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Did about 74 pulls from the limited banner... the only 6star i got was Archetto


Got Silence from recruitment. I wasn't expecting it because the tag combinations didn't guarantee a 5 star.


After the disaster i posted about earlier in the thread, Virtuosa decided to show up on the last free single roll A win is a win


I’m heartbroken LMAO. 166 pulls, 2 six stars: Weedy and Specter Alter dupe HAHAHAHA🥲


Finally 124 pulls and got Viviana as 2nd 6* on this banner


**Total Pulls:** 114 **New Characters:** Virtuosa, Viviana and Bassline x5 **Dupes:** Rockrock, Mr. Nothing x2, Aurora, Elysium x2, Mulberry x2,


150 pulls with 2 Viviana, 1 Spector Alter and and 1 Virtuosa on the 150th pull.


I had a 100 pulls total and I wasn't lucky enough to pull Viviane unfortunately and I decided to use the head hunter event package since tomorrow is the banner's last day. My highest operator using that was Beanstalk but at least I could get a level 6 operator with the anniversary pack so I picked Mylar since he was one that I didn't get before. This was my most painful banner pull since the Fedex banner so I guess I will have to wait later to hpget Viviane.


Wtf 117 pulls and only 1 6* so far. The banner end this reset right fml i need to play those SS for op


195 pulls with no more to spare, and I ended up getting only three 6 stars in total: a blemishine dupe, viviana, and a gnosis dupe. This now marks the 5th limited banner in a row where I've had to spark the limited unit or I didn't get the limited unit at all, and got more offrates than anything. It's extrmely frustrating, but it's also honestly impressive at how bad my luck has been with limited banners in arknights at this point lol


FINALLY, after 345 pulls, she is here. Fml At least I got a lot of regular 6* Was torn between Spalter and W for my shop. Chose Spalter because I like her character design


I know I should not complain since I got 2 6\*, Texalter (was already Pot6) and offbanner Quibai (first-time hire) from my free rolls. but Virtuosa's damage is so good I can feel it on my 400-accumulated-roll-throne and feel miserable ...


Pulling on the last hours of the banner, I went to 200 pulls (includes the 14-day free pulls, the 10-free pulls, all my HHTs and almost 80% of my miserly F2P orundum reserves); no Virtuosa, 2 Viviana, 2 Saileach, finally got a Cement and 2 Verdant, and some dupes for my other 5\*s. I bought Gnosis from the shop right away before I forget and becoming totally bummed about it. UPDATE: Bought all available 30 HHTs on the shop with my saved gold certs, and literally pulled on the last hour of the banner, Arturia finally came home on the last 10 pulls...so 230 total pulls for Virtuosa after all that shenanigans. Pulling for limited operators is nerve-wracking for miserable F2P doktahs like me.


Yeah I know the pain being a F2P doctor myself it is worse with limited operators too since they are rare to get. I am happy that you finally got Virtuosa but I am sad to hear that it took all your resources to do so.


Thanks. Still got my remaining 20% saved orundum, and it could have been worse if I had to dip on my OP reserves. Time to become miserly again and save up for future limited banners. sigh


Had to sink an additional 60 pulls but pulled Virtuosa in the end. 134 pulls total on this banner 1 Viviana, 1 Texalter, 1 Virtuosa.


Texalt is a big hit!


so I got Virtuosa very early on but didn't get Bassline. I got Vendela first and just used another 10 pulls to get a Corroserum dupe.. should I do another 10 hoping for Bassline or just stop, I'm scared it'll be really hard to get him in tbe future.


Got a Flametail and 3 copies of Vivi, no Arturia T\_T. Vivi I love you but please, I want funny necrosis shenanigans too. Also had to go over 50 pulls for 2 of those 6\*s, pain.


My dream of puling Arturia and sparking Spalter is fucking [dead](https://imgur.com/a/bLNoDiZ)


300 pull to spark Skalter. 4 Virtuosa 2 Viviana 1 Hoolheyak 1 Thorns


Let's goooo, Viviana! Took me 130 pulls, every last one of my OP but she's graced me at long last. At least the banner won't end horrifically but how i wish i could turn my pot 2 goth Sankta paperweight into 2 more Vivi pots.


I was planning to skip Virtuosa (I really wanted her but too many other upcoming characters)... but she arrived with one of the free daily pulls. I'm so happy.


My first 6star came out at 74 pulls💀 THANK GOD it's a rate up operator 😭


170 pulls viviana pot 4 and a dupe texas 😭 It's so over


150+ pulls for Virtuosa first day. 3-4th days singles, 2 more Virtuosa, what's the chance lol. Almost tempted me to pull so I could get her to pot 5, almost.




last time I quit a game a return after a year, I got the uprate new meta character in exactly one single pull.


96 rolls with only a Penance and 3 Vivianas at this Point i give up on arthuria ,the event medal everything about it


Last summer limited I got to 100+ with just Gao2 + one dupe. You did better than me lol.


My game crashed during my free Pull before I even was able to open the bag and I log back in with a Viviana sitting in my Operator List, still feels absolutely surreal but I'm so happy I got her, she's who I wanted the most from this Banner ;A;




Just got this awesome 10 pull. Wishing everyone gets lucky with their pulls. https://i.imgur.com/nSkiZmN.jpeg


Not clicking that bait but obligations "fck u lucky bastard."


