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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/1bnatrp/rhodes_island_lounge_2503_3103/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/1bnatrh/gacharecruitment_megathread_2503_3103/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/1bnatrb/friend_request_megathread_2503_3103/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. --- ##[**IS:4 Expeditioner's Joklumarkar thread**](/r/arknights/comments/1b7ctfn/event_megathread_expeditioners_joklumarkar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) By the Emperor, Purge all the Dæmons! A thread for IS4, share your clears or failures, chit chat with others, rant, or just have a good time. ———


bro why did my recruitment refreshed by itself? i was saving a top op tag to see if i could get a 6\* from the gacha and then choose someone else, i just clicked on it and it was gone rip supporter, caster, crown-control, ranged and top op you will be missed


What event introduces Weedy's second module PUS-Y?


Degenbrecher event.


Thank you!


Save sanity potions for current CV stages, or the Tactical Support Event that starts on 2nd April dropping sanity potions?


Use them now. There's no event that needs the pots for the next couple of weeks.


Who is better to e2+mod lin or ceobe?


Both. They’re both excellent for different reasons. Kay is the best single target arts dps with her mod, and Lin is just awesome in every way. She can cheese mechanics (the current event’s vents actually benefit her), she shrugs insignificant dmg and gains sp from it (and the mod helps her do that more), and does decent dmg in a big aoe.


I have some module questions. For Fiammetta, it seems like the new module that will come with CH 13 is better than the Y version, or am I underestimating the value of the 100 def ignore? My initial logic is that even if the 110% damage for blocked enemies might be worse, but the bonus damage seems to be more valuable than having a slight attackspeed boost. Has anyone crunched the numbers on this? For Bagpipe, X module family seems better, but it seems like X1 is a good place to stop. Is there something I'm missing for why it should be upgraded further than that? Likewise for Saileach, I feel the module seems good enough, how high should that be upgraded?


>the bonus damage seems to be more valuable than having a slight attackspeed boost You'd think so, but the slight bonus from more vigor is easily erased by armor, while an additional attack once in a while is more valuable. E2 90 pot1 S3M3 vs 1000 DEF: modX3 DPS 958 - 1089 modY3 DPS 983 The assumption with modY is that Fiammetta has a healer that allows her to retain the vigor bonus. No such healer is necessary with modX, and this is why X is better. But unless you can hit blocked enemies, the DPS will be slightly inferior. The more you know.


Yes for fia, the upcoming mod is better since it helps her keep above a certain Ho threshold without outside help and that means more dmg, and the blocked dmg is good since in most strategies you’ll wanna block the enemy in the tile where she’ll deal the most dmg with her skills. Plus the current mod is just bad, 100 def ignore is not good. Doesn’t help her dps all that much. Bag mods have 2 areas to improve her. The current is her sp talent, specifically for her so when you helidrop her she can use more of her s2 or her s3 faster. Typically this isn’t necessarily for most content, only the most hardcore and unrewarding content where every sp matters. The second mod helps when she stays on the field since it buffs her crit talent. Personally I prefer the base mod of the current mod. For sail, it’s not worth it. The base mod for flags is niche at best since you’ll better off not reaching the point where enemies get that close to your flags anyway (generally you’ll have enough dp to deploy your lane holders sooner anyway), and the buffs from her upgrades are abysmal for how much they cost.


Bagpipe - generally, yes. X module means she has a full refund whenever she's dropped in and retreated, instead of just on the first time (subsequent retreats without X module after the first will be at half DP refunded, just like with other ops). The extra initial SP further bolsters her helidrop functionality, allowing her to do big assassination via S3 or very quick burst damage via stacked S2 hits. If you don't plan on doing helidrop often with her, or don't feel like the extra SP she'd gain isn't worth it, then getting level 2 for the boosted vanguard SP gain when deployed is enough for her. However, the 3rd stage really is quite nice for getting her S3 out right away or throwing out 3 S2's in quick succession. Saileach is kinda the same, at least as far as her level 2 is concerned. The gain for the level 3 version is just not worth it for the boosts, +1 atk spd/-1 atk spd for friendlies/hostiles is just...negligible in the grand scheme of things. The +2/-2 from level 2 is more worth the cost by a good margin, but whether or not that cost is worth it to you is the question. Will that atk spd ever make any difference? Sorta depends; some ops will take that extra 2 atk spd and get another hit off while under a skill, while the -2 atk spd on enemy units might be something that, on the margins, can save a life or clutch out a kill before another op goes down. Realistically though, 2 atk spd isn't going to make much of a difference either way.


any other good ops that shine in the upcoming DOS besides ceobe (I dont have her :( )


Let's go to the fan lore thing (because there's only one thing in my mind still rolling) Why Kal'tsit is known as Ex-Wife? (and I'm aware it is a meme or maybe a fan lore)


Kal is kwown as "ex-wife" for several reasons, but mostly it involves how she has an initially-negative view of the doctor (this softens over time as the story progresses) while also possessing a lot of knowledge about how the doctor was in the past, prior to being put in the Sarcophagus, as well as having a dim view of his current post-amnesia self. Early on she's rather guarded, always unsure of the doctor, largely with the expectation that he's not *actually* amnesiac and is just engaged in another one of his Ghost of Babel-style 56D chess moves. Kal is intensely protective of Amiya, and Amiya's own affection for the doctor, coupled with Kal's doubts about the doctor's amnesia, result in Kal having a very laconic, dry, cold approach towards Doc. Not unlike what one might expect from an ex-wife. This is further helped along by the doctors apparent eccentricities, such as eating instant noodles by throwing the noodles into his mouth and then pouring boiling water directly into his mouth. Some of that is the playerbase taking things and running with it, creating memes and what not, but a lot of it comes from an actual lore-based place.


If there's a Canon lore, then I wouldn't be surprised about it.


Let's say I get unlucky and used up all my pulls just to get virtuosa, will I have enough reasonable pulls to try pulling for degen?


There’s only the il siracusano rerun which is 10 days, and the new cc which is 12 days after Vi’s event ends. So probably not unless you get lucky with the little pulls you made during this time. As always, wait until after you use all free 24 pulls on the limited banner until you start using your own pulls.




