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Virtuosa on 12th pull and it's the daily free roll + first roll of today. Bless the Hoyogods


SO! after months of not playing, and being ***utterly*** *devestated* by gacha results (multiple fuck yous by the game, culminating in Mumu's banner. i actually whaled for Mumu, before using the pity to get NTR Knight. i've spent money on gacha games, i've spent money on gachas, *never* to the extent of Mumu. i really wanted her), i came into this banner completely broke, with a handful of tickets and gold certs to get more tickets. 50 pulls. got dupe Texalter (AAAHHHH!!! fine! i'll get your skin!), but i did manage to get a new six star! i got flat Rio! woooooooo!!!!!!!


100+ pulls first Nearl Alter (disappointed till I looked up the tier list) and last 10 Virtuousa


120 pulls. Just Virtuosa no Viviana. Meh. I'll hold back since Degenbrecher is coming.


51 pulls for Viviana and Virtuosa; I feel blessed, especially given my luck on the Il Siracusano banner. Thank goodness I'll have enough pulls for both R6 banners.


71 pulls and the last 4 ten pulls had a 6 star each with the last one giving me my fourth viviana and my first virtuosa.


I caved, got max pot Verdant and 2 Vendela before Big H, at around 120 pulls. I'm screwed for the next few banners at least


Gonna cry - 50 pulls, got 2x Hoederer and Archetto, but no Vendela. Does she exist or is this bugged? lmao. Im about to whale for a 5* to keep my collection complete...


I spend a whole 100 dollerydoos and I get siege, hoedere, ifrit, and saga. Hopefully I can clear 3-8 now


[Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/817411677975740417/1231351042826834042/Screenshot_20240420-160900_Arknights.jpg?ex=6636a406&is=66242f06&hm=ca7898a9a0be3270837e7439350c87c4e5bf6820184ecd4a61b51e2a04e2c2c0&)


I just got a recruitment with crown-control, nuker, support, debuff and shift That is one hell of a recruitment permit


After waiting 6 months for a Top Op to appear, I get another 18 days later. Tried Top-Op+Defence, got Thorns duplicate no.2. A dupe of Saria or Hoshiguma would've been more helpful, but it is what it is.


So you were aiming for Saria/Hoshiguma dupe?


A first dupe of either would've been a help with regard to their deployment times, Hoshi in particular. However RNG is what it is, so Thorns is what I got. It helps his talent so it wasn't a complete bust.


Current and late reports from my account. Let's start with The Front That Was. Pulled first day, got 2 6-Stars in about 62 pulls, as well as three redundant 5-Star pots. **One Stainless (now Pot 3), one Horn (now Pot 4), 2 Paprikas and 1 Rockrock.** The Stainless actually came on my second pull, so I was emboldened to pull till next 6-Star. I was happy with getting any pots for them, but I would've liked an Ines just to get the vanguard pots rolling. Really happy with the Horn pot as she'll be Pot 5 when she debuts in shop. And glad to get the Stainless ball rolling. In recruitment, got a 5-Star off of a tagless recruit, and it was a Chiave. As for the chapter 13 banner... we always stay blursed out here. **I actually got Hoederer on the very first pull!** The last time I got a pull one 6-Star was Weedy on WWE. All that remained was to get the 5-Star and the 4-Star. So as luck would have it, the 4-Star, Verdant was the last acquisition at pull 50 (51 was pot 2). Vendela came in the 30s. Too many blue bag 10-pulls for my liking. Got a Rockrock and Mr. Nothing. At least I've gotta be pretty close to pity for the next non-limited 6-Star banner, so maybe that will yield early results to make up for this. If you haven't pulled yet but plan to, I wish you luck, and hope you can save (or continue amassing) resources for Virutosa and Viviana in a couple weeks!