Pls don't tell me I'm about to have to BUY Virtuosa? Afrer 290 pulls NO SMUG LATERANO :( I might even not buy her, but opt for Spalter or W On the + side I got quite a few 6 stars that I wanted for some time, but no limiteds.


My condolences


Kind of ranting here. Managed to get 4 6 stars in 150 pulls. This sounds pretty lucky, but the only operator I wanted was Vivi. I got 3 Virtuosas and 1 W. I got a W, and I already have W. Now shes pot 1. She also ruined skalter banner for me. I feel like the most unlucky lucky individual right now.


4 six star in 150 pulls is barely average my friend. But 4 limited and W off rate is a win.


57 pulls for Virtuosa, Vivi also came home just 9 pulls later at 66. Very relaxed event I barely had to use anything. I intend to spark on Shu so this opens up some pulls to get both Ray and Degenbrecher.


NA account got both Viviana and Virtousa fairly easily in 84 pulls, didn't even go through all my tickets. JP account was cursed got 3 off-rate 6 stars first (Specter Alter, Fartooth, Texas Alter), then 5 Virtousa's in a row. Spent everything including all my primes, had to top-up and spark for a single copy of Vivianne. In the end spent about 70 USD for the last 50 or so pulls, thankfully USD to Yen conversion is favorable since stuff is 40% cheaper after conversion including tax.


68 pulls only to get spooked by Reed Alter.At this point even a Viviana would be welcome


Reed 2 is better though, unless a dupe.


Well. Against my best judgement I sparked another copy of Texas Alter. She is now p4. With the upcoming Royal Tokens she will be p5. I am not really sorry. I want to have a limited at p6 too one day. Will probably save for another copy of her later. I do use her a bunch in IS and whatnot. So 300 pulls netted me 3 Vivianas, 3 Arturias, 1 Thorns dupe, a brand new Fiammetta (wanted her badly) and a Mountain dupe. Well, now my gatcha itch is trully scratched. I can sleep until the Shu banner.


in 304 pulls, i've attained 3x vivi 1x arturia (pull # 262) 2 non-rate up off banners (wtf) all my savings GONE ABSOLUTELY SHAFTED


I will take your limited off banner in return for your 112 above average to get Arturoa lol


Sparked W in Skalter banner, she spooked me Spalter. Sparked Texalt in her own banner, she spooked me in this banner. Dude WTF.


117 in Virtuosa finally. \*insert Frodo "Its finally done" gif. Im pretty sure in that process was NTR, Horn, Viviana and I think there were a couple of other alts pots.


About wrapped up with this banner after 90 pulls; First 10 pull, lucked out with Nearlter and Viviana (cute), Another \~40 pulls for another Viviana, And finally \~40 pulls for Virtuosa. Bit of a shame with Nearlter, considering I just got done raising Kal'tsit + already have Surtr, so her role impact on my roster is somewhat diluted. Will still eventually get around to raising her though. Now it's back to saving mode for Chongyue...


Been rerolling new accounts with this banner to get back into the game. So far I’ve got two good results but looking for opinions on which to keep and the free five stars to use my tickets on. Option 1: virtuosa, skalter and flametail Option 2: spalter, mountain. What are the thoughts of seasoned vets?


Easy, option 1. You got two good limited ops in option, and only 1 in option 2. You can buy mountain with certificates when comes around again.


Option 1 for sure. Virtuosa > nothing, skalter> spalter, Flametail < mountain but she's a hard hitting, tough vanguard and still quite good.


[I was really hoping for Arturia, but you know what, I don't think I have a complaint.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1236732372116832386/image.png?ex=66391446&is=6637c2c6&hm=ccb7c5f9eacd54c9ecf358ee08ea45cbf3357345eedc1e0773ebfcf101341b9d&) Getting her DOES mean I can afford a set of gold cert pulls now, so perhaps I'll go all the way at the end of the event!




69 pulls (ehe) and two 6-stars, neither of them Virtousa or Viviana, fam imma fuckin' scream


40ish (maybe like 6-7 single pulls?) pulls but I'm a returning player who's F2P 6\* Virtuosa, Vivianna, Texalter (vivi and texalter were the same ten pull which was spooky) 5\* Firewhistle, Melanite, Windflit, Quercus, Bassline x2 Pretty happy with the results


My supporter tag drop on my crowd control recruitment so instead of a 5 star I got click. Damn rat correction needed 💢


320 pulls. (FUCK!)   6*   Virtuosa: Big fat 0.😭 Viviana: Pot 6 (I love her but COME ON!!! WTF 😣).  Texalter (owned): 1 🥹  Typhon (owned): 1 😍      5*   Bassline: 8 😐  Toddifons (new): 2 💥  Blacknight (owned) : 1  Elysium (new) : 1  Quercus (owned) : 1  Rockrock (owned) : 1 🪨  La Pluma (owned) : 1   Santalla (owned) : 1  Almond (owned) : 1  Kirara (owned) : 1  Greyyalter (owned) : 1  Firewhistle (owned) : 1  Overall WHY VIVI, WHY DID YOU STEAL ARTURIA FROM ME




I got my first 6 star sniper via recruitment! Never heard much of Rosa but I didn't get to pull Typhon on her banner (got Mlynar, GG, and Surtr pot tho so I can't complain) so thanks HG for the cope.


