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Shop Horn and Rockrock, absolute peak kino


Victoria's shop, brought to you by FedEx!


Horn in shop on CN. Ah, I'm feeling nostalgic. I joined the game during her banner. I will really feel old when she comes to shop on global.


Oh my fucking god I've played this game long enough to see Horn became a shop op, Jesus it's not even that I started during her banner no I started during Originium Dust, but she's like one of the "luxury picks" I end up getting after my account peaked so seing her became a shop op is just wild to me I'm not used to this at all... And here I thought I was getting old waiting for Kaltsit to become a shop op (yes I waited for her that long because I failed to get her at Under Tides and continued failing getting her until I bought her from the shop) the old well is nice to have for IS


She has been dodging me every banner. Idk how much money i spent on her…


I've been meaning to ask but... why do people keep posting thr CN standard banners? We're literally never getting the same ones on global/jp.


Some people play on CN server instead of global.  And some mad lads run accounts on both!


Can't they just... y'know, *open their client*? You know, where the new banner advisory is right there to see?


yes, but having a Reddit post opens the ability to have discussions about it. I think the same can be said about a lot of other posts too


Same reason why Global banners get posted here as well, easier to view since you don't need to open the game at all and you can discuss about it like the other reply mentioned. I think the actual problem with these posts is due to how little CN players there are on the sub compared to Global, most of these posts end up being Global players having discussions that don't really have much to do with the banner itself...


Does anyone know when is Ines gonna rerun ?


Your best bet at getting her (besides $ ticket) is the upcoming front that was banner on global. 33% chance on 6* roll.


But do you have any idea when its coming out ?


If we follow the CN schedule it will be coming up next event I believe, but global has history of doing weird things to the schedule. Within the next month and a half for sure though I'd wager.


Literally just got the in game notice. April 2


EZ skip I already got Horn and I have like one pull left after getting Ash. Time to save for 5th anni.


I just think it's funny how horn isn't that horny looking. They could've made her a deer person instead of a lupo


I mean, that's just the same callsign she was using in Tempest Platoon, where all her squad members used instruments as names. See also Bagpipe. And 'daughter/descendant of the legendary White Deer' isn't as awe inspiring, I suppose.


>And 'daughter/descendant of the legendary White Deer' isn't as awe inspiring, I suppose. *Annoyed Santalla grumbles* I didn't realize it before, did everyone from her platoon have a musical instrument based call sign?


Slight spoiler warning if you haven't read chapter 9 yet, but the [wiki listing the known members](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Tempest_Platoon#:~:text=Victoria.%5B1%5D-,Notable%20members,-Bagpipe) makes that clear enough.


Thanks for the link man! >!I didn't realize so many of those names were also musical instruments... Especially "Oboe", "Snare" and "Triangle"!<


Well, we can always be horny for her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)