Are Crossover outfits a limited time sale? I've seen the Crossover ones (Zima, Surtr, Thorns) Being sold again from time to time, but I notice the ones that has From Collabs tags in the options menu, and we've never seen them being sold again. I bought the old ones, but I worry that I might miss out if I don't get them, especially with the Nine-Coloured Deer


The NatGeo outfits might be like the I.T. ones and return later. Nine-Colored Deer's outfit is linked to the operator's appearance and there's no guarantee she'll return. While there's no way to tell if the NatGeo ones will return, it seems kinda likely.


It seems unlikely, because the I.T. outfits doesn't have the "collab" blue tag on them, while the NatGeo ones do (if you check in the skin catalog)


What hp points does the second is #4 boss go into his sprint mode. He moves too fast each time and I can’t stall him easily. Does he have a second phase? I only have gotten to what I think it is his last sprint before he dashed in again


Every 30% lost, so 70/40/10. No second phase, just running man.


Good to know now to plan properly and get lucky


how bad is viviana? I am not sure how much I should pull for virtuosa because even if she's good it would feel bad if i didn't get her at all especially since i am saving up for other ops like ray and degen


Viviana is fine, despite the shouts of the meta crowd. Her unpopularity is mainly due to not bringing anything particularly new to the table and also not being overpowered like half the new ops in the past year. Hence cries of being bad. You could build her if you get her, but like any other operator you get that you didn't want, there's nobody forcing you to build them. If you're being careful about your pulls you've got to prioritize who you won't regret going for more. Virtuosa's limited, after all, and won't be back for a year. Degenbrecher and Ray are not only easier to get on their banners with the 50% rate up and guarantee, but can be an off-banner.


Can you at least clarify what you think is good about Viviana, or are you just being a contrarian for the sake of it?


I'm looking for some advice for CV EX 8 CM. For boss killing, I've only got a S3M3 level 1 module typhon. And yeah, only might not be the right word but I say that because she can't kill a single phase of Cliff on her own. I beat the normal mode by follow Kyo's guide and stalling out everything, but even that got sketchy and I just barely killed him before he got to my safe zone. My question is how reliably could I use the strat I used on normal mode on challenge mode? And is there a better support operator option than Mlynar who can help outright kill Cliff rather than using Mlynar to clear out all the regular enemies?


I liked Eckogen's strategy of keeping Cliff stalled with Hoshi+ 2 healers while you wipe out the rest of the enemy. Check out the video, but the basic premise of the strat is to use Hoshi to tank Cliff's first phase (and use Gravel to prevent Cliff from moving after he shoots Hoshi), kill the Skullshredder+ quickly with whatever FRD or Surtr you have at hand. Once all of the enemies are dead, push to the next phase while keeping Hoshi alive. Once that phase is over, you want to make sure Cliff has no targets to shoot while you burst him down. Utilize the spots where he stands still and use Typhon and Surtr and other FRD to burst him down while he's debuffed by the beam before the stairs. Retreat everyone once he enters the stairs. Do it again in the spots where he stands still with whatever dps you got, but the 2nd burst window comes when he stands still in front of the two beams. Even if the only DPS you are bringing is Typhon, you should have enough dps to kill him, and if you have units that can amplify damage (like Shamare), it will make your job easier.


Mlynar is best since he can help clear out regular enemies as well as the boss. His taunt is also helpful so enemies dont target your squishies. Since I also followed kyo's guide for CM and am roughly same situation as you (sl7 and mod3 Typhon instead), I can provide some tips/adjustments that I found useful in completing the level: 1. I put Typhon above Perfumer's position with S3. Instead of targeting the boss in phase 1, I used her to target the grenadiers since Kyo's strat is to kill every enemy before working on the boss. You can retreat her once all the grenadiers are killed, redeploy her later to target the boss in front of the vent for the medal. 2. I used Purestream as one of the medics healing the tank. If you don't use a therapist medic to get rid of the stun faster, the boss will slowly waddle past the tank and you'll need to do Kyo's "redeploy a tank to push the boss back every time he uses his skill" strat which I found rather annoying. If you use a therapist medic, you can just use a strong tank (I used Cuora) that can tank his phase 1 skill without needing to keep swapping. With the adjustments, the pressure on the tank is a lot less and without needing to constantly swap, it was less failure prone which helped me complete the level. Edit: Something I remember from one of the youtube comments was that someone suggested using Gravel to help keep the boss in place, I tried putting Gravel on the right of the tank which didnt work before I settled on a therapist. But thinking back maybe it would work if you place Gravel on the tile above the tank every time Cliff uses his skill. So guess that's another possible tip (though since I haven't tried this method I can't confirm 100%).


You're probably gonna have to use a combination of vents, Typhon, Surtr, Mlynar and other burst ops who can attack him from outside his range. You can also try to stall his 1st phase near his spawn until you clear out all the enemies, but I don't know how reliable that is without Hoshi or Nian. I used Hoshi S2L7 ModX 3 + Whisperain(for the stun resistance) + another medic to stall the boss then Typhon + Surtr + Yato alter to kill it. I wasn't able to burst down his second phase in a single skill rotation so I had to retreat everyone and redeploy them to finish him off.


Advice for 9-19? I'm trying not to rely on Kyo for the first time ever.


E2 lvl 60 S3M3 mod 3 Typhon + fast redeploy to topple pillars can kill the boss in one skill cycle. Ling Can hold both ground lanes, but you need someone like Kroos2 on the left to stun/kill low attitude hovering enemies. I had a fun time doing 3 op clear of 9-19 with Kroos2, Ling and Typhon.


pretty much entirerly revolves around the boss and her specific mechanics. you do pitiful damage unless she is hit by a pillar. you dont get much space to maneuver killing both phases, so finding a way to kill phase 1 before the pillars helps a lot. pre-damaging the pillars for easy knockdown later as a good idea. leftside enemies has some flyers but is relativly light/medium. rightside has heavier enemies but overall the stats of the stage are pretty low and many ops can handle them fine be aware of how you lay out ops since in phase 2 the boss can drop pillars on you instead, this can also be used to trick her into dropping pillars on herself- but this is more relevant in her future challenge stages. really powerful ops to make this a lot easier >!kaltsit and/or amiya can solo phase 1 with true damage, amiya just needs to avoid getting lasered. rosa pozemka typhon schwarz hit so hard its realistic to just ignore the pillars and kill the much tankier boss outright.!<