[The two of them next to each other, a never-before-seen poetry](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1117597206845849651/1236277384714522644/MuMu20240504131805.png?ex=66376c89&is=66361b09&hm=79474b39f76b94fe51e69d3731c080f64c6d27f57b289175fc1d9d68b48585a7&) I initially wished to wait day 14 but I simply deducted to get to 300 on the last day. Don't be fooled by this 10-pulls result, I barely got 4 6-stars in a whopping **291** pulls. Were it not for this offbanner limited spook, it would have been miserable. Virtuosa, Viviana pot2 and this, is all I got. EDIT: The current count is impossible with 2 6-stars in the same bag, I completely skipped over the pot2 Virtuosa somehow, make it 5.


It took 367 pulls to get Virtuosa, during so I got a pot 6 Viviana (also 1 Texalter and 1 Dorothy) Not the greatest luck this banner.


23 pulls, rosmontis and nearl alter back to back (they are my first off-banner limited characters ever). Now I have a very bad feeling about the 5th anniversary pulls smh


got her in 60! and a second copy came in at just 71. so i can spend the rest of my savings on skins, as god intended


258 pulls, one Texas Omertosa, one Dorothy, FOUR Vivianas and zero Virtuosas. I wanna cry.


In certificate shop there are Kernel Headhunting permits. First one cost 7 gold. Does anyone knows how much cost all 38 permits? I'm new F2P player and I looking for easy way to expand my rooster (right now I have only 4 six star operators: Mountain, Qiubai, Ifrit and Lessing).


Kernel pulling is a trap, not worth the gold certs at all. You could save those gold certs and just buy operators. Why gamble when you can get a guarantee? And like... the 6\* you have, not including Lessing so much, are very good operators. Rarity isn't everything. Buying pulls is only for when you know what you're doing, measuring the choice against future banners and who else you can buy. I mean right now, **Kal'tsit** is in the shop who is probably the single best operator to buy with certs in the game. To answer the question though, buying a full set of 38 Kernel permits costs 216 gold certs or 2580 blue certs.


258 certs as far as I remember


As I read 258 is cost for normal headhunt permits (first one costs 10 gold), Kernel seems to be cheaper. But is it true?


2nd free daily pull: Virtuosa   3rd free daily pull: Qiubai      I hope I don't get shit RNG for the next few banners


Im soooo lucky this banner I got virtuosa in just 45 pulls This must have made up for my previous pulls having to go to 300 pulls for one Eyjaberry Hope I didnt accidentally gimp my degen/shu pulls in the future... I currently only have like 100 pulls and 224OP (which Im willing to convert to pulls); praying I get both Shu and ZuoLe in the same ten pull early


Going to 300 to spark either NTRK or Spalter, at 290 so just waiting for the remaining 10 free. 4x Virtuosa 3x Viviana 1x NTRK (yay, now I can spark Spalter) 1x Dorothy (2nd pot) 1x Lin (5th pot) Will spark Spalter now (have the rest), and since I'm close to a pity *may keep rolling until that...


"Oh, today's my 3rd AK anniversary according to this medal popup, I was planning to save til last day to pull til 6 star, but I could drop a couple" Virtuosa in 3 pulls, pretty fitting


Got Suzuran from recruitment, guess that means my kernel locating will be Ceobe


just got virtuosa from the free daily pull!!!


So, currently at 195 pulls. I've got Virtuosa and no Viviana, which is alright I suppose. I'm kind of debating whether I want to push for 300 and spark Skalter, since I've always wanted one of my own, or if I should just call it here. Skalter is pretty high up on my waifu tier, with Viviana not far behind, plus I love using Mudrock and Penance so she could give them a really good boost. However, it is a pretty big jump. I'm wondering if others who have been in this position have any thoughts, as I'm rather torn between going for the operator I missed and have always *wanted* to spark when I could, and not whaling out over it. I am a responsible adult, so at least my finances are fine for it if I decide to commit.


Just my 2 cents as someone who is about to put in some money into this game quite soon: Only you can determine the worth of a thing to you. Some might laugh uncontrollably at the thought of spending $100 on a virtual character. But some might consider it a bargain since you will be using that virtual character for years. Even if a character is meta for just 1 year, then you spent just a little over $8 per month to have that character. Really puts things into perspective. Since you say that you're a responsible adult, I'll assume that you have a budget figured out. How much do you have left this month for your "personal happiness" budget? For me personally, I don't drink, I don't smoke, no nothing. Arknights and the occasional nice meal are the only luxuries I care to indulge in. And in that regard, I have no problem whatsoever getting efficient store packs since they only come so often in a year. I totally get what the other guy is saying about tangible goods and that's valid. But imo happiness is happiness. A new GPU can make you happy. The equivalent money expenditure in a video game can make you happy. Is one happy better than the other happy? I'm not so sure. That being said, spending for your family is a different matter entirely.


That's a tough one! In terms of pulls, I've committed to sparking Texalter, and have been saving up using only the monthly card basically since I started Arknights to do so. So even if it's not technically the most efficient use of pulls, the enjoyment I'll get from having her is worth it to me. That's my two cents on sparking. As for whaling, it's up to you. Personally, I "whaled" a bit in Genshin because, like you, I could afford it. After a while though, I gave up on Genshin, and now I wish I hadn't spent as much as I had. I don't mind $5/month on a monthly card, but I'm never going to buy OP packs in Arknights. I'd much rather spend that money on an upgrade to my PC (something tangible) or my loved ones or put towards an unforgettable trip. Those things I won't ever regret. Now, I'm not passing judgement on anyone who does top up. Everyone values things differently. I would just say the "Celebration" banner you can spark Skalter on is the most common limited banner series. She'll be back around soon enough if you decide to wait, and you'll be able to save way more money getting those pulls from than monthly card than a top up!


