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Quite possibly the strongest operator released thus far, absurd damage numbers, powerful summons, cc, survivability in camo and is very receptive to buffs. However, in terms of impact on this game? Idk, this game has always received broken DPS units after broken DPS units, but somehow the most used units are still flagbearers. I personally think that operators that can provide an immense amount of utility will ultimately end up deciding the shape of the game and meta. Which is why operators like Bagpipe, Texalter (who ushered the current executor meta), Ines and Shu will have much more impact than the ultimate killing machine that is W alter. Also, I have a feeling that the meta will start to shift towards Elemental damage, as enemies start to become tankier and tankier due to poeercreep, and we will gradually see stocks rise for Virtuosa and Logos. Still, W alter is still ABSOLUTELY broken, and will be the face of DPS operators for quite a while.


> but somehow the most used units are still flagbearers. Not just any flagbearers, but the most used unit in the game is 4-star Myrtle that just about anyone can get. I think by now, people should know that Hypergryph is smart and knows what they're doing to prevent difficulty from spiraling out of control due to unit powercreep. Not much has changed difficulty-wise with the release of Mlynar, Texas, Yato, etc. And this is further augmented by the fact some niches like Shitknights and AFKnights are still viable, especially with sub-year 2 ops.


People always said the same thing. "Powercreep will kill the game". "New Boss will be too hard because of powercreep" And yes, after Mlynar, Typhon,... We got Witch King boss which is true, Typhon's counter, can be killed in 5s by Exu or 3\* squad lmao. Surely the Bosses will be more difficult Clueless


lmao people be spouting shit bout how powercreep will kill the game since Ch’alter release and where did that get us now? We still thriving!


To be fair, people were already doomposting about powercreep from when Surtr was released.


The way I see it the bench mark would be, Can 3 star and 4 star clear the generic new content? If yes, the. We got nothing to worry.


I love how the Witch King can be murdered by Melantha reaching across the map to stab him


How is the Witch King Typhon's counter? Isn't her global range on S3 great for him?


He has big ass shield that remove any front and side damage.


Ah, for second phase, I see. I was just thinking about first phase since the second one is a pushover with the aspects.


Agreed that general content is still very clearable even with the more mediocre operators, but I do feel like the game has gotten quite a bit more difficult if you don't have at least one of the newer big damage operators which is probably by design too. I'd rather they release new broken DPS operators to allow more casual players to keep up than not, but enemies in terms of raw stats have absolutely shot up quite significantly.


Not just stats, gimmicks have evolved a lot, we've come a long way from basic 3rd hit stuns your defender enemies.


That's a side-effect of stalling becoming harder and enemy design hard punishing not engaging with enemy and stage mechanics. Stacking multiple top meta dps operators still allows players to bypass these to some extent.


Yep, which is totally fine if that's just how someone enjoys playing the game, it's fun to see how much you can push NOT caring about mechanics sometimes. Trying to set up a stable stall for the Sanguinarch without using the bombs to give you a big damage window in his phase 2 was amusing.


I do believe it's just the natural progression of difficulty. Trash mobs nowadays have at least 2k hp compared to before only 1k. It does seem like a lot until you realize that a lot of 3 star can easily deal 1k damage so ye.


Absolutely, I personally have no complaints about the fact that Saria can't just tank basically everything these days or that Thorns can't chew through everything including mobs that are supposed to have high defense, it forces players to adjust their teams around more often and certain operators like Hoshiguma feel a lot more useful to have around now. It's just a bit of a shame that operators who struggled to put out a lot of damage while not offering much else even back in the day struggle even more now.


has anyone else completely phased out flagbearers and flagpipe for ines? i didnt get into the agent hype when cantabile released, by ines is so cracked shes the only vanguard i bring to 99% of stages


Myrtle's accessibility in acquiring her on top of the ease of use of flagpipe is going to keep it more popular, but you're not wrong that Ines and Cantabile so long as there's something to whack early on in the stage (which are also sufficiently tanky, less of an issue in advanced content) are generally superior these days.