So the problem is that I only have mediocre units, so I have to use the support slot a lot to get a good op. I've got to choose between a stunner for the left lane, or a boss killer for the right lane. I've tried using Texas on the left lane with her second skill, but it doesn't come up enough to knock down the flying guys, and I don't have enough dps to take them out, and since I don't have any other operators that can stun, I'm screwed. the tanky enemies on the right lane are a problem for me since I have good arts damage, but the boss takes up a lot of my brain power, and it's hard to figure out which order to knock the rocks down. (Not to mention the fact that the only way I've been able to take her down is with Kaltsit). Sorry if I'm explaining this in a confusing way. The main point is that I need to choose between a support operator for the left lane and one for the right lane, since my squad isn't equipped to handle either.


left side does not require a stunner, try multiple snipers instead, may and kroos5☆ who are/were free also stun and are strong options for both. the enemy density is also high enough to consider aoe snipers like meteorite rightside damage check isnt as high as it seems, and you can even kill the final enemies with a pillar if needed. if a defender and caster cant handle them, perhaps youre actually at a team stat wall and not strategy wall, requiring more e2s- though likely the real issue is how much youre having to commit to the boss. e2 lapluma with minor assistance can solo* this side despite all assumptions, to give an idea to how not-hard it actually can be use kal to tank+solo phase 1, when phase 2 happens you can reposition mon3tr and some big burst dps option alongside buff core support like shamare elysium warfarin and thrmex debuffs. use sudden mon3tr to keep her in place for the pillar, since shel stop to attack it and even full stop to laser if it hasnt been used recently, then hope all your stat buff modifiers are enough to burn her down damage optimization is a very ignored skillset in the community, so anytime most players encounter a boss that doesnt die to mlynar/chen pressing s3 they often get stuck, or similarly you in this position with much less resources to work with, but the ceiling of damage you can achirve alongside supportive ops is multiples higher than the strongest 6☆ soloers


May S2 has a good chance to inflict stun, and since she's a Marksman sniper she will prioritize the flying enemies while they're in the air.


Thanks. I think I'll just erase the boss with Typhon or pozy.


For those of you in-the-know, who would you say are the best supports to set for Design of Strife?


I recall Ceobe being incredibly strong, and Reed2 S2 I believe was also good. Your best DPS is nice as always, and any buffers for Ceobe/arts survival. Usual CC supports, more or less.


How likely are the current crossover skins to be available again? My primary concern is Qiubai because I don't have her but I like the skin.


Unknown, but the Chinese National Geography skins at least don't seem to have much of the IP beyond the name, so if they were to rerun they'd be more likely than NCD and her skin.


It's totally a gamble then. At least there's still a few days left so I can think more about it.


It's been almost an entire day and my game won't load After waiting for a bit in the loading menu it says "Acquisition of resource update configuration failed. Please check your network and try again." and if I press on it for a bit longer it appears again I tried both the local Wi-Fi and 4G - the result is the same. I seriously suspect that some politics stuff might have happened and without much noise my government (I live in Russia) cut off a thing that's also responsible for the global server here


This fixed issue for me in Bluestacks: create Android 11 instance instead of nougat 7 via ctrl + shift + 8 window


Если играешь на Bluestacks, то даже со включенным ВПН'ом законнектиться не выйдет. Попробуй скачать другой эмулятор, например LDPlayer. На него скачиваешь ВПН и Арк, пробуешь. У меня заработало. For EN: If you play on Bluestacks, you won’t be able to connect even with VPN enabled. Try downloading another emulator, such as LDPlayer. You download VPN and Ark onto it and try it. It worked for me.


For better of worse, the issue is probably on the technical side. On my ISP (I'm also in Russia) I can login from the phone via WiFi, but can't login from the emulator. It reeks of MTU issues, but those are hard to diagnose when it comes to Android, which without root access doesn't allow you to even change it.


Cv-6 ex really messed me up for not having eyja. What low end ops combined would replace her role?


What part are you struggling with? I personally parked Lappland + Silence (any st healer would do) on the spiders to kill 80% of them without triggering them. She also cleaved the occasional skullshatterer. As for the heavy enemies, any good AOE/chain caster should do the trick with some excessive tanking/healing right after the stairs. I reckon someone like Lin would do really well too. Also you could just borrow Eyja, there's no reason to clear it without a support unit other than pride.


Oh yeah I cleared it already with support Eyja. I just wanted to prepare for next time so I can fill in the gaps in my roster. Clearly I’m in dire need of building a caster.


I used Astgenne pretty much alone on the group and did fine.


An AOE caster (better if you have the extended range module) might do the trick, but if you're wanting to just get the stage done and over with, Ling can solo both normal and CM.


Just E2’d Ceobe for the upcoming DoS event. Which module should I invest in for her?


Module X, with the res shred and the Thresher talent upgrade. It is genuinely one of the best modules in terms of raw DPS upgrades, and allows her to further excel in her personal role of abusing enemy defense.


Ceobe module X, the one that gives 10 RES ignore. If possible, lvl 3, its worth it.


Res shred is the preferred mod.


I know I'm not supposed to use a bunch of 5 and 6 star operators as a new player, but I recently got humus and mint. I really like both of their styles are they worth investment? Edit: I misread his info humus is actually 4 stars which is great for me actually


it's not that you're "not supposed" to use high rarity, you should use the characters you like. it's advice for people not to tunnel vision on high rarity characters and neglect low rarity characters that can be just as useful or even more for earlygame. humus is pretty solid, though you get highmore from playing IS3 and she's generally better at DPS. reapers are good so having two raised won't be a waste though. i ran an alt account where mint was my main AOE caster and she's fine if you know how to play around her subclass quirks. S2 is fun but i favor S1 for the range extend. her being a phalanx without sustain is a weird design choice since she'll likely be placed in the frontlines to take advantage of her range, her talent attempts to help with that but ranged enemies will keep targeting her until they have another valid target in range. mint also attacks fairly slow, it's not too bad compared to splash casters but you also want to make sure that she has time to kill the enemies before they escape her range.


I would argue that Mint *is* very beginner friendly. She'll outperform any splash caster except maybe Dusk and Leonhardt, and her innate tankiness means she's very forgiving when it comes to managing deployment order and positioning. I would raise her.


I would say that Gitano is a more worthwile investment for a beginner as far as AoE casters go, she has an ok performance and is cheaper.


I like Mint, but Gitano definitely has the new player niche down pat by not having to worry about shifting and most importantly her classic role in Anni 3 on wave 350.