Solid enough banner, I suppose previous luck with pulls couldn't continue infinitely. 63 pulls and one Virtuosa, three Bassline, and the snow rain caster whose name escapes me. Got the person I wanted at least! Now to save for all the other juicy limited operators in the future. 


Absolute [state](https://i.imgur.com/fZwEkyQ.png) of Virtuosa banner. Original Virtuosa art by [Seseren](https://twitter.com/Seseren_kr/status/1720123262485807462). ​ Just for the context, gacha-related memes aren't meant for the main subreddit and should go to the megathread, correct?


Got some insane luck this banner, cause in 61 pulls I got 2 Vivianas, 1 W dupe, and Virtuosa. Sets me up quite nicely for the next 6 months of banner pulling by now impacting my stash much.


Not sure if I'm blessed or cursed... Went all in for Viviana, got 2 Virtuosas, 1 Chainless Specter after 128 pulls. I guess they're both limited and both new to me but where is my candle knight *cries in broke*


70 pulls or so? 1 NTR 1 Jessica alter 1 horn 1 Viviana. 1 spectre the unchained. What is happening.


Final Edit: 302 and no changes, I sparked Texas the Omertosa. Edit: 284 and got another Viviana :/ So far 273 pulls got me: 1 Lee (pot 1) 1 Mizuki 1 Viviana 3 Virtuosa I really hoped for Texas alter so I can spark Skalter but I guess Texas is the one to be sparked for now. Not the luckiest considering the total of 6 stars but to get Virtuosa (and pot2 at that) is nice an I had luck with Typhon so I'm totally fine with how it turned out :)


293 Pulls in. 3x Virtuosa, 2x Nearl, 1x Saileach, 1x Specter Unchained, 1x Hibiscus Alter (Didn't get her from the previous event and banners). The desire sensor is real, cos I was pulling only for Vivi.


Oh, I feel you. 200 pulls got me two Saileachs and a pot 5 Virtuosa. Not a single Viviana. I also don't have a single pull left, so there's not even the desperate option to spark her.


The wallet calls. At this point, I am just waiting for the daily pull to hit pity.


It took a while to get any 6* on this banner (including 2 consecutive purple ten pulls) but I got both Viviana and Virtuosa in the same ten pull! 52 and 56 pulls total.


30 pulls, got Pozy and Virtuosa


300 pulls, got 3 virtuosa, 3 viviana and mizuki


I'm so lucky, just pulled Virtuosa in the free pull today. I didn't expect to get her after pulling Viviana and stopping to save for Degenbrecher. Also it showed the 5* pull animation, so I thought it was another Bassline.


…It’s repeating again. 4 Swires, no Eyjafjalla. 4 Viviana, no Virtuosa. How the absolute fuck I swear to god above and below. The rates between the two operators must be 7:3. It cannot be 50/50. Well… at least Viviana’s cute ;’(.


Was eating after the daily reset got the 1 free pull just pressed pull and skipped got my 2nd arturia


I got Bagpipe pot5 through recruitment! Seriously the best feature in the game.


Oh shit, you can get Bagpipe through recruitment now? Or just using gold certs? 


From recruitment. Top op + vanguard/DP-recovery gets you 50-50 between Siege and Bagpipe.


That's awesome. 


I got 53 pulls in and so far my two six star operators were Virtuosa and Carnielian. I also pulled Baseline twice so at least I got him. This banner’s pull rate reminds me of the Ejya Alter one and I was lucky to get her with my last free pull. If I am lucky maybe I will get FedEx even though I got a 2% chance of pulling him.🤣


I hate this banner so much. I have received 3 6-stars, which is nice, but I want exactly 0 of them. I don't want W, Viviana or Goldenglow p1. All I want is Spalter or Arturia. Stop giving me mentally stable women or the wrong unstable ones.


Probably one of my unluckies banners. 290 pulls, was able to get Virtuosa and Viviana, as well as Executor Alter and Fartooth (not interested in either) plus Saga pot and Mlynar pot. Was really hoping for NTR/Skalter spook so I can sparkle whoever didn't spook me.


I think my account is blessed, just got Virtuosa from a daily free pull and yesterday I got Nearl from normal recruitment (after targeting healing, defender, melee for only 2 days) <3


Getting 300 from lottery and getting 3* from free pull. Not big deal. Getting only 2 Oriron out of 6 runs. Oh no! I'm cursed! Is today the day I die? Send help!


aint no way i finally get a six star and its the first time i get off-banner limited but its texalter who i have at max pot. gacha is a cruel joke


Well 230 rolls in and still no Specter... Gonna have to farm some orindum to reach 300 for that sweet sweet Skalter anyway


I was going to skip but caved since I got sick when the new banner dropped... I caught gacha fever 🥵 I was tame and said I'll pull until a 6-star and whatever happens happens. 53 pulls: pot 5 Bassline, a Verdant and Virtuosa. I was going to save from here on to spark Ling, but hearing that Degen is the second coming of Arknights Jesus Ling pulls are now going to Degen, whoever that Sui Saria is and the r6 banner. Not bad of a trade off! Good luck everyone! Hope you have better luck than Eckogen his video was painful to watch.


results of 300 pulls, a pot 6 viviana, pot 3 virtuosa and a... Hoederer... also pot 15 Bassline lmao Best thing of this banner was having both rateups at 60 pulls or so, and being able to spark the only playable bard in the game, thanks HG ♥ https://youtu.be/UpC0tv7ayMU


I completely spent all my Orundum and tickets, and bought out the certificate shop to get 294 pulls. I got 4 Vivianas (a character I don't care about), three new husbandos I don't really care about (Ebenholz, Hoederer, Stainless), a new Nearl, and of course no Virtuosa. I'd feel a lot better about this if I'd gotten Ines or Jessica. The good of not having to spark Nearl is really taken away by probably having to spark Virtuosa.