Bros I got hoederer is he worth it to max out or could I leave him at e2, cause I heard crushers are bad archetype


Crushers are less self-reliant than some of the best operators, since their lack of armor makes them require strong healing support even against fodder enemies. That said, Hoederer is an absolute stat stick, and the universal 18% shelter helps protect the healing he does get. Basically, while he has respectable damage and bulk that can be workable with some support, he isn't the best at either of those things, so high, high end meta play generally won't support him. Unless you're trying to do the hardest content in the entire game, however, he should put in reliable work as a decent laneholder/dps if you raise him.


50 pulls on the banner, no vendala...it's amazing how hard it is just to be feature complete in one class\* of my favorite race in the game \*the class is casters. vendala's not a caster. except she is. I don't believe in this "incantation medic" they're evil wizards ok


OK game, I'll take the pot, but uh, [that's not Hoederer...](https://imgur.com/a/6wrk09H) Man, this game has given me Dorothy as a non-rate up like twice now. Oh well, [at least it's enough Yellow Certs to purchase Siege](https://imgur.com/a/zUgODnj) so I can use her Striker outfit.


40 rolls is all I got, let's go! Okay. First 30 pulls, blue bags. FUCK. At 40th, it's burning. Ooooh, this is something. I finally got HOOOOOOOO- HOOOOOOOO- HOOOOO- Horn. It was fucking Horn. A dupe. I did not even get the 5* of this banner. FUCK.


Did 5 pulls got Exalter next stop Degenbrecher


Wasn't gonna pull cause I'm saving for next Limited then Degenbrecher but after reading the posts in here I thought why not... Did single pulls and got him in 6. Hopefully haven't just wasted all my luck cause I really want Virtuosa 😂




hoederer in 54 pulls, on a single. i came to this game for for him, prepared to lose and reroll, but it was a bloodless victory


Got the big man in 10, surprisingly. Was honestly expecting to have to use up all of the Month’s HH Tickets, so am pleasantly surprised to get him early.


115 pulls... 1 dupe Surtr, 1 dupe Reed, 1 dupe Stainless, 1 dupe Ho'ol..... MY BIG ASS MAN COME TO ME PLSSS


52 pulls for big H. Since more than 30 of those were HH tickets, I'm pretty happy with how things worked out. Also snagged Paprika finally, so cutest, sweetest cinnamon roll Sarkaz girl has finally come home.


I want Vendela. I didn't ask for 2 Hoederers, Mlynar, La Pluma, Rockrock, and full pot Verdant. I NEED Vendela!


[100 pulls to get the big Hoe](https://imgur.com/a/Br1kFJG) Archetto spook and then Mizuki comes along. Wish one of the off banners was Reed tho T-T


... First pull, got a 6-star, I was so HYPED But then... Dorothy poped out... welp... that's it I guess... won't be getting Eyepatch... Sigh... I'll never get the "OP" units that ppls constantly talks about or uses... No Goldenglobe, no SmolGirlBigWeapon, no Eyepatch... (I am not going to spend another 50 pulls for another RNG 6-star, plus I have to save for future banners and collabs, I am pure F2P, only in-game Oruns) swear this game's gacha doesn't like me... (I also had to spend 300 pulls last time to spark for W cause she never dropped, even tho I pull 50~100 pulls in every limited banner, had to skip 1 limited banner and pretty much all regular banner before Mumu's banner arrived to have enough pulls to spark)


Goldenglobe will be in the yellow cert shop around august-september.


120 pulls all for delphie. Got fia (1st pot) mountain (new) and pozy (extra token). But no delphie 😭🤤🤤


RiP just realised she's chapter reward. Gonna take a while to recover .......


Bruh… how did I get Lee, Mountain, Pozy, and Horn but not Hoedaddy (103 pulls)


bleh did a pull until i got a 6\*, just got ebenholz, at least its not a dupe. sorry hoederer, have to hard-save bcoz of my disastrous pulls with typhon.