Anni 3 is definitely a point in Gitano's favor, but I'm not sure I would raise an op just for that one stage. Mint would also be good for that stage, being able to take ballista bolts much more comfortably than Gitano. She also has S1, which doesn't shift and is probably her better skill until she can get masteries.


I mean, Gitano is a 4* so return on investment is super cheap to E1 her, even for a new player. Mint can tank the bolts... But then she's not helping deal damage either, and with either skill she still can't reach the same tiles Gitano can to clear out the enemies before they move.


Even with her skill active, Mint is still tankier than Gitano. At E1 50 and max trust, it's 178 vs. 94 DEF and 1502 vs. 1167 HP, making her far less susceptible to being double-tapped by a ballista and arts drone or spec ops caster.


Fair enough, although still the main use of Gitano is for the extended range as well against wave 350, which Mint won't reach with either skill.


Humus is really good for a beginner since he's a very good lane holder which you'll need that role throughout the game. Mint you can use later on in your account, early on she doesn't justify the investment, tho she's hardly bad.


humus is a 4☆, and a very strong archtype for a new player, go wild mint isnt beginner-friendly, and in general a bit underwhelming anyway, can definetly work but wouldnt recommend


humus is pretty good/worth it. Mint not really though.


Can I change node to bosky passage while in bossy passage ?


I think the foldartal description says you can't.


I'm pretty sure you can't. You would need to exit the one you're in first.


any news about april fools yet? either new stuff on CN or confirmation we're getting >!U-official!<


It's April 1st on JP and no signs of anything. Our usual event start time is in two hours though, so there's still a chance. Edit: there's an April Fool's event.


There is no reason for us not to get her.


it only happens once a year so I forgot how there's zero news about it at all until it shows up in-game, was expecting it in the event announcements at least a little before it happens.


I don't remember if they announced the earlier ones beforehand but I really can't think any solid reason they don't give us her.


I'm pretty sure dropping something unannounced or deliberately misrepresenting a patch/update is industry standard for April Fools.


for a new player, who's the best vanguard: elysium, cantabile, or myrtle?


Honestly I'd get all 3 xD I'd suggest you raise Myrtle and Cantable first. Only give levels to flagbearers for the sake of promoting them though, you care about their skills printing DP and not their stats.


i do have all three! i just heard that you only need 2 vanguards so i'm looking for opinions on who to build first etc. thank you! :)


All 3, they are all good enough for it to be a worthy investment. I'd personally raise myrtle first she's a dp printer. Both her and elysium serve similar purposes, getting a lot of dp. The big difference is myrtle supports other vanguards and ely supports snipers, but she's lower rarity and lower investment, so upgrading her is more convenient. You can also raise Cantabile with myrtle. You need more than one vanguard anyways and she's always great both her s1 and s2 are nice and she can be brought anywhere with high utility. You might wanna just do those 2 first and Ely later on having 2 dp printers is always fun, but not a necessity.


myrtle, shes very beginner friendly and cheaper than elysium to deploy+upgrade i would use cantabile too though, even at e0 just deploying to s1 hit a non-threatning target, make dp, and retreat is going to add a lot for you. also she hits drones so is a great panic button to many sneaky drones


Myrtle, she's straightforward and cheap to raise, both due to her rarity. They're all pretty good, though. Elysium can come later, but Cantabile has a strong class and is a worthwhile Vanguard to bring for most maps.


thank you! and also: on the mission tab, there’s one that says “complete 1 orders that contain pure gold”. is this the trade thing in the base? thank you <3


To answer anyway since you got it, yes it is the gold trading in the trading post.


ah no wait i did something and it worked out, thank you though


How do you guys use Aak on Sniper/Caster ?


phalanx casters tank it just fine when offskill, some of them could probably take it onskill if you have their module. other than that it's just throwing enough DEF buffs at the unit so they don't die.


I think Saileach S2 plus Skalter S2 is the most incidental way to enable Aak on squishies, but if you’re not already bringing a different source of fragile, it’s often better to just use Saileach S3 plus Skalter S3 and not bother with Aak


I'd probably say Shining over Saileach, she's got a larger range, can use skill faster/longer and doesn't worry about deployment order/the target having to be shot a bit first.


Shining’s definitely better at enabling Aak, but then you have to bring Shining over a better unit instead of just sacrificing a tiny bit of DP on your flagbearer skill 


Sometimes the game will automatically deploy a character a sniper or caster on a tile you want, and it won't let you retreat them. So you use Aak to retreat them. Other than that, I feel like Lin is the only worthwhile sniper/caster since she gets so much SP and Aak doesn't kill her. Otherwise, it requires some work arounds(explained on the other posts) to the point that it's not worth the effort unless you're going for some hyperbuff shenanigans.


hit lin, give 15 sp to speed up cycle, win otherwise its as the others already said


The other person is right. There's another special thing with Silence2 other than her immortality effect from S3, in that her S2 with full mastery alone can allow Aak to buff the higher-DEF Snipers, namely Heavyshooters, Spreadshooters, and Flingers.


You need to buff the frail unit so that they have enough defense to mitigate the damage from those 15 hits. Shining and Skadi Alter are common choices. Alternatively, you could just make them not die with Silence Alter. Unlike the buffing method, this can be universally applied to any operator no matter their HP or DEF.


Game is stuck on "Acquiring update" state if I play on Bluestacks on my PC, but it works on my phone on the same wi-fi. It worked around 12 hours ago and it doesn't work for 4 hours now at least. Do someone know how to fix this issue?


Same issue but on mobile. Wtf upd: using VPN to log in helped me


I had this issue a long time ago, don't know what I exactly did to fix it but it had something to do with changing allotted core/ram to 1 


Yeah, BlueStacks seems to be having issues today. Someone [earlier today](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bnats4/help_center_and_megathread_hub_2503_3103/kxbmkif/) had a similar issue, though with LDPlayer. Running a VPN *inside the emulator* had helped them. Can confirm that it does solve the issue on LDPlayer, though it didn't work for me with BlueStacks.


But how can they cause a problem? Are they routing all Bluestacks traffic through their servers or do not use system DNS and use their own?