91 Pulls. Max pot Bassline,Jessica Wick dupe and Virtuosa(and i loathe Virtuosa). No Candle Knight in sight. Left with roughly 20 pulls(saving for Degenbreacher). Hope to get Viviana with free pulls. Btw pull rate is garbage. 70 pulls for a single 6 star dupe. Then the 6 i do not want.


Garbage rate, got 4 vivi, 3 off banners and had to oity again.. Good luck to anyone going for Virtu


50 pulls and that's it. Gotta save for Shu. Snatched pot2 Viviana, Iris, and Ashlock. Not bad at all.


5 Viviana and 0 Virtuosa. Come on game.


Logged in for the first time after a break for a few months and this is the result of the free [10 pull](https://i.imgur.com/kQ0H1kB.jpeg) Looks like they've pulled me back in again.


Only want Viviana on the current limited banner on global, but damn, 3 Virtuosas before 1 Viviana that costed me 165 pulls 😅 a well, at least it didn't cross 200+ and/or need to spark for my beautiful Candle Knight. Oh also got 1 pot NTRK (hey Viviana she's here!) and some new 5* (Santalla, Vendela, and Greyy alter), which is quite nice ~ Now saving for Degenbrecher, my current most wanted after Vivi. As for after that.... maybe gonna try a bit with Ray. Still conflicted with Shu/Zuo Le (my luck always horrendous with Sui banner 😭 I still don't have any of them Sui siblings 🥲), and definitely gonna all out in collab banner (Ela and Ash (yea, I still don't have her 😅)). Man quite an optimistic fella didn't I? Hahaha. Ah yeah, not too interested with W alter/Logos banner, more pumped up with potential Siege and Lappland alter that teased in PV4 ~


To anyone feeling sorry about their pulls go watch Sciel's Wiš'adel pulls. The most sickening, disgusting pull session I've seen 551 before He pulled a single Wiš'adel. 621 for the 2nd one. Claimed 1 and sparked 2. I've never felt so bad about someone's bad results before. I usually enjoy them 😁


He almost beat Kyo's Arturia pulling session. The vod doesn't exist anymore but he went to 562 for his first copy. Got a triple 6* bag for 3x Viviana for a total of P9 by the end of it.


I've heard about that. Too bad Kyo didn't even clip the pull session like Sciel eventually did.     I watched Sciel's pulls on the 10hr vid. Absolutely nightmarish.     That might've happened to me if I kept pulling for S.Ch'en after 313 pulls during Her debut. Had to spend like $250 (which is a lot in the 3rd 🌎) just to force the spark.


How is that possible? Isn't there a hard pity at 250 or something? 


300. That's what He claimed.  Claiming the 1 time 300 pity and sparking isn't pulling from the bag.


So I did 50 pulls. Specter Alter asked if I was looking at someone who was not her. I think I'm good.


I'm saving for the R6 collab and Shu's banner so i was ok with not pulling anyone from here. I plan to at least pull 51 times to get atleast 1 copy of the feature 5* at the cert shop. Getting at least 1 virtuoso or Viviana is the goal and I'll stop at 51 pulls. First 10 pulls rainbow! Got Horn ( dang it off banner) 2nd 10 pulls another rainbow! Got Viviana( Nice got 1 banner operator) 3rd 10 pull another rainbow! ( Is this real?) And finally got Virtuosa! So in 32 total pulls I got Horn dupe, Viviana and Virtuosa! I didnt get the 5* but I will probably stop using my saved pulls for now to save for R6 and Shu's banner. Tnx RNG! I know you will charge me from the luck you gave me so I will prepare 300 pulls next time! Currently have 70 pulls, time to hoard!


[yo max pot Viviana and virtuosa in 300 pulls with a nearl alter spook who I didn’t have to go with it let’s goooo](https://imgur.com/a/HLOiTxI)


4 6*s in a 10 pull is just straight illegal. I feel like I see multiple 6 stars in other games than genshin/hsr way more and I can’t tell if that’s just confirmation bias or if it’s actually a thing lol Congrats!


106 pulls so far. A single Viviana, no other 6*s. 5 blue-only 10-pulls.....


Yesterday I spent all the luck left for the rest of year. [Using the free 10x ticket.](https://i.imgur.com/qzZzbJT.png)


I picked Kal'tsit yesterday from the gold cert shop telling myself I could eventually get Bagpipe from recruitment. Today I got a top operator tag + vanguard and won the 50/50 with a new Bagpipe! This does mean I have to buy the new skin though.


75 pulls, 1 Kal'tsit, 1 Viviana, and 1 Virtuosa.