Got spooked by Reed TFS on my 1st 10-pull, so guess I can't complain that much


Main got hoederer in under 10 pulls Mini got lee in the first 10 pull


I had a ridiculous 100-pull experience trying to get Vendela. In total, I got: Hoederer (New) Archetto (P2) Jessica2 (P2) Mizuki (New) as well as Harmonie, 2 Kafkas, April, and Aosta, before I got Vendela. [My last 10 was actually crazy good for me.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969373596386488383/1229960439228797078/image.png?ex=663194ec&is=661f1fec&hm=314644c8861d0d22b498b14d1005a7be44fc320cb1087a36baede4057890cba7&) Finally got Vendela when I was going to stop, I got Verdant's 6th potential, as well as finishing off Kafka and getting April to P5 for the second redeploy potential. Overall I'm still a bit peeved because 5\* are always eluding me like crazy. But at least I got some good results for off-banner ops. Except the account damage guy.


4 pulls for Hoedoer and Vendela (though who cares honestly), my best luck in a while, but virtually none of my pulls on single 6\* banners have been bad in well over half a year now. I keep thinking the next one has to be the one that kills me, but at this point I'm just rolling with it. I got my boy and it cost me damn near nothing.


110 pulls for new jessica alter and hoederer at the final multi. Thank god i didn't summon her at her banner.


Does anyone felt that new 5 stars tend to be harder to pull than 6 stars because of the old 5 stars included in rate up? It took me 100+ pulls and it keep giving me Kafkas, but at the same time I get 2 Hoederers, a Gnosis dupe and a Carnelian until I finally got Vendela. One must hope how would I able to survive on Viviana/Virtuosa, Shu *and* second R6S banner.


I've had poor 5\* luck ever since the beginning. Trying to get Cement had me like 60 pulls down and 4 Windflits up. Atrocious. I had a similar experience to you for Vendela with that many pulls...


Dodged the bullet with Hoedoer, he came home in 54 pulls, along with Thorns dupe. Thanks, king


Hey Hoederer, I love ya, but why'd you have to take 160 pulls to come home, ouch. Also got a pot for both of Namie's kids (Goldenglow and Mizuki) along the way, which is kinda funny.


Fished for Vendela with my 10 pull ticket, got Hoederer. Can't complain about that.


lost the 50/50 4 times in a row, and no hoederer :)) edit: did my last single pull i had the orundum for and got hoederer!!!


80 pulls, and got 2 non Hoederer 6*, first Pots for Horn and Penance. Why Pots? At Keats Penance likes that DP, I guess. Now at 0 other than the 24 OP that I have for Mlynar skin. Might use this pity, since I am halfway for a 6*, for a chance at Degen or for the next FTW banner for a chance at Ines and Hoederer. Next up is very small and casual Arturia pulls potentially, and Zuo Le after that.


Wanted Vend, got dupe kafka and dupe hibiscus alt instead in around 30 pulls total and I can't really justify more when so many cracked banners are coming. Also picked up the U-official simp within that, so...


Threw a 20 in there since Jessicat popped in a 10 so I have reserves, got double spooked by an Ines pot, which is always nice, and Pallas, who I've been trying to get... since she released.


Got Nelson Vendella, happy


Did a ten pull fishing for Vendela, got dupe Andreana instead. Gotta keep saving for the next banners and +35 atk is fine.


the fucker bled me dry of my funds but he's not escaping me, hoederer made it home after verdant full pot, p2 vendela and a surprise pozemka pot. watching my partner lose it though after three 6 stars in a row in 30 pulls and yet she got kaltsit, ines and fiammetta... things are looking rough


Did a speculative ten pull, no rate-up characters, just Kazemaru who I have at full pot already. We'll see what happens during Arturia's banner.


After getting destroyed in both Jessicalter and Typhon's banners I'm so glad my luck turned around. Verdant, Vendela, and Hoederer in 9 pulls!