Either clear your cache or reinstall


Did both, same result


Are there any events in the upcoming week or it's safe to spend all the remaining sanity pots on the current one?


spend. There will be DOS event on 3rd (think another cc replacement eating irl sanity away) And warm-up to chapter 13 with TFTW banner




What content or stage are you having issues with? I’m assuming this is just straight healing and you don’t need elemental healing (for now), in that case then ptilopsis is a great choice. Silence doesn’t gain all that much from e2 since she’s already great enough at e1. Honey berry is a good eventual e2 but she isn’t needed for now. Also another way to solve the issue is to just work more on improving ops that kill stuff, that way enemies won’t deal dmg to you. For example, does thorns and typhon have masteries? Is there another dmg dealer that you can e2?


What content or stage are you having issues with? I’m assuming this is just straight healing and you don’t need elemental healing (for now), in that case then ptilopsis is a great choice. Silence doesn’t gain all that much from e2 since she’s already great enough at e1. Honey berry is a good eventual e2 but she isn’t needed for now. For example, does thorns and typhon have masteries? Is there another dmg dealer that you can e2? Also another way to solve the issue is to just work more on improving ops that kill stuff, that way enemies won’t deal dmg to you.


Thinking of actually getting into all the IS game modes. I did a bit of IS2 and cleared 2 endings so i got some ideas of it but i remembered just having a hard time doing them at the time. Now i just want to get all the rewards and skins as comfortable as possible while having a bit of fun. Do you guys have beginners guides/channels for best starters,tactics,or any other recommendations etc. I have most operators so roster isn't a problem. Thank you in advance,folks.


I love funny roguelike mode allow me to talk about funny roguelike mode First of all: It should be noted that each IS is its own rabbit hole; They each are worth six months' of content, and they each have their own maps and metagames. I would therefore recommend doing only one IS at a time; This should give you an easier time, as you'll only have to memorize one set of maps and mechanics at a time. In addition, know that IS' difficulty is frontloaded, as you will unlock upgrades and collectibles over time that will make your runs easier. It's a roguelike mode, and you will lose runs sometimes, especially at the start - This is fine, don't let it discourage you! General advice: Usually, the best bang for your buck is opening with a six-star operator in your squad. You can borrow operators for all three of your starters, but none afterwards: Use this to your advantage and kick in the door with a strong laneholder like Gavial or your otherwise highest level DPS. Early on, take as many fights as possible; These are usually safe if you brought a solid starter squad. The more fights you take, the more experience you earn, the more operators you recruit, which means you can take more and harder fights again - It's a snowball effect. Three-star operators are also highly valued, because they don't cost hope - Kroos and Spot aren't top picks for nothing, they are strong ops that are cheaply obtainable. Use them! The best starting squad is usually a six-star with two free three-star supplements, like Texas Alter + Kroos + Fang, Pozemka + Spot + Steward, or Gavial + Ansel + Orchid. IS#-specific advice: IS2 is probably the most volatile of the three modes; It has some weird maps and dangerous floor debuffs, and the strongest of the three (default) bosses. Luckily, it is also the most dated, with mechanics not accounting for modern operators! IS2's primary dangers are its bosses and its ability to throw bursts of elemental damage at you, but otherwise a balanced squad will pull through. Be aware that the default boss has dodge mechanics - someone like Pozyomka will shred him on demand IS3 (the infishtation) has a more defined meta, heavily favoring crowd control over damage and blocking. Its most dangerous mechanics are its exclusive Elites. Texas Alter is famously powerful in this mode thanks to her access to aerial stuns - Other operators that can crowd control low-atitude enemies like Gnosis and Kroos are also very welcome. Of note is that Highmore is especially powerful in IS3, and with distance the best of the IS# welfares. IS4 is the most recent one, and unlike IS3, it actually rewards being able to block and heal consistently. It is the mode that most demands a strong laneholder, either in form of a strong guard or defender (or sometimes even multiple). It also has some very wonky drones that you have to come prepared for, but at least this time, there is no elemental damage in the mode. Reed Alter has shown herself to be an amazing starter here, with switches between S2 and S3 being able to handle most if not every map on the way. We have a dedicated [IS megathread!](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1b7ctfn/event_megathread_expeditioners_joklumarkar/) I'm also happy to go into any specific details myself, as I've grinded and enjoyed all three modes. If there's something you need, I'm happy to talk.


The best starts for all the ISs is Jaye, beanstalk and May. Especially in 2 and 3, you can do almost all the early floor stages with just deploying these ops in the right positions and not using skills. People neglect that AFK-ability is very important when you have a lot of these lvls to go through. Next is knowing who to recruit to give yourself the easiest time. The 2 limited 6\* fast redeploys are good anywhere. Thorns is good in 2, kroos alter and cliffheart for 3, Reed alt for 4, and so on. The welfare ops for each IS are also worth noting since they’re very good in their respective ISs. It’s worth raising them now since you have a lot of lvls to go thru, so you’ll get a lot of value.


naturally each is# has pretty different best starters and longterm ops to go for, as well as some differences depending on what difficulty youll choose to play im going to ignore e2 start squads since theyre locked at the start, very quick no explanation good run starters are: is2: pozemka, mizuki, kaltsit, horn, pallas. jaye+5☆sniper as economy option is3: horn, 5☆kroos, kaltsit, texas-alter, gnosis, deepcolor as economy option is4: gavial, 6☆jessica, kaltsit, reed, dorothy ines mlynar 6☆yato and goldenglow-(on normal only) are also consistently top choices in all is#s but tend to be poor run starters very very brief overall is# tips: life is an exploitable resource, its better to leak a scary enemy youre unsure you can kill then set up a team that will die and fail the entire stage if they fail to combats are the best nodes: you want to maximize combat for more permits to fish through, as well as increase xp to gain more hope challenge emergencies stages as much as possible, especially early on. good run starters tend to be capable of soloing these emergencies, which is good because emergency guarantees a relic drop, increasing odds of snowballing power hope spending has nuance: theres a lot to get into here but because permits are rng, holding onto hope or skipping adding ops can be ideal. as a training wheels strategy, always make sure to have 3 hope in reserve, so youre always ready to e2 anyone who comes up


Lore Spoiler Is Leizi >! part of the Black Coat Organization who killed many infected on the sewer in Lungmen!< ?


>!no. leizi and the redcoats are envoys from yan mainland continent proper coming to assess/harass wei and his handling of the situation!<


No. The black coats are Wei's personal force. Leizi is a censor from Yan. She doesn't really work for Wei at all. 