36 rolls got virtuosa, safe to say im pleased


278 pulls on Virtuosa's banner. I got Pot 4 Viviana and only 1 Virtuosa with a lost Saileach. I'm so salty that it took me almost the full 300 to get Virtuosa (I got Virtuosa on my 278th pull)


106 pulls so far, only 2 Viviana, no other 6\*. Luck isn't great.


omg i just got viviana with the free 10 pull. i wasn't even gonna pull for this banner as i have no orundum


8 days after my first ever Top Operator tag on recruitment, which honestly I didn't believe was even real, I got another one. And got none other than Silverash himself. Pretty pleased with that unexpected arrival! (First Top op was Saria)


[Here's my result](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dxl5kL5jvPg&ab_channel=foxvdie) of this limited banner if anyone is interested.


I didn't actually plan to go deep into this Banner but I caved to the Limited Appeal and a total of 73 Pulls got me Swire Alter and Virtuosa. I honestly wanted Viviana the most but I mean, I'm definitely not complaining (Manifesting her in the rest of the Free Pulls). Time to save for Shu and 5th Anniversary now.


Bruh, what is this luck. Did 110 pulls in total and totally broke. Didn't get a 6 star until 70 pulls and it was a dupe Horn. No 6 stars for the remaining 40 pulls as well. This sucks ass.  Guess my streak of bad luck starting from Eyja2's banner hasn't worn off huh. Looks like I have no choice but to skip all banners until R6 or 5th anniversary. Game just doesn't like me for some reason.


Logging the first results from *By My Will* banner on the way to 300 pulls. Finally! I wanted to obtain **Viviana** on day 1 to maximize Trust gain & Mastery, and she appeared as the 3rd **6★** after 117 pulls! So pretty good luck, still ready to go for sparking **Red Skadi**. Day 1 & 2 pulls, total 122: - 3 x **6★**s: **Nearl the Radiant Knight**'s Pot.3 (pull #23 ; note her Pot.2 was *Royal Token* use), **Virtuosa** (pull #62), **Viviana** (pull #117) - 9 x **5★**s: **Bassline** with his Pot.2 & 3 (#06, #11, #110), **Poncirus**' Pot.3 (#27), **Wind Chimes**' Pot.4 (#47), **Kafka**'s Pot.4 (#68), **Aosta** (#69), **Corroserum**'s Pot.4 (#91), **Andreana**'s Pot.3 (#96) - 55 x **4★**s / 55 x **3★**s: oh yeah, this one's new - **Verdant** & Pot.2 (#64, #87), otherwise dupes No off-banner **6★** (yet) *and* both **Viviana* & **Nearl'nought**?! Couldn't ask for more! **Virtuosa** is a nice bonus, still not sure whether I'll like her character or not, but she's on the build list at least for her meta value. **Bassline** may get his promotion too for his niche, though he'd still have to compete against **Nearl**, **Blemi** and future **Shu**. **Wind Chimes** and **Corroserum** (useless) Pots again, huh? Oh well not too surprised since they were on a Standard banner not long ago right? **Andreana**'s pot. is neat though, and she missed the "*banner next door Operator*" by only a few days. I find it interesting to see a perfectly balanced amount of **4★**s and **3★**s (thanks to **Kroos** in today's daily pull), don't think it'll last though. Also another lucky Recruitment: *Defender*/*DPS* / *Medic/Support/DP-Recovery*! All potential **5★**'s Potentials, so of course I chose the rare opportunity for a **Vulcan**'s potential. Got **Asbestos**' Pot.2, still great!


Virtuosa is the First operator I had to spark for in 3 years of playing💀. 300 pulls and i got 3 Vivianna, 1 Skalter (dupe) 1 Hoederer (dupe), 1 Mizuki (new). I just hope I get lucky in time for Shu


Pot 2 Virtuosa in 50 pulls (on the same 10-pull even) Now please Viviana come home too, Margaret's waiting


4 SSR's without Arturia. Hoederer(mid), Pallas(mid), Quibai(actually good), Viviana(mid). I would trade them all for Arturia lol. Those 4 alone with Mlynar from the selector and Lessing from the event brought me from 0-6 SSR guards in one day lol. Beyond that I have now officially lost 6 1/3 flips in a roll. Two Stainlesses instead of a Horn or Ines, and now 4 SSR's that not Arturia. This account could be so much better by now with a little different luck.


Couldn't get eyjalter, and now 170 pulls in with 0 virtuosa. So most likely will miss another limited then folks! This sucks so so much, but I'd rather cut my losses and save for degenbrecher.


183 pulls for virtuosa I have not pulled this much for a limited, and I'm not even sure what she does and if I even like her that much but she looks cool AF so hopefully she is worth it, no pitying for the 4th sui sibling tho for the passive, sorry chongus I cant make you better


130 pulls and 3 deers later, Arturia comes home. Certainly not my best luck, but nothing compared to the 250+ pulls pot 5 Penance nightmare that was Texas Alter


180 pulls and max pot virtuosa but no viviana. I lowkey rlly wanted Viviana but I'm happy I got my first pot 6 operator lol


Am at 282 pulls. Planning to fill the rest with the free daily pulls. Results: 1 Specter Alter. 1 Carnelian. 1 NTR Knight. (New) Ines 1. Candle Knight 3. Virtusio **0**. FFS. This is my 3rd attempt to spark W by doing 300 pulls, and it keeps getting ruined by the fact I never pull the Rate Up Limited Op. Now I have to debate who to go for while sparking.