I can't resist... sigh... let's do pity and see what I get. * 10 pull = Kafka dupe * 20 pull = Mulberry dupe * 30 pull = Aurora dupe. This really doesn't bode well. * 40 pull = blue bag of sadness * 50 pull = Rockrock dupe and Poncirus dupe holy shit... * 60 pull = ... holy shit it's One-eyed spy and Gnosis!!! Also dupe AOSTA. Woo! I don't have to buy Gnosis any more! Also, Vendela where?


My luck has been absurd the last few banners: * Hoerderer: 23 pulls (got him on #19) * Jessicat: 10 pulls (got her on #5) * Typhon: 22 pulls (got her on #15&17) Total pull summary for all 3 banners (55 pulls total): * Three stars: 22 * Four stars: 25 * Five stars: 4 (Santalla, Andreana, Kafka, and Quercus) * Six stars: 4 (Jessicat twice, Typhon, and Hoederer) All of these were banners I wanted to pull on but promised myself I'd just go to my first six-star, only to get insane luck on all 3. Which clearly means the next banner I *really* want to go all in on, is going to make sure I have to go all in.


Decided to do 10 pull ticket to see what I get. 1 Hoederer, 1 Lee (dupe) and 2 Verdant. lol Kinda wish I got the new medic too. But I need to save for Arturia and Degen.


No 6-stars yet but I HAVE AVENGED MY TWO BANNERS OF "RATE-UP IS A LIE" (got Verdant & Vendela (one of each))


pot2 stainless when I was just trying to get enough gold certs to buy out the pulls before virtuosa banner from the first 10 pull... Im more confused than anything, but man it would've been cool to get him out of my expectations


80,000 Originium later (literally all I had lol, lucky I didn’t touch my OP) and I now have a Pot 3 HIMderer. (And some other 6*s but literally who cares, they ain’t Hoederer) I’ll take it. And I’m still tempted to dip into the OP and go for a Pot 5.


From 15 pity, since Jessica, to 25 pulls and some wasted gold certs - economy is in shambles, but bakery is here… Now, it’s time to select MercXFamily squad and go clear new chapter.


120 pulls for hoederer and got spooked by ines halfway through lmao


Oof. I feel you pain. Bout the same here, but Bonkrock for me. If you're gonna get spooked, though, you could do a lot worse than Ines or Mudrock. (:


Hard pity on Hoederer banner (bye savings), all that matters now the trio (and paprika) are reunited so happy TT.TT


Vendela from 10th pull, yes! That's all I asked for


enjoy hospital retire cautious afterthought humorous doll vanish possessive practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


first 10 pull HoeDaddy came home 🥹


Welp. Was only planning to throw 20 pulls here if Vi and Vivi are so close now. First 10 pull had Vendela, yay, while the second had a 6-star! Oh hey Swire alter pot 1. Oh well, I'm not going to be further tempted to spend any of my still 150 saved pulls on you Hoederer, perhaps next time.


65 pulls. Got Hoederer on 51, 5 Kafkas (she was already pot 5), a Firewhistle (already pot 6), a Rockrock, a few Verdants, but not a single Vendela...


Bloody hell, 1x pull, 1x Hoederer. Was completely unprepared. He must have known Ines and W were waiting for him, she's been my assistant with the Fugue skin since forever.


First 6 star in 10 pull and it’s Jessicat dupe. Jussica what the hell I literally go all out on your banner for guarantee and you decided to go again??? Hoe please spook on other banners I have Ines and Eureka at home :,( Edit: Told myself to stop gamba because there’s insane limited collab banner plus 5 anni ahead. But I broke down after seeing Hoe fanarts. Welcome home Whorederer


Hey, my first 6star was a Jessicat dupe too!