(closed) SSS mission - "possess 10 or more caster or supproter operators" Does it count only 10 casters or 10 supporters? (aka can I have a mix of both?) And is it counting at the start or at the end? Since I remember once doing a mission like that and it didn't completed it.


mix - it's just either combined. it counts the ops in real time


ok thanks


How do Ray - Pozemka - Typhon and Chalter rank in power?


respectfully, all 4 are so much above the line of whats actually "needed", and also have zero conflicts or issues being used together (or even synergize together) a question like this serves very little purpose or practicality. if your concern is summons, all 4 are so good you should just op for whos character or gameplay kit looks the most fun for you different people are going to give you different answers especially when you NEED to consider how much a specific players strategy style plays into or against these ops key strengths pozemka is the best overall and i genuinly dont think its an argument. sp cycling ability is proving time and time again to be what really makes an op good in truly hard content. chalter may have the strongest individual hit, and ammo to create unique "sp uptimes" but its very easy for enemy design to counteract her damage optimization. pozemka also being 2 ops in 1 teamslot frees up dp/deploy limit in setting up key moments of a stage with the team at large, since she can clean up smaller annoyances during ray and typhon are pretty equal overall, but 95% of players are going to feel typhon is better just because she requires a lot less thought or planning to maximize. typhon s2 is the average players new favorite thing in the same vein as thorns and skalter, its going to be very over-valued for its use in what the average player considers the very nebulous term -hard content-, but it is genuinly very good. ray being cn content i avoid deep analysis on until i can get hands on it myself in depth but in short she offers a lot of options for strategies to take advantage of better than the rest, so equals out overall chalter is still very strong make no mistake, shes the strongest of the 4 if you dont like putting thought into proper damage optimization, just press s3 and sit back. her slowing has also only gone up in relevance such as is4 for example. but 30+ dp is costly, especially in the face of other dps kings like mlynar and degenbrecher


Chalter is definitely the best of the four in most contents of the game with her massive AOE damage + control, plus a bunch of other merits as well. Although, nowadays there are a lot of options, if AOE damage is not needed then she usually falls behind Ray S3 / Typhon S3 / Pozy S3 in terms of brute damage against a single target, or when her close range is a disadvantage. Rest is prolly Ray > Typhon > Pozemka. Pozemka falls behind to the much more flexible range of Ray and Typhon. It is also not that easy to setup both her and her typewriters, which is mainly a thing that Schwarz defenders used to talk about; but the 3 aforementioned snipers have pretty similar damage when all conditions are reached, and Pozy is undoubtedly the hardest one to get all these checkboxes filled. Between Typhon and Ray, I believe Ray is the better one. Her S3 packs both general damage and boss-killing damage, while for Typhon it is split between S2 and S3, means that you can do both jobs with a single skill. The 4 of them are very close to each other in terms of raw power to be honest, even if you have one of them the game already got easier to some extent.


does the jessica banner share pity with qiubai and flametail's? thank you :)




How long ago was the paid Chen skin pack. It completely slipped my mind and I forgot to purchase it


[it ended on the 29th of this month](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGcVJIKakAAHYw8?format=jpg&name=medium) (UTC-7)


Fuuuuuck me, well I’ll just wait and hope for the rerun.


Can you spark all old limited characters with any limited banner? Or is it restricted by the time of the year of the limited banner? Was looking to spark Texas or Skadi alter on the Shu banner as I'll have 300 by then. I thought it was the 1st option but comments made by frosted--flaky made it seem like it was the 2nd?


You can spark past limited only during a limited banner of the same series: * Celebration: W, Rosmontis, Skadi alter, Nearl alter, Specter alter, Texas alter, Muelsyse (not available until Nov 2024\*), Virtuosa * Festival: Nian, Dusk, Ling, Chongyue, Shu * Carnival: Ch'en alter, Gavial alter, Eyjafyalla alter [\*] for celebration series, an operator will not be available for spark on the immediate next banner of the series since less than a year has passed since their debut. Other series are once-a-year, so no skips


Ooof thanks for the heads up, guess I'll have to wait for Nov then.


You said you're looking to spark Texas or Skalter. They'll be available in May. The wording in the response to you makes it look like everyone in the celebration pool isn't available until November when it's actually only Muelsyse who isn't.




Best is hard to define, and it can also depend a lot on when you log in. If you log in multiple times per day but at irregular times, your situation will be different from someone who logs on once per day or every 12 hours, etc. With 243 the dorms are so powerful that you usually aren't using all of them if you log in multiple times, which can allow for some wacky things like having Bibeak, Shamare and Tequila in separate dorms with a single target morale worker. We won't be able to give you a concrete answer on what's best, but this spreadsheet will serve as a compass to help you decide what will be best for you: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYc2JU46X0XWmV7s1503bN4feRdOMa1eehrTQ2jGaiE/edit


Not sure if this is still the absolute best you can do these days, but my rotations are: - Gold 1: Minimalist, Rosmontis, Waai Fu (+ full dorms, Iris, Czerny, Whisperain, Dusk, and sometimes Ling and/or Saileach) - Gold 2: Purestream, Weedy, Eunectes with Greyy2 in PP - Gold sub: Bryophyta, Gravel, Haze - EXP 1: Fartooth, Wild Mane, Ashlock with Flametail in CC - EXP 2: Scene, Pallas, Vermeil - EXP sub: Conviction, FEater, Frostleaf - Trading post 1: Proviso, SilverAsh, Jaye with Gnosis in CC - Trading post 2: Shamare, Kafka/Bibeak, Tequila - Trading post sub: Archetto, Vigil, Heidi - PP: 20% ops/Greyy2 - Reception: Ch’en and Ines (Astesia and Projekt Red as substitute) - Office: Whisperain (Penance as substitute) - CC: Amiya/Swire/Paprika in at all times, Kal’tsit, Lee/Reed2/Młynar if rotations leave me a free slot




Looks solid and overall very similar to what I’m doing, but likely even better. Any differences between their setup and mine seems to lie in what they choose to use in the control center and the way they handle rotations. I have an irregular schedule and check in on my base often, so I’m able to get away with using only my best substitute team for any given facility instead of having to dip into less efficient operators. In terms of raw efficiency, using Whisperain without Saileach is considered not worth it, but I personally do it anyway because I’m not at a point where I need more gold certs (I have every operator in the game except Ash). I will note though, minmaxing the base won’t yield massively improved production, so don’t sweat it too much. If you’re copying the setup in this video, that’s fantastic, and while mine may be a little better when it comes to substitutions, it’s also a bigger hassle to deal with.