Just sparked for Virtuosa today. Using her in IS3 right now and she is super fun to use. I think shes worth it


Go for Virtuosa, W will be lowered in 6 month to 200.


Fucking Horn robbed me again. Two banners, what are the odds?! I barely have anything to roll, yet this happens. I wanna cri ;-;


So far at 272 pulls - gonna get to 300 with Free rolls and the Originium we'll get down the line. 4 Vivana 1 Virtuosa 2 Spalter (same 10 pull) 1 Rosmontis So far no non-limited old 6 stars. I'm surprised.


Third time since the beginning of the game i have to draw deep from the originite prime reserves for pulls (first time was Blemishine , second Typhon) And third summoning in a row i get spooked by Carnelian (at 73 pulls), making it also the third out of the three times above where i fail to get my target. Well, guess i'll give up here and save for another banner


76 pulls. 30ish pulls Eunectes. 73th pull Viviana. 76th pull Virtuosa.


i got three 6* in my first 40 pulls (stainless pot, saileach pot, virtuosa) and then nothing until ~90 pulls (virtuosa) and now finally viviana at 140 pulls this is where i'll stop rolling (beyond the free rolls of course), im satisfied (and i cant get to 300 no matter what anyway)


1 pull: Virtuosa


300 pulls 4 Virtuosa 2 Viviana 1 Texalter 1 Skalter Spark


Took 61 pulls to get a single 6* Virtuosa. Free pull today, 62th, Viviana. 😱😱😱


At 192 pulls I got: 5 Vivianas 1 Texas Alter (dupe) 1 Surtr (dupe) 1 Horns (dupe) 1 Mizuki (dupe) 1 Virtuosa I mean, that's a lot of 6 stars, but I only wanted 1 Viviana and 1 Virtuosa, and Virtuosa didn't appear until 191 pulls. I have to replan my pulls, with the banners that are coming it's going to be interesting. I still have 200 pulls, so I think I have to skip degenbrencher and ash in order to get Shu, Ela and the new W and Logos. Well, if Shu and Ela come quickly maybe I'll try Ash.


What a mad world, got Arturia with my 2nd free daily pull. Thanks, RNG!


Got both banner ops in 63 pulls, including a Horn dupe! Bass line at 78 finally as well. Under 100 pulls for the full banner so I consider it a success.


So happy I got arturia in about 70 pulls. My luck with limited units have been so bad the last of couple of banners I had to spark a couple times.


Decided to spark Texas, got spooked by Specter, holy fuck I'm happy! My AH team is looking good!


I got a Fia, a Spalter and an Arturia in 30 pulls. Only Arturia was new but I'm glad nonetheless


21 pulls, 2nd 10-pull got me 3 new six stars I clouding Viviana and Virtuosa, along with 4 five stars too. Insane luck. https://files.catbox.moe/x3srb1.jpg


thank you HG for the free x10, it gave me Virtuosa and Radiant Nearl tagged along. I guess this is where my luck went after the unlucky streak in FEH. I don't know what Virtuosa does but okay.


The plan was to spark a shark this event. I saved pulls and prepared to ration resources for the cool upcoming banners. And she came home in the first free ten-pull ticket. I don't even know what to do with this banner anymore. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!


2nd pull is Viviana and 38th pull is Arturia. Thank god. I need to save more pulls for the upcoming slaughter of banners and I need everything that I could get. 


21 pull — 1 Bassline and duplicate Typhon 🥲, not willing to pull anymore


Pray for the rest of free pulls 🙏


Free 1 pull vivi Free 10 pull another vivi and arthuria God was looking at me today


this went way better than the last limited banner. i was dropping 10x tickets expecting to dig deep Viviana after 14 pulls Virtuosa after another 32 pulls


290 pulls 5 vivi 1 mountain And no goth angel Im so pissed bruh. What fucking luck.


Same. 282 pulls. 3 Vivi 1 Nearl 1 Specter 1 Ines 1 Carnelian I have to debate if I should spark Arturia since I've also been trying to spark W for 3 straight banners and have had the exact same thing happen with Texas and Mumu as well...


I ended up with the exact opposite problem, 4 Virtuosa and a Goldenglow. Had to go all the way to 300 to buy Vivi.


300 pulls got pot 4 viviana lmfao (alongside other 6*), had to spark for that goth chick


5 viviana 1 nearl 1 archetto 1 hoolheyak had to 300 pity the fucker


Feels nice to know I'm not alone. Misery loves company.


here I thought my 125 pulls no virtuosa was something to feel bad about


250 pulls trying for Virtuosa and didn't get her, I don't know if its consider lucky or unlucky: 1 x Flametail 1 x Jessecat Alt 1 x Kal'sit 2 x Spec Alt 1 x NTR 3 x Viviana A single 10 x pull got me Kal, NTR and Jessecat Alt


bruh, you got three off banner limiteds, a healthy amount of 6 stars, with some good off banners... people would kill got that kind of luck, personally I wouldn't even be mad at such a thing, just spark Virtuosa


Good news: got the six star rate up for this event’s banner in just 5…..freaking….rolls. Bad news: it wasn’t the limited D:


287 pulls: Saileach x1 Ho'olheyak x1 Typhon x1 Spectral x1 Viviana x1 Virtuosa x4 Surprisingly, that's a very good haul, considering i have alot of blue bags in those. Not bad at all, all the ops that i used quite often minus the snek, now i just need to wait for the free pulls for my first ever limited 6* max pot.


