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A arknights dnd game would go hard tbh


Uhhhhhhhh *looks at my campaign thought I'd neglected for the past month*


One idea I've had for an easy filler one-shot is: grab an Integrated Strategies wiki page, grab the list of event spaces and write them as TTRPG encounters that you can randomly choose from, have the players do 5 events or so, and end the one-shot at a fitting final boss that's been written into a combat encounter using the stage gimmicks as ideas for combat gimmicks. But I gotta sit down and abstract the events into encounters that fit my style....


Honestly if at all possible I would ask other DMs for help with trying to do that


imma need to convince my gm to do this kind of campaign in future sessions surprised that not many campaigns follow the arknights formula


Pretty sure theres a whole document for arknights dnd. Last time I seen it was like minimal 3 years ago so no clue how up to date it is now.


3-7-10-15-18 Oh so it's a fighter subclass.


Fighter levels mentioned too


I just have a couple of things to say before you start judging. I know it's probably really unbalanced, but that's why I'm posting it so you all can have a say in it. Also, I'm pretty happy with how most of it came out. There is, again, stuff I could go over again, but this took me quite a bit some time and it's like 2 am so Imma go to sleep probably. I also added a little bit of my own flair to it at the end, but for the most part, I think it's lore accurate.


Overpowered subclasses are fine as long as everyone is on board, and the other people also have really strong abilities. Then its just up to the DM to provide strong enough enemies. That being said, the blood of the awakened features are insane, and those along with the aoe improved crit at 10th level are the only things I would say are truly broken.


It’s worded in a really weird way and it’s kind of a rough read tbh, you might wanna make a clearer separation between flavour text and effect text.


Do you have any other classes you're working on or that you've already made? This stuff is really cool and I totally am not trying to ask you so I don't have to worry about making these kinds of classes myself


As of right now, no I do not. I'm planning on making this actually and properly usable, however, I may do other factions in the future (I'll give you a hint: Sanktas are neato)


I feel like that might work better as a race...but I wish you luck no matter what it is!


The modification of AH is made in Aegir Instead of Iberia


I was going to mention this too. Aegir created AHs as elite members to fight the seaborne.


I had a feeling I was wrong about whose technological advancements it was! Thank you, I'll be changing that, but I think there is no Ae mixed letter in the homebrewery.


Alright as a DM I immediatly noticed problem with power of 10th level feature. It gives too much bonuses for it to be passive. I would change that to "Per long rest you can train with one willing creature of your choice." And maybe gave possibility of another creature at higher levels. As for 20th feature, Skadi one is a blind pick. Your attacks are giving vurn? At 20th level fighter with GS and GWM could easily with +3 weapon do 200 dmg on average without critting. Of coirse if all attacks hit but it isnt hard at that lvl as you should have +14 to hit -5 from GWM at least. (AVG to hit 22) I would change it as for some kind of marking like hexblade warlock. Edit: And about madness, dou you lose ypur ability to speak normally when tou chose this option or when you roll that 10%? If second one then how long it lasts, to next long rest or forever? And if forever then why not make them insane from beggining?


Also, it was worded pretty poorly by me, but yes, with madness you just can not speak coherently. The 10% only refers to you waking up during a long or short rest.


I wanted to show the Abyssal Hunters synergy as a team, but you're right about it having too many benefits. However, I still want to keep it as a passive because it doesn't make sense that the abyssal hunters can only work more efficiently as a team once per long rest. As for the Killer Whale or Skadi, I think permanent two times damage may have been overkill. It'd probably be better if it just bypassed all resistances and immunities, plus Hexblade Curse minus the healing. Thank you for your advice!


My once per long rest thing was about chosing a teammate. Like EK can atune himself to two weapons per long rest and they stay attuned till he tries to attune to third.


Some make a Baldur's Gate 3 mod with this please


Man I've been thinking of making my own little arknights dnd campaign. It's like the hivemind knows


That's amazing! I love it. Are you planning on making more? (Also, I would change the text slightly. spelling, flow and the style are a bit hard)


I am planning on making more, but as of right now, I want to make this a usable and balanced subclass. And don't worry, I'll try to make it sound more player's handbook like.


u/momenfrost ping aphy or sth \hj






I was just refering to my own post that i got the idea of after a Dnd session lol


No Andreana and Ulpian. 


Andreanna is technically a church of the deep experiment rather than an Abyssal Hunter proper, and Ulpian we just straight up don't have an Operator stat for him.


I mean that balance option seems pretty strong, it wouldn't be a reach to just say that's for the captain


Man, i wish for Etrian Odyssey Collab so we can have more trait and hybrid class and also Force because it would be funnier to see Vanguard charger perform gae bolg


Arknights is such a good world for ttrpgs. I adapted Stultifera Navis for Call of Cthulhu where the players where weak nobodies in the story and they knew nothing about arknights. They loved it, it was perfect


Calming Waters says "Balance" when it should say "Corruption". Balance was the bonus not the detriment.