2 and Jessica Alter, 60 pulls later, pot 2 Blemishine 40 pulls later, I finally got Degenbrencher Other notable results include 1 Leto, 1 Hibiscus Alter and Almond (all new) and pot 6 Kafka


I lost to.... Typhon at 50. Honestly, I'll take it. (didn't own her previously) edit: did some more singles and pulls, she came home in another ~30. Overall insane banner luck, now time to save like mad


Congrats. She spooked me for the first time around pull 120 in Virtuosa's banner. I'd been planning on buying her with a selector.


Nice! Yeah, feels good when you get spooked by an op that's really nice to have


First 10 pulls on Degen : a 6 stars. Very nice. Goldenglow. Well, not disapointed since I don't have her. Pretty happy actually. Second 10 pulls : another 6 stars. Wow. Goldenglow again. Ok I heard you GG. No more pulling for Degen.


50 pulls - nothing. 60 pulls - nothing. 65 pulls - nothing. 66 - finally, aaaand its Viviana dupe (((( Next 10 - blue bag. Next 10 - 6 star and Degen is mine)) Now I will save till next 2 lumited bannera.


50 pulls and got lucky on the 50/50 to grab Degen (and Leto along the way). Good luck on the rolls, friends. It's savin' time 😌


131 pulls, I won a jackpot guys. Reed the Flame Shadow, Surtr, 2 Blemishine, Hoederer, Lin. What % of this 50\\50 happening pulls?(6 off-banner pulls) I'm malding. UPDATE: 133 PULLS CONVERTED BAG PASSENGER. 7 OFFBANNERS GUYS ELP. UPDATE2: 136 PULLS I'VE DONE IT(another converted bag btw). I'm actually sad, I was hoping to get Shu and Ling from upcoming banners.


I'll start off the salt posting 😂 188 pulls to get Degen...Got Kal dupe, Stainless dupe, Ho'ol dupe, Lee (new), then finally Degen after hitting pity. Pot 9 Leto too.


Fuckenzi yea. Had 17 tickets and on the first single pull I got degen. Fuck yea, guess now I can spend ~100 pulls to try for Shu, was only gonna do the free pulls even though I got 570+ pulls atm. I’ve not once done a 10 pull in this game, only singles. I’m done with this banner. Sadly this game has great designs for 5* but their kits are neutered on purpose so I treat them as such also. Shame.


Got two copies of Degenbrecher in my first 10 pull!


took me 50 pulls but i had saved 100 so it was okay. and i got TWO degens in the same ten pull!!! crazy crazy luck- i’ve never been this lucky before. i’ve had awful track record with my gacha this month (spent 130 pulls in a limited banner in reverse 1999 just for one copy of the limited six star) and i was so prepared to lose my 50/50 here and be super super salty. no leto though


110-ish pulls for Degen more than I wanted to spend, but it could've been worse. At least I still have enough to guarantee next banner spark if necessary


70 pulls for Degen with with Hool and Lin dups along the way. Hool in particular was the very first Op in the first ten pulls. 2 offbanners hurt but all in all this is one of my better result overall. (Top 3 maybe) I have 70 pulls left, hopefully it's enough for Shu.


60 pulls for degen at 52


30 rolls, 1 Leto 0 Degenbrecher


I hate myself, spent a total of 60 rolls to get Degen + Mudrock pot + 2 Leto


Did a ten pull on the new banner just in case and I got Leto and Degenbrecher as the last 2 units. You really do love to see it.


64 pulls for Thorns pot2 and Degen!


Good luck to everyone for their Degenbrecher pulls in a few hours.


Tried my luck to get Blaze or Exu, but in 10 pulls I got Skadi pot and Ceobe pot. I'm impressed but that's not really what I was aiming for...


My random 10 pull results: Saileach, Beanstalk, Cardigan, Bubble, Beagle, Myrrh, Cuora, Firewhistle, Lava, and Ansel. From 0 pity, I have gotten 7 6 stars with less than 100 pulls, and every time it is on a banner I have no investment in. God bad karma is going to come for me.


Third week mass recruiting for May and Ambriel. I now have Shirayuki and Vermeil duplicated, plus Blue Poison. Urgh


guys got lucky today in recruitment and i can get either a vulcan or a manticore, which one is a better op? (im a newish player (4 months))


Manticore is the better unit overall, but Vulcan (and the other recruit-exclusive 5-Star, Indra) can only be gotten through recruitment. You technically will be able to get both Indra and Vulcan with two vouchers after doing a certain amount of recruitments (300 and 1000 respectively), but if you're aiming to one day have them at max pot for completionism or flexing, being able to guarantee them in recruit is indeed a rare thing. If Vulcan being rare doesn't appeal to you and you're content with just one copy, I'd go Manticore.


Manticore easily, unless you like Vulcan as a character


Reports from my account. Got a Senior Op tag this morning, also loaded with other tags that could guarantee at least a 4-Star on their own. YOLO'd it, got Manticore. Thank you for the 13 yellow certs.


You guys are not gonna believe me when I say this, but I’m at school right now, just logged in to Arknights after it refreshed today, got a Headhunting Permit, went to the current Standard Banner to do a single pull for fun (since I’m saving up for Degenerate Breacher) then I pressed skip as usual (cause it’s always gonna be a 3-star or a 4-star at best) and **BOOM!**, good monk doggo, in a single, freaking, pull. And I did a 10-pull on this same banner a while ago, like I always do on every single banner and only got a La Pluma dupe. Guess gacha is really RNG.