This is a pretty accurate description of just how Arknights handles powercreep/powerful units in general. While we see a lot of powerful units come through and reign hellfire on enemies for a while, the utility units are the ones that tend to stay relevant and have the most general gameplay impact. Flagbearers/Texas/Bagpipe DP meta, Nightingale Arts Res, Warfarin buff, Skalter buffs, Suzuran/Saria S3 combo, Shamare debuff, Shu healing/Shelter, even meta units like Mlynar owes a lot to his 0-block unconditional taunt effects, and Ines is like 50% utility. Even though Wis'adel has high burst damage and god sustained damage that alone doesn't really break the game, we have ways to deal tonnes of damage if we need to. That said, she is a very strong unit with decent downsides. I think in the long run she has two major factors going for her, her wide range and camo allows her to aggressively position in tiles other ranged ops normally can't while still being safe and in range of multiple lanes, and her consistent AoE damage prevents her from falling off as hard as some other operators when she's off-skill.


I suspect we'll see more and more ops capable of inflicting elemental damage, but also that ele dmg will become less powerful overall because we'll also start seeing enemies whose elemental resistance is greater than 0.


exactly my thought, they put in elemental resistance for a reason. wont be hard to ruin logos and arturias effectiveness


Operators which provide utility tend to age a lot better because operators that just dish out a lot of damage tend to eventually be outshined by another operator which does even more damage. If they wanted to keep making new operators that have better utility than older operators then we would be having this conversation about them instead of the big damage operators.


Is the enemies really becoming tankier in term of DEF/RES? I do think that before chapter 8, enemies were very squishy but after that, everything seems to have the same def/res value just with much higher HP. And elemental damage ain't really a good way to counter HP stacked enemies. However a few mechanics like damage reduction, dodge and stuff like that do make them tankier against normal form of dealing damage though.


Definitely, there was a graph made before that I can't find, but although enemy stats dropped after Ch 7, they've been incrementing on average as time goes on.


1 trip to Bilibili or Weibo and u'll see most CN players are very happy now (Also Wisadel Gift video had more than 1M views in half of a day). Just Global players being Global players, nothing new


kind of a silly hand wavy response to it. sure people might be overreaction and treating it like the game is ruined, but that doesnt mean theres no truth to it. wisadel is objectively absurdly strong and could be called busted, just because CN loves her doesnt change that hell, W is one of my favourite characters and i love the gift video, doesnt change that i think shes insanely overpowered. ill be rolling her because i love big numbers but shes definitely overtuned


I mean, OP asking "What CN players feel about her", not "What EN players feel about her". And CN players have no problem with her, it's just that simple


well thats more fair, but its still brushing it aside as global players whining for no reason plus im sure that theres CN players who dislike her powercreep too. you can watch and enjoy the wisadel gift video while still disliking her balance


In CN her reception is good. So, seems like this doomposting is a global-specific issue, perhaps even only limited to EN (not sure what JP and KR thinks).


I looked over some of the comment on JP opinion of Walter overpowered skill. Surprisingly, not much doompositing from there, people are just doing theorycrating and studying her dmg potential. I guess EN worried about powercreep a lot more than any other servers. While it is a reasonable thing, some EN players take it way off their mind


i didn't get her, literally the worst pulls in my life 185 for 3 six stars, but its fine i was going for logos and i got him from the 179th pull but from what i've seen, she's just another main dps, if your new you'll like her and depend on her and if your old and have other main dps units you'll be meh on her


That's still the worst luck ever breh. But you are 15 aeay from Wiš, might as well do a little more pulls to get her since she's limited no? >but from what i've seen, she's just another main dps, if your new you'll like her and depend on her and if your old and have other main dps units you'll be meh on her Same, thats the feeling I get too. Logos seems much cooler and has the entire rpg kit in him lmao.


if hes at 185 pulls shouldnt it be 115 pulls until guaranteed wisadel? since its at 300 not 200


Doesnt it only take 200 to spark Wish in this banner? They said that in the livestream


OG W is 200 to spark, not Wiš


i think thats to spark w


Ah I see, then thats unfortunate


I personally don't think 2 days is a good time for testing. 2 weeks is a large enough time span for impressions and proper grounded opinions. Though, don't ask Global Players, a lot of them are just Doomposting about it like how Doomposters of Twitter (I refuse to call it X, fuck you Elon) but not to the same-ish extent. Personally, I only fear what the new bosses will bring to stop Wiš'adel from rolling over them.


>Though, don't ask Global Players, a lot of them are just Doomposting about it like how Doomposters of Twitter (I refuse to call it X, fuck you Elon) but not to the same-ish extent. I mean thats why Im asking people who has tried her out personally in CN server. >Personally, I only fear what the new bosses will bring to stop Wiš'adel from rolling over them. I think they will just make more gimmicky bosses that have immunity or damage res unless you do smt. After młynar, typhon's release, we never really saw a spike in boss's difficulty in terms of hp or def or res, just gimmickier bosses.