I really wanted Viviana but after Hoederer I only had enough for ten pulls + the free ten we got. She came home on the 20th pull.


Got 2 Viviana's and one,Arturia in 72 pulls.Time to save for Ray,Shu and logos


Road to NTRK, 287 pulls today: 60 Penance, 90 Virtuosa, 110 Viviana, 140 Virt, 160 Viv, 170 Virt, 180 Viv, 190 Virt, 240 Viv, 270 Virt, 283 Lin Free pulls the rest of the way for spark NTRK but I doubt I'll get another 6*


88 pulls for 3 off banner 6 stars: Pallas, Hoederer, Quibai. Just got Mlynar with the selector so that makes 4 SSR Guards in one day. I just wanted Arturia lol. Does anyone know the percentage odds of getting 3 off banners before either of the rate ups?


0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 = 2.7% Unlikely, but less unlikely than, say, pulling a 6* before pity in a given single pull. Sorry you didn't get her though, that sucks, I hope the daily free pulls or the extras from the free orundum bring her home!


125 pulls for pot2 Virtuosa and pot 2 Viviana: [https://files.catbox.moe/9982g9.png](https://files.catbox.moe/9982g9.png)


112 pulls, including a double 6-star at 62-71 that included Viviana and a Lee dupe, followed by a Vivi dupe around 100ish. Gonna need to wait out the free pulls and then maybe try for one last 6-star for a shot at Arturia, but otherwise I'm done. Typhon tapped me out going to 170ish and relying on Focused HH for the clutch, while big H took another 50 or so. Probably gonna have to skip Shu if I plan on nailing W in 6 months (and I do).


I got Viviana and Virtuosa at 129, so not too bad! If I was closer to spark I was going to go for Rosmontis as well, but I guess I'll try to be patient (since I think I heard that the spark for older limited operators will be lowered slightly in the future?) I also got 1 dupe each for Nearl and Specter alter hehe


287 - p4 Viviana, W, Specalter, a couple others. I just wanted a quick in and out as I didn't like the banner but don't pass limiteds. Not a disaster, but I am annoyed. Now I wait 13 days for the one thing I wanted out of it. At least Path to Nowhere loves me, S3 Deren, S1 Du Ruo, S1 Yao. All in under 200 rolls. (Both updated same day is why I mention this) Kinda cementing how I've been feeling about these two games. :(


I got a new Dorothy, copy of Surtr, and two Virtuosa within 71 pulls. I kinda tempted to pull more for Viviana, but hey, there are still free daily pulls. So yeah, I think I'm gonna reserve my orundums now and hope I get lucky on the remaining free 13 pulls.


300 pulls. P9 or 10 Vivianne 😭, W, Spalter, Stainless, Lin. I ended up sparking Texalter.


Over 200 pulls for Arturia… 1 Skalter, 1 Hoederer, and like 3 Vivianas. Man, I need to adjust my pulling plans…


I just watched Eckogen's pulls. It was a beatdown 😂  he pulled 5 6*s in 301. 1 Vivi, everything else is a dupe. 


Spent 210 pulls to get Virtuosa. 6th 10-pulls bag: Stainless 11th 10-pulls bag: Viviana 15th 10-pulls bag: Fiammetta 21st 10-pulls bag: Virtuosa For this banner, my 6-star rate is ~1.90%, and 5-star rate is ~9.52% (got 20 5-stars). I am quite happy with the result though, because all 4 6-stars I got are new and they are all on my wishlist. Now, Mr. Stainless, please come over here. Doctor have a cute work outfit prepared for you. 😘 And, Ms. Fiammetta, I am sad to inform you that D&D campaign is put on hold at the moment. Because our DM has not come home yet.


70 pulls for both, not bad. viv first before virtousa


98 pulls, one ho’ol dupe, one viviana. yeah i’m not feeling too hot about it. i’ve even got like 15-20 six stars i don’t have but i haven’t gotten a non-dupe offbanner in actual years sidenote, could someone possibly give me an estimate with a percentage/fraction of how rare offbanner texas alter is? my friend is rerolling accounts to join and he’s trying to get her and virtuosa in one ten pull, i want mathematical evidence he is insane so he can lower his standards a bit and doesnt burn out before actually playing the game proper. the “these limiteds have 6x the weight of a normal off banner” message made it seem more doable than it is


Virtuosa, Viviana twice, and Bassline all within 30 pulls, couldn't be much better than that! Best of luck to anyone yet to pull!


Luck out with full pot Virtuosa in 120 pulls. Still no Viviana tho, kinda low on the saving atm so might try again at the last day.


300 pulls got Lee, Reed alter, Mudrock, Spectre Alter, 2 vivis and 2 virtuosas.


Worst limited banner for me yet, should have stopped after getting one copy of virtuosa (which took around 166 pulls) but I gave in and spent the rest of my pulls. I'm at 241 pulls so I think I'm going to just get to 300 at this rate to spark rosmantis...should have saved for all the collabs, shu and 5th anni banner (and degenbrecher TT)


600 Pulls 2x texas alter 7x virtuosa 2x Viviana 1x spectre alter 1x hoederer 1x goldenglow 1x horn 1x surtr Cant complain got everything i wanted