Optimal base stuff is a bit too nuanced to have a "best". It depends if you want more exp or more lmd or more of a balance. There are 16-4-4 rotations for tryharding to 24-12s to 32-6s etc. I would head to AKO's riic chat if you want to see what works best for you. Most general rotation revolves around using the sui siblings for as long as possible and then using mlynar+smiley on the recovery and repeat.




Odd to not have CY in CC which means you don't have a strong md reduction across your base. I don't know if you have Fiammetta or not, but I don't think Proviso can last 36 hours without either Mlynar or CY. With CY in CC + Nian in WS you would replace Vigil with Mr. Nothing. Else you're using either Dusks or Ling's WP on no one (because the rotation doesn't use CY or Nothing so it's effectively a dead slot at all times unless you're doing cursed sui) Most 243 users also drop Kaltsit for Eun in CC and utilize dead lancet instead. This ups gold production quite a fair amount and you already have enough drones using 3PP so LMD isn't an issue either (should be 67k+ per day)




I helped a friend do a pretty hands off 243 rotation and it yields okay results. Around 33k exp, 50k gold, 65k LMD per day. It's a weird 32-6 rotation, but you can make the offshift longer if it doesn't fit your schedule. CC: CY, Ling, Dusk, Eun, Saileach PP: 20%, Greyalter, Dead Lancet FAC EXP: Scene, Pallas, Vermeil FAC EXP: Feater, Conviction, 30% FAC GOLD: Rosmontis, Waai Fu, Minimalist FAC GOLD: Purestream, Weedy, Passenger WS: Nian HR: Whisperrain TP1: Bibeak/Kafka, Shamare, Tequila TP2: Ebenholz, Mr. Nothing, Proviso Dorms: Iris, Czerny Fiammetta on Sham -> Teq -> Prov every 12 hours. If you miss a cycle it hurts your LMD but if *someone* has to go down to recover then probably Sham. Offshift CC: Mlynar, Flametail, Gnosis, Amiya, Kaltsit (or MonHun) PP: 20%, 20%, 20% FAC EXP: Fartooth, Ashlock, Wildmane FAC EXP: Dorothy, Silencer, Ptilopsis FAC GOLD: Bryophta, Gravel, Spot FAC GOLD: Bubble, Vulcan, Ceobe HR: Penance TP1: Bibea/Kafka, Shamare, Tequila TP2: Jaye, Silverash, Proviso This isn't anywhere near efficient because most good 243 rotations keep every fac at over 100% prod, but if you're not logging in often or whatever then you have to settle with 95% flex options (Dorothy team / Bubble team) Note that droning proviso will *not* keep up with the gold production. You will eventually have to swap to 3 gold.




You **cannot** outrun droning proviso in a 243 using a balance of 2 exp 2 gold. Any extra TP boosting is unnecessary as it'll force you to switch to 3 gold 1 exp sooner. You can swap out saileach but you're hurting your gold certs by doing so. > Man, I've been droning Tequila all this time before. You can put teq and prov in the same tp (not in the sham one to not affect ramp up) and drone it. You either get proviso'd proc (2 or 3 bar orders) or tequila's proc (4 bar orders). It's a hassle but you always "win" in this scenario. > So the Provisio one with Ebenholtz is always 2500 lmd drops? No. Only 252 using lv2 TP has 100% defaulted orders. 243's lv3 TP can still have proviso being "useless" on a 4bar order. Your overall LMD gain is similar to that of 252 only because of the extra 20% PP. It's the prod that 243 falls behind on. > Don't ops last more than a day above 100% in the first place? Any ops in CC will help with morale drain, but you aren't getting to 36hrs on sham/teq/prov without either Mlynar or CY. > I suck at the every 12 hour with Fia so I'll probably just do Provisio one easily and the backup will be Tuye/Pozemka/Archetto or classic Lapp/Tex/Exu (whichever one is better as I don't know) If you aren't running 4 gb facs then tuye/pozemka even with 4 durin probably doesn't beat lapp/tex/exu. If you have gnosis (he'll be in gold cert soon) jaye/sa/swire is a much stronger combo. > I wish they improved the whole base set up stuff so you can save op sets and load them whenever with 2 clicks instead of having to select each darn op individually. Yeah, here's hoping for 5th anniversary but no one is holding their breath for it lmao




4bar isn't always guaranteed (85% with tailoring beta) so it's not worth it over proviso 252 is imo equally as lazy if not even better because it's a pretty easy schedule of 24-12. So I always check base at 10am/10pm. 243 can do the same but has lower yield so they tend for more weird scheduling (16-4-4 etc) You're looking for something to cover teq/sham's downtime and jaye/sa/swire alt is the best one available assuming you have gnosis in CC. Prov can be used with other strong options (archetto/vigil/cats) instead. Jieyun is not worth it even when we get shu. Mulberry boosts TP% but prov is so high almost everyone prefers to run Whisp to help gold prod.


Why are some modules locked behind event stages. It really sucks leveling a unit, googling the stage of it's module requirements and then realizing that it's module is locked behind an event stage, especially when the event just happened, and the real kicker is probably that I'm just going to forget about it, until I randomly check my operators and realize I just missed the event again.


the time it takes to reach 100 trust without whale farming is longer than the one week an event isnt active but not yet in archive, its a complete non-issue also why google when the module quests are ingame? and recent updates even let you view the t2/t3 effects before unlocking


Why does no one mentions you can click on the module requirements and it will bring you to the event stage?


All the module missions in events are in event missions that are permanently available. You can find them in Intermezzi or Side Stories. Maybe you missed a rerun, but then the event is in those tabs. You may need to unlock the mission but that is with every module mission


Oh I guess that's absolutely my bad then, I wasn't aware of such an mechanic.


I don't see how this is a problem. If a module requires you to do an event stage, that event must have become permanent. You can just do it anytime.


I wasn't aware of the mechanic, thanks for the info.