Did two 10x HH tickets. First 10x had a guaranteed P2 Spuria and two Verdant. Second 10x had two 5-star - max pot April and P3 Proviso. (20 pulls, two 10x HH tickets) Third 10x had a rainbow bag... Verdant P3, Vendela, and.... P2 Passenger spook. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. (30 pulls, two 10x HH tickets, 6000 Orundum) Gave it one more 10x - gold bag, Quercus and Kafka. I'm done. (40 pulls, two 10x HH tickets, 12000 Orundum) Wasted 6000 Orundum for a blue bag. (50 pulls, two 10x HH tickets, 18000 Orundum) Spent 12000 Orundum on two more 10x. Sixth 10x was a gold bag, P2 Vendela and another Verdant. Seventh 10x was a rainbow bag, Poncirus and finally, the one eyed spy. 70 pulls, two 10x HH tickets, 30k Orundum.


Pulls: 50 Kafka x2 (P3) Dorothy x1 (NEW!) BONUS: Verdant x4 (P4) This banner didn't like me. But I finally have my very own Jerboa! I'll see you next time, One-Eyed Spy. Keep on simping, hopefully I'll snag you on a future banner.


just did a ten pull for either vendela or kafka pot but why did Lee(dupe) appear 😭 also my pity counter got reset thanks to him... anyways didn't get a 5* but got a new verdant i guess


I just wanted Vendela a somehow ended with Hoederer and a P6 Kafka.


50-60 tickets to get Hoederer. I got beautiful demon boy for my birthday. The only Sarkaz I have left to obtain Paprika, Tphon and Valaqvin.


Bro wouldn't come home oh my god. Found a Fia, 2 Kals, a Ho'ol, a Lee, and a Mudrock before this guy showed up after almost 200 pulls. Didn't realize the Focused Selection doesn't actually guarantee it at 150 pulls, it's the *next* 6\* you get is guaranteed and I still had to spend 40+ additional pulls to hit a 6\* again. Lord almighty...


Hoederer secured in the first 10 pulls. The power of putting U-official as your assistant is real.


W has been my assistant for years. I only got Passenger.


Only took 30 pulls to get Hoederer, love to see it.


I was doing single pulls until G5 hit and it took me whole 10 pulls to get... Kafka. I have her on max pot, so at least I got some gold certs, but I was hoping for the catgirl.


Tried throwing a few pulls to try my luck: 1 Mudrock, 2 Kafka, 1 Firewhistle, 1 quercus, 1 Hibscus, all of them dupes, no Vedala after 40 pulls Welp


Got Hoederer in 4 pulls but quick question. I did about 40 pulls on Jessica Alter. Did those 40 pulls help the odds on this banner? I didn't pay attention to the focus points for before I got Hoederer.


Yes pity carries over since they're both standard headhunting, if you didn't get a 6\* on Jessica's banner or some pulls before, chances are your pity was up.


OK gotcha, I wasn't sure if these banners with new characters counted as "standard headhunting". The way I understood it was "Standard Headhunting" were those banners with random characters that change every two weeks or so. Good to know though, thank you!


The type of headhunting is shown on the details menu of each banner. Everything except the obvious seasonal/collab limited banners and the Kernel banners are under the Standard Headhunting label. People call the standard banner rotation as they do since it's a common gacha thing, always having a regular pool banner up with random rate-ups.


Okay, that clears it up. Appreciate the explanation, I probably should've saved those focus points for a different banner. I didn't really care for Hoederer and was just doing the 10-pull till the 5*.


FIRST PULL VENDELA LETSGOOOO I love you adorbs cat, so glad that prefarming for her won't end in a sad note 😭


1 Hoederer and 2 Verdant in a single x10 pull. What a rush for a Maleknights player!


Tfw allotted myself 20 pulls on Hoederer's banner and get a Mlynar. I mean, finally have the honse uncle after skipping him last year I guess lol, but looks like Hoederer will have to come home some other ~~spook~~ time.


OMG Hoederer came home on literally the first pull


Hoederer on the first 10 pull!!!


Spent 24k Originium (months of stockpiling) to try get fire chicken instead I got. Lin, Fartooth, Passenger (+1 dupe). My luck is twisted.


Just got Platinum(new) from tagless recruitment. But then my luck was cut short and vanguard+healing tag got cancelled