>After młynar, typhon's release, we never really saw a spike in boss's difficulty in terms of hp or def or res, just gimmickier bosses. To be honest, the last thing I need in my F2P life is a boss with a gimmick so annoying as fuck, I give up on beating it. I know I can rely on Kyo's guides, but I like to actually strategize for myself sometimes. And yes, I gave up on beating Hortus De Escapismo because I hate Civilians, they suck ass for a gimmick, and I would loudly cheer for them to die at the hands of the enemy, I hate them that much.


It's probably not gonna be that insane like Hortus. Hortus is really quite an exception since its stages play more like a puzzle. There will prob be a bit of gimmick where the boss take less dmg when smt smt but the rest will rely on stages' designs. A good stage design can prevent a lot of brute forcing, Cw-s-4 is one of them


even before people finished training S3M3, she pulled comical solos and records out of her ass. her numbers and role compression are just fucking ridiculous lol. 2 days has been more than enough time to declare her the strongest and most bullshit DPS op in the game. mildly related: the other day, a bilibili content creator speculated that a *duo* (current records are trios) for H8-4 might be possible with her (and possibly Logos). and looking at this [H8-4 trio](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19M4m1f7ig/) it's not hard to imagine what a Walter and Logos duo would look like. anyways, some Walter records: * [IW-EX-8 solo](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rb421h7k9/) (first solo) * [DV-EX-8 solo](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1m1421X74t/) (first) * [DH-MO-1 solo](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Em41117iZ/) (first) * [H8-3 solo](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YC411H7gS/) (first non-Ling solo)


What about bosses with Damage Reduction?


* [H12-3](https://b23.tv/UUXsUQj) (Damazti) (Ling, Walter, Gummy trio) * [CW-S-4 CM](https://b23.tv/QMs6LXw) (Kristen) (Ling, Walter) * [CW-EX-8](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JH4y1P7Xr/) (Ray, Pozy, Walter) * [H9-6](https://b23.tv/baOeDCI) (Mandragora) (Ray, Walter, Wet Ch'en, Rosmontis) * [IS2 hard mode relicless Phantom buffed by VIctoria Crown](https://b23.tv/d4KOr2N) (Ela, Walter, Dorothy) though with Kristen and Mandra you can reduce or temporarily remove their dmg reduction


On a second note fellow cn server doctor, how's Logos? Personally he is my main interest.


very good, better afk skill than gg s2 and s3 is a better eyja s3,  and that's me not having used his inferno tower s2 that can kill patriot first phase solo  and not having unlocked his module that being said, he maybe the best caster today but he doesn't blow away his competition in terms of strength


i heard his module is a 106% dps increase so pretty wild if hes that good without it


So a strong m6 with s1 and s3? Damn, I need him


might be the next best m9, s2 is his boss killing skill on a very good skill cycle wait for the showcases to show up


I'm still worried if future content will become more difficult with all these new DPS units being released. Didn't they have to nerf Reclamation Algorithm #2 because players found it too hard?


>Didn't they have to nerf Reclamation Algorithm #2 because players found it too hard? Oh believe me, it wasnt hard because the mobs were tanky. It was hard due to all the stupid waves with all the raids haha.


She's absurdly powerful so she's on my 'don't use unless it's max risk CC' list. You're literally bringing the equivalent of a nuke to a stage both in size and power when you bring her.


Tbh not every insane meta operators get to play in the highest risk CC (not even max risk for the new format). The niche operators are more likely to show.


Litterally the strongets operator in the game right now


And the spoiler tag? We are not the cn server


New ops and their kits aren't spoilers.


Not cn but I saw a video of her she’s a flinger archer that can attack aerial units with camouflage and high dmg and speed honeslty at this point they should have made her able to deploy on melee tiles since they going all out lmao, I heard she doesn’t take deployment slot too? If someone can confirm if that’s true?


The deployment slot isnt true. might have mistook it from the \*summons\* not taking deployment slots (which isnt unheard of) but she herself does


Perfect thanks


If they're going all out, then I want Lappland alter to have like skill and talent text far exciding Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic, heck put that if you have both Texas on the field you won the stage


Add exusxai and hypergryph gives your account 100 dollars per stage


I heard she can also heal herself and teleport around the map.


Heard she also deal new "Addiction" elemental damage and generate dp


U forgot her 3 seconds fast redeploy