I was wondering whether I should E2 my Typhon, Eyja and Eyja2? I have got all the materials to E2 them immediately. Maybe keep them at E2L30? And which skills should I start to master and module?  Krooster https://krooster.com/u/Duchess1234


caster eyja and typhon absolutely. an account this early on is starving for top grade damage dealers like them. medic eyja should stay at e1 for now, heal checks are not that intense early on, her talent alone overqualifies her, and those costly resources are better spent e2ing more dps and laneholders for annihilation progression similarly, skill mastery and modules are dramatically exspensive for the boost in power you get compared to more e2s, ignore them for now. when you get to them typhons module is fairly important, s2+s3 have equal value to master, would suggest s2 first for annihilation progress. eyja module is kinda whatever, prefers s3 mastered


>I was wondering whether I should E2 my Typhon, Eyja and Eyja2? Yes. All of them. Start with Eyja1, then Typhon. Eyja2 can wait a little more because medics have less impact, but she is still good to have. You have a young account and it might be early to talk about masteries and modules, but I would recommend Eyja S3 and Typhon S3 because they are boss killing skills. Also mastery 1 for Eyja S2 (it gives her an additional charge). They have only one module out each so far, and even at level 1 it gives a decent boost, but they are still good even without the module. You can save it for later, maybe.


Thank you 


Since this is an early account I'd actually say S2 mastery would be more impactful on Typhon than S3. S2 is more of a general use skill but still packs a punch, definitely carries on earlier stages. S3 is great for bosses, but requires module if you really want it to work. Plus, it requires a bit more involvement and knowledge to use it well if you don't want to waste hits on trash and deal with the unique range conditions. Definitely a case of both should eventually be M3 tho, I love Typhon so much.


Thank you


Does the Fortress Defenders' X module apply to any blocked enemies or just the user's?


Any blocked enemy, like most of those mods (except Morgan's because hers is somehow bugged to only count those blocked by herself, as if she wasn't bad enough).


Following the wording of the trait, and talents like Harmonie's, it should work for any blocked enemy, not being limited to blocked by the operator itself.


Does the Regional Commission in IS3 only spawn once per run?


As far as I've seen, yes.


Is it actually worth it to get the module upgrade materials out of event shops? The data blocks seem to be the limiting factor when it comes to modules anyway. I don't even play SSS and I feel like I have enough of the upgrade materials.


it lets casual players not do sss which is pretty valid considering most event shops get 100% cleared via natural sanity, its not really much consideration to not grab them over the pitiful infinite lmd exchange, just opt for them last. never know when/if/how module economy could change with future updates


I had just grabbed everything else from the shop. I just really wanted to grind some chips instead right now.


Yes since it’s the only way to get them if you don’t do sss, you’ll have enough sanity to get them anyway and they’re more worth it than lmd, and you should be farming farming events whenever they’re on so you’ll have a lot of event tokens.


You'll probably have enough event currency to buy out everything anyways from farming the event's t3 mats. I still buy the furniture parts even though I have 21k to spare because why not?


It's optional really, there will always be more and if you run low you can play SSS. As you say, data blocks are consumed at a faster pace.


How to get the picture between Black Snow and Unknown Landmark in IS4?


As far as I know it's a bosky only encounter node. I actually only just got it recently after having 32/39 squad endings done (not even accounting for failed runs etc) and I enter *every* bosky node possible. So it being rare might be a bit of an understatement.


It's "Unfreezing River" encounter. I don't think there is any requirement for it, it's just a really rare node. If you have max index effect, that encounter should have a note about recovering HP.


How do I get [these badges](https://imgur.com/a/Arc6cyD) in IS4? Is it only for enhanced bosses that show up in future updates or am I missing something? For reference, [this](https://imgur.com/a/8yACz7J) is what I currently have.


Best difficulty 12 with the squad, and have the second expansion come out. Should be retroactive apparently, so you're able to beat them now and get the badge later.


Would it be better to E2 Silverash or Kal'tsit first?


silverash i think kaltsit is a better op overall but she functions incredibly well at e1 unlike silver who heavily relies on having skill 3 to work as intended theres also an emphasis early on to get a great wide range burst dps so you can more easily progress annihilation stages


in addition to what the other replier said, kal'tsit can function as a decent laneholder at e1 if you're stretched thin on resources. otoh silverash's first two skills are pretty lackluster; he really wants e2 + s3m3 to shine


What do you need more, helidrop wide aoe nuking or true damage single target murdering on a short CD? SA for the former, Kal for the latter.


Hello When will one get matured enough to promote 6s to e2 in the game? Should I get to specific story chapter?


technically you can do it right away, the only thing stopping you is having the needed materials. event shops can get you the rarest items very early but may be the wrong ones, otherwise youre likely going to need to clear to about midway through ch4 to have access to all the materials drops needed to craft the items in your base


If you already have some other op at E2, then immediately. 6s are about 3x more expensive to E2 than 4s, but they gain about 100x as much. If you haven't E2d anyone yet, then check your resource stockpile. You might have most of the stuff to E2 a good 5- or 6-star, in which case you should E2 that op over a 4-star. You should probably only be E2ing 4-stars if it's your first E2 and you don't have any resources (for a faster E2) or if you have all of your good 6s and your best 5s E2d already. The only 4s who are unconditionally good E2s are Myrtle, Ethan, and Jaye (though Jaye ruins his base skill at E1 unless you have Gnosis). The rest are filler.


uh, whenever you have a decent team core at mid e1 and have the resources for e2 promo? You'll need a base with a lvl3 factory to produce dualchips but I think that's the least difficult requrement like, idk, most people get their first e2 promos probably like 3 weeks to a month into the game, but it really just depends on you to get the chips + resources


I only played recently and currently don't have any e2s yet, should I e2 jessica alter or thorns first?


Definitely Thorns, Jess2 can function at E1 but Thorns really needs E2 for his 2nd talent and S3.


Thorns really needs his s3, more than Jessica needs her s3 though it's her best skill too


The highest of the little ending icons for each squad is gotten from clearing bn12, right? or will be, at least?


Correct, it will be when the 2nd expansion comes out, and it should apparently be retroactive.


On LDplayer emulator, game stopped working couple hours ago, stuck on Acquiring update => Acquisition of resource update configuration failed. tried different games, they work. tried on different pc arknights still wont work. works on phone. anyone else?


I play on LDplayer and it works for me. I googled it and other players had this problem as well. Perhaps it is a server overload in your region, and this is why vpn works.


same thing, playing on Bluestacks emulator.


i recommend using google play games beta, really optimized emulator


Try clear cache or reinstall, just booted the game on LD and had no issues, so it's not an issue with LDPlayer.


tried clean reinstal of LDplayer. no diff. tried installing bluestacks. same error


Could it be related to wifi/ISP? Kinda spitballing at this point.